Porn Stars

Re: I Have Never Understood This Sort of Response to Such An Inquiry.
legendss 9 Reviews 3501 reads
1 / 8

I know Rachel has started performing again but does anyone know if she will get back to escorting?

chunks14 82 Reviews 1909 reads
2 / 8

She's in D.C. escorting this week.  You may want to do a little more research on the top sites before you post a question.

corwinofavalon 31 Reviews 1808 reads
3 / 8

Maybe I'm way off base here but I have always envisioned this site and this board in particular as a place to exchange this exact type of information! How much harder would it have been to post, "Hey, good question, she's in DC this week, here's a link that might help."?  Sheesh.

chunks14 82 Reviews 1535 reads
4 / 8

I'll keep that in mind and I'm just not a fan of poor questions.  When it's a escort on the VIP page of the largest site for escorts in the Nation's Capital, It's a little upsetting to me that people aren't doing their homework.  This hobby does require some effort on our parts.  However, I will try to be a little more patience in the future.

anonymus20gL59fed2 18 Reviews 1215 reads
5 / 8

I've gotten good advice here, and hope I have given good leads when I can.  I'm very appreciate when someone takes a little time to assist.  Some new posters should be encouraged rather than belittled

kazz 1112 reads
6 / 8

Exactly, If you feel the poster is being lazy and hasn't used the search feature or done his homework just don't answer his question . There is no need to attack or belittle someone over a ISO post .

  Some people may be new here and need a little time to learn the ropes . It's responses like this that may keep them from sticking around or contributing in the future .  

-- Modified on 4/21/2015 6:38:10 PM

-- Modified on 4/21/2015 6:40:10 PM

noonanmissitnoonan 932 reads
7 / 8

in the Nations Capital" for their research - as a matter of fact that is an obscure place to look.

kenny_starr 76 Reviews 1162 reads
8 / 8

She just got a new review today

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