Politics and Religion

YOU aren't because you're a coward EOM
86H13LTP 38 reads


Clown: "US will win in Afghanistan, trust me but I have no details".     The Dubiya/Cheney mission was to find Osama Bin Laden.     They outsourced that job to Pakistan paying them $3 Billion every year to find him while they were hiding him in the country's capital!.      President Obama took him out, not in Afghanistan but in Pakistan!  LOL.     Why are we still fighting in Afghanistan and who are we fighting?

Who is pocketing those fat checks from all the Defense Industry lobbyists?    No wonder there are "no details".

I thought the enemy of your enemy was your friend.

Obama kept paying the Pakis and in his entire 8 years in office never called them out the way POTUS Trump did last night.

Or would you like to simply concede you are a partisan hack who will NEVER approve of anything Trump does?

WomanLvr51 reads

Such a simplistic view of the complexities in that region!  Guess I should expect no less.  Calling out the Pakistanis will DEFINITELY solve all of our problems over there!  Very profound and insightful.  You should be a news commentator;  on Fox news!

And again, viewing everything through the prism of Obama's legacy?  Be serious, that isn't even a GOOD deflection.  Time to judge Trump on the merits of HIS words/deeds.  You continue to set the bar so low when it comes to this asshole.  Stop appearing so short sighted.  You should expect much more of yourself even if you are drunk!

The Obama administration is on record for puttting tremendous pressure on the Pakistani government to provide assistance and it did and still does what it can.  What you fail to realize is that the border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan is barely even part of Pakistan.  It is a lawless stretch of a poorly defined border, The Durand Line, which was originally thought up by the British and is still to this day being worked on.  

The area itself is controlled by several Pashtun warlords that have competing interests and amorphous alliances with the west, ISIS, Taliban and at times the governments of the two countries.  This is something Trump could never understand.  

You also seem to forget that Obama essentially invaded Pakistan to kill OBL.  Trump hasn't got the balls for anything like that.

Talking to yourself or perhaps you do not know who you are talking to  as your good friend brokebackstabbed would say

"And what's YOUR lame excuse for replying to the wrong post?"

You’re Welcome
In HersheyHwy We Distrust

-- Modified on 8/22/2017 7:39:19 PM

...more troops will be going to Afghanistan.  He says you can have your old job back...passing out drawers cotton to the REAL soldiers.

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