Porn Stars

NikkiDiamond 7328 reads

(I have my redwings too,so I mean ANY day) For that matter, now that it's been a topic of wide discussion, you know what???  Even if it did smell a bit funky, I have lotsa two seconds it'd smell like huggies ultra care with aloe! (that is for as long as it took for me to make it smell like  MULTIPLE ORGASM JUICES)
Guys, xtra points for those who know how to find the GSpot!!!

Asian Fan8124 reads

If there’s one thing that can spell death to a porn career, it’s a crotch that smells like, well, death. And that’s just the allegation being made online about busty squack star Kiki Daire. Accusations like this are a dime a dozen these days, but with the proliferation of internet outlets, something like this can provide entertainment for weeks. It’s no secret that Kiki is friends with Felecia Fox and that Fox is cohost of “Lust for Life” on KSEX radio. And so, in the hope of clearing Kiki’s good name, the August 5 episode of the show will feature an in-studio smell test. As Fox says, "I've gone down on Kiki Daire dozens of times, and there's nothing wrong with her down there. Trust me." With that in mind, Fox will be having Mike South and industry publicist Harry Weiss on hand to take part in the olfactory orgy. "We're going to blindfold the guys,” explains Fox, "then we're going to bring Kiki Daire out and do a smell test with her. We're going to have some other items for the guys to compare her scent to: a dozen roses, a dead fish, that sort of thing. Then the guys are going to rate what they smell on a scale of 1 to 10. We also have some packets of yeast, autographed by the adult stars, that we're going to give away on the air." Just the thing for those of you who are into baking your own bread.

Does anyone know what happened last Tuesday at KSEX radio?

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 8/10/2003 10:36:20 AM

well it must of gone well cause i meet up with all of them later and no one was complaining about pussy smell. And we all know if it had gone bad Kiki would not of been out having fun and getting wild.

FeliciaFox9700 reads

Re: My good friend Kiki Daire's pussy...

Yes, I did have Kiki Daire on my show last week, and we had two judges (porn director Mike South and industry publicist Harry Weiss)who sniffed her cootchie, then mine, to see if there was anything going on down there. We also had all the adult stars sign a can of sardine, which we then gave away on the air.

Let me be totally honest -- I've gone down on Kiki numerous times, both on film and at home, and I've never (not ONCE) found her pussy to be less than clean and delightful. :)

For those of you who are interested, my talk show, "Lust for Life" airs every Tuesday night on We're on live at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern, and you can listen for FREE. It's all nude, all uncensored, and we have the hottest stars in adult videos on every week (we usuallly have sex with them on the air).

Love ya
Felicia Fox

Asian Fan6442 reads

You are smoking hot Felicia. My question to you or Kiki is why would Samantha Sterlyng publicly state the opposite?

I guess there is some jealousy going on because such comments could ruin anyone’s career.

Thanks for clarifying things here.

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 8/11/2003 5:04:24 PM

Felicia -- some things you just have to test and taste for yourself.  If I had her number, I'd call Kiki right now!

fasteddie518278 reads

As I mentioned previously, I met Kiki a few weeks ago, and I can attest to the validity of Felicia's post....

fasteddie517423 reads

Naw... Viagra wasn't cuttin' it, so I've had steel rods permenantly implanted!  It's a bit of a bother, but it does get some interesting looks when I walk down the street!

i submitted a question to her column on TopProTalent asking her to talk about her top-5 "pet-peeves" in the industry:  ... ("plexus" is my handle on TBD) ... and right off the bat, she was getting flak for it last week (news like this travels fast! :-)

BUT ... for anyone to say she was "ruining" Kiki's career is a bit extreme IMHO ... after all it did lead to that "phun" little spectacle on KSEX in which Kiki was vindicated if anything ... and it got Kiki some extra "good" publicity (remember, there's no such thing as the bad kind! ;-)

in fact, TPT most likely asked Samantha to do that column specifically cuz of her "catty" and controversial style in the first place ... it's good for their bizness (it generates foot-traffic for their site, is all) ... plus, it's just funny, good-natured ribbing IMHO ... no one should take it TOO seriously ... afterall pornstars have been clawing at each other in little "cat fights" for ages ... it's what folks like to gossip about!

perhaps Samantha was  "shaking things up" a bit and/or just expressing her views (not to mention pet peeves) ... what i particularly like about her is that she's so NOT "politically correct" (even for this industry) and speaks her mind!

in fact, one might even say:  NO ONE GAGS SAMANTHA!   ;-)

-- Modified on 8/12/2003 9:47:13 AM

To let you all know, i didnt wasnt trying to RUIN Kiki's Career, if a female talent has that power than its News to me. If you read the article, you will see that i also named several other people for other things that were my "peeves" I like Kiki I dont have any Ill will toward her, AT ALL. I wish her all of the best and i am glad that the scratch N Sniff Test went well...Take care

or perhaps plain "improper" (as in, unlike a "proprietor" ;-)  ... that this thread was started with an *apparent* cut-n-paste job by someone who (intentionally or not) is sounding a bit like one of Samantha's "Anti Fans" ??? ... it's curious how an alias's grammar and spelling can vary so dramatically, no?  ;-)

and rather strange (to me at least) how this hypothetical "Anti Fan" happens to be a very satisfied customer and vocal "advocate" of an agency that's the #1 competitor of BodyMiracle? ... which "co-inky-dinkly" happens to be the same agency Samantha is touring with!?  



now as for "slander" ... come on folks, let's get real here! :-)  ... why is it OK when JENNA goes on an infinitely more public forum (the Howard Stern show, some years back) and does the exact same but in a more blatant and humourless way than Samantha's (tongue-in-cheek) column? ... granted Jenna didn't name any names ON THE AIR (perhaps) but i'm sure there are other venues where she probably did ... mind you all this was a little bit before she attained her current status as an "untouchable" porn mega-celebrity!  ;-)


[back to make a point]  while i'm grand-standing here on my little soap-box! ;-) ... if there's one thing i "dislike" more than pretense, it's hypocrisy ... but then one can't be a hypocrite without pretending to be something/someone else

and NO, i'm not being "paid" in any way to post all this ... if anything, my (theoretical) "puppet-master" doesn't need me!  ;-) ... i mean heck, if i was being paid for this crap (everything i post on TER ;-) why i'd be a millionaire by now! LOL  ... what with me being such a "profligate" poster and all!  ;-)

-- Modified on 8/12/2003 8:53:37 AM

Asian Fan8583 reads

I like when people without sufficient knowledge make the comments like Singleton has made of me and since this is an open forum were I should be able to defend and express myself, I hope the Moderator do post this one.

It has always been publicly known that Samantha can be booked direct (you are indirectly promoting Bodymiracle). Samantha not only can be booked direct but she can also be booked through other agencies besides Bodymiracle. You are incorrect when you state that I have something against Bodymiracle, it so happens that I saw Alexa Rae and Raylin through them so that you are informed (based on your criteria E2K will now get angry at me and fire me as their rep or don't provide me any more discounts as their customer).

As far as you comments regarding Jenna's, no one has said that what Jenna has commented on other forums is correct, it so happens that I'm not aware of such thing as I don't spend as much time as you on the boards nor reading gossip columns as you seem to do.

Samantha Sterlyng has always been known to be a person who says what she feels something that I admire in people, which shows their class. I did cut and paste an article that was publicly post (I don’t see anything wrong unless if I had stated that I had written it) on another board and so I decided to post it here for debating purposes. As you can see Samantha did wrote about it in her column and I did not lied.

Bottom line is that I have nothing against Kiki, Samantha (Anti Fan as you claim) or Bodymiracle, as Singleton wants everyone to think. Exotica 2000 and Bodymiracle have been very good to me and I will always say so in any forum, which some of you might take it as a plug, shill or whatever you want to think. I'm happy with their services and will openly show it like I have done in the past.

One thing I need to say, hoping that the Moderator does not edit it, since it’s what I feel; this board was much better when you weren’t here Singleton. Just because you are a VIP member does not entitle you to bash everyone you feel deserves it or is against your thoughts. You seem to think you are perfectly fit in this board with sufficient knowledge to debate with true connoisseurs of the adult industry but such is not the case. I’m not knowledgeable as many here but I can defend myself when needed and abstain myself from commenting when required something you should do but knowing your style I’m giving you more fuel to do the opposite.

Continue educating yourself with your "Puppet Master". Boston isn't that far away from Philly were your master lives.

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 8/12/2003 9:51:06 PM

nah! ... never mind (it's too easy)


NikkiDiamond7329 reads

(I have my redwings too,so I mean ANY day) For that matter, now that it's been a topic of wide discussion, you know what???  Even if it did smell a bit funky, I have lotsa two seconds it'd smell like huggies ultra care with aloe! (that is for as long as it took for me to make it smell like  MULTIPLE ORGASM JUICES)
Guys, xtra points for those who know how to find the GSpot!!!

kikid7442 reads

how about some 69  darling Nikki?! LOL. To all of you, thank you for your support. To Samantha, we'll have that dinner soon. And lastly, can we move onto talking about fungal infections between the toes or something?!

-- Modified on 8/12/2003 7:26:16 PM

I too have been tasting Kikis kitty randomly over the course of 5 years, and I have to say it has consistently provided myself and those I have been with both a pleasant aroma and a fantastic taste!

Kiki has MY vote!



and i'm volunteering my entire olfactory bulb (as well as my tongue should it be needed! ;)


We have gone from an initial post on possible smelly pussy to Porn Star Pussy Partyline....LOL

Nice to see the ladies enjoying the board.

just goes to show how much phat phun can be had with the ladies !


kikid9921 reads

I've got to admit that I agree with you michael, I'm loving all the sexy offers and can't wait to take all of you up on every last one!

ohblah6075 reads

The problem with having a conversation with guys who don't have longstanding relationships with women is that they are only able to understand concepts that don't last longer than a one hour session with them.

If a woman develops an unpleasant odor in certain areas she is not stuck with it for the rest of her life.  It is not like getting a tatoo.  Any given woman can have a less than fresh odor one day and that doesn't mean it is going to be with her the rest of her life.  For that exact reason, just because Joe Blow (or Jane Blow) claims that she didn't have a bad odor when they were together, that doesn't make the poor bastard who got stuck with a fishy experience a liar.  Any woman going on a radio show to have her private parts evaluated who couldn't make them smell nice ahead of time would be way beyond mentally retarded.  That is no gaurantee they won't ever smell bad in the future or that they never smelled bad in the past.

To stick up for Kiki...  So the hell what if she did at one time or another have a less than fresh episode?  Most (if not all) sexually active women will have a period of time when they don't smell like a bouquet of roses down there.  Any man who has had relationships with women that last longer than an hour at a time can attest to this, and to the fact that it has nothing to do with her personal hygeine habits.

NikkiDiamond6984 reads

As sweet as your heroic attempt at defending Kiki's pussy, or rather, all pussies in general, in this case... we've already well established that indeed, the poonanie is not only edible, but well sought after, so, you will just have to take a number and wait in line like the rest of us, and NO CUTTING IN, or Jen and I will have to open up a can of whupass+pyro on ya!!!!  (smile)

It's been awhile since we've played around, (although we seem to talk on the phone damn near every week!) We really mus get down to "business" again soon! 9This time without some guy in the midst! Maybe after POrn Star Karoake next week?!?


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