Politics and Religion

You know....
Snowman39 1324 reads


It still continues on with her and those expensive clothes they bought her.  Now they are just sitting around in garbage bags at the RNC office.

Wow maybe I could ask them to donate them to me???
I would love a Louis Vuitton purse.  

Tusayan1545 reads

When did Caroline Kennedy take $180,00 of party money for a wardrobe upgrade?

Two different people. Two different offices they each were running for. Two different sets of circumstances. Could that have anything to do with it, or is it just the biased media story again? It would seem reasonable that the scrutiny a person, who could easily become President, would seem to be greater than one who is could be appointed as a U.S. Senator.

GaGambler1426 reads

is treated much differently than a political outsider?

Let's fact it, the Kennedies are American royalty, who else could get away with what their family has gotten away with? Palin OTOH was an univited and unwanted guest to the party, and was treated  accordingly.

Palin at least was running for an office on her own(debatable as they might be) merits, Caroline was about to be appointed to national office, one of only a hundred in the country, without so much as ever having been elected dog catcher. If Caroline's last name had not been Kennedy, she would have been laughed out of the room, a fate she only avoided anyhow by withdrawing her name from consideration.

You could easily replace the name "Kennedy" with "Bush." Wouldn't they be considered a dynasty? Do you really think GW would have ever been considered for the presidency if it had not been for his father' name and power? And, no, Palin was not running for office on her own. She was appointed by McCain to run as his running mate, and could have easily been appointed president if he had died in office.

GaGambler2023 reads

He never would have been considered for Governor of Texas without the family name.

All VP candidates are appointed, but then they have to campaign the same as the candidate for POTUS. She had to run for office just like everybody else, the voters spoke and she and McCain were defeated.

There really is no comparison between Palin and Caroline Kennedy, Caroline has never held office of any kind, not Governor, not Mayor, not even an alderman. Palin, like her or not was elected on her own to the office of Governor.

Put the partisanship aside,Palin as dubious as you think her credential were, was head and shoulders above Caroline Kennedy who has no political credentials whatsoever. Even GW who you disdain so much had to get elected to Governor and then POTUS. He wasn't appointed to anything.

My original response was regarding the press and how differently they've treated Caroline Kennedy and Sarah Palin. To be honest with you, I know little to practically nothing about Kennedy. She lives in New York, I don't. Why would I care how the press treats her. I don't have any investment about her political aspirations in the State of New York, and it's the same with Palin in Alaska. Until either of them is running for office in my state and district, or are running for national office, I really don't care, and don't follow them in the press. The only reason why Palin got on my radar screen is that she ran with McCain. From what I've read, the majority of the people voting in the state of Alaska like her, so she seems, to me, to be doing a good job. I did have my doubts about how well her experience, as a 1st term governor, would translate into being vice-president, and even more so, president. If she had been re-elected governor, I would have taken her more seriously. We'll see what she's made of in the next 4 years, and if she will have what it takes to run as a presidential candidate in 2012. I have my doubts, but I've been wrong before. I just find it interesting why people who have no stake in either of their political careers spend so much time and energy in following their stories. It's sort of like with retired presidents. Once they leave that office, they're pretty much off my radar screen. Why, because there is little, if nothing, they are going to do that changes my life. I guess I'm just too much of a pragmatist and/or have too little time and energy to get the things done that I need to. When we spend time reading stories (other than biographies and autobiographies) about people who's lives really do not impact our lives, we and the press are making them celebrities, like in the people reported about in celebrity magazines (print, and TV). I never read celebrity magazines nor watch celebrity TV.

GaGambler1355 reads

If Caroline Kennedy had been "appointed" Senator she would have been one of only 100 members of the Senate with enormous legislative powers. This would have been in spite of the fact that  she never been elected to ANY office, not even city councilman. On top of this she has never even held down a full time job. You could not find a more unqualified candidate if you tried.

Say what you want about either Bush or Palin, they both had experience prior to entering national politics. Kennedy has none.

FWIW I doubt that we will see alot more of Sarah Palin, I don't think she will have a chance in the 2012 primaries and that is her only shot at returning to national politics unless she runs for senate. I think she has had her 15 minutes of fame, of course if the Democrats fail badly enough they could resurrect the "moral majority" factor of the Republican party and then who knows?

I'm not nit-picking your point, but just didn't feel that Kennedy as a junior senator from New York, who had little possibility of getting elected (which was why she probably didn't get it) would impact my life, nor did I have any control over whether she got the appointment. I'm certain the criticism, regarding the press is mostly accurate. Camelot is a great story and the media likes a good story, over and against pertinent information that helps the American citizen make informed decisions.

GaGambler2661 reads

They were actually going to appoint this idiot who had never even had a job much less held elected office of any kind to the Senate. She would have been a United States Senator with the same voting rights as McCain, Reid, or any of the other 99 US Senators. In other words this one little twit would have a 1% vote of half of the legislative body of this entire country. If that doesn't effect you, what does?

Maybe if Sarah & Caroline both made visits to his house???

Just a thought.

PuckFalin!1593 reads

Yes, but there is a reason for it. one is american royalty and the other is simple white trailer trash.  big difference in backgrounds.

GaGambler1792 reads

while the one born into royalty has managed to start at the top and work her way down.

Which one deserves at least some modicum of respect, and which one deserves contempt or pity at best?

So if you are white, don't have a lot of money, and live in the country you are automatically white trailer trash?  What if you are black, don't have a lot of money and come from the inner city.  What does that make you?

was most pronounced was on the experience issue. Sarah Palin was absolutely tarred and feathered on this issue, even though she had significant executive and other real life work experience.

Best I can tell from the media reports I read, Kennedy has never held a full time job of ANY kind -not at McDonalds or anywhere. She lived a life of privilege as a child, went to law school, never practiced law, wrote a couple of books, worked three days a week for the school system for 22 months, and the remainder of her resume is part time work for non-profits.

So at the very least this should have been brought out more clearly after the flogging Sarah received on this issue.

... but was softpedaled because of her lineage as a Kennedy.
It might have been a very different story if Caroline had done something with all that political capital afforded to her by her legacy, but she chose to live a life outside of politics. Her decision to enter the arena at this time with no real political legs was ill-advised at best.
There are other Kennedy's who have continued to serve their country, both in the military and in political service... and there can be no doubt John Jr's name would be in bright lights by now if not for his tragic death in 1999.
But not Caroline. Not now. the last thing America wants or needs, is to see yet another Dynastic name from the Political world gaining a head of steam. Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, Rockefeller... the time is past for these names to be associated with the Halls of Power. They have all grown fat with corruption and the arrogance of unbridled power.

The Democrats can and should do far better than Caroline Kennedy. But if Sarah Palin was the best the GOP could come up with, they're in much deeper waters than they realize.

You may not like her politics or religion or anything else, and everything you say about those will be a change of subject, but the fact that her new clothes are sitting around at the RNC shows that she really was a middle class person who did not need those clothes except for the campaign.

Yes, she dressed up for the campaign - tell me that no one running for office puts on good appearances that may not be "real."  You know they all do.  Make-up, Obama's new flag pin, and everything.  (Now, Obama wears his flag pin.)

Palin was hard-core middle class, the real Jane Six pack.  That is why she doesn't need the Louis Voitton purse and fancy clothes in real life.  That is why she didn't have them when first selected.  She wears what they wear at K-Mart.

Unlike Bidden and Obama who went to the best and most elite prep school in their states, and then cried they were just average Joes, Palin is and was a middle class person.

(I think that is one of the reasons the elite hated her.  They don't like normal middle America, whom they call "Boobus Americanus.")

And as far as her politics are concerned, any sane person would never make Rape victims pay for their own rape kit in order to process evidence.

I think Sarah Palin is the female version of George Bush.
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

I look forward to the next Governor race in Alaska. I bet the Dems will find a well-SUITED candidate.  :)

famkejensen1474 reads

You've got my vote with these comments. Please correct me if I'm wrong...wasn't she also against abortion for rape victims who became pregnant?

to keep a baby with Downs Syndrome, I feel a rape victim can choose to abort.

I had 2 children after the age of 35. I had a choice to have an amino. I didn't want anything to disturb the fetus. I had no history of Downs in my family or my hubbies. But if it was clear that the risk was high, I would want the choice.

I don't need a Six-Pack Jane to come out of the backwoods wilderness of Alaska and push her holier than thou attitude on America. The fact that she had her teenage daughter stand in front of America and shield her pregnancy with HER baby, speaks volumes for me. There is another story behind Sarah Palin.  I think in time it will come out.

famkejensen2193 reads

Most pious and hyper religious people are the biggest hypocrits I have ever met. No doubt there is more to her than has been seen.

As I explained at the start of my post, the issue I was addressing was independent of politics and whether she is Georgina Bush II or Mother Teressa on the issues.

My point was that she is a real middle class person, which was why she didn't have the clothes before and doesn't need them after.

By switching to the political issues, you skirted the whole point.

Yes, next election the Dems may find a better suited candidate (Good pun, by the way).

But no matter how much you hate her politics, she is the most real of the Middle America, Jane Six pack from the last election.

famkejensen2002 reads

Yes she appears that way doesn't she.

You say that she appears that way.  Isn't she? I mean, is there anything to the contrary?

More importantly, if she is the real thing, why do Obama and Bidden want to pretend that they are, also?

I mean, do you really believe that long-term Senators hang around Home Depot talking to the guys buying 2 X 4s?  I never saw a senator at the Home Depot on Sunset. (Bidden was so cute pretending to go to the coffee shop that had been closed for decades.) And Obama with "My mother on food stamps..." when she was a rich student playing poor girl before she sent him to prep school.

As I said originally, the Biddens and Obamas and Streisands and Company really don't like Middle America.  But the need to pretend theys jus plain folk like the rest o' us.

famkejensen1524 reads

I say "Isn't she" because I all I have seen about her has been during an election when I'm sure a spin has been put on just about everything...you even alluded to a spin of sorts by mentioning the BO's "poor" mother and Biden's pretense of "slumming it" at a coffee shop.

I'm not disagreeing with your observation about the elite not wanting to dirty their hands with the middle class...in fact I agree with you. I am not a fan of Palin no matter where she came from or what class she represents and felt the nedd to mention it.

Politics in a major electoral year, is rife with "We get told what they want us to know" about whomever is running. Whatever else comes out, if contrary to the "spin" is either known about(Palin's daughter pregnancy) and plan B placed into action or a nasty surprise...for which shit hits the fan and there is a major clean-up.

It seems to me that most people, even the politicians think we have only 2 classes. The upper and the middle.
When I look at the Obamas I see upper class. sure enough he drove around in a junker when in college, but today he is no longer middle class. Harvard degrees don't get handed out to middle class citizens.

When I look at Sarah Palin, I do not see middle class. I don't even think I am middle class.

I have class but my means are way below the middle class standard. As is the case for most Americans.

When it comes to class, Sarah palin and George Bush chose not to attend. They are in a class by themselves. Can I picture Obama at a home depot? You bet I can. Can I picture Sarah Palin at a PTA meeting? Nope. I picture her as a backwoods women who uses eye make-up and red high heels to get what she wants from life. She is perfect as a six-pack Jane. I'm sure she can't even spell Merlot. She didn't relate to Middle America. She related to the rednecks and the uneducated. She brought them hope. Not the Middle Class. America for some reason forgets about the LOWER Class. But with politicians like Sarah Palin...we can remember.

PuckFalin!2015 reads

I agree with your points, Palin in nothing more than a female verion of Bush.  Arrogant, narcisstic, intolerant and plain stupid. Shot first and then ask questions latter. She represents a step down on the food chain. If people call that lower class, then so be it.

I was just adding my 2 cents to the topic.

But since you asked so nicely....

I hope I was able to address your point in the above post.  :)

And I am ashamed to say that I have a weakness for puns.  

However, on the merits, I think you are a little conclusory.

I really don't know why she isn't middle class in back ground.  Your reference to rednecks and uneducated is almost a straw herring, since there is no reason why those two groups are mutually exclusive with "middle class."  I mean you can be middle class and uneducated.

In any event, regardless of how you classify her, the fact that she didn't need the clothes any more, the original subject of this thread, is proof that she is not "elite," regardless of how you characterize it.

Yes, she probably would not recognize a Merlot.  As someone who is fairly well educated, extremely well traveled, and with more exposure to "culture" than most people I know, I am so sick of my pretentious friends who know every vineyard in Napa that I - well, there may be ladies here so I would rather not say.

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