Porn Stars

I didn't understand your post......
Asian Fan 8603 reads

Just to understand your point of view, are you stating that either Ed or I are agency rep's?

If so, what is your assertivenes based on?


Asian Fan

OK, all you Kansas boys (and I know some of you are in KC)...I'll be coming to Wichita for a feature dance gig at Jezebell's.  Make it a point to come see me...xoxo  Jenn

fasteddie5110300 reads

Hi Jen!

Guys, I met Jennifer at Nikki D.'s birthday party last week, and she's not to be missed.  Both Nikki and I described her as the Energizer Bunny, and when you meet her you'll know why....

I don't think Kansas gets many pornstars visiting, and even fewer as hot (and nice) as Jennifer, so make sure all you Wichitaians get out to see her!

Asian Fan6372 reads

But at least I can't call you a SHILL because all that has been said about Jenn is true.

You sure know how to earn your discounts and freebies. I don't envy you but do admire you very much.

Asian Fan

I think Ed is the fastest working Publicist of pse in the business. He's got to be earing his fun.. Im waiting to hear of him and Ms. Nikki hooking up on a more then Friends basis.. Hmmmmmmm?????

Well keep up the work big guy.. Soon where just going to call you GOD...


A Participator11075 reads

exonerate you from being a SHILL when you're an agency rep. That qualification applies only to true hobbyist fans who naturally advocate for their favorite ladies.

I suggest you read the above sentence a couple of times since apparently the distinction has escaped you yet again.

Asian Fan8604 reads

Just to understand your point of view, are you stating that either Ed or I are agency rep's?

If so, what is your assertivenes based on?


Asian Fan

you all missed my point. Im saying that these two gentlemen are the most greatful and nicest guys towards these woman and that there true conisuers. Ed has a true love for PSE. I dont know Asian Fan at all. But i know that these guys are true fans. Its more a joke my comment about being the best Publist in town for them. Its that Ed has became kind of a legend on these boards hes living everymans fantasys.

That is my point.

Sorry for the confusion.


Asian Fan9277 reads


I have no problem at all with your post. My response is meant for Singleton a.k.a. A Participator.

Asian Fan

fasteddie5126362 reads

I have tp echo Asian Fan's comments....


my comment (yes that was me) was not directed at you Eddie (i hope that's clear from the hierarchy of posts in this thread), it was directed at Asian Fan who seems to believe that merely telling the truth excuses a rep/shill from plowing their trade

it's meant to posit a key distinction that i feel is a valid one (feel free to correct me if you think i'm wrong): a distinction between a true fan advocating for a favored PSE  vs.  an agency rep/shill doing same for a girl he stands to profit from by recommending ("pushing") her to potential clients. the phrase "conflict-of-interests" comes to my mind

i suppose one could say that a fan also stands to "profit" from promoting/recommending a PSE (even one he doesn't know) just as a shill/rep stands to profit from her bookings through him/his agency. but it seems to me that these are not entirely equivalent (and equitable) practices. a "middle-man" inserts himself between what should theoretically be a private transaction between a girl and her fans, thus benefiting from others' business interests. perhaps "parasite" is too harsh, perhaps it's calling it like it is. i don't deny that agencies do a lot in touring girls around the country, question is what their shills do. agencies and their motivation for keeping fans from booking direct (hence them losing money) seems to me a curious one

i don't know ... is this distinction really that off the wall?


fasteddie518203 reads

There are "reps", which are agents or owners of agencies who post the availability of their girls on the various boards.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with that... it's good marketing.  

Then there are shills, who post reviews of ladies for the express purpose of increasing the ladies bookings.  They've been encouraged to do so by either the girl herself, or perhaps the agency, possibly in return for discounts on bookings.  What usually marks a shill is that when other hobbyists meet the lady, she isn't what she was touted to be, (although that's not always the case).  

However, I think there are FAR less shills on these boards than people think.  I think most are just zealous fans who had a great time with the lady, and want to shout it to the world.  I think it's a natural thing to want to help a girl who showed you a great time, as well as to help fellow hobbyists to meet the kind of women who most of us are seeking.  When one has a great PSE/GFE experience, you want to let people know.  I often fight the urge to post kudos every time someone like Nikki D., Kathy Willets, Ryan Conner or Raquel DeVine post their schedules or gets mentioned...  I think I've made my feelings about those ladies well enough known that I don't have to repeat them every time their name shows up on the boards.  I will, however, do so for ladies I've recently seen for the first time (like Jen Steele or Fujiko Kano), and I'll do it for a while after my first meeting.  There is a fine line between wanting to help the girl and fellow hobbyists and becoming a shill, even unintentionally, and one has to learn where the line is and when to stop.

We also have to realize that the community of hobbyists who post on these boards makes up a VERY small percentage of the total hobbyists, and we don't have as much power or influence as some of us think we do.  When Chasey Lain first toured with E2K in NYC, she had over 85 appointment requests!  How many posts did any of you see from guys who met her?  Zero.  But her lack of reviews certainly hasn't affected her subsiquent tours.  She's still one of the most sought after PSE's.

Then there are people like myself, sometimes referred to as "senior hobbyists"... Asian Fan (and others) allude to the fact that people like us get better service from the ladies because of our "status" on the boards... I don't necessarily believe that to be true.  I will admit that the lady probably always brings her "A" game when with a senior hobbyist, but I've never found one who would do something with me that she doesn't do with anyone else.  If she's a CBJ girl, I've never gotten a BBBJ, nevered been offered bbfs, etc... that can be bourne out by the fact that nobody has ever seen a lady I reviewed positively and not received a similar performance.  Asian Fan made a reference to Raylin having a lot of rules, contrary to my claims, but those rules were true when she first started, but have since changed.  My INITIAL review of her (on Big Doggie and in the TER database) about our first meeting spelled out her rules VERY clearly.  In fact, it started quite an uproar of anti-Raylin posts on Big Doggie.  At that time, she had only recently started seeing fans, and she hadn't reached her comfort level or had fully understood what was expected of a PSE... that's all changed now, her rules are minimal, and I made a point to let people know that she's now one of my all-time favorites.

I think the cry of "shill" is overused, and sometimes stems from jealousy.  But in the final analysis, as long as the girl delivers as promised, who cares if someone is shilling or not?  I think  most of us on these boards are intelligent enough to recognize the real from the fake, and a smart hobbyists take ALL reviews with a grain of salt to begin with.

NikkiDiamond10185 reads

ALLRIGHTY...I'm going to HAVE to put in my .02 finally...
This is regarding Asian Fan, and his recent comments, not exclusive to this thread, but this board in general of late.

How rude are we going to allow this person to get before someone rips him a new one????
He's not only insulted Ed,Kiki,and Myself,but has potentially insulted every girl whom Ed has reviewed, basically.
In addition to that, in his short time here,  he's listed his
"13 Commandments" for our subject matter which he feels should be limited to topics that interest him and him only.
He obviously has difficulties with the usage of the "Find message" button, and can't seem to do the same research that everybody else on here does.  I also took note of the fact that he can't seem to fork out the $20 for a membership, thereby forcing himself to have to lurk here to get reviews, ISO's, etc, instead of acquiring access to VIP areas where such info is easily attainable, without having to BORE himself with our silly anecdotes and threads which he finds so useless and impertinent.  
Pornstars who want to talk about anything but what a great lay we are, where we are, or what our personal phone number is so that his obviously cheap ass can bypass our agencies, (which leads me to the conclusion that he probably has chosen the wrong hobby,if funds in the amount of $20 are an issue) should in his opionion not post in the DISCUSSION group labeled PORNSTARS, we should post somewhere else.  Yet there is
a section labeled ISO, but we are allowed under his new bylaws to post ISO info here... hmmmm, OK.

It's nice to see that a Newbie feels he has enough stroke (smirk) to rewrite the rules to suit his personal wants and needs. (Sir, are you by any chance a politician by trade???)  His grasp of the hobbyist vernacular is quite off, else he would know the definite differences between PIMPS and SUGAR DADDIES....(BIG difference,Einstein). Unless it was an attempt at providing all of us with more exposure to the use of oxymorons, in which case I prefer my literary education to be paired with a nice glass of Merlot (and perhaps some Fava Beans, in this case)...10 points to those who caught that reference...
The only excuse I can possibly think of for this person to behave this way besides sheer unadulterated stupidity and a need to whine and complain is that perhaps he's trying to work off his overabundance of testosterone angst so that he can finally proceed toward the goal of reaching self-actualization.

Mark Twain is quoted to have said "Tis better to remain silent and appear to be foolish, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

Asian Fan: I concur.

You know Nikki you really showed a lot of Class(NOT), Asian Kid has a right to say what he wants whether you like it or not.
Or maybe there is a touch of truth to which he speaks hmmmmmm.

NikkiDiamond7151 reads

Hey Tiny, I mean Tony, sorry...
Who the hell ever said we had to have class on this board, or in this business for that matter???  Do you think its classy when you say to a provider "Yeah baby, suck it, suck that cock Bitch"... then splooge allover her eyeliner and hair that she just spent an hour and a half fixing so she'd look perfect for you????
Give me a f-ing break here... yes I am the epitome of a classy PSE, I always remember that miss manners taught us to hold out your pinky finger when giving a blowjob, just like at high tea...oh yeah, and a lady NEVER spits. Hooker etiquitte 101.

Which do you choose? The Lady or the Tiger?

now Nikki, was that reference to "Chianti & Fava Beans" ?  ;-)  or am i thinking of the wrong serial killah!?  LOL

gotta give it up to you girl ... you got "Kohones" like i only WISHED i had ... (if i was a pornstar that is ;-) .... you go girl!

and for the rest of you .... [talk-to-the-hand] (!)


no but really ... for the love of god, come on guys! ... when are you going to get this thru your thick skulls ... this is NOT really OUR board !!! (in a manner of speaking) .... it belongs to the "talent" ... i'd say it's the "raison d'etre" of this board, but then no one here would probably know what i's talking about!   [tongue-way-in-cheek]

and guess what? ... not a single one of us YY-chromosome sex-starved knuckle-dragging jaw-gaping Neanderthals is "talented" .... capiche !?


[sigh] ... the humanity!  

-- Modified on 8/12/2003 1:47:06 PM

Asian Fan9774 reads

I do consider you ladies to be classy and nasty when needed to be, but to cum and publicly state that women of porn, for which you are part of that have decided to do this kind of job aren't is disrespectful and Class-Less from your part. But hey, that is your own opinion and this is a free world right?

I think you do owe an apology to the classy ladies of porn and escorting such as Kathy Willets, Taylor Wane, Brittany Andrews, Ginger and Amber Lynn, Anna Malle, Cumisha, Keisha, and other ladies that do porn and do escort too and that are considered women with class in and out of the room and the big screen.

Nikki, show your class by apologizing and simply acknowledge that you were just ranting but that you really did not meant it.

I'm sure the ladies will forgive you!

I know that your two main "Puppets" will cum to your rescue and ask you not to change your point of view but I know you will do the right thing and apologize.

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 8/12/2003 9:48:14 PM

fasteddie518251 reads

I've been basically ignoring your rants and the cheap shots you've been taking at me, but in this case your right... As one of Nikki's "Puppets" I have to put in my  two cents.

The fucking balls you have to ask for an apology from anyone, on behalf of other pornstars, is simply amazing... Who do you think you are you to presume what other pornstars (or anybody, for that matter) think?  Kathy, Keisha and Amber Lynn all read and post regularly on this board, and if they were insulted by Nikki's posts and/or want her apology, they certainly aren't shy ladies... they can speak for themselves.  They certainly don't need you to speak for them.  YOUR presuming to speak for them is an insult to their intelligence, and a lame attempt to ingratiate yourself as their "shining knight in armor"

And you also have a lot of nerve to judge anyone elses class!  While you and I have had differences of opinions, I've never resorted to calling you names... but in your case, you've called me a pimp, a sugar daddy, and a shill among other things, made remarks about my "moma" in a post that was deleted by the moderator, and made veiled references to my relationships with pornstars and my motivations... YOU, sir, are the one that has no class...

And dispite your need to hide behind several different screen names, (not only your VIP member's name, but a few others as well), your very lack of class and inability to respond to any criticism without lashing out makes all of your posts transparent and obvious to all regardless of which name you use.

By the way, my personal relationship with Nikki, or any pornstar for that matter, is certainly none of YOUR business

Asian Fan9539 reads

I don't want to be blamed for you going into a state of comma. I know it hurts when the truth is said and you can't agree with me in order to be OK with one of your SO's!

Chill out Ed and enjoy the hobby as the "Puppet Master", a name your Puppet Singleton originally called YOU.

Oh By The Way, what does your wife and kids think of you being so active in this hobby? I don't have kids but my wife tells me that it helps keep our relationship more entertaining since I continue learning from the providers and I do bring home these learning’s including the providers themselves at times.

It wasn't me!

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 8/13/2003 6:32:49 PM

is that what you thought?  LOL ... i'm sorry, i didn't think my subtlety would be that confusing ... cuz the thing is, in my original post "Puppet Master" was actually in reference to Samantha (who it could be said was pulling my "stRings") and NOT Eddie (that thread had nothing to do with him really)... so like if you're going to appropriate other folks' vernacular you might as well do it right, that's all!  :-)

but now that we're on this topic, i see nothing wrong with putting up this here chronologue of some of your past "greatest hits" ... i dunno, but IMHO it's somewhat clear who *your* "Puppet Master" is, no?  ;-)


over the years with my (rather considerable) experience with msg boards, i've found that (unfortunately) there's no escaping your past behaviour (posts) ... one inevitably leaves behind a "footprint" that just can't be erased ... i know it kinda sucks but hey! what are you going to do?  LOL

that's why i always tell myself: Moderation in one's temperament and conduct is absolutely essential!  ;-)

Asian Fan9880 reads

You're doing nothing wrong but helping Exotica 2000 out by repeateadly reposting my plugs about them. I'm just another "unknown" poster who plugs for those that treats me well in the form of discounts, free meals, Cans of Whoop Ass, or access to their V.I.P. sections. I just hope that my friends at Bodymiracle don’t get too angry.

Bodymiracle, for the record, it's Singleton and not I bringing out the past so please forgive me and SCREW The Puppet! :-)

Singleton The Puppet, I'm kneeling and begging you to please continue reposting my threads repeatedly; especially the one that talks about the tours and that has E2K’s banner, email and phone number at the bottom of the post.

I FINALLY love a board that has the BEST Moderator ever!

Asian Fan
[email protected]

-- Modified on 8/13/2003 10:16:11 PM

NikkiDiamond9072 reads

So you're saying you wouldn't dream of coming on their hair or eyeliner, or that I'm classless for pointing out that you'd be willing to mention it in great detail in a review, but a "classy ho" wouldn't repeat it here... you can essentially write it on the locker room wall "for a good time call..." but we can't mention it at all.  I never said I didn't or any one else didn't have class for that matter, I said WHO SAID WE HAD TO... obviously we know who thinks we do, and once again to his own personal standards.  May I assume that we can add COMMANDMENTS # XIV, XV, And XVI now? Thou shalt not make references to classiness or lack thereof, thou shalt apologize if thou makest thy brethren included in thine lack of class, thy shalt not ever hold out thine pinky finger whilst sucking my cock (covered or not). (which negates the spitting commandment, it would be unnecessary to mention, if thine cock were to be covered...)
SO Mote it be...
oh remember commandment xvii- Bill Clinton learned this one all too well: Thou shalt not comfort thy staff with thy rod.

(where is mel brooks when you really need him... "i have these 15... kerplunk...make that 10, Commandments")

Asian Fan7198 reads

Nikki, I love a nasty lover in bed were I can perform all the languages available with no exception including some Dom and role-playing. My point is that because you are like that in bed why can your type of provider, one I consider higher than the regular hometown honey’s, have Class or show some Class.

Unless I'm mistaken, you said that you don't have class and that is were I differ from you. The majoroity of the pornstars escorting do have class but at the same time are the nastiest in bed were the classiness dissipates in seconds.

I know I've been hard on you and Ed but that's just me. You shall see when we meet one day and after we do, I will tell you that I'm the board’s Asian Fan so then you can have a real opinon of me.

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 8/15/2003 3:03:54 PM

Asian Fan8856 reads


I suggest before you rant at me, to look at my posts. I have never post an ISO and never will. If you look at some of my posts, I do ask the rookies to use the "Find" tool, something I suggest you doing before ranting lies of me. What makes you think I'm not a VIP member, because the envelope icon does not show next to my "alias" or because I have not answered your mails? In either case, you are wrong; the envelope icon does not appear when you utilize another "alias" instead of the original for which I subscribed to. Secondly, there would be no way you can e-mail me if you don't have my primary "alias".

As for attacking every single lady that Ed has seen, wrong again. I did not attack Jennifer Steele, and a few others. If you feel by exposing the truth or what has been publicly said is attacking a lady then you are absolutely and very correct. But then we are not being honest with the readers that utilize these boards to book providers such as you.

As for Raylin, Ed himself can tell you that she did had rules in the past, which was when I saw her (BTW Raylin books through Bodymiracle primarily for those that think that I only book through E2K or work for them) and by expressing the truth I'm offering a service and not a disservice like you would want to. Not every human being is perfect and the escorts do have their bad days too.

I wish you and Ed the best of luck and if this relationship between you two transcribes into something bigger, I wish you both the best of happiness.

I'm still hoping to someday meet you so that you can tell everyone how well I treat women.

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 8/12/2003 5:34:56 PM

NikkiDiamond8581 reads

Hey wait, I just thought of another thing... would that make Eddie earn the acronym of PSD?????? (Pimp Sugar Daddy)or a PSPSD (Porn Star Pimp Sugar Daddy) I mean he HAS his standards, you know... hard to believe it, yes, but even Ed has to draw the line somewhere.
LOL all I can visualize is a scene from a movie, can't remember which one...
"This is the line of death, cross it and you die...." (okokok, Step backwards, re-draw the line) "allright, THIS is the line of death!!!" etc...
Pimp Sugar Daddy Quote of the Day:
"Bitch bettah have my MONEY!!!! So I can make the car payment on the new Porsche I just bought her, then take her shopping at Versace... she really loves lobster, too, oh shit, I better bring champagne or she'll get fussy... dammit, I hope she made a lot today or I'm gonna have blueballs like a mofo..."

Pimp Sugar Daddy Quote of the Day: "Bitch bettah have my MONEY!!!!"  ...  is this song close enough?  ;-)  

ahhhh ... Pimp-Gangsta-Rap can be so poetic! ... at least it's "topical", no? .... seriously, read the whole thing Nikki. it's just TOO funny!


PS. don't know the other one though ("This is the line of death ...")

What up love
You thought I wouldn't recognize ho like stats
I peep you at the strip joint
You and that little black chick
Acting like you so innocent
When you in the six
Usually that bring the freak right out of a bitch
I knew something was wrong
Lesbian I go on
Ain't nothing wrong with bump n' grinding right
I like mines tight
You like yours licked
And we both like bitches to get high high wit
You opted to leave a nigga with no options
You freak hoe dance topless baby
What's ya sitcho
You ride dildo
Plastic nympho
Only see dick in porno
Hun lidten
I can make your life a world of difference
Throw me in the mix of your sexual experiences
See what happens
In like two weeks
These hoes is freaking
Making about two g's a piece a weekend
That's what I'm saying
Chorus x2:
It ain't easy pimped out
Flossing furs
Matching sets his and hers
Keep ya hoes on point
Tell them watch the fuzz
Bitch better have my money
Keep my ones on top
My tens on lock
My hoe in the drop
Got a hot little co-op
Rock a cuban link with Jesus
Lord have mercy
Let me touch this
Tease it
For reasons
I can't explain to you lord
Cause you know my actions are censored
Don't diss chips to fuck with no broad
This one can get it
Damn near split it
Yeah picture me paying for some pussy I ain't even smelled yet
Let alone got wet
But I'm willing to make a bet
That the next time we riding
If she ain't riding
On the turnpike you you bobbing
While I'm weaving
Getting weede
Believe me
This pimp shit ain't easy baby
I tell you ain't no hoes like the ones I got
They make you fiend for that pussy coming up out ya pockets
Chorus x2:
It ain't easy pimped out
Flossing furs
Matching sets his and hers
Keep ya hoes on point
Tell them watch the fuzz
Bitch better have my money
Baby girl you so hot I feel like Iceberg Slim
I pimp plenty women
Got to tip my hat to a ten
Just been in too many run ins with dead ends
Comparisions range from thick ones to thin
Explosive sex thoughts coming from this young work horse
I spend hard times like D.A.'s in criminal courts
Fro the love of my life I'll cut down on the sport
For the jewels with ice and creep to never get caught
You know the game
You and I is one in the same
But you got my name
tatooed on ya leg
Shit is serious
Now you caling me acting delirious
Used to be my best bitch
Now somewhat resistant
Street life got you hot like Heather Hunter
Worn out and don't nobody want ya
First time i met ya you played me out of pocket
I ain't know no better bitch
Now stop it
Game is the topic
And what's between your legs is the product
Use it properly
And you'll make dollars biatch
Chorus x2:
It ain't easy pimped out
Flossing furs
Matching sets his and hers
Keep ya hoes on point
Tell them watch the fuzz
Bitch better have my money

Recently some off duty Wichita firefighters were on Jay Leno's Tonight Show and one set his chest hair on fire. Fire chief ripped them for foolery, but others said free to do what they want when off duty. They might see your show don't pyro's play together!  Haven't been to Jez's in a long time. Fire burning beauty, will draw me back.

does Jennifer's act qualify as: "porno for pyros"  or  "pyro for pornos" ?  


(i'm sure this is not the first time she's heard this joke)

The "pyro for porno"/"porno for pyro" thing is a thought I've had too, but I know with one of them, I'd get sued by an 80's band.  As for the fire department coming to see my show, I ALWAYS look forward to THAT...

And just so you know, fire-play is available during my privates upon prior request  (no, it doesn't hurt), but I am by no means a dom or anything like that, so don't ask me to be mean to you...

Smile!  It's a happy day!


since that Rhode Island club fire with that metal cover band, have you had to go through extra-stringent hoops with added certification and safety procedures to play clubs? i don't wanna sound like the paranoid nutcase that i am, but after all that media attention aren't the patrons even a tad bit afraid of getting shit-faced drunk in a strip club and watching your sexy ass on-fire and that fire finding its way up to the ceiling insulation and what-not?

i mean, strip club owners and operators ain't exactly the smartest cookies! ;-)


BTW, "Porno for Pyros" was a *90s* alterna-rock band with Perry Farrel (of Lalapalooza fame) who fronted "Jane's Addiction" an even more alternative precursor

frankly, i see nothing wrong (legally) with getting the DJs at these clubs to play a few of their songs during your sets. they're kick-ass songs that (based on the pix on your site - i haven't seen your act yet) would be very appropriate with the wild firey things you do!  .... and i think many in the audience would also get a "kick" out of it (whether they get the reference or not!  :-)

An answer to your certification question...Since Rhode Island, I have to meet wish every Fire Marshall wherever I go,and theyve all been wonderful in allowing me to do my shows.  I dont use yrotechnics, so no certification is required.  I just have to show them I use fire safety at all times.

so do the Fire Chiefs come to see your shows as part of their ... errr ... professional duty!?  ;-)  LOL

gotta hand it to you, your website is *totally* kick-ass ... heck i think i just may be a closeted pyro myself, the perv that i am!  (i was once burned pretty bad as a child. i hear that'll do it to ya what with the psychological scarring and all ;-) LOL  -- but no physical tissue scars, thank god!

i saw you and "Q" on "Pyro Go-Go" and saw the BM festival photos on Pyrosutra ... dunno, it just seems it'd be a "purrfect" fit, you and Burning Man, i mean!  

i was there way back in 98 ... you sort of saw a lot of "Pro-Am" wannabe-pyros there! ;-)  but still, also some other kewl stuff (dances, performances, etc) ... i hear nowadays it's changed a lot (haven't been back since)

damn! ... i can just imagine if you were to cut-loose and do your act there ... it'd be an incendiary RIOT, i tells ya! ;-)

S M O K I N '  !!!

NikkiDiamond7231 reads

Babygirl, I KNOW thats true, cuz you set me ON FIRE in Philly!!!!!  (LOL I couldn't resist, no matter how fucking cheesy, it was left there, wide open, I had to take the shot)
I love you!

Guys, I'll just echo Eddie's comments... I met Jenn this past weekend as well, and she is an absolute sweetheart... not to mention HOT (even without the fire).  If you have a chance you should most certainly see her.  I just wish I wasn't 3 hours away.

Garv (a/k/a rockstar for those of you from a certain club)

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