Porn Stars

Re: LA Times article on arrest
mookie58 18 Reviews 1424 reads

What kind of idiot calls himself "war machine?"

Saw on the news this morning that Mr. War Machine was caught by US Marshalls in Simi valley. Real symmetry in that the OJ trial occurred in Simi but OJ is spending his time in LV. Mr. War Machine will get to meet Orenthal soon in a true cage match back in Sin City. Pay per view?

What kind of idiot calls himself "war machine?"

same kind that:
1. thinks going to his ex's place at 0400 will end well.
2: thinks battering a tiny woman is ok.
3: thinks no one will think to look for him where he frequents.

sikid1352 reads

Not as big as an idiot that tattoos herself "Property of War Machine".
That stupid ho Christy will be sucking this guy's dick again in no time-BANK ON IT!

IsorokuYamamoto1358 reads

Posted By: erewhon
Saw on the news this morning that Mr. War Machine was caught by US Marshalls in Simi valley. Real symmetry in that the OJ trial occurred in Simi but OJ is spending his time in LV. Mr. War Machine will get to meet Orenthal soon in a true cage match back in Sin City. Pay per view?
-- Modified on 8/16/2014 7:01:15 PM

biggip1434 reads

Posted By: erewhon
Saw on the news this morning that Mr. War Machine was caught by US Marshalls in Simi valley. Real symmetry in that the OJ trial occurred in Simi but OJ is spending his time in LV. Mr. War Machine will get to meet Orenthal soon in a true cage match back in Sin City. Pay per view?
O.J. Trial was in downtown L.A. The trial of the police officers involved in the Rodney King beating was held in Simi Valley. After their acquittal there were the riots in L.A. In 1992.

from the police report  

So War Macine comes into her bedroom and the "other guy" gets beat up first, while this is happening Christy Dials 911 on her cell but doesn't say anything leaving the line open (I am guessing she is racked with fear and doesn't want to tip War Machine off she is calling for help) So What the fuck happens to the call and subsequent response from 911?  

Then War Machine lets the other guy go but threatens to kill him or have his friends kill him if he ever says anything and starts in on her. So where does "the other guy" go? Why isn't he going someplace to call the cops? I am guessing his cell phone is in the bedroom as well and he doesn't take it when he is "asked to leave." Situation is all screwed up but it seems there could have been a much faster response to this than her eventually running around the neighborhood beat up and buck naked asking for help. I will say this at least she finally got away and we are reading about her in the hospital and not about the gruesome Murder found in her home.

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