Politics and Religion

you had that awesome pic of gossip girl diva, that was priceless, lol u kick ass.
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1187 reads
1 / 37

was started by a lib.  To us conservatives, she is simply another face and voice in a larger group of unproven national potential candidates.

And she has as much chance of getting elected as I do of fucking Lisa Ann this weekend . . . .

mattradd 40 Reviews 1431 reads
2 / 37

I guess what you call "warning" others would call aiding the enemy. Guess that was a time before: "Name, rank, and serial number." I don't think "warn" constitutes giving the enemy information while under duress. ;)

-- Modified on 6/3/2011 10:18:42 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 750 reads
3 / 37
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2214 reads
4 / 37

Sarah Palin serves a very useful purpose to the left. It's to remind America that the core GOP base is dumber than a box of rat droppings.

But they are terrified of her. The thought of someone who welcomes the presence of witch doctors, believes in the Rapture, and believes it must be started by man, while also having access to the nuclear launch codes is a scary proprosition.

America may be bought and paid for, but it takes more smarts than to stand upright and grin to sell it.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1435 reads
5 / 37

...and has to have it explained to her what the job duties are for the Vice President.

This woman isn't ready for Prime Time. Hell, she's not even ready for high school.

Makwa 18 Reviews 1031 reads
6 / 37

I'm terrified what what could happen if someone that clueless had control of the Nuclear Launch Codes!

inicky46 61 Reviews 6195 reads
7 / 37

Poor Sarah is clueless about Paul Revere's ride.  Still not ready for prime time.  What a shock.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1643 reads
8 / 37

She is supposed to be this brain dead idiot and she holds no office yet the collective venom and hatred that ALL liberals (media, politicians, professors, intellectuals, hooker board posts) spew at her is unprecedented.  Why is that?  If she is such a zero why do all liberals devote so much time and attention to every move she makes and sound she utters?  

Here's a counter-example.  I think Joe Biden is a clueless fucking moron that I wouldn't trust running a paper route much less the country.  And he is the actual Vice President of the USA.  But he is ignored by everyone because he is such an idiot. Nobody takes him seriously. Yet the entire liberal establishment is obsessed with Palin. It's sort of pathetic how she dominates the psyche of liberals.

Now please prove my point by starting another lengthy thread about her.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1695 reads
9 / 37

Everybody knows the American electorate is stupid in aggregate and easily swayed on the basis of purely superficial schlock.

Maybe liberals fear that a bunch of people will vote for her just because she is pretty, just because she repeats certain Tea Party rhetoric or even just because she is female; and that this would be enough to create an electoral coalition.

This isn't as implausible as it may seem. Just go stop ten random people on the street with an unmarked globe and ask them to point to the US on that globe or name their state rep. These people's votes count as much as yours our mine.

From my perspective, it doesn't much matter if she is stupid or not. By now she is bought and paid for, and will do just as she is told if she wins. So her policies would continue those of Obama, whose policies continue those of Bush. Because all three will be owned by the same oligarchy.

Nevertheless, who wins matters, because it determines who gets patronage and pork. LOL

Timbow 1819 reads
10 / 37

Posted By: inicky46
Poor Sarah is clueless about Paul Revere's ride.  Still not ready for prime time.  What a shock.

Paul Revere did warn the British and they were going to take away our arms.

The British held Revere and interrogated him with a pistol on his chest. He was asked about the plans of the militia and where they kept their ammunition. When asked where the Patriots were hiding he told them the truth and replied that they had 500 militiamen in Concord protecting them and 1500 coming. As they rode towards Concord he was told that if he tried to escape he would be shot.


Palin  will not run for President .

-- Modified on 6/3/2011 3:41:11 PM

dumba_boy 1037 reads
11 / 37

it must be a cold day in hell.

Today WW starts quoting from Glenn Beck as a slam against a potential Republican candidate.


Timbow 1571 reads
12 / 37

Posted By: mattradd
I guess what you call "warning" others would call aiding the enemy. Guess that was a time before: "Name, rank, and serial number." I don't think "warn" constitutes giving the enemy information while under duress. ;)

-- Modified on 6/3/2011 10:18:42 PM
-- Modified on 6/3/2011 5:26:13 PM

Snowman39 2324 reads
13 / 37

puts her head and shoulders above Obama.

Besides, what are you worried about? This if she gets elected you will lose your personal freedom on health care, that the country will sink into massive debts, or that unemployment will stay about 9%...

Oh shit, wait a minute....

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1090 reads
14 / 37

I had the right to remain silent, but not the ability"

and what is "bizarro" about the Obama/Biden reality Obama has proven himself to be a rather ineffectual leader, and Biden isn't a bit brighter than Palin, who in turn isn't a bit brighter than TrannyBoy.

DyslexicReader 1168 reads
15 / 37

"and what is "bizarro" about the Obama/Biden reality Obama has proven himself to be a rather ineffectual leader, and Biden isn't a bit brighter than Palin"

My sincere apologies. I was trying to read faster than I should .  I thought you said Obama has proven himself to be a rather intellectual leader.
Obama is an excellent reader, though a failure where it counts.

DyslexicReader 1527 reads
16 / 37

"So you are contradicting your own point by gleefully highlighting a flub that has NOTHING to do with"

No difficulties seeing inicky46 is a blind partisan hypocrite.

DyslexicReader 1164 reads
17 / 37

" Or prehaps you need to get your GED first."

Fu@k you. If you are going to act like an intellectual elitist, at least use spell check.
 I graduated from High school.
I was born with dyslexia.
What made you a blind partisan and confused?


GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1357 reads
18 / 37

Joe Biden, respected???

That's about as funny as claiming that Obama is respected around the world.

The Congress deals with Biden for the same reason that the world deals with Obama, As VP they have to, just like as POTUS the rest of the world has to deal with Obama, respect doesn't have a thing to do with it, expect perhaps "respect for the office"

Biden commands about as much respect as Palin, which is none at all, except for partisan idiots from both sides who can overlook the faults of any idiot as long as that idiot is a member of his/her party

SgtStyrker 1608 reads
19 / 37

After this worthless Obama anyone is qualified for the job. Fuck, I think I'll run in '12. I'm as qualified as that guy was.

inicky46 61 Reviews 943 reads
20 / 37

First of all, she's funny as hell.  But mainly, I am actually rooting for her to run and hope she does.  Why?  Same as Trump.  She will disrupt the Republican field, suck votes away from the more serious candidates and ensure Obama's re-election.  As for the  righties here; keep on living in your bizarro reality about Obama and Biden.  You are welcome to it.
PS:  I was actually surprised by the clip, as I thought she'd improved on her "Katie Couric, deer-in-the-headlights" routine.  But, like Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."

OctaviaNyc_NJ See my TER Reviews 1198 reads
21 / 37
dncphil 16 Reviews 649 reads
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Anyone who spends hours in the spot light is going do this type of this with some regularity.

I am so bored with it for Obama, because he has done so many.  57 states is the start.  Google Obama and Gaffes, and you get a dozen cites with vidoes and explanations of why he doesn't know what he is talking about.

Likewise, Biden is the king of the gaffes with FDR going on national TV to address the nation at the stock market crash, even though he wasn't president and there was no TV.

I remember a big deal over Palin having a note on her hand during some talk to help her remember a point she wanted to make.  The attack coming from fans of the Teleprompter Kid who can't say his name without a teleprompter.

She made a mistake, and count how many people think this shows she isn't ready for prime time. I assume everyone who thinks that about Palin has the same standard for Obama.

Posted By: inicky46
Poor Sarah is clueless about Paul Revere's ride.  Still not ready for prime time.  What a shock.

zisk 86 Reviews 516 reads
23 / 37

at the appropriate moment. Palin, that silly cluck, never even tried.

Debate over.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2419 reads
24 / 37

Nut jobs will actually elect her for her stupidity and the nation. One idiot wanted to take oil by sending military to ME and this idiot want to off non existent foreign aid.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1257 reads
25 / 37

Sure, Obama has made some gaffes and you're right that anyone in the public spotlight will make them.  Bush certainly made more than his share, too.  But Palin has a much higher gaffe quotient than most.  And it's not because she'll stumble over a word here and there or get a number wrong.  It's because she actually doesn't know what she's talking about.
Biden, too, has a very high gaffe quotient.  The difference is, he also has some content.  That's why he's been the Administration's main liaison to Congress, working behind the scenes with both parties.  He knows how the Hill works and is respected by Republicans.  Palin?  Not so much.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 2033 reads
26 / 37

Biden is the main liaison to congress because he's the Vice President.  That is the VPs responsibility.  It has nothing to do with gaffes, respect, etc.  That's the job description.  President of the Senate.

You try to separate Palin's gaffes from others as being more severe or telling of incompetence yet you started this thread with a stupid Paul Revere gaffe where she stumbled.  So you are contradicting your own point by gleefully highlighting a flub that has NOTHING to do with competence, etc.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1165 reads
28 / 37

Wrong about the VP.  Of course he's the Prez of the Senate but that does not automatically make him the Admin's point man up there.  They didn't, for example, put Biden in charge of working out a deficit compromise because of his title.  If you can't accept that, fine.  It wouldn't be the first time you didn't want to be confused by the facts.
As for the Palin flub, you once again distort.  Where did I say it had anything to do with competance?  It showed a lack of knowledge.  In and of itself it would have been no big deal.  But as part of a long string of mis-statements that show a lack of understanding of basic facts and of our history and Constitution, it shows her to be woefully ignorant and not ready for prime time...after all these years.  So the point you tried to make shows you failed to understand what I wrote.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1173 reads
29 / 37

Even worse, you hop on the back of another idiot.  Birds of a feather, I guess.  Clearly dyslexia is not your only problem.  Back to Reading Comprehension 101.  Or prehaps you need to get your GED first.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1241 reads
30 / 37

" It's because she actually doesn't know what she's talking about."

Does that sentence of yours address the issue of not having competence or does it mean she is competent?  You are saying she isn't competent because of her gaffes!!!!  Yet Obama not knowing how many states we have or if Puerto Rico is one of them is irrelevant. What apparently is relevant to you is Paul Revere knowledge as you gleefully posted.

Either nobody understands you or you are incapable of expressing yourself through the written word.  

-- Modified on 6/4/2011 10:40:40 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1340 reads
31 / 37

Thanks so much for continuing to prove me correct.  And if you're going to get your little panties all in a wad about it, perhaps you should hang out with your buddy, Mr. Panayiotu.  Or some other Board.
Hint:  Dyslexia is a challenge that can be overcome.  Stupidity is for life.  How sad for you.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1061 reads
32 / 37

is to go back and actually read my earlier posts in this thread.   Very, very slowly.  Read each sentence, phrase by phrase.  No leaping ahead!  Naughty boy!  Then write a report.  I have seen zisk try and fail to reason with the black hole between your ears. I am finished trying to explain their meaning to you and debate your mis-understandings resulting from your poor reading comprehension.  You are fast surpassing such great minds as xfean, rjai and nuguy as this Board's Resident Idiot.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 786 reads
33 / 37


Why don't you read all of your old posts very slowly since you seem to have all the time in the world Mr. #1 poster in all of TER land.  It seems like the idiots xfean, rjai, nuguy, etc. have a whole lot more going on in their lives than you do.

Should I say LOL or can you tell I am laughing again at you?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1066 reads
34 / 37

Look GaGa, Biden certainly plays the fool, what with his gaffes and dozes.  But I actually do believe he has made real contributions, both as a Senator and as VP.  I know you disagree, but there is another legitimate point of view.  Comparing him to Palin is silly.  Go back and watch their debate.  He ran rings around her, and the vast majority of viewers agreed.  As for Obama, of course the world has to deal with him.  But many (though not all) also respect him.  That's just  fact, not a partisan observation.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1120 reads
35 / 37
Snowman39 1482 reads
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That Joker in Chief we have now is so gutless he will jnot float any budget proposals.

I know they supposedly voted on one from him, but damn if they really tried to push it.

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