Politics and Religion

Your observation proves you are a blind fool similiar to the far left
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1794 reads
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This is just starting to get interesting.
 I think I might have it figured out...Someone at McCains camp knew all along, and how this will pan out..Right out of Karl Rowes play book .. 1.No one that would vote for Mccain ,is not going to vote for him over the Palin story. Thats a given as much as Michelle Obama isn't voting for Mccain now that he has a woman VP... Let Palin and her daughter get some severe slander for a couple days , example ..whore, liar, slut, unwed mother ,doesn't know how to raise her own family unqualified for veep,fool strict on abstinence.,etc.And now Palin will play the nice victim..
Remember when Obama said
“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old, “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake I don't want them punished with a baby.I don't want them punished with STD at 16,so it doesn't make sense to not give them information.... When he was asked a life question by the preacher and he said "Thats above my pay grade"
That is going to get twisted into Obama wants his daughters to get abortions as needed..Massive commercial blitz with the happy Palin family with the DS baby..and the pregnant daughter marrying her child hood sweet heart.. 2. Now they have the Evangelicals fired up and voting for a guy they never really liked.. Whether you like it or not ,genius if pre planned.. Turning the victim into a folk hero..I'm not sure where all the Evangelicals live but I have read there's lots of them.

WASILLA, Alaska — Bristol Palin’s boyfriend plans to join the family of the Republican vice presidential candidate at the GOP convention.
Levi Johnston’s mother said her 18-year-old son left Alaska on Tuesday morning to join the Palin family in St. Paul, Minn.
Sherry Johnston also said there has been no pressure put on her son to marry Bristol Palin, the pregnant daughter of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
“Absolutely not,” Sherry Johnston told reporters outside the family’s Wasilla home. Johnston said the two teens already had plans to marry before they knew she was pregnant.
Sarah Palin announced Monday that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter was pregnant. The father was not identified beyond the first name of Levi.

9-man 1266 reads
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You're right, ingenious. Cynical, too. You're admitting you're a fool for voting for perpetrators of this circus. And to win political points, you are putting another incompetent a heartbeat away from the presidency-- a presidency that will start short of heartbeats.

Excellent political tactics. Ignorant governance. It also goes to show that conservatives are addicted to pandering laid on with a trowel.

If it works, it shows conservatives have learned nothing in the last eight years and need another go at failure.

Me? I think enough people have fallen from the conservative cause to swing a presidential election. One in which Mr. Landslide himself won by three percent with maximum turnout.

Which shows I don't base my confidence in Obama just on the polls. Though except for Zogby, all of them show Obama ahead by 6-8 percent-- which is quite a bounce. Even Zogby admits that Obama has a 50-50 chance at worse.

I will note that except in State-by-State polls, in 2004 all polls showed Bush leading by an average of 2-3 percent. They all had 2-3 percent errors as well. Taken together, however, they were extremely accurate.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1998 reads
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Posted by 9-man,
"1.You're right, ingenious. Cynical, too. You're admitting you're a fool for voting for perpetrators of this circus .Excellent political tactics.

2.One in which Mr. Landslide himself won by three percent with maximum turnout."

1.  Every political party has members they don't intermingle and party with? Do the Democrats throw out  the far left wackos like Gore? No, they idolize them, and use them for every vote they can get...

2. I am not going to contribute to your laziness and provide  links to prove, we have not had any elections, in my lifetime ,that have been anywhere NEAR maximum turnout..Its time for you to get off Kos and do some legitimate fact search on your own..

-- Modified on 9/3/2008 5:58:16 AM

741512th 34 Reviews 1286 reads
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Personally, I have come to view the Palin choice as brilliant.  Watching the RNC and listening to the media talking heads, I must admire the strategy of picking Palin.  The national conversation is no longer about the war and the economy.  It is back to god, guns, gays, "family values," and abortion.  Even if Palin comes out of this looking bad, she isn't the one running for president and we will have spent sixty days talking about trivial drivel instead of the substantive issues.  McCain can't win on the war and the economy.  It is an accomplished fact that the christian taliban / republican party intercoursed those two issues up completely.  But, "my imaginary friend wants me to be president?"  That argument sways a lot of people who's favorite sporting event is watching cars turn left all day.

callmesundance 6 Reviews 1661 reads
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Unfortunately I think you are right.  But John McCain doesn't need Karl Rove for political calculations.

I've had the unfortunate opportunity to watch John McCain's politial career up close for over 25 years now.  One thing I long ago concluded is that he is coldly calculating and really nothing is beyond him in his quest for power and position.  Hell, this is the same guy who dumped his crippled wife and quickly married into the very well connected and wealthy Hensley family.

Assuming that McCain knew about the Bristol pregnancy before he made his final decision (which is what he has stated), then there is no doubt in my mind he ran through this calculation very carefully.

I think he knows very well (and I agree) that the "16 year old pregnant daughter who has the baby and marries the boyfriend" plays very well to the social conservative crowd.  It's a prodigal daughter story, and this crowd loves stories.

In my opinion, I believe it was not just a "non-issue" for McCain, I believe it could have been the deciding issue.  He knows he needs to rally the social conservatives to vote for him, and this element I believe will certainly do that.  What could be better for this crowd then this?  Nothing.  It's perfect.

Except for the fact that John McCain has brought a 16 year old pregnant girl he didn't even know 9 months ago into his political calculation for his own purpose.  It is classic McCain.

Sen_Craig 968 reads
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Just like every good Republicon does!! BOHICA!!

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