Politics and Religion

Your bigotry and ignorance is front and center
zisk 86 Reviews 2431 reads

"I am sure there have been some, simply because non-hebrews represent only 2 or 3 percent of the world's population, financial scandals that have at the controls non -jews but I would like to be made aware of a couple."

--geez, ever hear of Ken Lay or Jeffrey Skilling (Enron), Franklin Raines (Fannie Mae), Mickey Monus and Patrick Finn (Phar-Mor), Alfred Harrison (Alliance Capital Management), Bernard Ebbers (WorldCom), John Rigas (Adelphi), Charles Keating, etc. etc.  Is it really possible for someone to be as ignorant as you?

"Anyone who is reasonable recognizes Madoff as a typical example of the money hoarding shyster that is so common among this "persecuted" minority."

--no, anyone who is purely bigoted such as yourself holds such a view

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 2:12:03 PM

Whats up with the Israeli's attacking Hamas killing hundreds, including some civilians..
The only thing Hamas is guilty of is the last couple weeks is occasionally, as in a few times a day lobbing cheap rockets towards Israel, and rarely killing civilians , other than maybe a couple of sisters here or a couple of kids there..So why all the counter attacks lately from Israel..Why does Israel have to kill hundreds when only handfulls of them are killed??
If someone was in the hood next to ***yours shooting rockets indiscriminately without accuracy, and only occasionally  did the rocket kill a relative or a dog of ***yours , wouldn't you just sit back and take it without retaliation instead of taking a chance of killing **your attackers, and maybe killing a mob of civilians  hanging out with those awesome Hamas home boys??
* we and **your and ***yours isn't me....

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 12:40:33 AM

Geiko_Caveman2035 reads

They have never cared about killing civilians, even children. That is what always disturbed me.
Then they deny it for as long as they can. Then say it was unintentional.
They do not care about killing children, as long as they are Arab. To get to one militant, they will blow up an entire apartment building.
Now, to the stupid Arabs. They know damn well that Israel is going to pound them. Why do they do such stupid shit?
I think they have the right to wage war against the Israel military who occupies their land. They do not have the right to lob their home made rockets into Israel putting their civilians at risk.

Timbow1644 reads

Too bad .I hope they have God's speed :)
Hamas can stop firing the rockets  it is their  choice .

UN resolutions condemning this behavior are routinely ignored by the Izzies and the U.S. It is easy to see why this behavior persists when you take into account statements like that made by Menachem Begin who labeled Palestinians as "beasts walking on two legs." The minority of people in America who are actually aware of what Israel gets away with (of course the majority of the population ,who are "informed" by the mass media which is in jewish hands and always is pro-Israel, thinks it is always a matter of Israel "defending itself")don't take into account that many of these Israelis pretty much view themselves as human and the Arabs as less than such, the leaders of the Zionist state at least.

Once these folks grasp this concept then it may be possible to deal with these megalomaniacs in a more reasonable way than trying to negotiate with them, which is futile. I would suggest that the West separate for all time from this peculiar tribe,let them pursue whatever ends they wish on their own but the West should wash their hands of them, they only make us a target for retribution in the form of Arab terrorism.

Which is to do nothing when Hamas lobs rockets at random civilian targets in Israel, but shouts and rends clothing as those Israeli's dare to defend themselves.

Hamas and the rest of the Arab world don't give a shit about their own people, their sole function is the genocide of the Jewish people.

Israel does not target civilian establishments. They target Hamas military enclaves. The fact these enclaves are built in the middle of residential neighborhoods, with their bomb factories in the basements of schools, their munitions dumps in the storage rooms of hospitals does not seem to bother you. The fact Israel did not commit a single violation of the cease fire despite numerous attempts by the Hamas animals to foment and disrupt does not seem to matter. Rockets launched and aimed at children are terrible... unless of course, they are aimed at Israeli day care centers. Fuck You.

The fact these barbarians use their own chldren as weapons, use pregnant women and senior citizens as shields, and lie to your face while you crave their approval tells me all I need to know.

Fuck Hamas. And quadseasonal, Gecko_alias, and especially tallslim26, you three are invited to go fuck yourselves with Yasser Arafats necrotic cock up your asses.

Never Again, motherfuckers, Never Again!

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 9:38:49 AM

There is one word I can think of in response to your incredible claim that the UN "does what the Arabs tell them to do" and that is chutzpah. You have it that's for sure, not sure how a statement can be so fundementally incorrect.

Tribal loyalty is quite evident in that post.

If the Arab world's function in the "genocide of the jewish people" then why do a minority of jews live unmolested in the supposed haven for Arab jewish hatred Iran. I believe the Zionist state failed to convince these jews to immigrate to Israel a year or so ago in an attempt to create more anti Iranian sentiment in the West. So persecuted they must be if they wish to stay.

Everyone with two eyes that are not blurred by the Zionist media know full well that the Palestinians are fighting for THEIR land and their very existance.

As for "never again" well I think that is up to your tribe. Keep on with this sort of behavior in the Middle East coupled with happenstances like your boy Madoff's grand theft and worsening economic conditions overall will make the larger population more open to the truth of it all. I doubt that thousands of years of the same protocol will change so the subsequent reaction from the awakened masses will no doubt be similar to the past. Only difference might be, with the world being so much more smaller now than in the past, there might be no place to run and hide until the heat is off this time around. I guess only time will tell.

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 10:03:29 AM

to somehow relate Madoff to your general bigotry. In a post about Israel, you bring up Madoff for no other reason than he's Jewish. Any connection to there to Hamas breaking the cease-fire by launching rockets into Israel? Nope. Of all the financial scandals involving non-Jews you've been silent, but with Madoff you feel the need to reference to his being Jewish. So why, pray  tell, in your bizarre world view that Jews control the media, and all US policy, and supposedly only look after themselves, was Madoff arrested and been vilified in the press? Of course your repeated expressed bigotry to Jews fits with your less often but still clearly expressed bigotry to blacks, immigrants, etc.

And Israel is partially at fault here...for allowing Hamas attacks to continue to go on for as long as they have without retribution. Showing restraint time and again encourages more attacks. A show of force encourages more attacks. Damned if they do, and damned if they don't. Given that Hamas' STATED purpose is to wipe out Israel, until they finally succeed the attacks will never end. Unlike you, they don't even bother to look for an excuse.

You smuggly leave out one important detail in your assessment of the conflict, namely that the zionist state was built on the territory of those who the Hamas represent, real Palestinians. I don't think negatively of anyone who takes back their wallet from a theif, no matter what they do in order to get their property back.

I am sure there have been some, simply because non-hebrews represent only 2 or 3 percent of the world's population, financial scandals that have at the controls non -jews but I would like to be made aware of a couple. Milken was a jew and he is only one notable example most would be aware of.

Anyone who is reasonable recognizes Madoff as a typical example of the money hoarding shyster that is so common among this "persecuted" minority. The proof of prevailing attitudes is in the details of the media coverage. The media has focused heavily on the jewish organizations and individuals hit by the fraud. This is due in part to the race's unfailing ability to believe they are the only thing that matters, to hell with any other living thing. But it also points in the direction of fear, they want to snuff out the correct conclusion that these types of large scale frauds are often spearheaded by jews, at very least they are involved far FAR disproportionatly in relation to their numbers in the population. The truth is really hard to hide though when things are so obvious to people who are not handicapped by too much violin playing and cinematic propaganda meant to paint them as the eternal victim. It is all going to come to a head relatively soon I would say.

"I am sure there have been some, simply because non-hebrews represent only 2 or 3 percent of the world's population, financial scandals that have at the controls non -jews but I would like to be made aware of a couple."

--geez, ever hear of Ken Lay or Jeffrey Skilling (Enron), Franklin Raines (Fannie Mae), Mickey Monus and Patrick Finn (Phar-Mor), Alfred Harrison (Alliance Capital Management), Bernard Ebbers (WorldCom), John Rigas (Adelphi), Charles Keating, etc. etc.  Is it really possible for someone to be as ignorant as you?

"Anyone who is reasonable recognizes Madoff as a typical example of the money hoarding shyster that is so common among this "persecuted" minority."

--no, anyone who is purely bigoted such as yourself holds such a view

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 2:12:03 PM

Yeah and none of the names you listed have a chance in hell at seeking safe haven in Israel. Once again I will restate, since I obviously have to, that I never said that non-Jews are not capable of a wide range of crimes. A reasonable person will ask the question, why is such a high percentage of a group that represents such a small percentage of the overall population always involved in these billion dollar swindles?? I stopped trying to debate numbskulls like yourself years ago because your ilk will not ever be willing to accept the truth unless every last swindle was pulled off by a jew, unless every last network was owned by a jew, etc. Following that path means one thing for a nation.....death. Making Generalizations will be what decides the life or death of this nation and the West in the end.  

Quite a list could be compiled of jews who have escaped to Israel to escape punishment for financial shenanigans as well as other crimes and that "holy" state refuses to extradite them to face their crimes. What defense do you have for that????

in almost every reply, its "I never said such and such..." when I have a direct quote that you did. You specifically stated there might be "some" but you "would like to be made aware of a couple" as if that were it so rare for it occur, and nearly impossible to list anyone. And then I gave you multiple ones, just off the top of my head, which you directly asked for, and then state you never said anything like that, and change your story on your post.

You do this all the time. State one thing flatly, then when it is easily countered, change your story. And these are not a "wide-range of crimes" (note the direct quote again)---they are all on the specific financial fraud aspect which was the point of your post.

I'm kind of surprised, but even your bigotry has become boring.

Geiko_Caveman3153 reads

I am allowed my opinions and observations.
That is the problem with Israel! They don't care what other people say. If it does not conform to their way of thinking, then their answer is FU.
Lets be honest! Israel is every bit part of the problem. They are not innocent by any stretch.
Don't try and say the P's are aiming their rockets at Israeli day care centers. Those home made rockets are not accurate and no one knows where they will drop.
Israel uses laser guided weaponry. They know exactly where they are aiming.
That said, I reiterate that Israel has a right to defend themselves, and to exist. At the same time, their savagery should not go unpunished either.
When Israel gives them back their land (to the 67 borders),and stops invading it by building on it, there will be a chance for peace.
When Israel stops starving them and cutting off water supplies and electricity to entire towns, there will be a chance for peace.
When everyone becomes honest, there will be a chance for peace.
I favor the peace process, unlike others.

I mean their Repub puppet Bush was made to make an apology for not refering to them specifically as the jewish state in a speech a year or so ago. As if he had not served their every whim for his 8 years in office.

Geiko you seem wiser than the rest, you should know that if you don't agree with everything the Zionists believe you are the worst kind of anti-semite. Facts, like the ones you noted, mean absolutly zero to them.

Nazi??? Nah don't think so. I was born over three decades after the fall of national socialist Germany so I sure as hell was not a part of that regime. C'mon can't you guys think of any other types of names, just make them up, your pretty good at making up stories, single word names shouldn't be no sweat. Something original, your religious script has plenty of ambiguious words for people like me that wish me nothing but a horrible death on a bed of nails or something.

making fun of what is the obvious view of morons like tallslim, who will find any excuse to condemn Israel for anything it does

Czechered Past1945 reads

"   * we and **your and ***yours isn't me....   "
The intent[?] of that is not clear to see.
Words seem to fail you again,
My Cut 'N' Pasting friend.
From such murky prose many of us must flee.

Czechered Past, 12/28/2008 12:36:57 PM
"   * we and **your and ***yours isn't me....   "
The intent[?] of that is not clear to see.
Words seem to fail you again,
My Cut 'N' Pasting friend.
From such murky prose many of us must flee."

 It is not my words that fail my friend,
 But your eyes that do not see,
 That is "your" identity,
 That is "my" reality.
 If what I see is clear to me,
 but  not to you,
 there is nothing I can do.
 The intent is clear to all mankind,
 Unless that man has mush for mind..
 "We" and "your" and "yours" isn't me
 Should be easy to see
 In other words, for the disturbed,
 That became quite perturbed ,
 I must confess , I prefer to play chess
 So why regress, when its best to attack.
 If the waters are murky,you must
 learn to think,
 Or the next time you flounder,
 You are sure to sink..


If someone was in the hood next to ***yours shooting rockets indiscriminately without accuracy, and only occasionally  did the rocket kill a relative or a dog of ***yours , wouldn't you just sit back and take it without retaliation instead of taking a chance of killing **your attackers, and maybe killing a mob of civilians  hanging out with those awesome Hamas home boys??
* we and **your and ***yours isn't me....

kerrakles2900 reads

of prime real estate in New York.

It doesn't represent today's world. The five permanent members decides everything. There is always permanent member supporting a rogue estate.

Shut the damn thing down or re-write its charter.

The U.N.'s problem is that most of the nations ofthe world suck.  Take a look at a list of the nations of the world and put a mark next to each country that you do not want to have a vote for anything that affects U.S. policy. Somalia, Chad, N. Korea, Iran, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Uganda.  The list goes on and on and on.  

The end result is that the general assembly has a majority of countries that suck and, as Kerrakles noted, the Security Counsel will always have a country that vetos anything productive.

have no idea what happened or why; maybe someone just figured that trying to explain anything to talldim is a waste of bandwidth.

As usual your analogy is all wrong. Hamas is a street gang and so are the Zionists that run Israel. They are involved in a turf war and the Israeli's are winning much to the chagrin of the local Islamic extremists. As long as the capitalists continue to supply both sides in this turf battle, it will continue.

abrahamk2008 reads

You are right quad! The Palestinians are being occupied and they are made out to be the evil ones. Israel talks about the holocaust yet they are producing their own holocaust against the Palestinians.

RightwingUnderground2562 reads

And if Israel doesn't provide assistance to the Palestinians, who will? Certainly not there own Arab brothers. No, that would help solve to many problems.

"And if Israel doesn't provide assistance to the Palestinians, who will? Certainly not there own Arab brothers. No, that would help solve to many problems."

They already do, RWU... even Gaza gets its electrical energy from Israel. After the latest crap Hamas pulled, any other country would simply cut the hard lines, but not Israel. For which Israel is villified.

The problem starts with 2 primal (as opposed to primary) factors:

1 - 5769 years of enmity between Arab and Jew. (5769 refers to the current Jewish calendar year. The birth of Adam is considered Year 1.)

2 - The Western world will never comprehend the mindset of the Middle East. It isn't as simple as bestowing Democracy upon a populace, they must grow into it. The vast majority of Middle Eastern countries, almost all populated and ruled by what were, until the discovery of oil in the 1930's, nomadic Arab tribes. Ranging from simple sheepherders to warlords and despots, these tribes lived essentially the same way since the 12th century rule of Saladin. you folks in the West simply don't get it.

I've read statements in this forum to the effect of "we should leave them to sort it out amongst themselves, and to hell with all of them"

Guess what. Israel did just that in 1967, and again in 1973. They kicked Arab ass from Beirut to Babylon, and the world will never forgive the Jewish people and the State of Israel for not rolling over and allowing ther Arabs to massacre them into oblivion.

It's hatemonger groups like Hamas and clueless White Aryan puppets like tallslim26 who are the real problem, not the Jews or Israel.

That's how I feel about it.
Fuck 'Em If They Can't Take A Joke.

-- Modified on 12/29/2008 5:30:48 PM

RightwingUnderground1836 reads

sarcasm and the Mid-East. I should have been more clear. Sorry. Quad's original post was also sarcastic. Neither one of us was being at all anti-Israel.

Hamas seems to be the appointed proxy of Iran etal. to stoke the anti-Israeli fire to eliminate Israel.

My second point is that it seems that Israel is the ONLY Mid-East country that cares about the Palestinians, the ONLY Mid-East country that provides support for Palestinians. If the Arabs actually gave a damn they could solve the 'suffering' very quickly.

Norman_Bates2009 reads

I always make it a "point" to "shower" them [my guests] with love.I guess Israel showering the Palestinians with clustr bombs,concussions boms and other military hardware is an extreme example of "tough love" on the part of the Israelis.And tough luck for the Palestinians.

RightwingUnderground2273 reads

that the Arab world doesn't give a shit about the Palestinians.

You're right RWU - I was definitely kneejerking my reaction to quads post (see forthcoming thread above), and I guess I was also a bit over the top towards Gecko_alias.
But tallslim26 is a wet fart worthy of nothing but contempt. I'll say it to his face given the chance.

But the underlying disease which makes it possible for the world to condone Hamas homicide bombers attacking children, while condemning Israel for targeting Hamas leadership.

Hamas fires hundreds of rockets into Israel, and Israel is called to restrain itself. Israel retaliates, and the world calls for their condemnation.

It's a double standard that has existed since the Amaleki attacked the Hebrews after the Exodus.

I will no longer remain silent.

Fuck 'Em If They Can't Take A Joke

Norman_Bates2477 reads

So,you don't dispute the assertion that Israel reins death and destruction upon the Palestinians.Silence is not assent,as you well know.

meanwhile, back on earth here....

Your comment about the Arab world not giving a shit about the Palestinians was akin to comments about a flat earth,alien abductions,Satanic possession,crop circles, the moon being made of green cheese,and the stork being responsible for delivering babies.Too ridiculous even to bother mentioning.

I imagine the Israelis care about the Palestinains the way an exterminator cares about pests and vermin infestations,just a problem to be controlled.

You  always do an excellent imitation of an intelligent and rational man,you present evidence for the propositions you argue,you have an enviable grasp of Googling your way around cyberspace. Yet, for all that,like so many other sheeple,you've bouhgt the Israeli worldview hook,line,and sinker.You are so far past the point of drinking Israeli Koolaid,I suspect you're permanently hooked up to an IV.Well, that's your problem.

Happy New Year.  Drink safely.

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