Politics and Religion

You will have to take up that request with the Iranian leadership or Iran's Revolutionary Guard....
HONDA 153 Reviews 221 reads

.......they apparently have censored the photos that show the missiles strikes.

Pure stupidity IMHO! The Pentagon announced last week it was abandoning its $500 million program to train and equip Syrian Rebels. Then this morning, the Pentagon announced it had airdropped 50 tons of Ammo to the Syrian Rebels, I guess we gotta keep those 4 or 5 trained Syrian Rebels fully supplied with 50 tons of Ammo huh. I'm betting most of the airdropped ammo gets abandoned or sold off to ISIS. The same way the Iraqi troops abandoned/sold their U.S. supplied military equipment, trucks etc to ISIS.

Why do we insist on doubling down on stupidity? It is clear, this administration has never fully thought through its Syria strategy and is basically BSing its way through at a huge cost to U.S. Taxpayers. It's because of idiotic policies like this that we have insurgent "outside the beltway" candidates surging in the polls.

Last week, the Obama administration shelved a $500 million program to train and equip so-called moderate rebels opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad who would be directed to fight against ISIS. The program had sought to train some 5,400 rebels but in the end only managed to produce a handful of combat-ready fighters.

The Pentagon's program to train and arm rebels fighting ISIS is separate from the ongoing CIA program to train rebel fighters working to overthrow Assad.

...and by wasting money they can say that the already bloated defense budget should be increased.

.......role in all this. Gotta keep tax payer dollars flowing to those arms manufacturers at all costs

bigguy30217 reads

It sounds to me like they learned from some of their past mistakes.
I don't like it but you can't say they don't have a plan.

U.S. military cargo planes on Sunday airdropped 50 tons of small arms ammunition and grenades to Syrian Arab rebels in northern Syria, marking the beginning of the Pentagon's shift away from its failed program to train rebels and toward its new strategy of arming existing groups instead.

"Coalition forces conducted an airdrop Sunday in northern Syria to resupply local counter-ISIL ground forces as they conduct operations against ISIL," said Col. Steve Warren, the spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq, using the acronym preferred by the U.S. government for the Islamic State group or ISIS, reports ABC News. "This successful airdrop provided ammunition to Syrian Arab groups whose leaders were appropriately vetted by the United States and have been fighting to remove ISIL from northern Syria. Due to operational security we will not have any further details about the groups that received these supplies, their location, or the type of equipment in the airdrop," Warren added

Bill_Brasky190 reads

It is already changing the equation on the battlefield and will make Putin's move much harder to succeed.

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