Politics and Religion

you know this goes on all the time. Remember the Rampart Division scandals in LA a few years back?..
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 614 reads
1 / 12

...A 14-year-old kid confessed to a crime he did not commit, the murder of four people in a Detroit drug house, only after he had been interrogated repeatedly over the course of two days without an attorney, or even a parent present.  The kid lived near the scene of the murders.  He had been standing outside when police were looking for witnesses.  They took him in, believing he had key information.

They interrogated the kid for two days and he finally confessed to something he didn't do.  The kid was developmentally impaired and blind in one eye, and was known for telling elaborate tales that weren't true.  Police, however, ran with his confessions.  Prosecutors are supposed to review cases before moving forward.  However, they usually suck cop dick because they have to work with the cops and are intimidated by them.  Apparently, prosecutors believed a 14 year old developmentally impaired kid who was blind in one eye could kill four people.  Motive?

He spent nine years in jail before he was finally released.  Thanks, you lazy POS cops for not doing any investigating, instead finding a convenient fall guy so you can wrap another case up quickly and go eat more donuts.


-- Modified on 6/8/2016 8:46:00 PM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 109 reads
2 / 12

... its more than just the POS cops, its a systemic problem that does not go away, it only changes clothing with the season.

If the politicians actually WANTED to do something about it, they would do more than huff puff and harumph for the Governor.

But they don't. And the psychological profiles that are the most sought after as candidates for police forces and other paramilitary organizations, will always be those also most susceptible to some form of "I'm better than you are" bigoted mentality.

But there is plenty of blame to go around on all sides. Welfare-fueled entitlement mentality, and a system that encourages laziness, discourages sincere effort, and penalizes those who actually find a way out of the muck are all to blame for the sorry state of affairs.

A corporate structure that encourages undocumented workers to take their chances while supporting politicians who want to restrict these same workers while put of the other side of their mouth making no effort to encourage the Welfare-fueled entitlement demographic to get off their lazy fucking asses.

The Gadfly is but a nuisance easily swatted away. - Hemingway

bigguy30 98 reads
3 / 12

You said plenty of blame to go around on all sides. Welfare-fueled entitlement mentality, and a system that encourages laziness, discourages sincere effort, and penalizes those who actually find a way out of the muck are all to blame for the sorry state of affairs.  
A corporate structure that encourages undocumented workers to take their chances while supporting politicians who want to restrict these same workers while put of the other side of their mouth making no effort to encourage the Welfare-fueled entitlement demographic to get off their lazy fucking asses.  

So are you fucking serious and this coming from a Jewish man?

I guess you forgot Jews in ghettos was not Hitler's brainchild. So for centuries, Jews had faced persecution, and were often forced to live in designated areas called ghettos . The Nazis' ghettos differed, however, in that they were a preliminary step in the annihilation of the Jews, rather than a method to just isolate them from the rest of society. As the war against the Jews progressed, the ghettos became transition areas, used as collection points for deportation to death camps and concentration camps.

Since Jews were faced with a lot of the same discrimination, in the past.
Just like a lot of black people are dealing with now.
It's plenty of blacks who are successful and overcame a lot of bullshit.
I can get into the ant-Semitism faced by many Jews too.
The thing is many blacks in the past did not have help like this after the war either.

Well I guess as long as a person is not Jewish, it's different for you!
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... its more than just the POS cops, its a systemic problem that does not go away, it only changes clothing with the season.  
 If the politicians actually WANTED to do something about it, they would do more than huff puff and harumph for the Governor.  
 But they don't. And the psychological profiles that are the most sought after as candidates for police forces and other paramilitary organizations, will always be those also most susceptible to some form of "I'm better than you are" bigoted mentality.  
 But there is plenty of blame to go around on all sides. Welfare-fueled entitlement mentality, and a system that encourages laziness, discourages sincere effort, and penalizes those who actually find a way out of the muck are all to blame for the sorry state of affairs.  
 A corporate structure that encourages undocumented workers to take their chances while supporting politicians who want to restrict these same workers while put of the other side of their mouth making no effort to encourage the Welfare-fueled entitlement demographic to get off their lazy fucking asses.  
 The Gadfly is but a nuisance easily swatted away. - Hemingway

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 105 reads
4 / 12

Posted By: BigPapasan
...A 14-year-old kid confessed to a crime he did not commit, the murder of four people in a Detroit drug house, only after he had been interrogated repeatedly over the course of two days without an attorney, or even a parent present.  The kid lived near the scene of the murders.  He had been standing outside when police were looking for witnesses.  They took him in, believing he had key information.  
 They interrogated the kid for two days and he finally confessed to something he didn't do.  The kid was developmentally impaired and blind in one eye, and was known for telling elaborate tales that weren't true.  Police, however, ran with his confessions.  Prosecutors are supposed to review cases before moving forward.  However, they usually suck cop dick because they have to work with the cops and are intimidated by them.  Apparently, prosecutors believed a 14 year old developmentally impaired kid who was blind in one eye could kill four people.  Motive?  
 He spent nine years in jail before he was finally released.  Thanks, you lazy POS cops for not doing any investigating, instead finding a convenient fall guy so you can wrap another case up quickly and go eat more donuts.  

 I'm glad the kid was released instead of suffering the same fate as many innocent prisoners, spending their  entire life behind bars for a crime they did not commit.
        Looks to me, possibly another case of a biased judge or a Mayor pushing the police  force to close cases under any cost, as long as it doesn't cost dollars.  

 That said,
Doc was not speaking of you when he expressed his opinion I partially agree with, "the psychological profiles that are the most sought after as candidates for police forces and other paramilitary organizations, will always be those also most susceptible to some form of "I'm better than you are" bigoted mentality"  
   I don't believe LE is actively searching for candidates with "better than you bigoted mentality."
   I do believe those type of people  often gravitate toward a position of authority.
  A big problem with Police recruitment, it's rare when jurisdictions have an overabundance of qualified, mentally stable, fair and balanced candidates.  
 In most cases the Police force is forced to pick some blemished  apples in  a relatively good bushel.  
  I believe we should have more Black police officers.   I also believe we would, if  so many in the Black community didn't look down at  Po Po as low life pigs. .  

 Hypothetically speaking, if you were not super rich and you needed to work,  do you believe you would be a Good cop if you were inclined to join the force, or would you pre judge and slander  suspects before you know the truth, like you do with anyone on P&R you don't agree with?
  Ask yourself, if you were a Judge of the  court would you give the same judicial treatment to Hooker  K-doll Boo Boo  as you would with Hooker Susie Q cheerleader, both  charged with identical  violent crime.  
   Just saying, Look in your own mirror of bigotry before you judge the World

bigguy30 76 reads
5 / 12

Also the race of a cop does not matter.
It's all about that blue wall.
Most cops hide behind that wall and that's a issue too.

I know Doc was not speaking about me, but that will not stop me from pointing out some historical facts either.

So I do enjoy most of his comments on here, but sometimes we disagree too!  
Posted By: quadseasonal
Posted By: BigPapasan
...A 14-year-old kid confessed to a crime he did not commit, the murder of four people in a Detroit drug house, only after he had been interrogated repeatedly over the course of two days without an attorney, or even a parent present.  The kid lived near the scene of the murders.  He had been standing outside when police were looking for witnesses.  They took him in, believing he had key information.  
  They interrogated the kid for two days and he finally confessed to something he didn't do.  The kid was developmentally impaired and blind in one eye, and was known for telling elaborate tales that weren't true.  Police, however, ran with his confessions.  Prosecutors are supposed to review cases before moving forward.  However, they usually suck cop dick because they have to work with the cops and are intimidated by them.  Apparently, prosecutors believed a 14 year old developmentally impaired kid who was blind in one eye could kill four people.  Motive?  
  He spent nine years in jail before he was finally released.  Thanks, you lazy POS cops for not doing any investigating, instead finding a convenient fall guy so you can wrap another case up quickly and go eat more donuts.  
  I'm glad the kid was released instead of suffering the same fate as many innocent prisoners, spending their  entire life behind bars for a crime they did not commit.  
         Looks to me, possibly another case of a biased judge or a Mayor pushing the police  force to close cases under any cost, as long as it doesn't cost dollars.  
  That said,  
 Doc was not speaking of you when he expressed his opinion I partially agree with, "the psychological profiles that are the most sought after as candidates for police forces and other paramilitary organizations, will always be those also most susceptible to some form of "I'm better than you are" bigoted mentality"  
    I don't believe LE is actively searching for candidates with "better than you bigoted mentality."  
    I do believe those type of people  often gravitate toward a position of authority.  
   A big problem with Police recruitment, it's rare when jurisdictions have an overabundance of qualified, mentally stable, fair and balanced candidates.  
  In most cases the Police force is forced to pick some blemished  apples in  a relatively good bushel.  
   I believe we should have more Black police officers.   I also believe we would, if  so many in the Black community didn't look down at  Po Po as low life pigs. .  
  Hypothetically speaking, if you were not super rich and you needed to work,  do you believe you would be a Good cop if you were inclined to join the force, or would you pre judge and slander  suspects before you know the truth, like you do with anyone on P&R you don't agree with?  
   Ask yourself, if you were a Judge of the  court would you give the same judicial treatment to Hooker  K-doll Boo Boo  as you would with Hooker Susie Q cheerleader, both  charged with identical  violent crime.    
    Just saying, Look in your own mirror of bigotry before you judge the World.  

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 83 reads
6 / 12

I regret you interpreted my comments the way you have. you are completely wrong in your judgement of me.

I suspect in this case you mean well but there are so many differences it would take too long to delineate.




-- Modified on 6/9/2016 11:53:26 AM

bigguy30 77 reads
7 / 12

So most of your comments I agree with, but some parts of your response comment in this thread.
I did not agree with at all.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
I regret you interpreted my comments the way you have. you are completely wrong in your judgement of me.  
 I suspect in this case you mean well but there are so many differences it would take too long to delineate.  

-- Modified on 6/9/2016 11:53:26 AM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 72 reads
8 / 12

...over poorly educated people such as you, a 9th grade dropout, who don't know their rights.  You have posted many times that you are a janitor who cleans up overflowing toilets.  The judicial system is rigged against poor people like you who can't afford the best attorneys.

Please stay on the straight and narrow, quad.  I wouldn't want to see you fall into the abyss of the legal system...a hapless guy like you wouldn't stand a chance.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 80 reads
9 / 12

Posted By: BigPapasan
...over poorly educated people such as you, a 9th grade dropout, who don't know their rights.  You have posted many times that you are a janitor who cleans up overflowing toilets.  The judicial system is rigged against poor people like you who can't afford the best attorneys.  
 Please stay on the straight and narrow, quad.  I wouldn't want to see you fall into the abyss of the legal system...a hapless guy like you wouldn't stand a chance.
You won't find that fact in your dictionary.   :-D

   I've  seen absolutely no proof of your education, creativity, or common sense.  
  I have seen you exhibit examples of your  sub par intelligence.  
  Any one with common sense, the kind you don't have, knows well, when the Police yell "Hands Up",  they should stop  what they're doing, and put their  hands up.  
  No guarantee what an educated dummy will do.  
   The Neanderthal, a student at Stanford, recently in the news for the crime of molesting a passed out young lady, must have had some sort of education to be accepted to Stanford  
      What he did was certainly not intelligent or educational in my book.  
The judge who slapped his wrist for his crime is an educated  Graduate of Stanford !
   Did the Judge's education help him make a Fair and Just decision  
                 My common sense says NO!!  
  I suggest you run to your local basketball court and shoot some Hoops, since most basketball stars are over 6' 6", by half time you should  be 5' 5"    :-D  

 Or better yet, start frequenting  Asian restaurants, since most of us are aware Asians are much wiser than guys like you.  
  Before you know it you'll be able to tie your shoes without falling on your face. :-D  

 Perhaps you'd feel better if you enjoyed looking at your own reflection.
  You could work in a fancy Chocolate shop, before you know it you'll be brown and beautiful. :-D  

 You might consider reading a book on  Srinivasa Ramanujan, another janitor and a Math wiz.  
By the time you finish you might be able to add 3 + 3  and analyze why it's so.      :-D

  You could read a book or two by Mark Twain.  Never know until you've tried,  by the time you're done you might lose some rage and develop a sense of humor.  :-D

 If you would take the time to read a book on Richard Branson, a High school drop out at fifteen, you might lose your fear of heights.  :-D

  Albert Einstein, a High school drop out, could teach you a lesson or two.  
   Go sit under a Coconut tree during a Hurricane, be patient, soon you should have some common sense, knocked into your head.  :-D

 David Murdock, also a ninth grade drop and successful businessman  could teach you a thing or two about diet, not that you care.  

   A copy of your post and my reply to you will be sent to my files for fond memories, in case you delete like you usually do, when you've been owned. :-D
    If you continue  with your rapid pace of deletions, I should soon have a complete book of   "Spineless  BP's most lame  replies "  :-D  
  Perhaps I'll take the time to transfer your ignorant  replies to video, after the  election.  

 Don't worry about me, a high school drop out and accomplished Janitor, I know how to flush the biggest bloviating turds, quicker than you can recite your ABC's.   :-D

       I've got to go now, taking my Gal out to dinner, something a rich guy like you never experiences, without paying for the agony of your company.  

                          Have a nice night.  :-D




-- Modified on 6/9/2016 4:02:13 PM

bigguy30 53 reads
10 / 12

Posted By: quadseasonal
Posted By: BigPapasan
...over poorly educated people such as you, a 9th grade dropout, who don't know their rights.  You have posted many times that you are a janitor who cleans up overflowing toilets.  The judicial system is rigged against poor people like you who can't afford the best attorneys.  
  Please stay on the straight and narrow, quad.  I wouldn't want to see you fall into the abyss of the legal system...a hapless guy like you wouldn't stand a chance.
 You won't find that fact in your dictionary.   :-D  
    I've  seen absolutely no proof of your education, creativity, or common sense.    
   I have seen you exhibit examples of your  sub par intelligence.  
   Any one with common sense, the kind you don't have, knows well, when the Police yell "Hands Up",  they should stop  what they're doing, and put their  hands up.  
   No guarantee what an educated dummy will do.  
    The Neanderthal, a student at Stanford, recently in the news for the crime of molesting a passed out young lady, must have had some sort of education to be accepted to Stanford  
       What he did was certainly not intelligent or educational in my book.    
 The judge who slapped his wrist for his crime is an educated  Graduate of Stanford !  
    Did the Judge's education help him make a Fair and Just decision  
                  My common sense says NO!!  
   I suggest you run to your local basketball court and shoot some Hoops, since most basketball stars are over 6' 6", by half time you should  be 5' 5"    :-D  
  Or better yet, start frequenting  Asian restaurants, since most of us are aware Asians are much wiser than guys like you.  
   Before you know it you'll be able to tie your shoes without falling on your face. :-D    
  Perhaps you'd feel better if you enjoyed looking at your own reflection.  
   You could work in a fancy Chocolate shop, before you know it you'll be brown and beautiful. :-D  
  You might consider reading a book on  Srinivasa Ramanujan, another janitor and a Math wiz.  
 By the time you finish you might be able to add 3 + 3  and analyze why it's so.      :-D  
   You could read a book or two by Mark Twain.  Never know until you've tried,  by the time you're done you might lose some rage and develop a sense of humor.  :-D  
  If you would take the time to read a book on Richard Branson, a High school drop out at fifteen, you might lose your fear of heights.  :-D  
   Albert Einstein, a High school drop out, could teach you a lesson or two.    
    Go sit under a Coconut tree during a Hurricane, be patient, soon you should have some common sense, knocked into your head.  :-D  
  David Murdock, also a ninth grade drop and successful businessman  could teach you a thing or two about diet, not that you care.  
    A copy of your post and my reply to you will be sent to my files for fond memories, in case you delete like you usually do, when you've been owned. :-D  
     If you continue  with your rapid pace of deletions, I should soon have a complete book of   "Spineless  BP's most lame  replies "  :-D  
   Perhaps I'll take the time to transfer your ignorant  replies to video, after the  election.    
  Don't worry about me, a high school drop out and accomplished Janitor, I know how to flush the biggest bloviating turds, quicker than you can recite your ABC's.   :-D  
        I've got to go now, taking my Gal out to dinner, something a rich guy like you never experiences, without paying for the agony of your company.    
                           Have a nice night.  :-D  

-- Modified on 6/9/2016 4:02:13 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 91 reads
11 / 12

...you took time out of your work as an accomplished janitor (as you said in your post) to write that long diatribe.  I hope your boss won't dock your meager pay.

And I'm sure the toilets were overflowing while you were neglecting your doodies (see what I did there?).  You must have had to work overtime cleaning up that mess.  Next time post on your own time - don't cheat your boss.


quadseasonal 27 Reviews 165 reads
12 / 12

Posted By: BigPapasan
...you took time out of your work as an accomplished janitor (as you said in your post) to write that long diatribe.  I hope your boss won't dock your meager pay.  
 And I'm sure the toilets were overflowing while you were neglecting your doodies (see what I did there?).  You must have had to work overtime cleaning up that mess.  Next time post on your own time - don't cheat your boss.  
I was on break when I posted my thoughts on how you could improve yourself.
 I always try to save the company money by working efficiently.  
I'm not a Government employee, I don't waste time on the Boss's dime.  

    Why do your surmise my pay is meager ?    
  I actually made a living wage with benefits, paid vacation, insurance, benefits,  until my Boss put all employees  part time when the ACA was enacted.  He didn't drop my pay, just my hours.  
  I wouldn't have two part time jobs if I were still working full time as a Janitor.  
  As you likely know,  I had three part time jobs until I was hired to campaign for President Trump.
 Mr. Trump pays well, much better than Hillary.  
   I wouldn't work for her even if she did pay better than Mr. Trump, she's too evil.  
  If I land a full time job in President Trump's administration I'll tell my other boss to flush it.  
    I'm not complaining, the same thing happened to millions of employees across the United States because of the ACA..  
   Anytime the Government tries to help some it always hurts others, even though they usually have a good agenda.
   Back to my challenge:  I am sure you have no doubt, with the help of your affirmative action degree giving you the dictionary confidence you deserve, you read and comprehend at a higher level than a drop out Janitor .  
  I wonder, how much better?
  I challenge you to a speed reading comprehension test.  
I'll choose  a test for you out of the following link on the day and time we both agree on.
 You  post your results immediately.
 You  choose a test for me, I'll  post my  results immediately.
  Most of these tests can be done in less than five minutes.  

Don't give me the excuse you're too busy,you already admitted you're  rich, retired and lazy.

 I challenged your clone, Priapus, years ago when he was a resident here.  
   He declined, claimed  he was too busy.  
 In his defense I challenged him to a more technical test, not a quick and simple, speed reading  
comprehension test.  
  I wonder what's he's been up to ?   I hope he didn't die, he was a bit of a dork but a nice guy and fun to fish with.  

    Let me know what time and day works best for your schedule.  
  I can usually get time off work as long as I give a couple days notice.
  I'm on moderation but I expect TER would make a one time exception to give you a chance to show how wise you really are,.... compared to a drop out.  
            At your command.. :-D

-- Modified on 6/10/2016 6:45:55 AM

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