Politics and Religion

Yup and very soon too!
HONDA 153 Reviews 366 reads

Our Government  knows exactly what's coming.This is probably why we have Police Departments all around the country becoming heavily Militarized.  

More than half of the US population – 165 million of 308 million Americans – is now dependent on the Government in some form. Of these, 107 million Americans rely on government welfare, 46 million seniors collect Medicare. What do you think is going to happen when all these Government programs are shut down or curtailed dramatically because Government can't afford to pay for all of them? It's simple: Anarchy

Saw this pretty interesting article over at politico today. Zillionaire Nick Hanauer talks about the problem of income inequality. He admits what Willy's been saying for years. That rich people aren't geniuses. Many of them are pretty fucking stupid, actually. Rather, they're lucky people who have a high tolerance for taking risk. Who knew we would turn the earth into a festering shit hole, all based upon an economic model in which we highly reward dare devils. Take the reins, Evel Knievel!  

Well, Hanauer is saying the jig is up. Either we fix this problem of income inequality, or we'll have a French-style revolution on our hands, pitchforks and all.

I've got to admit the thought of turning rich people into s'mores puts a grin on my face. I think Willy's stock in the ACME Guillotine Company just went up 12%.

Our Government  knows exactly what's coming.This is probably why we have Police Departments all around the country becoming heavily Militarized.  

More than half of the US population – 165 million of 308 million Americans – is now dependent on the Government in some form. Of these, 107 million Americans rely on government welfare, 46 million seniors collect Medicare. What do you think is going to happen when all these Government programs are shut down or curtailed dramatically because Government can't afford to pay for all of them? It's simple: Anarchy

A high tolerance for risk and a vision for the future is more than luck. They're the makers,not the takers.People like that helped create the the most prosperous nation the world has known.. If he thinks he has too much money give it to charity.
  The rich,in most cases,are smarter,work harder,make better decisions or more talented than you. Get over your envy and jealousy,it's not healthy

Your entire post was nothing more than parroted talking points.

most likely were born in to money.  I don't know many 20 year olds that can start a business in their 20's except people like the Kardashians...think I will start a clothing store, oops it failed, next..

No most business doesn't work like that for most Americans.  Most of us get a start a little too late, and it's flipping money, drawing a paycheck with a few perks like vacations, and never rich even when you sell out.

When the DoJ and the republicans let businesses merge. Allowing businesses to go bankrupt is a way pruning inefficient business. Allowing businesses get too big to the level few of them are able collapse world economy is promoting oligarchs.  

Calling our economy today, capitalism or a free market economy is absurd. It neither, it just an oligarchy, few players control banking, cable, telecommunication, food products, retail, etc., etc.,

GaGambler261 reads

but one of the biggest breakups in history, made possible by the DOJ, the breakup of AT&T happened in the 80's under Reagan.

and while we are talking facts, and not mindless hyperbolic gibberish, most of the pieces of the former At&T were put back together in the 90's under Clinton.

Please be careful when your head explodes not to make too big a mess all over your keyboard.

Thanks for staying ahead in the SPOTY competition. I always knew I had my money on the right moron. Now say something clever for the folks. lmao

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