Politics and Religion

You seem to be conceding defeat regarding the false argument of mental deficiency & SS recipients
ed2000 31 Reviews 262 reads

It not my analogy. You might be interested to know that it was common for members of George Washington's Continental Army to personally own their artillery pieces. They would take them home in between campaigns. Second Amendment arms were not limited to muskets and other sidearms.  

I think more important than the evolution of weaponry is that the Founders had no concept of the potential devolution of the ethics and morals of the citizenry. Limitations of the Second Amendment or other parts of the Bill of Rights have been justified over time but the line separating original intent and safety is by far too close to the side of today's side arms than any of the weapons you cite.

GaGambler346 reads

NOT the mentally incompetent, Even the NRA wouldn't want BFRG packing heat legally.

Hell....teachers only allow him to use the crayons once a day.

Posted By: GaGambler
NOT the mentally incompetent, Even the NRA wouldn't want BFRG packing heat legally.


Oh yeah....LOL.

Posted By: earlweaver

bigguy30366 reads

When facts are not on your side.
Just act like a clown and make things up.
Since they need to change the subject.

Also two misses is not far away from that too!

Posted By: SoleSurvivor
 Oh yeah....LOL.

Posted By: earlweaver

-- Modified on 3/1/2017 12:02:24 PM

TwoMints259 reads

You cannot take a constitution right away from a citizen without going to court.  

While I do agree that some people should have their rights to gun ownership removed (I'm not even a gun guy...) it must be done legally.  Congress needs to pass a law. Obama didn't even try to take it to the people to get support for his actions. He didn't ask Congress to change the law.

Posted By: bigguy30

...president Obama didn't take take it to congress is the N.R.A. controls so many of the representatives that the bill would have never even gotten a hearing, even most gun owners would not want mentally ill people to be allowed to own guns so who would want that?   Answer: the controllers of the N.R.A. the firearm manufactures want to sell more guns.

TwoMints286 reads

It's far more involved then just a gun issue.

It's a rights issue.  Who exactly decides that someone is mentally ill?  

That's always been the issue, regressives believe rights don't matter. Well except when they want to confer them to foreigners...

Posted By: mrhuck
...president Obama didn't take take it to congress is the N.R.A. controls so many of the representatives that the bill would have never even gotten a hearing, even most gun owners would not want mentally ill people to be allowed to own guns so who would want that?   Answer: the controllers of the N.R.A. the firearm manufactures want to sell more guns.

...People that have been judged mentally ill need healing not firearms,& for the purpose of public safety should not be allowed to have guns.  Next shall we allow convicted violent felons to have guns to, & we could also get rid those pesky back-round checks. Using an ancient constitutional amendment written when the only firearms available were single shot ball & cap pistols or or flint-loc rifles, just how in the world could the writers of the second amendment imagine the fire-power of the guns of today? With today's firearm information that amendment would certainly be written differently.

Any person that voluntarily signs their Social Security checking account over to his son or daughter so they can help administer their finances was DEEMED by Obama to be mentally deficient and then barred from possessing a firearm.

You've the "ancient" aspects of the 2nd Amendment completely backwards. The intent was for people to have access to the same weapons the the armies of the day possessed. If anything, the 2nd Amendment has been severely and overly limited throughout the years.

...So if your analogy is correct we should be allowed to have rocket launchers, cruse missiles, & maybe a few nukes. As I said in my last post the authors of the second amendment could have never imagined the damage that today's legal firepower could do to our citizenry.

It not my analogy. You might be interested to know that it was common for members of George Washington's Continental Army to personally own their artillery pieces. They would take them home in between campaigns. Second Amendment arms were not limited to muskets and other sidearms.  

I think more important than the evolution of weaponry is that the Founders had no concept of the potential devolution of the ethics and morals of the citizenry. Limitations of the Second Amendment or other parts of the Bill of Rights have been justified over time but the line separating original intent and safety is by far too close to the side of today's side arms than any of the weapons you cite.

bigguy30274 reads

It's shows all of you clowns are not only clueless.
You cannot debate and desperate to write anything on here without any facts.
I bet most of you fools never even shot a gun.

When you shoot or own guns, you respect their power and giving them to crazy people.
Just shows that people behind this bill are doing it for political points and not safety!

So most of the smart people in this country agree with me.

Then it's the Liar-In-Chief and his stupid cult supporters.
This is why dump wanted no cameras in the room, while he was signing the bill!

Posted By: bigguy30
-- Modified on 3/1/2017 12:17:21 PM

-- Modified on 3/1/2017 12:32:28 PM

Which is really hard to actually understand due most likely to your education level. Come back when you can get an adult to proof read it and make all necessary grammar corrections.

Which pretty much means rewrite it.  

I guess this is a classic example of why you only cut and paste and call people one word names.

Posted By: bigguy30
It's shows all of you clowns are not only clueless.  
 You cannot debate and desperate to write anything on here without any facts.  
 I bet most of you fools never even shot a gun.  
 When you shoot or own guns, you respect their power and giving them to crazy people.  
 Just shows that people behind this bill are doing it for political points and not safety!  
 So most of the smart people in this country agree with me.  
 Then it's the Liar-In-Chief and his stupid cult supporters.  
 This is why dump wanted no cameras in the room, while he was signing the bill!  
Posted By: bigguy30
-- Modified on 3/1/2017 12:17:21 PM

-- Modified on 3/1/2017 12:32:28 PM

bigguy30268 reads

You never answer the threads and only come on here to make a fool out of yourself.
So I won't even get into you crying for help on this site last September.

Posted By: SoleSurvivor
Which is really hard to actually understand due most likely to your education level. Come back when you can get an adult to proof read it and make all necessary grammar corrections.  
 Which pretty much means rewrite it.  
 I guess this is a classic example of why you only cut and paste and call people one word names.
Posted By: bigguy30
It's shows all of you clowns are not only clueless.  
  You cannot debate and desperate to write anything on here without any facts.  
  I bet most of you fools never even shot a gun.  
  When you shoot or own guns, you respect their power and giving them to crazy people.  
  Just shows that people behind this bill are doing it for political points and not safety!  
  So most of the smart people in this country agree with me.  
  Then it's the Liar-In-Chief and his stupid cult supporters.  
  This is why dump wanted no cameras in the room, while he was signing the bill!  
Posted By: bigguy30
-- Modified on 3/1/2017 12:17:21 PM  
 -- Modified on 3/1/2017 12:32:28 PM

followme236 reads

It's a pump shot gun made by tc firearms and it hits your  "bulls eye" every time  

or are you bragging about your Colt45

-- Modified on 3/1/2017 3:02:02 PM

bigguy30245 reads

I can see why that messes you up.
So I never had Colt 45 but clearly you had too much yourself.

Posted By: followme
It's a pump shot gun made by tc firearms and it hits your  "bulls eye" every time  
 or are you bragging about your Colt45

-- Modified on 3/1/2017 3:02:02 PM

earlweaver255 reads

signed by Obama are now history

bye, bye legacy of the first half-black President ;)

Except McMurphy, he had a record or is that OK now. When does common sense prevail here?

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