Porn Stars

paying pornstars directly instead of through an agency
nyg011 4023 reads

Ive only met 2 pornstars, however, both I have had a great time with to the point where one gave me her number and email address and requested if I'd like to see her again I just contact her directly and the other I simply brought up that If I dlike to get together again if I may contact her.  Neither have I actually see again but definitely do plan on it some time soon.  My question though is how much do you think an agencies cut is or someone like pam peaks after setting an appt for a ps.  Example, if the PS is 1400/hr through the agency or much of that 1400 do you think she gets?? .  

-- Modified on 1/1/2015 11:04:35 PM

thighhighlover1228 reads

I think if you establish a good rapport and trust during the outing it makes sense to at least make the offer for booking direct in the future. Doesn't hurt to ask.

I had the opportunity to spend time with my ATF PS last year.  We spent the first 20 minutes or so in the kitchen and when I suggested we move to the bedroom she asked about the donation.  I was both shocked and a little alarmed as I always that the subject was taboo and never to be mentioned.  

This woman was an open book and our conversations covered a range of topics including the donation.  I told her in what I admit must have sounded like a lame excuse that the booker (to remain nameless) had been in possession of it for over a month.  A quick text between the two quickly resolved the matter.  Later in the evening the subject came up again as we both found it amusing assuming the other was either naive or playing games.  As I said she was an open book and later told me what amount she kept.   Out of a $1200 an hour donation she kept $1000 of it.  Additionally I was charged (via the booker) for airfare (LA-LV, NV) taxi and hotel.  

She shared her email with me, telling me to keep in touch and that I could book directly via email with her in the future.  Of course she could of fed me a line of bullshit but that is my experience for what its worth.

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