Porn Stars

Protocol for emailing a pornstar?
OgreIt 1365 reads

So I learned that my all-time favorite star will meet clients selectively and after extensive screening. I reached out to her through email expressing my interest in meeting and willingness to submit to any screening protocols but never received a response. Did I do something wrong? Is there a message template for reaching out to pornstars for this purpose?

Great post and something I’m curious about as well. Seems like the usual name, age, ethnicity, work, date and time isn’t sufficient to get attention.

Like all women, I'm sure she has dozens of guys e-mailing and texting her ALL THE TIME. I'm sure she read it (they read EVERYTHING). She just ignored it and is waiting for something more interesting. You're asking her to do something in her personal life, which she probably has very much separated from her 'acting' in her head. So, just like in the real world, you'll need a little bit of game to stand out. All women, just like men, are balancing Survival ($, humor, charisma) vs Reproductive (Sex) value (S-value/R-value) in those they seek 'relationships' with. In general, men prioritize a woman's 'R-value', while women prioritize a man's 'S-value'. Make no mistake, no matter how much it may appear a PS (or any woman we discuss on this site) is more like a man and prioritizes 'R-value', in her private life she is still keenly interested in a man's 'S-value'. There needs to be some (even minimal) level of inherent attraction (S-value) in those they choose to mate with. Charm, charisma, humor. Something. Unless she is a super hardcore slut, she needs to be able to admire something about you before taking an interest. In my experience, if she's so hardcore as to not actually care about any of that, you should really just walk away because no matter how 'hot' she is, you will be miserable around her. But in this case, you're in luck. That she didn't bite on your offer indicates she has some standard that you haven't met. It could just be a shit test. If you send her a bunch of needy follow up e-mails you'll blow it. Wait a bit, send her something interesting as a follow up. Don't blame or accuse her. Something like 'I know you've probably been away from your computer fulfilling your dream of becoming a mermaid. Next time you step away from your underwater friends to check you're e-mail, drop me a line. I've got something fun to discuss.' Make it your own, though. This is a pretty basic texting line she has probably already received before. But take it as an idea. Don't blame her. She needs you to give her an out as to why she didn't respond before, and you need to be light and fun.

For me I ask you to include references and or/Job linked in etc, and what you’re looking for and how long and when, ideally. That way I know you’re serious, and not just one of the 300 emails a week trying to chat lol

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