Porn Stars

Give My Love to KD
Number 6 124 Reviews 3947 reads

Friend of mine shot her at Exotic Erotic ball a couple of months ago without knowing who she was.

I'm a fan of both Asian and Asian PSEs, not sure which I like more ;)

Stole my user name col hogan

and has been posting with it I have been back channeled regarding
it.  I want every one to know this and what can be done if people can steel user names how do i know my credit info or personal info is safe???

I hope staf reads this and has some answers for me

from what i am told he has done this before

col hogan

the real one  who cant spell

he's done it to me as well ... and a few others

-- Modified on 12/8/2003 8:10:24 PM

He is not hacking accounts, he is creating accoutns with similar names. I have informed Staff, that is the best I can do. I have just asked GND if I can delete all future posts of his. I waiting for a reply.

-- Modified on 12/8/2003 2:54:13 PM

well yes, but i think you accidentally removed the post of someone who finally found proof that Holly Follower and Asian Fan are in fact the same person ...  i've asked him (Vieques Libre) to put it up again, for anyone that cares about the fiasco

and right now as i write, i think one of his forgeries is STILL on this board ... maybe you didn't see it ... but then if YOU didn't see it then what does that really say?

i think people need to know that this kind of forgery is going on

-- Modified on 12/8/2003 8:29:41 PM

Steely Dan5293 reads

That's not exactly correct... he's not creating accounts with similar names... he's creating accounts with exactly the same names, only with an invisible character in front of them so that you have to be looking for it to see the difference... There's a few posts that he did that under my name that even you haven't spotted, which should tell you something - that it's not the same thing as a "similar" name, in that it's sole purpose is to mislead, and has even fooled you.

If TER let's this guy continue to flaunt his disrespect, both to you and the other members, what kind of message does that send?  Can't they see that it undermines the very value of this board to it's core?  If you can't believe that you're reading a message from who it's suppose to be from, this board becomes useless.  How can you believe a review from anyone, when you don't know if it's really the person it claims to be.

crank_yanker4659 reads

If this really bothered you I would think you would also refuse service to such people.

i  am disgusted that this asian fan or lotr or holly fowler
who ever the fuck he is is allowed to do this creating the same names that others use and post under them

I know you say he has no way to access personal info but how can we be sure. YThis is a breach of trust here this asshole should be banned and staff should do something about it.

This sends a negative message to others in the hobby.

Remember trust is everything when it comes to this.

the real colhogan

Asian Fan4386 reads

Because a few are complaining? Why don't make it democratically and ask the members to cast a vote. If at the end the majority wants me to leave, I will do so and I promise not reincarnate with another Alias, which should be very easily for you to detect unless I switch my ISP.

Despite the entire blockage you have been putting on my posts lately which unable me to defend myself, I still respect you.

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 12/8/2003 5:41:13 PM

cuz MichaelCA might be a bit out of his element here ... and  you're tasking his patience

at least when you (aka Doc) were Moderator of this board pests didn't take up residence and burrow down deep, laying eggs that would one day hatch ... like this!

just a thought

-- Modified on 12/8/2003 8:50:21 PM

Asian Fan4102 reads

FYI, nobody on this board knows my name. If you want to call me Seth after the late Seth Thomas (most of the school clocks back then, were manufactured by Mr. Thomas), go ahead, I will play along.

as always


Asian Fan

Pretty pathetic manipulation attempts guys, you should be ashamed.

AF: I have only removed those posts that were either designed to look like someone elses handle/alias or were flat out trolls, as you well know. Also those posts where you attempted your oh so cute modifications of Singleton's handle.

Singleton: Trying to get me to remove this thread by suggesting it repeatedly is just as childish. Just so you can say that I am removing every thread that points out AF's aliases and other screwing around. The thread that you are so upset about was deleted when I removed AF's fraudulant post. You were one of the people who screamed that I do so and complained that I hadn't. I could have simply deleted the text of the message and left the thread but the 'proof' was no big deal and there is plenty of evidence of his falsifying handles/aliases.

i was hoping you DIDN'T remove this thread.  at least that was my real "motive"

-- Modified on 12/8/2003 8:32:10 PM

I have received confirmation from Girl Next Door. I have been informed I can refuse to allow posts from anyone. The ability to post to the boards is a privelege and not a right.

Since Asian Fan refuses to play by any of the rules. He has falsified posts, trolled the board and been a general pain in the ass by baiting and harassing other posters on the board.

As of now I will not allow any of his posts to appear onthe board. I will not remove existing posts.

Asian Fan4476 reads

MichaelCA I never thought Fast Eddie and his cronies could easily manipulate you. I always respected you and thought of you being the better Moderator of all that have passed by in such short time, but seeing what you have NOW become, I have nothing more to say to you.

"The ability to post on the boards is a privilege and not a right." This is worse than living in a Communist World, perhaps the Taliban. Moderators cannot expect their jobs to be easy going. There will always be a few jack-in-the-box characters that will thwack your ears, but that's just a board thing. If you don't have thick skin to give and take then this is not the place for you or others that lack the thickness require.

as always


Asian Fan

-- Modified on 12/8/2003 11:26:56 PM

Friend of mine shot her at Exotic Erotic ball a couple of months ago without knowing who she was.

I'm a fan of both Asian and Asian PSEs, not sure which I like more ;)

OK, I've deliberately avoided reading, much less responding to any of this...but when I see "FREEDOM OF SPEACH" being thrown out as an issue, I'm going to have my say as well.

TER IS A PRIVATE BUSINESS, NOT A 'PUBLIC DOMAIN'. Asian Fan/HollyFollower/Whomever has no more 'RIGHT' to post on this board than I or anyone else.  If this person had any understanding of the Bill of Rights he/she/it would know this.

I'm getting damn fed up with people who VIOLATE the rights of others (i.e RIPPING OFF USER NAMES, DELIBERATELY ATTEMPTING TO DECEIVE OTHERS) then try to claim this is a "Right".


fasteddie514775 reads

I resisted posting to this thread since it's a done deal and I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I had to just make the observation that it's ironic that AsianFan/HollyFollower/LordoftheRings/etc. blames everyone but himself for his fate... Me, my "cronies", and the person he always respected, MichaelCA himself - we're the bad guys here, in his mind.

He pushed the envelope with his posts, contributed not one review or positive idea, he subverted the spirit of the board by stealing aliases, he taunted not only other members but MichaelCA himself... in fact, he made the comment to Michael more than once that if you don't like what I have to say, ban me - well, he got his wish... and now in his last harrah he hides behind Free Speech and compares this board to the Taliban.... keeping with his character, he bares no responsibility for what's befallen him....

But then, that doesn't surprise me one bit....

jldick504595 reads

are you telling me, that all those mean things you said to me were really coming from someone else?(LOL).

as always


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