Politics and Religion

You do not get credit for even a "nice try," pygmyboy. LMAO!
JakeFromStateFarm 234 reads

I know you can't help yourself, so keep 'em coming.  You are my official whipping boy.

saltyballs168 reads

On Benghazi, two former Republican Secretary's of State have called Benghazi a stupid witch hunting exhibition.  

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell described the investigation into the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, as a "stupid witch hunt," saying the fault lies in part on the "courageous ambassador" who died in the assault, Christopher Stevens.

On those HRC emails, please get back to me when the House GOP led, HRC email witch-hunting committee, finds and then  investigates G. W Bush's 22 million missing emails.


FatVern168 reads

The comparison is not the same.

The two former SOS don't want to become part of that witch hunt, and probably agree with HRC's FP, that is aligned with the Bush admin's FP.

I guess you can put lipstick on a pig, and it's no longer a pig.

bigguy30147 reads

I would point the finger at your hypocritical GOP House leaders at that time!

Posted By: nuguy46
-- Modified on 10/17/2016 9:22:40 AM

bigguy30166 reads

So run along and go fight with someone else.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

JakeFromStateFarm235 reads

I know you can't help yourself, so keep 'em coming.  You are my official whipping boy.

bigguy30208 reads

So now I can't help myself. Lol
You better look in the mirror at yourself.
Then you will find the real problem.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
I know you can't help yourself, so keep 'em coming.  You are my official whipping boy.
-- Modified on 10/17/2016 12:40:21 PM

Even the liberals.  I even noticed SoupKitchenBoy shitting on you just yesterday.  So you are not just MY whipping boy.  You are EVERYONE'S whipping boy.  You seem to enjoy it, so I assume you're a masochist.
PS: Your meme's are not very clever.  Now there's a surprise!

bigguy30154 reads

I really don't care, but enjoy mocking your dumb ass.
Since you wanted to start with me first.

So you fight with different people, each week on a fuck site.
It just shows you really have some issues. Lol

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Even the liberals.  I even noticed SoupKitchenBoy shitting on you just yesterday.  So you are not just MY whipping boy.  You are EVERYONE'S whipping boy.  You seem to enjoy it, so I assume you're a masochist.  
 PS: Your meme's are not very clever.  Now there's a surprise!

-- Modified on 10/17/2016 3:02:48 PM

JakeFromStateFarm168 reads

1) I didn't start with you first.  Just take a look up this branch.  You started in with me after I commented to someone ELSE.  I wasn't talking to our about your lame ass, simpleton.
2) I "fight with different people each week?"  LMAO!  Says the clown who's constantly fighting with everyone!  Pot/Kettle/Back much?
Thanks for again proving you are the dumbest clown on this site, right up there with your right-wing clone nuguy.  Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

Can you please close this thread? Thank you very much.

bigguy30110 reads

I guess it's better, than you using my lines.  
You are really a dumb ass.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
1) I didn't start with you first.  Just take a look up this branch.  You started in with me after I commented to someone ELSE.  I wasn't talking to our about your lame ass, simpleton.  
 2) I "fight with different people each week?"  LMAO!  Says the clown who's constantly fighting with everyone!  Pot/Kettle/Back much?  
 Thanks for again proving you are the dumbest clown on this site, right up there with your right-wing clone nuguy.  Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

number of casualties being reported instead of line item descriptions like we get now.

Benghazi was tragic. What's worse is that much like Saddam Husseins in Iraq, as bad as Quaddafi was, the resultant aftermath has been far worse for everyone.

We are faced with the same problem here now in America. We have only bad or worse choices

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