Porn Stars

Slanteater 4400 reads

Where did I use Ms. Love's alias or imply bodily harm? Is being shocked that your servicing the person you've been arguing on line with considered bodily harm?

I SAID SHE'S GOING TO HARM ME.  Wow, this is hilarious.

-- Modified on 12/4/2003 4:24:56 PM

Slanteater7729 reads

...but what gets me even more frustrated is the agency's "tough shit" attitude. All this "We don't need to make this up to you in anyway" bravado certainly doesn't make me want to return. And I guess they don't need to care cuz at $$$$$ there will be plenty more willing to give her a shot.

Still, all I want for Christmas is a little customer service.

Sea Ya!5494 reads

Turn them over to the IRS as long as they may be going after E?K!(lol), but they will get what is due them for the way they treated you, I am sure they have treated other's & will lose alot of there business!
If I ran my business that way I would be BK-13!

-- Modified on 12/2/2003 2:56:42 PM

Put there name out there, the member of just TER not using them alone will hurt there business & so on & so on!

Slanteater4844 reads

I'm still waiting for this "personal explanation" phone call from Kiki they said would be coming soon. The first time it was that she had taken some cold medicine the night before and never woke up in time for our afternoon appointment the next day. Then when she did wake up her phone didn't work. And the hotel phone didn't work. The second time, no one could find her and she wasn't answering her phone.

Come back soon, Kiki. It's been fun.

A simular thing happened to me earlier this year.  I had an appointment with Kiki, confirmed it, went to the hotel knocked on the door and no answer.  tried again, called agency no answer on either end.  Finally Kiki answered the door.  She looked sort of ragged out. Explained that she was not feeling great and could not do a session.  BD called and said that they would be glad to reschedule the appointment for the following day, and offered a 1/2$ reduction in donation. This is after I had wasteed two hours of my time traveling there  took them up on their offer.  next day the session was lackluster at best.  I  just think that this agency books too many appoinments too closely together and the result is a tired girl.  Kiki has one of the most awsome bodies IMHO that I have seen and  her juggs are off the charts.  I would consider seeing her again if I knew that she was 100% there.   As always YMMV, so keep on trying...

kikid6220 reads

  What they told you is the absolute truth. I was never aware that more than one appointment had been scheduled, nor was I told that I was to give you a call personally. No one is or was trying to rip you off. I really did not wake up thanks to the cold medicine, I spent hours on the phone with cel service and to top it all off I had to catch a flight the next morning at the crack of dawn to go see my family. Incidently, I have not been able to even get on a pc since going to the family's. I apologize to you on behalf of the agency as well as myself. Have a great day

Slanteater8218 reads

...and the next time you're in town I may even try again. Hopefully, the agency will own up to their blunder and cut me a deal like they did for the other gentleman on this thread.

Furthermore, I never thought you or anyone was trying to rip me off, I was just frustrated with the mix ups, the massive waste of my time, and the agency's all around unwillingness to help.

have a great time in Minneapolis and your other travels.

never contacted BD.  If somehow I got unreasonable bad services from an agency, be they PS agencies or non-PS agencies, I won't shy from pointing that out even though it is quite easy for any of them to identify me.


p.s. I am just an interloper in PS board.  My main interest is beautiful, model like ladies.  Some of them I spent almost as much if not more than the typical PS rate.

Happy Hobbying to all.

Long story, but I do appreciate their candor.

Slant, maybe your history has caught up with you, for better or worse, a little bit. Do PM me for more, I'd rather not dicuss it here. Remind me of this post when you do.

Agency Fan6606 reads

As a fellow hobbyist my first inclination is to stick by you and whatever you say. At the same time I seem to notice a certain pattern with your, how shall we say, impatience? impetuousness?  First that business with Charmane Star and Sinnamon and now Kiki.  Not that you need to justify anything for me or anyone else. JMHO

Slanteater5407 reads

...I will be the first to say I expect, no, I demand good customer service from a provider or agency when the services I'm paying for cost what they do. However, am I impetuous, when after the first incident I schedule a second appointment (four days later) and get let down again? How is that impulsive? And how am I impatient when I wait for an answer from Sinnamon for over a month?

The funny thing is a phone call or email of explanation from either Sinnamon or Kiki (as promised) would have been sufficient for me to blow both those incidents off, but even that seems to be too much to ask these days.

You certainly don't have to justify yourself to me either, but as I've always said, this is a board for the hobbyist to gain insight into making the best decisions for their money -- so if that's the case, what was your intention by posting what you did above?  Are you suggesting that I'm simply flying off the handle? Or is it something else, like my deep rooted anger against my mother(LOL)!?

I also don't think anyone should boycott thebelladonna. However, I think they should be aware that things don't always go smoothly with Kiki. So have a back-up ready.

-- Modified on 12/3/2003 11:07:04 AM

Mr. Obvious5594 reads

You really should drop the Sinnamon/Charmane Star issue. You sent an email that asked specific questions, so she deleted it and didn't reply. This is fairly standard practice for porn stars, agencies and local ladies.

If you want to keep brining it up, you weaken your position on Kiki. Not sure who is at fault with this issue, but from what you have posted, it is not you. You have definitely been wronged in this situation. However linking it to the other situation where a number of us feel that you acted incorrectly, makes us wonder if there are things about this situation we do not know.

Slanteater5400 reads

However, if I'm willing to make my stand using my main TER handle, I'd expect the same from those who disagree with me. Otherwise, it makes many of us wonder what you have to hide.

In the meantime, I will edit some of my previous post as I think you have a point.

Plus on this issue I agree that poor service or lack of service should be brought up on this board.  Just like great service and great experiences should be posted.

We're all here for the info, as well as the "Cow Tipping" stories.

Agency Fan8069 reads

We should all demand prompt and polite service, weather we actually get it is something else! lol. Maybe other hobbyists should consider having the same expectations as you. I have no experience with this agency so I can't really say. But maybe in this case it wasn't ALL their fault. Who knows.

When a guy starts demanding proper, prompt, and perfect customer service before he's even spent a dime it makes him seem to be the type of fellow that might potentially bring harm to a woman behind closed doors. The truth is, while demands are made to return calls & emails to 1 person when there are 100 others waiting in line as well we can only do so much. A couple of weeks ago I spent 4 days in bed with the flu. On the 4th day the last thing I wanted to do was look at a computer screen. Since then I've made a decision that no matter how much work there is to be done I will only spend a certain amount of time in front of the computer... if I want to have some sembelence of a normal life it must be done. (Not to mention that helping my youngest learn lines for her Christmas play at school, planning for holidays, my birthday, Internext, the AVN Expo & Bondcon are taking up a lot more time than I'd like...) I think there are some that like to think we ladies sit around in stilletos, lingerie & a full face of makeup all day - ready to service them at no other cost. I've had guys call to book ladies and not been able to reply because she was on a set until midnight and didn't get back to me for a day or two.

The motto that the customer is always right may ring true in most businesses - but if you haven't even spent a dollar and you're running to the better business bureau... Hmmm.


Slanteater5098 reads

That first sentence is such a classic I'm going to print it out and save it.

By the way, Mr. Moderator, that's about as close to malicious slander as I've seen in awhile. Perhaps you need to moderate Ms. Love. When a girl starts making statements like that, she may be the type of lady that might potentially bring harm to a client once she discovers mid-thrust who she's really servicing.

You need to read the definition of slander.

Slanteater6196 reads

slander - 1.) defamation. 2.) a malicious false and defamatory statement or report.

defamation - 1.) false or unjustifed injury of the good reputaton of another.

Yes, I guess speculating that someone might be dangerous to providers without cause or proof in an open forum wouldn't loosely fall under those defintions... on Mars.

Obviously, we're not in a court of law here, but when participants and sometimes moderators alike jump down hobbyist's throats for calling each other childish names -- you think something like what I mentioned above might register just a tiny bit of concern. I guess, Ms. Love is just lucky she found the restraint not to end her accusation with "Poophead."

So be it. Now let's get back to discussing who are favorite porn stars are and what exactly is the difference between BBBJTC and CIM. If it's a BBBJ isn't it by definition going to be CIM if TC? Oh no, more defintions. Damn. :)

Given the fact that Sinnamon'spost was not in direct response to your own post and that she doesn't mention your name/handle in her post it would be difficult to get a slander charge to hold, especially since your real name is never used. You on the other hand have definitely crossed that line by implyig bodily harm and using Sinnamon's well known alias in a post.

BBBJs can be performed without CIM. There was an interesting little thread on this on the National Board last week.

Slanteater4401 reads

Where did I use Ms. Love's alias or imply bodily harm? Is being shocked that your servicing the person you've been arguing on line with considered bodily harm?

I SAID SHE'S GOING TO HARM ME.  Wow, this is hilarious.

-- Modified on 12/4/2003 4:24:56 PM

many, many beautiful ladies out there though not all of them are PSs.  Since you have the money, I think it is time for you to ignore those negative issues in the past and move on.

JMHO, her first sentence pretty much tell others what kind of person she is.  Why get in her way?  Life is too short.

Happy hobbying to all.

Tell me Slanteater, who did I slander? I did not speak a name, nor accuse anyone in particular. What I did describe was a particular type of behvaior that we ladies seem to encounter from time to time. There are many men that cal throughout the course of a day, week, month, year... I try to be as polite and courteous to all of them. I've had calls when I was in line at the market, picking up kids from school, and as I mentioned in a post a few days ago... on Thanksgiving while serving dinner & surrounded by loved ones. While it is a lovely fantasy to believe that Porn Stars that happen to meet their fans privately live for no other raison de' etre, (reason for being,) the reality that their lives might be consumed by other things, (and people,) tends to interfere with that fantasy & makes for "poor customer service" at times to those on the receiving end. (Or lack there of as you point out.) This doesn't mean that they aren't interested or didn't wish it could be different... I wish you could sit with me for a day. Listen to how many times I have to gracefully request a mere hour's notice for a lady - only to have the gent say he'll call back in a few - and do so in an hour asking to see her right then. There is certain protocal that has been set by every lady, (and agency,) to insure their comfort level in order to operate. Just as some may scream never, ever pay a deposit, if you know the lady requests one, why would you call and try to negate that. Or if the ad clearly states a rate call to inquire if it is negotiable, or tell her she's only worth $X, or that her rates should be lower...

Who should tell a lady how to spend her time, and better yet, assume that she is brushing you off if you have followed all the right steps and simply can not reply. I had a gent email me yesterday 14 times in a row, during a time I was NOT online, to inquire about scheduling. By the time I returned home and was online once more, (before preparing dinner,) I found that the most recent of his emails was quite angry... as he felt I'd snubbed him in not replying. The thought never crossed his mind that I might not have my laptop glued to my hand at all time. He merely decided that he had been wronged. And you know what? When I replyed, I explained his err, and politely declined to do business with him. He responded with the appropriate apology and tried to get me to change my mind. But because I am on both sides of the desk, I stood my ground.

You see I once heard a saying when I was young, that all money is not good money - and no matter what, if the situation has the possibility of being foul I'd rather not. And will not put someone else through it either.

I have said this time and time again - I know it is an unpopular train of thought... but it is what makes it possible for me to work with some of the most beautiful ladies in the industry. An agency's clients are NOT the gentlemen that inquire about the time and companionship of a lady... an agency's clients are the ladies that depend on the agency to put food on the table and insure that their rent is paid.

If you disagree, so be it... but I stand by my albeit humble opinion.

Instead of insighting a flaming thread in this forum, you know there are other options out there to gain your prize... why not utilize them to book the lady in question?


First of all, as I told you REPEATADLY on the phone we are very sorry about the confusion regarding your first appointment with Kiki. She was made aware of the appointment the day before, and when it came time for your appointment, we tried her cell phone, hotel phone, and home phone three times each. Short of calling out the National Guard, we did everything we could to try and reach her for your appointment.

Kiki is usually VERY responsible and professional, but sometimes as the saying goes, "shit happens". She is human, and it is the holidays. It is not our fault that this situation arose.

As I told you on the phone, when I got her email about what had happened later that afternoon (and that email was all we heard from her due to her phone troubles), that when she got back to LA after the holiday, on Monday, that we would be more than willing to make it right by you. That was the plan. I did not speak to Kiki again until Thanksgiving, to call and wish her a good one, and as far as I knew then, she was to return to LA on Sunday night.

She was with her family on the holiday weekend, and could not talk business for obvious reasons. Apparently, while she was with her family, she decided to stay and enjoy her holiday with them, (what is wrong with that?)thus putting off coming back to LA until Tuesday. As she was with her family, she did not call to inform us of her change of plans and I did not speak to her, or hear from her from Thanksgiving until Tuesday night.

It would have been quite difficult to inform you of what was going on, or make any type of explanation, or have her explain what happened to you, when I did not know myself and could not reach her. Unfortunately, my crystal ball is on the blink. As far as your statement that we "made a blunder", we book the appointments, inform both parties of the time and place, and they have to get there, not us. Kiki had a rough morning, unfortunately at your expense, and there was NOTHING we could have done about it. We did our part.

As far as our unwillingness to help, we did EVERYTHING we could. It is the holidays, and she extended her vacation with her family, and was not thinking about business. Even if she was, she was with her family, and I am quite sure she was uncomfortable with speaking about her business in front of them. We informed you that we could not reach her, and not to count on your appointment on Monday, what else could we have done?

Kiki is not a flake. We have passed on GREAT girls that could not hold up to their end on the bargain. We have a very good reputation for customer service, we are honest, and will not mislead anyone. Our reputation, I believe states that before this over exaggerated incident.

We do not make money (and it is not much) from missed appointments, or unhappy clients or ladies. It is our best interest to make sure everything goes smoothly, and we do our best to make it so. We did not make the situation, but we have to deal with it.

To quickly address another concern that a gentleman stated that we overbook, we most certainly do not. It is up to the lady to decide how few or many appointments they want, and it is up to us to make it so. We work for them, and we try to meet the ladies requests (or sometimes demands, lol), without causing any distress to the gentleman. That is the balancing act of this part of the business.

It is very easy to place blame on the faceless power that is an agency. It is much harder to blame the beautiful face and personality you are going to, or have spent your money on. We are just the "evil agency" working behind the scenes trying to make sure things go well on both ends. If it does not, we catch the hell, no matter who is at fault. All we can do is the best we can, and for the most part, as our reputation shows, we do.

Have a great day

Couldnt she have excused herself from her family for a couple minutes and call the agency and tell them the situation ? They could have called the customer and told him she wasnt going to make it.

I spoke to him personally on Sunday, the day before the appointment. I told him I could not reach Kiki and not to count on his appointment on Monday. I informed him that should I reach her, I would call him to let him know. I did not reach her until late Tueday night.

It is not like he showed up twice to the hotel and waited for nothing. That did happen to him on Friday, but as I said, we did everything we could. On Monday, he was aware that she would not be there


Slanteater6447 reads

...No one told me on Sunday that they could not reach Kiki and not to count on Monday. The first I heard of the second no-show was two hours before my appointment on Monday. True, I did not drive all the way to the hotel this time, but let's not get carried away here.

Kiki has the same old story that I was told when she stoodme up and was unable to follow simple directions to the hotel.  The agency tried to contanct her but her cell mysteriously cut out at the last minute. Bottom line is when Kiki does not feel like coming for whatever reason she will occasionally blow you off.
What is bella donna gona do they know its one of those things but I wish she would quit trying to make lame excuses on the board kiki you have done this enough times for it to be explained away.

Presumably not... tell me something? Are you married? Do you have children? A mother or father? If your wife were in the room with you and you found you were not going to be able to keep an appointment with a provider are you going to excuse yourself from the room to call the agency and let them know so they can book someone else in your place? If your son wins the baseball game and you find yourself amdist 12 cheering 10 year olds and parents at the local pizza parlour celebrating are you really going to concern yourself with the provider in question? In some cases the answer is yes.. in most cases these situations lead to the woman sitting in a hotel room waiting for the guy to show that never does... The bottom line here is that we have lives too. I normally have my webcam on the entire day at my desk for my site - but this summer with a teenage brother visiting and a little one that decided not to do day camp I had it off... and my members understood. You can't expect a lady to give up her personal life to give you a bit of trim...


You missed the point we have ALL been in situations where we couldnt keep that date BUT most of the time you can get away for 2 minutes to tell somebody you are not going to be able to make it,instead of leaving somebody hanging, thats just good and fair business.Nobody is asking you to give up your personel life ,family etc.I would agree that you ladies go thru alot more than we know,calls at all hours stupid emails. no shows etc and we love you for what you do.Sinn you are a very very classy lady who does a great job love reading your post because they are well thought out and very intelligent and a different perspective.

Thanks for the compliments Apollo...

I agree that most of the time it is possible to get away, but it simply is not always the case - particularly when visiting family out of town during a holiday season. And in most cases, it really is the ladies that wind up hanging without notice... I had a guy email me for almost a year wanting to book an appointment with Obsession if ever she traveled into NYC. He called to confirm his 2 hour appointment twice before the day - and you know what? He no showed and to this day has still not returned a call or email. Another guy that confirmed a 3 hour with her did the same thing... Why do you think we ask for deposits? (And why we say they are non-refundable.) It's hard enough trying to switch between porn star/ mom/ sister/ daughter without trying to answer the phone to give a rate quote while reading a bedtime story...


kikid5420 reads

Hey Apollo1,
  I understand that you guys want what you want and you tend to want it when you want it no questions asked, but I'm not Burger King. I can't just be defrosted or deepfried and sat down in front of you on a silver platter. There is only one of me ya know.:)
  I wasn't sitting there when Slant was dealing with bella so I can't speak with authority about what went on, but I can say that I have a hard time believing that he wasn't told that it was likely I wouldn't make a monday appointment. Obviously, there was miscommunication on all 3 sides.
  To answer your question about excusing myself, it was virtually impossible with a house full of people and children. Especially since I was visiting with my own child. I value you guys, but I value my family more. You can delete computers, but I can never take away what might be overheard by a curious 8 year old or a southern Christian grandmother.

Especially with whipped cream, cherries & strawberries on top.  LOL!!!

Slanteater4988 reads

..."Great, Monday it is. She has nothing else scheduled that day."

But whatever.

I can imagine! Having an ultra-curious 6 year old that likes to completely take over my computer it makes it difficult to do anything when she's home from school...


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