Porn Stars

Get thicker skin or stay away from Internet Message Boards
hr8675309 1 Reviews 4566 reads

There's always going to be disputes and it's not anyone's fault that you can't take criticism. It's anonymous. What's the big deal?

You should have been expecting to take some flak for that endorsement of the pornstar weekend. Eddie and Kathy have already advertised it and it's benefits. You added nothing that hadn't already been said before. Very easy for someone to think you were hoping to curry favor by putting in a good word for their enterprise.

All I did was point out that a contest such as the pornstar weekend could be rigged and no one would ever know. I got called all kinds of names. I could give a rat's ass. I'm entitled to my opinion. I felt that I should point it out, just in case someone else hadn't considered that - and given this hobby and the amount of 'little head thinking' it's not implausible that guys wouldn't think things through before shelling out their money.  And deep down I know those who ragged on me know that what I said is true.

It is amazing how some people here are insecure when others post in large numbers.

I will not mention any names. But I dont know about others here I do not liked being pushed around. I enjoy reading all posts regardless how boring some may be . My posts are not the best but i try to contribute to the board. what really pisses me off is when people shill & pimp providers.

I have been called a shill by many recently for talking about pornstars weekend.

The last time I checked that was not shilling i always thought shilling was when you plugged some one elses carrer.
not promoting a web site that members have a vested interest.

It does not bother me that some think i am a shill for Eddie and Kathy.Because the real people that know them and me know that is not true.

I am tired of bickering with people i like to go my own way do my own thing. But when i see people getting bashed and ganged on by some idiot I get mad.

like many others have said if you see something you dont like dont read it, move on.

TER is not a place for political fights its a place for shharing info,its not a place for hobbists to help anothers carrer.

all this Bickering belongs on The Other Dog board thats why i left there .

I am making an apoligy to all members If I attacked you I am sorry  Others should do the same. sorry for the long post but this needs to be said.

lets all try to get along or at least fake it lol

Sincerly Col Hogan

PS I will try to get better in my writting and spelling

You cant please everybody this board is intended for sharing thoughts and information.Because you like someone and pass it on dosent make you a shill.I think a shill is one who posts to make money or get a better rate and does this for anyone who will compensate him. Ive seen some great ladies and when something is posted about them I dont mind telling  my thoughts and I appreciate others doing the same because we all benefit from that.... my 02 worth

HO_DUDE5072 reads

I could not agree more with you!!

-- Modified on 10/10/2003 2:46:56 PM

ritchie4115 reads

Very well said. I may not agree on everything you or others say but hey thats what makes us human, we all have different tastes and ideas. That does not mean that we should attack each other or demean (I think thats the way its spelled)each other. I also have left other boards because of the constant bickering and name calling. Its time we all behaved like adults not 10 year olds.

jldick506112 reads

Well you know, with out an occasional flame, this board would be a really dull place and there isn't any real information exchanged on this board, except between newbies and if the truth be known, this board is really for entertainmen purposes.

as always

There's always going to be disputes and it's not anyone's fault that you can't take criticism. It's anonymous. What's the big deal?

You should have been expecting to take some flak for that endorsement of the pornstar weekend. Eddie and Kathy have already advertised it and it's benefits. You added nothing that hadn't already been said before. Very easy for someone to think you were hoping to curry favor by putting in a good word for their enterprise.

All I did was point out that a contest such as the pornstar weekend could be rigged and no one would ever know. I got called all kinds of names. I could give a rat's ass. I'm entitled to my opinion. I felt that I should point it out, just in case someone else hadn't considered that - and given this hobby and the amount of 'little head thinking' it's not implausible that guys wouldn't think things through before shelling out their money.  And deep down I know those who ragged on me know that what I said is true.

I dont care that people blasted me about my comments I have never meet or talked to Kathy or Eddie other in e mails
I joined Pornstarweekend because i saw a good chance at having 3 top notch women

I also choose to mention the site at my own free will i dont want any favors
all i want is for people to join because if no one joins then the whole thing is off and that would suck

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