Politics and Religion

you forgot one
zisk 86 Reviews 1824 reads

If you believe anything that talldim posts...

You might be an idiot!

Scratch that...
You ARE an idiot!

kerrakles3797 reads

Shamelessly Stolen but:

If you think like Barack Obama, that WORKING CLASS PEOPLE are just a bunch of "BITTER"!, STUPID, PEASANTS, Cash COWS!, and CANNON FODDER. :-(
You Might Be An Idiot! :-)
If you think Barack Obama with little or no experience would be better than Hillary Clinton with 35 years experience.
You Might Be An Idiot! :-)
If you think that Obama with no experience can fix an economy on the verge of collapse better than Hillary Clinton. Whose ;-) husband (Bill Clinton) led the greatest economic expansion, and prosperity in American history.
You Might Be An Idiot! :-)
If you think that Obama with no experience fighting for universal health care can get it for you better than Hillary Clinton. Who anticipated this current health care crisis back in 1993, and fought a pitched battle against overwhelming odds to get universal health care for all the American people.
You Might Be An Idiot! :-)
If you think that Obama with no experience can manage, and get us out of two wars better than Hillary Clinton. Whose ;-) husband (Bill Clinton) went to war only when he was convinced that he absolutely had to. Then completed the mission in record time against a nuclear power. AND DID NOT LOSE THE LIFE OF A SINGLE AMERICAN SOLDIER. NOT ONE!
You Might Be An Idiot! :-)
If you think that Obama with no experience saving the environment is better than Hillary Clinton. Whose ;-) husband (Bill Clinton) left office with the greatest amount of environmental cleanup, and protections in American history.
You Might Be An Idiot! :-)
If you think that Obama with little or no education experience is better than Hillary Clinton. Whose ;-) husband (Bill Clinton) made higher education affordable for every American. And created higher job demand and starting salary's than they had ever been before or since.
You Might Be An Idiot! :-)
If you think that Obama with no experience will be better than Hillary Clinton who spent 8 years at the right hand of President Bill Clinton. Who is already on record as one of the greatest Presidents in American history.
You Might Be An Idiot! :-)
If you think that you can change the way Washington works with pretty speeches from Obama, rather than with the experience, and political expertise of two master politicians ON YOUR SIDE like Hillary and Bill Clinton..
You Might Be An Idiot! :-)
If you think all those Republicans voting for Obama in the Democratic primaries, and caucuses are doing so because they think he is a stronger Democratic candidate than Hillary Clinton. :-)
Best regards
jacksmith... Working Class :-)

Satan_Here2003 reads

We'll get her in there yet.  Oh the fun we'll have.

see ya soon


WillieTheBarTender4815 reads

political bullshitting is an "OUT-OF-THE-PARK-GRAND-SLAM-HOME-RUN"?

What kind of dipshit sport are you playing?

And Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage and Michael Medved and Mark Levine are------black belt  gladiators

WillieTheBarTender2662 reads

it's Republican birth control - piss other people off enough to kill each other, and then sell them the ammo.

I don't mind the plan, but I draw the line at lying to the stockholders.

That asshole Limbaugh claims he's an 'entertainer' with no responsibility for or connection to facts.  You idiots pick up on his drivel and allow yourself to be manipulated, then wonder why the world is fucking you.  

Your buddy Chuck Darwin claims the world is fucking you because you're a moron. It's a nasty job, but somebody has to do it.

GaGambler1911 reads

As you just said yourself, "they make tons of $$" so who's the idiot? The guys getting rich or the followers who are making them rich?

FYI Your alter ego "Chuck Darwin" must be talking about the various JackO personalities gitting fucked  The world is not fucking me. I am doing quite well TYVM. Now if you spent all that time getting a law degree and you're still stupid enough to be getting fucked, that's your problem. Life looks a lot better from the top than from the bottom. Sorry you're a bottom lol

Fat_Ass_Michael_Moore1902 reads

all the little voices in his head.  I'm gonna make a movie about it when I come back from the greatest country in the world.  Cuba.


WillieTheBarTender1766 reads

trafficking to terrorists.   Just like every other racketeer - to the Republicans, you're only a moron if you get caught.

I do alright, thank you.   But I'm not kidding myself about what's going on.  You can only shit where you eat for a while.   I'm sorry, I can't go along with the Republican program that plans on eating our own children.

GaGambler1947 reads

is going to be any different in a positive way, then yes you are kidding yourself.

I can't go along with the Democrat's plan of letting people like me pay for every deadbeat who is to lazy to make something of themself.

WillieTheBarTender2867 reads

so you are really not a very good Republican.

If you want to get pissed about losing a few bucks under a particular heading, suit yourself.

But if you were SMART, you'd be looking at the overall picture, ie., how well you're going to do under either administration.  You should be thinking, is this administration going to finance itself thru debt and the resulting inflation, or by taxes, or how?  Because you know, there ain't no free lunch.  It all comes from somewhere, and goes somewhere else.

Then you look at where you make your money.  I will cheerfully give somebody a buck, and I don't give a shit what he wants to call it, if I think I'm going to make $2 on the transaction.

Eg., if we get an endless unplanned war that trashes the economy, that's something you got to consider.   Somebody pays for all that ammo going downrange, and you would be appalled how little hits the target.

History is FULL of examples of wars between major powers which caused the decline of both, so that the real winner was #3 power who stood at the sidelines and kept out of it.

When you hire a leader, hopefully he will be smart enough to think about the effects of what he is doing.   Not every injustice has a remedy.  Life is plain unfair, and I think it's quite clear now what I have always believed, that invading Iraq was a colossal miscalculation, another Vietnam.

Even if we do stay indefinitely so that Iraq becomes another state (ie globalization will make us all swarthy if the white girls don't start doing their jobs keeping their menfolk home instead of pissed off enough to invade other countries) it could still have been managed better with a plan.

Oh, I think they HAD a plan, and that was the realization that planning would have involved accountability and fewer chances for their defense contractors and contributors to skim tax money.

The govt agencies and political parties are full of bright people, and ethical people, and they are rarely the same ones.  So there were people who knew what was going on, and it's a "knew or should have known" situation.  

Yeah, GW is a sociopath.  Yes, that's a cultural judgment like every psych dx, but there's really not much other conclusion you can come to.  Even if he's ACTUALLY ignorant, it's not like he is so dumb he could really think his actions were reasonable.

So I really don't care if I pay a buck in welfare to a homeless drunk knowing some politician is going to skim a quarter, or a buck in welfare to some subsidized industry, knowing politicians are likely to skim more.  The Republican budgets have sure been incredibly larger than the Democratic ones, and we have less to show for it after they are gone.   It's not a matter of *who* gets the money, it's the return on the investment, and I don't see GWs programs benefiting anybody who isn't a defense contractor or major oil businessman.  (You are excused on that count, and we acknowldge the need for energy.)

Truthfully, I think you've just knee-jerked yourself into foaming at the mouth.

-- Modified on 5/1/2008 3:37:54 PM

GaGambler1349 reads

I am not a Republican at all. I am an Independent, I don't like either party, but IMO on the issues that matter to me most the Democrats are worse than the Republicans.

Let me give you one example on an issue that is very, very important to me, Social Security. George W with all his faults wanted to privitize SS which I am completely in favor of. The Dems solution is  to eliminate the ceiling on payroll taxes so that anyone who actually is a success pays payroll taxes on every penny they earn.

This means nothing to someone who makes a 100k a year, but to someone making seven figures it's huge. Right now I pay 15.3% on my first $102,000 of income. If the dems get their way, people like me will pay 15.3% on every nickel we make in payroll taxes,a person making a million a year would pay $153,000 a year in payroll taxes a year not to mention almost 40% in Fed income tax, 5% in state taxes, etc  etc.

This is just one of the reasons I won't be voting for either Dem come November. Csll me selfish, but an extra 150 grand a year or more out of my pocket is pretty good motivation to vote against the Dems. there are many other reasons, but I don't have the time or space here to list them all.

Don't get me wrong, I am no fan of McCain. I believe my best shot is gridlock. A Republican POTUS coupled with a Democratic Congress should ensure 4 years of not much of anything new. Hey it worked during the Clinton years, it could work again.

WillieTheBarTender1801 reads

a Democrat President and Republican congress.

Excepting of course the ones we have to lock up.

GaGambler2937 reads

I was fine with Bill Clinton and a Republican congress, but it's not in the cards this election cycle.We either get gridlock or we get lefties controlling everything. I much prefer gridlock.

IMO the Dems really need to get their act together for 2012. The one fear I do have with too many Republican Presidents in a row is the stacking of the Supreme Court with overly Conservative Justices. I know you may find this hard to believe, but I support the first, fourth, and fifth ammendments as strongly as I support the second.

If the dems ever get another candidate that I can give even lukewarm support for, I would vote Democratic for that reason alone.

or should i say, spending like them

lets face the facts, the jig is up.

we have an increasing number of our population, oblivious to American tradions, such as, SELF SUFFICIENCY, instead what we have now is a "I'm the little guy" mentality sold in part by pandering pols

thre treasury has been busted WIDE OPEN so that abortions and boob jobs are Federal expenses...

PS, you need have NO FEAR of conservative judges, thay are the ones who actually READ the Constitution. It's the liberals, per se, who pull shit out of their asses and call it law.

I mEAN, WHERE do you hear "Living constituion?

WTF is that if not making it up as you go????

-- Modified on 5/2/2008 9:07:17 AM

WillieTheBarTender2106 reads

Hillary wants to suspend the gas tax because she has to "do something" in her role as Head Nanny, and Obama says "wait!  aren't we supposed to be fixing roads with that money?"

So how much is this 18 pennies going to save a taxpayer over the summer?  $25?   And is artificially cutting the cost of gas, and encouraging consumption, really what we want to do?

If you want to create an economic stimulus, is this the way and place to do it?  I suspect that Hillary & McCain know it's showboating at best (either that or they are dumbfucks), and Obama taking the hard road of responsibility says more about him and what he thinks of voters, and I gotta say, this is a point for him and against the others.

TontotheInjun2158 reads

Me quarter this soldier in me teepee, waive 3rd amendment rights.

GaGambler1727 reads

When Uncle Sam starts trying to quarter soldiers in my teepee, she better be one hot soldier.

WillieTheBarTender2600 reads

- problem is that there ARE some real problems, and more of them are INSIDE the USA than outside.  If you don't believe that, tell me which of our many convicts you want to release?   For my money, we don't have enough people locked up, and Scooter Libby tops my list.

Instead we get off on special interest silliness, ranging from ag subsidies to psych programs.

On the one hand, we don't have time or money to think about what we're doing in Iraq.  OTOH, we sure have time to fuck around with plenty of dipshit - half of most university programs are bullshit masquerading as science, and half the entertainment industry would be vastly improved with the judicious use of my products.   Most of them should just drink till they pass out.  And don't get me started on prisons, and religion, etc etc.

"The Republican budgets have sure been incredibly larger than the Democratic ones". You have to be joking, right? Since the democrats have retaken control of the House and Senate, budgets have been off the charts. Why do we have budget deficits-because Congress wants them. "GW's programs benefiting anybody"? I don't pay as much to the IRS as I did when Clinton was in the Oval Office. Do you?

johnhuntback1658 reads

Let's see, are you saying that said no U.S. soldier died on Bill Clinton's watch? Have you forgotten the terrorist bombing of the U.S. Cole that killed 17 U.S sailors? or the bombing of the Air Force barracks in Saudia Arabia in which more than 20 U.S. airmen died? Or the 18 U.S. Rangers who died in Mogadishu? How soon we forget!!

penny711732 reads

At what point does a serviceman/servicewoman "not matter?"

When he or she dies during a Democrat administration. Then it didn't happen.

penny711793 reads

Of course you're right.

If you believe anything that talldim posts...

You might be an idiot!

Scratch that...
You ARE an idiot!

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