Porn Stars

i thought i said stay away from "Just Limp Dick"
colhogan 7 Reviews 5337 reads
1 / 12

I have joined pornstar its a great sight and very affordable what i like is a couple things 1 when you post a a direct question to kathy on the message board she responds very quickly and noy with a one line sentance  that shows me she cares
2 its a win win deal you get 3 100.00 cupons one for each girl that is totally awsome

Great job kathy & eddie


jldick50 6954 reads
2 / 12

Hey hogan dont look now, but I think you might be turning into a SHILL (LOL)

as always

SS425 5410 reads
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Gee Another "Pornstar weekend" thread, will the SHILLING NEVER CEASE!!!!

colhogan 7 Reviews 5625 reads
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you crested the word shill tell me how you think i am becoming a shill
lets look at this
1 i never saw kathy anna or jenna
2 i have no interest in eddie ( sorry eddie)
3 i am not afilated with porn star weekend
4 I think its a good idea they started it and am happy to be a member
5 i am also glad ter exist and tell people about
does that make me a shill too??

you know what your problem is bjdick you have nothing better to do but critize and shill
i think i saw a few posts refering to you as a pimp
i bet you have a big yellow hat with a feather hanging out
of it

people like you spoil the fun for every one else why dont you go get your self some manners.
stop picking on people and causing problems
frankly i bet people would not even miss you I am told
well jd or bj or dj or whatever you call your self dickless
good bye for now

jldick50 5799 reads
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Now now hogan don't pout its all right, I know life is tough for you and if I were in your shoes, I would be pissed as well, but the truth is I have never meddled in your business, and do you want to know why?, because you have no business, not on this board or any other board, so why don't you go back in the corner and have a seat and when the teacher thinks you can play nice with the other children, she will ask you to rejoin the class, because she doesn't want you to fall behind and hogan, you have a lot to learn(ROTFLMAO).

as always

jldick50 5815 reads
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Shilling, shilling did I hear shilling (LOL). Hey hogan I think he was talking about you, but be a man don't cry, suck it up and stop your sniveling, just wipe you nose and pretend you never heard that mean old man calling you a SHILL.(ROTFLMAO)

as always

colhogan 7 Reviews 4907 reads
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Now listen Sir you are a horses ass your opinions mean nothing
no body likes you
people think you are a pompus ass and a big whore pimp

it apears thast you are a big nothing just a bunch of spam

grow up get a life and move on you belong on the other dog board with a muzzle and a leash

I think the porn star weekend is great and I am tired of seeing you bash eddie  kethy and singleton why dont you grow the freg up mind your own business and move on


singleton 5 Reviews 5544 reads
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aka JLD, aka Jimbo the Low-Rent Pimp(TM), aka the horse's ass that passes for a "senior hobbyist" on this board!  ;-)

yes colonel, i just knew that with me "gone" this jackass couldn't resist bullying someone around. so here i am sitting in a Parisian cafe in Montmarte websurfing and checking email and i decide to go on TER (just to see what became of Samantha -- btw glad she's ok) and sure enough i find "Just Limp" at it again, once again pissing on those he considers to be his inferiors ... not to mention pimping his ho's -- ho's by their own admission of course, cuz god forbid i should ever call 'em that!  LOL

don't mind him colonel, he's suffering from either early onset Alzheimers or the late stages of syphilis -- in his case they have nearly identical side effects.  who knows, his syphilitic pathology probably even makes him sound more "wise" than he actually is (cuz i can't imagine him dumbing it down a notch, can you?) ...  i'm sure you noticed how easily he hits the deck, starts rolling around on the floor and laughing like an idiot (aka his ubiquitous ROFLMAO's!)

anyhoo, i'm having too much fun here to keep tabs on you all, but i may be checking in from time to time.  behave yourself and remember this: it's a measure of what a pathetic man JLD is that he's hated by so many here on the boards .. you and i are simply the small minorty who've had the balls to confront him and his stupidity

a bien tot mes amis!  ;-)

colhogan 7 Reviews 4440 reads
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I am glad to see that you responded after he bashed samantha.

I just dont like big bullies pushing people around especially me
I will not tollerate someone pushing me around.

I am going to leave the him alone because i was warned to stop bickering and i will respect the wishes of those who warned me.

but we all know whar an ass he is any how.

Hope you have a great time where ever you are any women there.
have fun
col hogan

jldick50 6399 reads
10 / 12

You know Singleton it has been so nice with you gone, the quiet has been true pleasure and I can tell you are having a great time where ever you are, because you have taken time out of your busy schedule bad mouth me one more time, so if you are having so much fun, why are you spending time with me?, you pathetic loser,and I mean that in the most sincere way.

as always

jldick50 5278 reads
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hogan I've noticed in your recent posts that you have started using the lower case i just like your good buddy Singleton. Let me ask you hogan do you not have an identity of your own?, just curious.

-- Modified on 10/10/2003 12:53:42 PM

colhogan 7 Reviews 4713 reads
12 / 12

dont be a jerk off all your life  i use lower cases always i used to use upper cases but was asked not to
now drop off the face of the earth

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