Politics and Religion

You're assuming that Republican voters are better informed than Democratic voters.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 255 reads

The simple fact of the matter, is that the Republican party has left town on the short bus. They are not the Republican party from the days of Eisenhower, or even Nixon. They're batshit crazies, who think the we should all live in a post-apocalyptic world where the only books you ever need to read are Army survival guides and the bible.  

Democrats believe that government should actually serve a purpose. And it shouldn't be any surprise that Hispanics, and every other minority group sides with the Democrats. That's because a significant portion of the Republican demographic are white supremacists. So why would Hispanics, or Asians, or gays side with the Republican party? That's like wondering why blacks don't join the Klan.  

The demographics don't matter as much as people are saying. Whites make up 74% of the country, and that's not going to change anytime soon. What matters is that the old Southern strategy no longer works. This means, that with each passing election cycle, it will become harder and harder for the GOP to win the White House. It will also become increasingly difficult for them to win the Senate, although they have a pretty good chance of doing that this year. The House is a different matter, but only because of gerrymandering. Take away the gerrymandering, and the Democrats would control the House right now.

It's a massive dog and pony show for the entertainment and placating of America. Only a Rep or Dem is allowed too win, simply because both parties have been bought and paid for by the ruling banks and corporatocracy. Independent parties and candidates who haven't yet been bought and therefore are rebels to the status quo simply do not have a chance. The whole thing is a fraud, and never more self evident than in how o'l hope and change BHO morphed into a perfect totalitarian tool of the banking elite and the Military Industrial Complex while scuttling domestic civil liberties from the left and the right.      

 White, black, brown, young or old; the "deep" or "shadow" government will place into office who they want, and the alphabet network media will slavishly shill for them.

I don't see what's wrong with a more diverse nation. It's one of our nation's strengths, not one of our weaknesses. When it comes to policy, it means that more and more voters will be choosing candidates with more sane positions.

All the trends favor Democrats, especially if amnesty is granted to illegals and they get to vote. Most are low educated and low skilled. They are going to need help from govt in 1 way or another. The Democratic Party is the party of government. The y need more people to depend on the state. The GOP might still be good to keep the House because more engaged and informed voters turn out in off year elections. Blacks won't show up this fall. Obama is not on a ballot. But down the road I see Texas turning blue and the Democrats will have a stranglehold on the presidency.

The simple fact of the matter, is that the Republican party has left town on the short bus. They are not the Republican party from the days of Eisenhower, or even Nixon. They're batshit crazies, who think the we should all live in a post-apocalyptic world where the only books you ever need to read are Army survival guides and the bible.  

Democrats believe that government should actually serve a purpose. And it shouldn't be any surprise that Hispanics, and every other minority group sides with the Democrats. That's because a significant portion of the Republican demographic are white supremacists. So why would Hispanics, or Asians, or gays side with the Republican party? That's like wondering why blacks don't join the Klan.  

The demographics don't matter as much as people are saying. Whites make up 74% of the country, and that's not going to change anytime soon. What matters is that the old Southern strategy no longer works. This means, that with each passing election cycle, it will become harder and harder for the GOP to win the White House. It will also become increasingly difficult for them to win the Senate, although they have a pretty good chance of doing that this year. The House is a different matter, but only because of gerrymandering. Take away the gerrymandering, and the Democrats would control the House right now.

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