Politics and Religion

you realize of course, California gets less than 60 cents for every Dollar paid to the Fed.
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1744 reads

Seems to me the East Coast states which produce nothing but hot air and ivy league moral turpitude should be grateful to California for all the money the Fed siphons out of us every year.

The USA may have the worlds biggest economy, but without California, with the worlds 6th largest economy all by itself, the USA goes from first to fourth... behind China, Russia, India and FRANCE.

Give California some respect. We're carrying the parasite states of this nation on our backs.

toondin5570 reads

Small-government Florida Republicans have cut their state taxes in anticipation that the Fed will bail out their hopelessly underfunded government.

Nothing shows the irony and moral bankruptcy of the smaller-government Republicans like this. They strangle their State governments in the bathtub, receive a Federal bailout, meanwhile they get to keep state taxes low while they blame the Federal government for its high taxes and interference. As states go insolvent, they will resign to leaving the Fed to take control and give them handouts, while they become politically irrelevant. And the ones who want state handouts most will be small-government Republicans, just to rescue their butts from their ideological consequences. Just watch as this plays out.  

This will be a terrible imbalance in the Republic, as the states become political ghosts, totally breaking with one of the checks and balances in our system.

RightwingUnderground2154 reads

(with a liberal democrat legislature and a liberal RINO governor, that maintains high taxes but even HIGHER spending thus bankrupting their tax roles as well.

toondin1834 reads

And in the end, it may succeed. Florida is just resigning.

Seems to me the East Coast states which produce nothing but hot air and ivy league moral turpitude should be grateful to California for all the money the Fed siphons out of us every year.

The USA may have the worlds biggest economy, but without California, with the worlds 6th largest economy all by itself, the USA goes from first to fourth... behind China, Russia, India and FRANCE.

Give California some respect. We're carrying the parasite states of this nation on our backs.

GaGambler1637 reads

I agree with you completely.

While the country at large is an example of what happens when business runs amok. California is a prime example of what happens when liberalism runs amok.

There has to be a balance between the two.

About one out of every seven Americans lives in California.  California accounts for an estimated 20% to the national GNP even though only about 14% of the US population lives in California.  California’s economy is larger than Canada and Mexico’s economies combined.  There are enough representatives from California in the House of Representatives to control the House if they voted as a block.  A recent article in Forbes about wages in America stated that California had the highest average wages in the country.  One comparison was between police in San Francisco where the starting salary for a cop with a bachelors degree was $100,000.00 a year compared to NYPD where the starting salary is about $38,000.00.  It also noted that farm workers who are paid on a piece work basis average over $70,000.00 because they work year round. Higher incomes for wage earners means more discretionary income to spend, which makes California fertile ground for businesses. During the .com boom an estimated 80% of the venture capital in the U.S. came out of California.  More new businesses and about 60% of all new industries begin in California. I think California would be better off economically if she kept the taxes she sent to Washington and paid her own bills.

Balboa you've got me convinced to move to Ca.  Of course looking out my window at a foot of snow and 14 degree temperatures is even more reason. LOL. Honestly, thanks for that info.  I didn't know that.

It is kind of ironic because I spend most of the winter at my home in Cabo San Lucas.  There is little difference in the climate between the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula and Southern California. The average temperature in the winter where I live in Southern California is about 71, Cabo San Lucas runs in the high 70's.  This year the weather in Southern California has actually been warmer than the weather in Cabo.  The average temp in Southern California for the last couple of months had been in the low 80's and upper 70's.The hobby scene is pretty good in Cabo so I do more hobbying here than I do in California.

RightwingUnderground1469 reads

How far in debt is CA today?

Now tied with Louisiana for the worst bond rating for state Munis, CA is about to be in the 50th spot all by themselves.

California's financial problems have no adverse effect on my life. The weather is the same, the culture is the same, the economy has slowed but no worse than the rest of the country.  I guess if I were a wage earner I might have some anxiety about losing my job, and I do sympathize with those folks. I own real estate investment property that has taken a big hit but that will turn around when the economy recovers.  The last I heard California was about 40 billion in the hole. Yikes!

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