Politics and Religion

You claim that Limbaugh explained himself, but produce nothing.
realdeal3356110 1826 reads

I could not give a shit about you or any of your opinions.

I could not care less about your rants.

You simply made an incorrect statement. You repeated the lie created by Media Matters.

I was only correcting you mistake. Here's a link to the audio in full context.


In the thread below the likes of Chuck Darwin, Dr.Fisticuffs, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Chuck Manson et al (and probably at least one of them is Jack0) my comment was misquoted and what I posted largely ignored.  My question?

Does it give you some pride to misquote?  Have you done anything constructive?  Have you offered something of substance back?  No?  

Why not?  I will tell you, because it is easier to mock - than to offer a legit real dialogue.  I can take a joke as much as the next person - but I am really tired of being called a racist by folks who know nothing of me.  I've lived and worked all over - with lots of folks of very different ethic background and religious views.  I can tell you that for the most part - those that joke about racism... are very often the most bigoted.  Those that accuse others of racial or religious bias are often the most intolerant.  To only be able to make up stuff to misrepresent the intent of an anonymous poster on a sex discussion board... well, ya probably are pretty sad.  you pretend to support tolerance, but when YOUR view is challenged - you prove yourself to be close minded and intolerant.

Just my observations.

-- Modified on 10/4/2007 9:06:15 PM

DrFill1926 reads

sit down, get out your hankie, and tell Uncle Fill all about it.

simply ignore. I have no problem someone disagreeing with me as long as it is done in a constructive manner, for example Zinaval and Jerry Garcia's double i.e. Dr. Gonzo. Just kidding. Personally, I find JackO and ok Chap, though a bit irascible.

-- Modified on 10/4/2007 10:20:57 PM

I think its great people like Jacko are free to walk the streets.. 40 years ago they would have forced a lobotomy on him and now they don't even bother to lock up people like him that should  be in the  Mental Hospital..I have to admit he is amusing as long as he doesn't live on my street..

-- Modified on 10/4/2007 9:38:37 PM

DrFill1627 reads

you walk around free, WITH a lobotomy.  The Wonders of Science!

everybody's bullying me, boohoohoohoo.

You can make it up to me, though.  Just get me some of that 'once-in-a-lifetime' pussy they advertise on the main board.  

Do we have a deal?  I get free pussy, I stop whining.

all Marines complain. Do Drill Instructors teach this trait in boot camp? Because if they did, they taught you well.

Carry on.

-- Modified on 10/4/2007 10:22:53 PM

if you listen to dummyrats, they'd tell marine officers are liars too....and murderers..

who claimed Kerry was a liar.  But he was Navy.  But Murtha was Marine Corps, and they claimed he was a liar, and traitor too.  And of course when McCain stepped out of line, they shat on him too.  None of those people had honorable records like Dick Cheney, George Bush and Rush Limbaugh.

Then of course there WAS Ollie North, who DID squeak away from perjury by the narrowest of margins.   And of course George 2nd himself didn't have enough brains to remember where HE was.  Or much of anything else, as far as I can see.

Most Republicans do get away from this problem by staying away from military service.  THEY fight the war of ideas, and money.  They don't have any blood to spare.  You could do a complete transfusion of most Republicans - I mean the entire fucking party - with a pint of blood, so it's not like they have any to spare, eh?   But I guess that's good for medical costs, huh?

I think Rush Limbaugh hit the nail on the head when he said that anybody who didn't like Republican wars was a phony soldier.  So there it is, loyalty and goodness isn't a matter of anything you DO, it's HOW YOU VOTE.

So all you Dummyrats STFU!!

and these are one of the smallest reasons you don't jump willy-nilly into war.   Bad shit always happens, and most frequently when the enemy isn't clear.  One of the 1st rules of leadership, IMHO, is don't put your people in a needless jam, and you sure as shit don't send them there unless you're going along with them.

The defamation action has been hanging fire a year; the Marines brought charges last Dec against a bunch of people, then dismissed all but the guy who also happens to be squad leader & plaintiff.  Unpremeditated murder sounds like a 2nd degree murder charge.  Just one of the problems is that neither politics nor war clarifies evidence.

The procedural barriers alone in the defamation suit make it unlikely to succeed.  The murder charges are more fact-dependent.

realdeal33561102263 reads

He never said any such thing. He was speaking specifically about Jesse MacBeth.

The fact that you believe so says:
1) you can't think for yourself, or
2) believe only what you want to believe,
3) Don't know which sources to distrust.

Then again, maybe there's a much more simple explanation.

4) You know Limbaugh never said it and you and Jesse are good buds, with more in common you will ever admit.


Sounds to me like he said phony soldierS, with an S, I mean plural.    

Seems difficult to me to claim that he was talking about one particular soldier.

Maybe Limbaugh has special qualifications to spot phonies, because of his own track record as a blowhard, eh?

IMHO:  if your wikipedia article is substantially correct, MacBeth should be prosecuted.  But you and Limbaugh and Coulter destroy your own credibility when you smearing anybody who disagrees with you indiscriminately.    MacBeth seems to be involved in precisely the same sort of methodical deception that Limbaugh has been known for a long time, so Limbaugh is not really the most believable witness, you know?

realdeal33561102318 reads

1) Jesse MacBeth WAS prosecuted (although he got off too easy - see link).

2) Jesse MacBeth was not the only one who "served" who made up stories and lied about exploits (ever hear of the BAGHDAD DIARIST of  the New Republic magazine fiasco and retractions?). That makes their existence plural (and Limbaugh noted that repeatedly in other portions of his show).

3) The excerpt on YOUR MP3 ends right before (how convenient) Limbaugh FULLY explains about fake or phony soldiers such as MacBeth.

1)  Macbeth  got 5 months.  That pretty much trashes his credibility.  Limbaugh got white-collar treatment for his drug offenses, and that's the reason he has credibility with cons.   Or did I get that backwards, he got white collar treatment because of his credibility with cons?  

Most people wouldn't instantly believe somebody who had such a long record of bullshit, but cons aren't most people.  They know Jesus is on their side, so they won't have to serve, or pay shit for taxes.  Why should they?  They're entitled.

2) Indeed, there are so many other reasons to see that everything is fine in Baghdad, I can't imagine why anybody would ask questions.  Why, just the other day, McCain walked around the market with 40 other real soldiers, telling us everything was normal - as soon as he could get out of his body armor and shut down the helo cover.   Just more proof that Rush is right!

3)  I'm sure you can get us the rest of the tape explaining how everything is OK, fine, and hunkydory too.  Maybe you'll even find some WMDs in there too, hunh?

realdeal33561101963 reads

and not addressed (or countered) a single rebuttal (explanative) issue I made, I can fully conclude that you have conceded the whole "phony soldier" smear of Limbaugh is just that. . . a PHONY SMEAR.

My work here is done.

I stand in waiting, for your next screw up.

That would be you that changed the subject.  Good try to avoid the issue, BUT I don't give a shit or hang my hat on any individual.

If I think a person isn't credible, I disregard him.

But not you.  You'll defend bullshit to the death.  At least to somebody else's death.

I admire your persistence in adhering to discredited bullshit.  But I also laugh at your stupidity.  It does make it easier for me to spot you.

You claim that Limbaugh explained himself, but produce nothing.   If I were to accept you at your word (shit, how could I question hearsay from Limbaugh) it still begs the question:  the Republicans still can't explain what they think they are doing in Iraq.

Rush, how long is it going to take to figure it out?  As long as it takes?   I notice we get no contribution from The Bloviator.

realdeal33561101827 reads

I could not give a shit about you or any of your opinions.

I could not care less about your rants.

You simply made an incorrect statement. You repeated the lie created by Media Matters.

I was only correcting you mistake. Here's a link to the audio in full context.


about people's opinions, why bother?

Do you want to get back to the subject of the war, or is that too embarrassing?

realdeal33561101777 reads

The only thing I care about is the fact that you repeated the Media MattersNot lie.

Get BACK to the war? I was NEVER ON the war.

I know it's difficult, FOCUS jack0 FOCUS.

I know you'd rather be told what to think so obviously listening to the original quote that started it all is shit to you. Then try this from your buddies at MSNBC.


BTW, I don't give a shit what you think about Limbaugh. This is all about the truth and trying to keep you in it.

Again, F-O-C-U-S

DrFill1799 reads

I certainly think you're one disturbed young man.

Maybe if you could scrape together a few bills and go over the main board and get laid.

Short of cash, and no prospects?  Maybe you could just flog it then.  Then you could have both physical and intellectual masturbation, oh, oh, simaltaneous ORGASM!!!!

realdeal33561102697 reads

I totally agree. I am obsessed with jack0 when it comes to truth and honesty. Isn't it obvious?

Gettting laid is what gives me the strength to carry on. But thanks for thinking of me.

DrFill1850 reads

blowhard liars, and the only way you can camoflauge that is to rant about minutiae.

Knock yourself out, buddy.   You're on your own.

Dumbya1893 reads

Rush is cool.   Anything I do, he'll think of some way to make it sound smart.

Lone Haranguer2122 reads

Is he a blowhard, a hypocrite, or a hypocritical blowhard?

JOKING!!  Just like Rush.  He's a swell fellow.  Anybody that tries to defend GW sure has his work cut out for him, so we don't mind him cutting corners most of the time.  

We just want to hear those drive-time rants, sheeple!

-- Modified on 10/7/2007 7:26:16 PM

in posts above that Rush and the administration have studiously avoided for years.

I dare you to get serious and talk about them.

Frankly, people on the same side of the aisle as the Swiftboaters and a president who doesn't know where he served, and a VP who had other priorities, might want to keep real quiet about phony soldiers.

BTW, my bunkmate in basic had a pilonoidal cyst.   Didn't seem to get in HIS way.  Maybe Rush is a real tough guy, you know, somebody who needs to shop for drugs illegally.

Why is it that righties are so clueless about people not particularly liking hypocrites?  Just asking.

Dumbya1502 reads

Aren't you going to do the numbers?

I can count to three, I'll help you.

of political views but rather because he is bombastic and does not offer intelligent discourse. I use to listen to sports talk but even that has been reduced to embarrassing noises and yelling.

By the way Jack01@3#$, I am glad you disagree with me on issues. It's no fun if everyone agrees with me.

-- Modified on 10/7/2007 4:44:35 PM

Limbaugh - or anybody who comes on the radio purporting to be serious, and announces I should believe him because he's - well, bombastic is a very good word - doesn't understand a lot of Americans.

He - or anybody else - could be right as rain, but bellowing it isn't particularly convincing.  

Then he gets himself in all these contradictions, when he's already out on a limb - and one of my favorites is his statement that he's not responsible for what he says because he's an entertainer - and his credibility is toast.   He preaches to the choir, and that's it.

I think it's really ironic that he talks about people who disagree with him as "sheeple" when he calls his own audience "dittoheads".   That sort of mindless dittoing is not my idea of an American.

So when Letterman asked him if he ever thought of himself as a gasbag, I roared along with the audience.

Hypocrisy is something that pisses me instantly, so Limbaugh has a tough time with me.

-- Modified on 10/7/2007 4:57:48 PM

GaGambler2123 reads

I  don't particularly like Rush for two main reasons.
The first is that he, just like Sean Hannity, is a partisan hack and I don't care for people who do nothing but repeat the party line.(dem or rep).Give me a little independent thought every once in a while, even if I disagree with it

The second is his hypocrisy regarding drugs. I don't consider him a criminal for getting his drugs illegally to deal with his back pain, any more than I consider Doc Gonzo a criminal for smoking a little(or a lot) of bud. He is a major hypocrite however for his do as I say, not as I do mentality. Hypocrisy pisses me off too

a search for "racist" shows the word comes up 5 (this will be the 6th) in the last 30 days.  You used the word last.   Nobody has directed that toward you in a month.

Now, (1) what ARE you talking about?  (2) are you hallucinating?  delusional? paranoid?  (3) or do you have something on your mind you want to tell us?   Something you feel the need to explain, you know?   Because really, I don't see anybody asking.

Just MY observation.

Dr.Fisticuffs1430 reads

I was clearly just making a joke, no offense intended.  I was directly stating you said something after you CLEARLY stated that you weren't stating that very thing.  I think my response was so over the top that it was obviously a joke.  Others, I don't know.

Anyway, sorry if you were offended.  It was meant to be a joke, no more, no less.

I agree that too often people resort to simple name calling and manipulation of someone's statements to prove a point.  Although, on occassion some joking is necessary for levity.  It shouldn't go beyond that, but often does.

That's my serious talk for the day.

Now, what you were you saying about wanting 'racial divides'?  

-- Modified on 10/4/2007 9:48:03 PM

but it sounds to me as if BSD is not at all sure WTF he's talking about, and a scan of the posts on the front page sure don't clarify anything.

I think BSD has something on his mind.  Maybe he's really really confused or has some guilty conscience.  I think he feels put upon because he's having a hard time making himself understood.  I'm sure he's the only person who's ever been put upon here, but I think it's up to him to tell us what's on his mind, and see if he can cope with whatever's in his head, and whatever comes out on the board.

So let's everybody put our hands together for Bizzy!  You'll be all right Bizzy!  Just sit down and have a good cry!

"I am not going for racial divides" meaning - I DO NOT WANT RACIAL DIVIDES!  cannot state it any more explicit than that.  If you cannot read, that is your problem.  As for Jack0, we have all come to expect nonsense from him - anytime anyone posts anything.

-- Modified on 10/5/2007 4:27:16 AM

Dr.Fisticuffs1996 reads

I was being sarcastic.  Perhaps that doesn't come across in writing.

Don't worry about it, this is a forum, people have a tendency to go a little overboard.

Chuck Manson2359 reads

You'll have to come visit me in Corcoran, though.  It's a lovely vacation spot.  Nice town right in the middle of the asshole of California.

Sophomoric Humorist1574 reads

might feel a little cramped with you in very close quarters.

Chuck Manson1415 reads

for a couple of pudgy pasty-assed boys like Quaddo, Bizzo and maybe Karlo Rovo.

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