Politics and Religion

You consider being called a Spell Check Ass an Ad Hominem? LOL
Priapus53 4857 reads
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GaGambler 1513 reads
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Any organization that is committed to advancing one, and only one race to the exclusion of other, is by definition "racist". No objective, or even rational person could argue otherwise.

I will let others argue whether or not the Tea Party has a racist element, and if so, how prevalent it is. Pri, the Tea Party seems to be one of your favorite targets, and I am sure someone will be more than happy to have this discussion with you, just not me. Unless of course I get drunk later,(a distinct possibility) it might seem fun then.

Now lets see which idiot liberal steps forward and tries to deny that the NAACP is a racist organization. Any bets on who is so out of touch with reality as to attempt to make that arguement?

Priapus53 1709 reads
3 / 36

"ahem"-------provoke some lively debate.  I'm staying out of it ( AKA "Socratic method" ). Anyway, gotta go to a relative's birthday soon, so won't have time to contribute to this thread.

I'll clean the blood off the mat when I get back---------LOL !

Btw, it's spelled "argument"---------;)

OSP 26 Reviews 1176 reads
4 / 36

using your logic(if i may),EVERY sizable group will tend to have members who wax racist in some form or another. Christians are the greatest culprits. Southern Baptist Churches who's congregations consist of mainly blacks view white Baptists with contempt. And of course the reverse is also true. What i'm getting at without going totally 'faith-based' is that larger groups seem to vilify others simply because of political views. Can you really claim racism just because it smells that way. I know i could say this differently. Give me a moment.

I'll let you get back to the spelling police.LOL

jerseyflyer 20 Reviews 2078 reads
5 / 36

"Btw, it's spelled "argument".....

Not really. It all depends on how old you are, and what english speaking country you grew up in. When I was a kid, it WAS spelled potatoe. Lol.

GaGambler 1301 reads
6 / 36

It's grown way past tiresome, it's downright fucking annoying.

Nit picking about minor spelling and grammatical errors only makes it seem that you have nothing of substance to offer yourself. IOW, it makes you look small and petty instead of somehow superior to the person you are correcting.

I doubt there is a single poster here that doesn't agree with me. Your "spelling police" act has become about as tiresome as TJ's hystrionics, and this is the last time I intend on responding to it.

This is as polite a way I can think of to ask you to quit acting like a fucking douche.  By and large I try to treat you with respect, please try to return the favor.

charlie445 3 Reviews 744 reads
8 / 36

devolved into an organization which is now primarily focused on perpetuating its own existence. It is an easy example that short sighted posters on this board like to point to as a group founded on racism. There was a time , not long ago when being a black person in some parts of the US was a dangerous undertaking and even now in some cases it is still less than safe to be black. Racism in the US still exists so entities need to exist with the courage to combat it. Unfortunately the NAACP lost its courage long ago. Now it is an organization that is dedicated to maintaining the grip of unelected "leaders" on poor black people. What bothers most of the the folks that post here is that most of the time poor blacks vote for democrats.

Priapus53 1061 reads
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so I'll knock off the "pedantic crap" premanently. Thanks for pointing it out. Now, have a couple of drinks & throw darts at my threads---------Cmon', GaG, you always knew I was an asshole--------LOL !

NOW for the slings & arrows thrown at ME----I have heard talk that "said poster" who has been
hurling false accusations of "obesity" against
me has been "blacklisted" & can't even get a date
with Kathy of 47th St---tsk,tsk-----;)-----LMAO !

GaGambler 1673 reads
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I'll let you and "said poster" work out your own problems, but I consider our matter closed.

PS, I have always considered "asshole" a term of endearment, or at the very least, a compliment.

ManSnow 10 Reviews 1400 reads
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Quote, "There was a time , not long ago when being a black person in some parts of the US was a dangerous undertaking and even now in some cases it is still less than safe to be black."

Now there is a time where you are in danger for being white in the wrong neighborhood.

ed2000 31 Reviews 1330 reads
12 / 36

-- Modified on 7/16/2010 4:34:53 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 570 reads
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Since neither they nor you can substantiate the claims of Jealous, you therefore don’t want to talk about it. The NAALCP cares more about the Democrat party nowadays much more than they do for minority civil rights,

BTW, I wonder if Socrates spent a sizable percentage of his energy correcting people’s spelling errors.

Priapus53 731 reads
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& I've had my differences with African-American leaders, particularly Jessie ( "Hymietown" ) Jackson, who I consider an unrepentant racist. I merely posted the link to further debate on this topic which is all over cable news & the net.

"The Socratic Method" is used by shrinks to guide people to their own conclusions. As for Socrates, he was too busy being a pedophile & drinking hemlock to correct spelling mistakes--------:(

ed2000 31 Reviews 1551 reads
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I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of citing the Socratic Method AND being a Spell Check Ass, all in the same response to GaG.

I was trying to be a bit "Socratic" by asking you the question. You clearly didn't come to that conclusion on your own; so I must now point it out to you.

BTW, You certainly are furthering the agenda of the NAALCP via your post. You just can't recognize it.

-- Modified on 7/16/2010 5:42:15 PM

Priapus53 1232 reads
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You're just overly sensitive & biased. I'd like to think the yahoo link is relatively unbiased---however, if you feel differently, post your own link on the subject,instead of engaging in whining paranoia & in "ad hominem" attacks" that you frequently accuse me of----LOL !

Tell ya what, Ed-----I have studiously avoided Vegas M&G's---am rather anti-social--however, If I DO attend & you & other conservatives are there,would like to engage you guys in civil debate-----don't consider any of you enemies--------oh, wait-----there IS one "unnamed exception"-------LOL !

-- Modified on 7/16/2010 5:13:33 PM

-- Modified on 7/16/2010 5:38:52 PM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1598 reads
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They got over racism pretty quickly after independence. It is a crying shame that we are still talking about racism 147 years after the emancipation proclamation.

It is a crying shame!

ed2000 31 Reviews 1175 reads
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You REALLY don’t see the irony in your self appointed role as the resident Socratic Spell Checker?

I discussed your actions. You ignored mine in favor of claiming my motives are based solely on my emotions. Come on.

I don’t give a shit about Yahoo’s article. The NAALCP is now a sham and all you did with your post is help to keep them elevated way beyond any level they deserve. I pointed out why in my initial post, but like I said, you ignored that and instead YOU took it personally. But then again you should; you were the OP and responsible for bringing this up, which after all was my original point.

BTW, I don’t travel to Vegas to debate anyone. I’d be glad to have a drink with you should we meet. But I’m also sure you’d leave the encounter a slightly different person.

-- Modified on 7/16/2010 5:41:27 PM

Priapus53 1236 reads
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& I'd be pleased to have a drink ( or 12 ), with you or anyone else on this board ( with one notable exception----;).)

BTW, WTF is the NAALCP ?!

Hallmark-Salesman 2272 reads
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between a black hole and a black ho.
What a bunch of has been racist morons.

Their biggest problem is attempting to match IQ's with the Tea party. Maybe they should borrow some of Obama's teleprompters. Idiots.  

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1553 reads
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I absolutely agree that the NAACP has become an organization primarily interested in perpetuating its own existence.

In the interest of balance, I DO want to add that there are places in this country where it is dangerous to be black; but also places where it is dangerous to be white, or asian, or hispanic, etc.

The fact is that real racism, serious racism resulting in people's deaths because of their race DOES exist in this country.

But as multicultural as we have become, I would say that to some extent all races become the target of some group or another.

ed2000 31 Reviews 818 reads
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They probably still do in some far off corner of the organization. But now they are for the most part a tool of the Democrat party. How can any organization (or anyone) combat an evil if they can no longer properly and accurately identify that evil?

Snowman39 652 reads
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The NAACP sets up scholarships and other programs which only support people of color.

The Tea Party has no programs or policies which include race in any fashion.

So which organization is the racist one...

-- Modified on 7/17/2010 6:30:52 AM

Snowman39 912 reads
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"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"

These words make the NAACP cringe...

OSP 26 Reviews 973 reads
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charlie445 3 Reviews 672 reads
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"To promote equality of rights and to eradicate caste or race prejudice among the citizens of the United States; to advance the interest of colored citizens; to secure for them impartial suffrage; and to increase their opportunities for securing justice in the courts, education for the children, employment according to their ability and complete equality before law". Many places in the US were segregated by laws written between 1876 and 1965.
The NAACP was instrumental in the removal of these laws. Most of these laws were written by Democratic party politicians. The Democrats ruled the racially segregated  south until the civil rights act of 1964 became law. After that time the republican party slowly regained the south.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1373 reads
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South Africa and the US. The US has a white majority population. That being the case , race will always be a political issue in the US.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 634 reads
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Once their purpose served, they bloat into self serving organizations for their leaders. Non-profit is business.

Once the original purpose all of them should be dissolved or there should be regulations on them forcing them to spend 80% of their collections on the programs they claim to provide.

I stopped contributing to all large bloated organizations. Now I only give to local programs such as soup kitchen where volunteers cook and serve food.

GaGambler 762 reads
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I too, refuse to contribute to any "bloated" organization that takes unfair "postage and handling" out of my contributions. My only charity that I give to every single year is the Atlanta Food Bank. Every penny goes to feeding the hungry, none of it goes to Bibles or "spiritual counseling", or any thing but feeding people who need to eat.

I would go one step further and opine that "all" charities in order to keep their non profit status would need to spend the bulk of the funds they collect on "charitible work", many charities only spend a pittance (less than 10%) on charitable work, they are nothing more than a front for unscrupulous fund raisers to bilk the public.

Timbow 930 reads
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Yep DEMS love to be reminded that it was REPS who passed the Civil Rights Act :)

Timbow 814 reads
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They say Newt offered to be a moderator between the NAACP and The Tea Party !

-- Modified on 7/17/2010 8:47:33 AM

czcodger 5 Reviews 1048 reads
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I bypassed this thread because it did not seem to be of interest to me. But an incident yesterday changed the picture for me. Two business associates live in the same town near a major city. One of the people is white, the other black. It turns out that both visited the single post office, but not at the same time. We had a business meeting last night and after had dinner and conversation. The dinner conversation centered around the usual what we did earlier that day. Both associates had come upon two elderly white women who were taking signatures for what turned out to be a hoped for ballot iniative during the fall elections. The women were tea party members pushing an iniative for that party. After the two associates recounted their encounters with the women, it dawned on the three of us that the white has been approached and asked to sign to have the iniative added to the fall ballot. The black had gotten completely ignore, according to him, as if he did not exist. Later as I drove home the irony of the post office recountings and what I have been able to discern about the political leanings of the two men struck me. Of the two people, the black associate was the more conservative and most likely to be sympathetic to the iniative. I question the patriotism of people in the tea party, but considered them to be nothing more than irritants, until hearing of what happened at the post office. My view of them now is considerably darker.

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