Politics and Religion

One reason behind economic woes of U.S. & Europe : overpopulationconfused_smile
Priapus53 7323 reads

This is gonna sound very fucking cruel ,but, so be it. In collge, remember taking several courses
( Physical anthro, Ethical philosophy ) which covered the teachings of 18th centruy philosopher
Sir Thomas Malthus ( see pic & link below ) who talked about crisis if population growth outstripped world resources. So-----isn't that the 800 lb gorilla in the room that everyone refuses to talk about ? Too many fucking people & too few fucking resources ! Kinda hit me when watching footage of UK riots & reading about demographic profiles of the young rioters. Poverty stricken, poorly educated, despairing souls, who only find violence & theft as their only solutions to alleviate their misery.

A "hypothetcial fantasy solution " came to me: what if all the WILLFULLY least productive members of society ( all types of imprisoned felons, welfare cheats, etc ) were all suddenly taken to hell in a kind of "negative rapture " ?! Do you realize how many millions that would be & the cost savings to both continents ?

Of course, that's fantasy & must sound pretty cruel to many here. Sad thing is, there IS no solution to overpopulation ! Eugenics, genocide, forced sterilization were barbaric & unacceptable methods most notably used by the Nazis to wipe out 12 million ( 6 million of them my people ), so, THAT's OUT !

So, what's the alternative : telling the "least productive" members of society to always practice birth control & not reproduce ?! And who is gonna determine who the "least productive" members of socity are ?

At the risk of sounding like TJ looneytunes,unless this problem is "resolved" we're all fucked------:(

BabblingHooker1229 reads

Lol. One priapus is enough!

Let's LEARN from history. Eugenics doesn't work. We tried it. Every developed nation tried it.

We don't need less children, we need to educate the ones that are here!

BabblingHooker1530 reads

Dear Invalid,
Do you not know the meaning of the word eugenics? Look it up. I have a client coming so I'll try to educate you later. In the meantime,
Eugenics =  "the alternative : telling the "least productive" members of society to always practice birth control & not reproduce ?! And who is gonna determine who the "least productive" members of socity are ?"

That was the basis of Buck v Bell, one of the largest bioethics trials in the US. DID YOU READ THE WIKI PAGE?


Posted By: Priapus53
Did you read my OP ?!


BabblingJohn1898 reads

"One priapus is enough!"

One priapus is one too many.
 lol just kidding.

 I agree with babbling hooker, we don't need less children , we need to educate the ones that are here.
 I would also suggest teaching them the value and rewards of hard work .

We have plenty of land in the hills, with more than enough resources for all.
If there are more children growing up to become intelligent hard working citizens, chipping in to help ,instead of abusing the system, it would be easy insuring old folks and the needy have security.

I'm pretty sure the European population is not growing, unless it's by immigration from the mid east.  The birth rate among the original population is zero, I thought.  Not sure about the US.

Priapus531342 reads

than the amount of the population is "outstripping those resources"

And here's a pre-emptive strike against board
idiots-----I do NOT wanna see him "reincarnated"--------:(

-- Modified on 8/11/2011 11:44:26 AM

See, now we can both get attacked. lol

I don't have a solution, just recognizing the problem.

I don't necessarily agree that's Europe's biggest problem, I think socialism, and an entitlement attitude has finally caught up with them. The biggest excption of course is Germany, where people actually still work hard for a living.

Maybe instead of trying to emulate the French, we should look to the Germans as a work ethic to aspire to.

Look at their trade policy. They protect their domestic industry.

Another factor, under German law, every corporate executive board has to have union representation. I think 50%.

Another factor, they have trade schools that teach students a career, instead of teaching degrees here in the US. One of the things they teach their students is how to keep their job.

During the Middle Ages, people lived in rather extreme poverty. Then the black plague happened. This wiped out somewhere between a third and half the European population.

The result was that the price of labor skyrocketed. So much so, that people were able to, for the first time in European history, enjoy leisure time. This leisure time led to the Renaissance, and later the Enlightenment, which by extention resulted in the creation of the United States and modern democracy.

Consider the following: When Abe Lincoln was President, the entire human population on this planet was just barely over 1 billion. In other words, 6 out of 7 people did not exist back then. When Eisenhower was President, 4 out of 7 people did not exist as they do today.

It took about 50,000 years for the human population to top 1 billion. It took 130 years to top 2 billion. It took 30 years to top 3 billion. It took 15 years to top 4 billion.

The saddest and most depressing thing I ever realized, is that the only way to eliminate world wide poverty would be to wipe out 7/8th of the entire human race.

Of course, then you have loony Christian fundies who think that getting rid of a spec of cells is more immoral than millions starving to death from a lack of resources.

-- Modified on 8/11/2011 12:08:35 PM

Priapus532358 reads

Some of these families having NINE kids or more ?! Pro-life Bible thumpers should rot in hell for allowing these conditions to prevail !
Btw, that Maher clip was fucking hysterical!

I rest my case.

-- Modified on 8/11/2011 12:27:29 PM

See link!

It's a complicated problem, with no easy, but very distasteful and messy answers or solutions, at least to someone. However, just like when a family breaks up, or a girl has a child out of wedlock, and can't support it, the child is used as a hostage, by one or both sides, whether between the ex-spouses, or the girl and her parents. "Suffer the little children to come unto me...." Mark 10:14-16

mrnogood1998 reads

Of jobs and production v/s consumption is what has ruined the economy..Over the last 20 years more than half of  our jobs were outsourced and we've all had to charge more, and accumulate lots of debt to make up for the loss of productivity. Today we find ourself with high debt and less productivity because all our jobs are gone over seas, and this is why the eocnomy is so fucked up.

That's the wacky left on you that makes you think it's a population problem.

Priapus531711 reads

Particularly a hateful individual who gloats over a suicide ------------& he AIN'T a govt. employeee-------jus' sayin'------;)

Higest growth in the past two decades are in the most populated countries China and India respectively. One and two in population respectively.

population in Europe, the USA and Canada. The tables are turning, the western countries have declining birthrates. By 2030 according an Economist's report from last year - just twelve percent of the world's population will be in these countries. This means our gross domestic product (GDP) will decrease. In 1800 - Europe, the USA and Canada produced 32 percent of world's GDP. 1950 it grew to 68 percent. Today it stands at 48 percent and will decrease to 30 percent by 2030.

As to the aging population. By 2030 thirty percent of Americans, Canadians, Europeans, and Chinese will be over sixty. Forty percent of japanese and Koreans will be over sixty. These changing demographics will alter military and economic power. Decreasing worker-to-retiree ratios and increasing lifespans among the elderly will mean:

a. increasing public pension, social security, medical, costs.
b. as people age the more they save. WE spend less when we age.

There is more I can add, but it was a very long article. Changing demographics is important to know if you want to understand economics and social paradigms. The one saving grace for the USA is that we are living in the greatest age for technogical advancement. Today we are fighting wars by remote-control. Technology could be a game changer. Which brings another set of problems. As society becomes more automated, less people are needed to perform work.

I respect Dr. Mathus but he did not have all the facts that we have today.

-- Modified on 8/11/2011 9:47:05 PM

and it's true and I agree. Overpopulation is part of the problem. There is a limited space and resources.
Soon we will start killing each other like a bunch of rats in a small cage.

As a least productive member of society I agree that I'm part of the problem. But I'm here already. I'm living my life for a while more. I'm not leaving children behind. Don't worry about it. I'm the last of my kind. But not all least productive members of society think that way.  They are more likely to have a bunch of babies.
But yeah, I don't know how the New World Order Government will deal with us, "the least productive member of society".  Let's ask mrnogood. Maybe they kill us all and keep the most productive members of society as slaves.

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