Politics and Religion

You are in such a froth you just responded to yourself.
JackDunphy 390 reads

And yeah, I have a propensity for liking people that put their lives on the line for my freedom.  

To a hater like you, that's a difficult concept to grasp.  

You have made that abundantly clear.  

And Mari will love to hear he is now in the Tea Party. :D

DA_Flex2174 reads

It simply astounds me, the level of fear, that our police officers have.  While there are clear examples where police need to exercise deadly force, this is a clear example where it was not needed.  The video speaks for itself.  The article also displays a similar scenario in the UK where they were able to handle the situation without the use of deadly force.  Why do we continually allow our police to use the "feared for my life card"? Why do we allow them to shoot without looking for alternatives.  In this video, a man was armed with a pen knife and surrounded by 8 armed policemen. They shot at this man 47 times striking him 14.  Was there really enough threat to justify the use of this level of force?  This madness must stop and we must start holding these paramilitary forces accountable for their abuses.

“Home of the Brave” with “Home of the Cowardly”.

Everything is fucking life threatening event.

Someone is damn sure profiting from a this cowardice

I always ask what event/s lead to this situation.

 For instance, why was this man standing in a parking lot surrounded by X number of officers?  

Answer that question, and there won't be a need for this discussion.

DA_Flex549 reads

Your question is irrelevant.  The police had every opportunity to control the suspect, there are 8 officers surrounding this old man.  Additionally, there was significant distance between the officers and the suspect as well.  Officers could have easily avoided any dangerous contact with this man.  Why is it that UK police could subdue a man, that was apparently more dangerous without resorting to deadly force?  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I always ask what event/s lead to this situation.  
  For instance, why was this man standing in a parking lot surrounded by X number of officers?  
 Answer that question, and there won't be a need for this discussion.

How so ?  My question was asked in the past tense...

 Where the question was asked before LE and the deceased gentleman crossed paths.  

The United Kingdom is irrelevant to your inquiry.

DA_Flex628 reads

Really?  I don't think so at all.  It clearly and succinctly contrasts the attitudes our police have against those of other westernized nations.  Only in this nation do we allow the safety of an officer to outweigh the safety of the public. Only in this nation, do we not hold our officer accountable for the abuses that do occur. Only in this country do we allow a police officer to throw a flash grenade into the crib of a toddler causing critical injuries and say the officer acted appropriately. Only in this country do we allow an officer to shoot a man holding a cane and allow the officer to say I though it was a gun?

Do I need to go on?  I could do this all day long.  You lose!

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
How so ?  My question was asked in the past tense...  
  Where the question was asked before LE and the deceased gentleman crossed paths.  
 The United Kingdom is irrelevant to your inquiry.

I observe police officers operating LE vehicles while using mobile devices, and not wearing safety belts.

Citizens are required by law to wear safety belts nationwide. While some states forbid the use of mobile devices while operating a vehicle

On the surface it seemed like excessive force but avoiding suicide by cop is very difficult. One report stated there was a taser on scene as one of the 2 officers that did not fire was dealing with his taser at the moment

DA_Flex495 reads

Unfortunately, this type is response is all too common when officers are investigated for excessive/deadly force investigations.  Obtaining a conviction or even getting an officer to a jury trial is next to impossible.

Posted By: ed2000
On the surface it seemed like excessive force but avoiding suicide by cop is very difficult. One report stated there was a taser on scene as one of the 2 officers that did not fire was dealing with his taser at the moment.  

JackDunphy438 reads

You and people like you, foster hatred toward them.  

When you have some big asshole reach into your car and try and grab your gun to kill you like Brown did, get back to me with what the appropriate amount of fear should be.

And thanks for another link to CopHaters.com.

CNN isn't good enough for you?

DA_Flex456 reads

Attitudes like yours allow cops in the country to operate with impunity.  Sheep!

Posted By: JackDunphy
You and people like you, foster hatred toward them.  
 When you have some big asshole reach into your car and try and grab your gun to kill you like Brown did, get back to me with what the appropriate amount of fear should be.  
 And thanks for another link to CopHaters.com.  
 CNN isn't good enough for you?

JackDunphy488 reads

And thank you for not arguing any more when I call you a cop hater. That tired line of bullshit was getting old anyway.

DA_Flex478 reads

BTW, I don't hate cops at all.  There is a policing problem in this country and sheep like you fail to realize it.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
And thank you for not arguing any more when I call you a cop hater. That tired line of bullshit was getting old anyway.

JackDunphy392 reads

You just troll crazed cop hating websites and post their bullshit here.

Trust me DA, cops would think you are a cop hater for doing so and CONSTANTLY convicting them in these bogus cases you keep bringing to us without knowing the facts.

DA_Flex761 reads

The job of the police is to apprehend suspects with least amount of force. Their job is not to beat down suspects or kill suspects because they are afraid or are unable to recognize when the threat no longer exists.  The fact of the matter is, our police are lazy.  It's far easier for them to escalate a situation rather than because they have this concept of "Command Presence".  What this means is they are to establish a situation where they are in-control (acting aggressively) to attempt to minimize the possibility that a suspect would challenge them in any way.  Part of this theory is that increased aggression is used to obtain compliance.  This is a fallacy.  They need to be trained in "Command Control".  This is a self defense concept that essentially states, that you place the suspect that may be a threat in a position where they can't be a one.  This may mean, placing an object or distance between yourself and the threat so you cannot be rushed or you can react appropriately to get out of danger.  It is these simple things that allows a person to survive a potentially dangerous situation.  Today's police have an overwhelming need to show aggression in order to maintain control.  That's why we have SWAT teams being used to issue search warrants against non-violent offenders, why police need to dress up as soldiers in order to police demonstrations.  It's insanity and if you don't recognize that...you're part of the problem.  But then again, the freedom loving tea party nuts like you love police.  

Posted By: DA_Flex
Attitudes like yours allow cops in the country to operate with impunity.  Sheep!  
Posted By: JackDunphy
You and people like you, foster hatred toward them.    
  When you have some big asshole reach into your car and try and grab your gun to kill you like Brown did, get back to me with what the appropriate amount of fear should be.  
  And thanks for another link to CopHaters.com.  
  CNN isn't good enough for you?

JackDunphy391 reads

And yeah, I have a propensity for liking people that put their lives on the line for my freedom.  

To a hater like you, that's a difficult concept to grasp.  

You have made that abundantly clear.  

And Mari will love to hear he is now in the Tea Party. :D

DA_Flex431 reads

Lol!!  Responding to ignorance does fire me up.

Posted By: JackDunphy
And yeah, I have a propensity for liking people that put their lives on the line for my freedom.  
 To a hater like you, that's a difficult concept to grasp.  
 You have made that abundantly clear.  
 And Mari will love to hear he is now in the Tea Party. :D

I have a propensity for liking people that put their lives on the line for my freedom

Who is taking away your freedom in this country? BSC Tea Party nuts like you.

If you are living in place where you need police to protect your freedom then you have larger problem than you realize. But, I don’t expect Low Mass of Intelligence to comprehend it.

You can keep on making bigger and bigger guns and one day it is going to blow up in your face.

So 5 separate agencies investigate this shooting and conclude that there is no criminal conduct.  The state police department, the state DA, the US attorney for Michigan, the DOj, and the FBI  reviewed all the forensic evidence, witness interviews, the officers’ statements, and audio and video records.  The DA, US atty, and DOJ also concluded that the evidence was so clear that it did not even warrant submission to a grand jury.

        And the basic facts are undisputed – a large black guy armed with a knife refused to disarm despite repeated demands by the officers, screamed in effect, that he would kill the officers, and started to charge the officer with the dog –you conveniently leave out that part, although that is the single most important fact -  at which point the police opened fire.

         You don’t have access to the investigation, but you read  a slanted internet article  and conclude that “this is a clear example of deadly force not being needed.”

      I can’t help but be curious – do you view the professionals in all 5 agencies, who found this shooting as not even being grand jury worthy, as being corrupt? Are they incompetent?

       When an officer is charged by a man with a knife screaming I’m going to kill you, what would you have the officer do? Tasers don’t always stop the guy Dude.  

       Am I "apologizing" for the police again

JackDunphy528 reads

He uses shitty sources and admittedly makes up his mind about a case LONG before the facts are known.

Remember this winner?

-- Modified on 10/28/2014 6:15:55 PM

DA_Flex539 reads

In this link you are referring...I stand by my argument.

Posted By: JackDunphy
He uses shitty sources and admittedly makes up his mind about a case LONG before the facts are known.  
 Remember this winner?  

-- Modified on 10/28/2014 6:15:55 PM

DA_Flex491 reads

Your response is typical of the deferential attitudes that our society in general have toward police, especially when it come to excessive and deadly force issues.  We condone it when an officer claims to have feared for his his. You think it's appropriate for police to unload a hail of bullets toward a suspect because he lunged toward the officer.  it shows a callous disregard for the citizen that encounters the police.  In the article was another example as how UK police handled the situation.  The man they engaged appeared to be more of a threat and yet UK police found a way to subdue the suspect WITHOUT THE USE OF DEADLY FORCE. Why do we not demand that our officers use deadly force as a last resort instead of the first.  That has been my point with all these posts.  Yes, this case was investigated and the officers cleared, that does not negate the fact that these police did nothing but shout commands and then shot this man.  You find that acceptable?  I don't.

Posted By: marikod
So 5 separate agencies investigate this shooting and conclude that there is no criminal conduct.  The state police department, the state DA, the US attorney for Michigan, the DOj, and the FBI  reviewed all the forensic evidence, witness interviews, the officers’ statements, and audio and video records.  The DA, US atty, and DOJ also concluded that the evidence was so clear that it did not even warrant submission to a grand jury.  
         And the basic facts are undisputed – a large black guy armed with a knife refused to disarm despite repeated demands by the officers, screamed in effect, that he would kill the officers, and started to charge the officer with the dog –you conveniently leave out that part, although that is the single most important fact -  at which point the police opened fire.  
          You don’t have access to the investigation, but you read  a slanted internet article  and conclude that “this is a clear example of deadly force not being needed.”  
       I can’t help but be curious – do you view the professionals in all 5 agencies, who found this shooting as not even being grand jury worthy, as being corrupt? Are they incompetent?  
        When an officer is charged by a man with a knife screaming I’m going to kill you, what would you have the officer do? Tasers don’t always stop the guy Dude.  
        Am I "apologizing" for the police again?  

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