Politics and Religion

yes it's rather enjoyable here of late eom
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 424 reads


The news today speaks of events in Yemen escalating after Saudi Arabia bombed Houthi Shiite rebels allied with Iran.

Yemen’s US-backed President Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadi had fled the country Wednesday after the Houthis overran his stronghold in the southern port of Aden. On Thursday he re-emerged in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.

Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, with backing of Iran and the support of Hezbollah, has accused the United States, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and (of course) Israel of launching a “criminal, unjust, brutal and sinful campaign aimed at invading and occupying Yemen". (Seriously???)

Meanwhile, on the nuclear front, John Kerry is bending over backwards at the behest of POTUS Obama to make a deal with Iran over the Iranian program of nuclear development. All indications coming from that arena indicate it currently stands as a sweetheart deal for the Persian Hegemony all while Iranian President Rouhani proclaims "Death to America".

Obama is playing both sides of a very dangerous game. Distracting us with the Red Herring of his deteriorated relationship with newly re-elected Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel will not obviate the necessity of his taking a stand.

Just how flaccid is the Oval Office? Obama needs to man up, grow a pair, stop playing political dodge ball and make a decision. Right or wrong, one way or another, he needs to get off the golf course and Make. A. Fucking. Decision.  

Is he going to abandon President Mansour Hadi of Yemen (as he did Mubarak of Egypt) in favor of his new besties in Tehran or will he stand by his allies in Saudi Arabia and show his support for Yemen's rightful President against the coup being attempted by the Iranian-financed Houthis?

Let’s be candid here, your issue is Israel, not Yemen. If Bibi wants to start a war with Iran, then let him start one with Israeli citizens and Israeli money. US tax payers is tired of Bibi’s BS.  

You can make it all to be someone else’s fault, but the truth is Bibi is damn liar and has credibility anywhere. Obama is elected by US Citizens, his job is to do what is best for US and not what is best for Israel

There is a huge difference between not liking an Israeli government policy, or Netanyau himself, and being anti-Semitic.  Lots of Israelis oppose him and his policies.  Are they anti-Semitic, too?

Nah, Anonychomycosis didn't sound like an anti-Semite in his response, though he does drink from that foul brew on a regular basis. As to the accusation that my issue is Israel and only Israel, he is simply wrong this time.  

In THIS case, my issue is with our President playing pusillanimous politics in a lethal card game hoping everyone else folds. His naiveté in foreign policy matters has always been my biggest concern about him, and I believe his actions over the last 6+ years have confirmed my concerns. Or has everyone forgotten how pathetic he looked when he drew a line in the sand with Syria, then failed to act when Assad crossed that red line and obliterated it, along with 150,000 dead Syrians. For starters.

bigignorantguy30 on the other hand, simply needs to just go away until he can find something useful to say

I believe his "red line" statement was perhaps his worst foreign policy blunder and has led to a perception of weakness that persists in the mid-east to this day, as well has having contributed to Putin (who, let's not forget, saved Obama's hash re Syria's chemical weapons) being emboldened to grab Crimea, then turn on Eastern Ukraine.

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 1:15:28 PM

BSC nit-wits wants to start a war everywhere in the world. We are not the peace keepers of the world besides every war started or supported has ended up being an albatross around our necks for decades and decades. We are hated almost everywhere.  

Let us not even start with Assad crossing the line.

What the fuck did NATO do in Libya? Killed Muammar Gaddafi and made the country into a lawless region. I fault Obama for joining in. What did we do in Iraq?  

What you think would have happened in Syria if we have gotten involved? Milk and honey flowing on the streets.

Yes, you are indeed biased when it comes Israel and Obama so your credibility is up for debate.

Posted By: anonymousfun
BSC nit-wits wants to start a war everywhere in the world.  
If by BSC nitwits you mean the Islamic Terrorists, then yes, I do agree with you.
Posted By: Anonychomycosis

We are not the peace keepers of the world besides every war started or supported has ended up being an albatross around our necks for decades and decades. We are hated almost everywhere.

And yet, everybody always expected the United States to step in because America IS, or at least WAS the Superpower  capable of doing something concrete. and today despite the damage to our nations reputation, and the weak-kneed actions of our current POTUS, the USA still holds the beefiest cards (not to mention military) in the world, and despite your vituperative rhetoric and (pardon me for saying this but) frequently ignorant worldview, a majority of nations not beholden to Islam and teachings still look to the United States to lead. Good bad or indifferent, that is the way things are. Deal with it.
Posted By: anonymousdumbass

Let us not even start with Assad crossing the line.
 -- snip --
 What you think would have happened in Syria if we have gotten involved? Milk and honey flowing on the streets.  
Ok, first of all, why the fuck NOT start with Assad crossing the line? This is what Obama actually did say:

“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”

Assad then responded by using chemical weapons on his own people, killing thousands, injuring tens of thousands. To this point, over 150,000 people have been killed, 9 million others displaced.

Had Obama said nothing, it would have been better than to make a stand, pull back and be perceived as weak, thereby empower the Islamics already being financed by the Persian Hegemony.  

Posted By: anonymousfun

 Yes, you are indeed biased when it comes Israel and Obama so your credibility is up for debate.
Earth to anonymousfun. I'm a Jew. I'm accustomed to being hated merely for existing and expressing my point of view, sometimes even by people who I have more respect for than you.

So let me get this straight. I am an American Jew who is pro-Israel, does not care for our Presidents foreign policy decisions in the Middle East, and is not afraid to express my point of view. How does this diminish my credibility?

Even you admit as much. I don't think Israelis who oppose their PM are anti Semitic. Just as I believe US conservatives aren't racists when they criticize O'bama though liberals frequently paint them as such.

Stupid, yes. Perhaps I missed it?  Glad you are not conflating opposition to Israeli policy with anti-Semitism.  And rest assured I don't do that with all U.S. conservatives who don't like Obama.  Some of them?  Damn right. There was a scary documentary made about it.
And let me point out up front it was made by Nancy Pelosi's daughter, so you'll find it easy to dismiss.  However, I suggest you actually watch it and let these people's words and thoughts actually speak for themselves.  It's pretty clear race is at the base of most of it.

I misread your post above. Actually it was Gonzomwho confirmed his past aspersions towards Jews.  

Alexandra Pelosi is just what you'd expect her to be and yes I'll dismiss her.  Do know who her father is? Are there racist conservatives/republicans/independents? Sure there are. But guess what? Some of the biggest racists I know support O'bama and live in large, cosmopolitan northern cities like Philly and Boston. Go figure.  

I AM quite sick of liberals knee jerk painting conservatives as racists for opposing O'bama.

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 1:27:29 PM

I've read her work. I know what she says/thinks. And I know that there are a lot of people in the world who hate Jews, blacks (me), Anglos, Hispanics (you), Irish, Asians et al. Even people who hate everyone (GaG).  

You can accuse me of having my "head in the sand" but I'd beg to disagree. Got to go for a bit. Another paper to write. Ugh.

Especially Semi-Sino-Sicilians.  And if I hate Hispanics, what the fuck am I doing in Costa Rica banging Chicas?  Oh, right!  I'm a masochist.
But seriously, the people in the video condemn themselves out of their own mouths.  They are conservatives who hate Obama simply because he's black.  No words were put in their mouths.  So it doesn't matter what Pelosi thinks or who her father is.  It's called "prima facie."

But loooove AA providers. Go figure. I understand what's in the video and don't doubt it. There ARE racists still in America. Go figure yet again. I don't need to watch her video for an hour to know it. I bet you could find a lot of blacks who hat Asians and vice versa. Unfortunately it's always going to be a fact of life.  

And it wasn't you who confirmed my suspicion of fungus. It was Gonzo my bad.

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 1:40:56 PM

She's as good as it gets love her to death.

bigguy30372 reads

He wants to go war with Iran so bad.

I wonder how tough he would be with no US help in that war. LOL

Posted By: anonymousfun
Let’s be candid here, your issue is Israel, not Yemen. If Bibi wants to start a war with Iran, then let him start one with Israeli citizens and Israeli money. US tax payers is tired of Bibi’s BS.  
 You can make it all to be someone else’s fault, but the truth is Bibi is damn liar and has credibility anywhere. Obama is elected by US Citizens, his job is to do what is best for US and not what is best for Israel.  

I guess we'll find out won't we FG? The Israelis will deal with Iran. And we won't lift a finger to help. No Intel. No logistics. No air support. O'bama will pull for Iran vs our best ally. Formerly our best ally.

Cottonmouth529 reads

Her America hating ex-pat parents , who fled the 1953 Iranian coup for London , raised her to hate America . Kissing Iran's butt , treating the CIA like dog meat , trashing Bibi , ruining America at every turn are all results of her influence on that bonehead  in the Oval Office .

bigguy30437 reads

I just sometimes wonder if the GOP supporters are all crazy!

They cannot handle anybody who is different and only hate.

Posted By: Cottonmouth
Her America hating ex-pat parents , who fled the 1953 Iranian coup for London , raised her to hate America . Kissing Iran's butt , treating the CIA like dog meat , trashing Bibi , ruining America at every turn are all results of her influence on that bonehead  in the Oval Office .

In fact, she was born there three years after the coup, and she and her parents didn't move to London until 1962, nearly ten years after the coup.
She definitely has radical roots, which have led detractors to create some remarkable lies about her (see the Snopes article attached), like that she's a Muslim.
Now how about backing up your other claims?  Failing that, just shut up.

In the last few months the leader of Iran has agreed that the motto "Death to America" is well-said.  They have conducted war games attacking a mock U.S. war ship, and have assisted terrorists in over throwing our "ally" and core to mid-east defense in Yemen.  Iran has a country that kills homosexuals and women who have sex out of wedlock.  The dwindling Christian community is on the verge of extinction.  The list goes on and on

Who is the one leader in the world that Obama can't deal with?  Bad Bibi.

I every provider on this board to be forced to accept a  one-month vacation, all expenses paid.  You have to work part time on vacation, so you can still see the sights.  You can pick your destination.  Isreal or Iran.

Or more dramatic.  You have to live there for a year.  

Posted By: anonymousfun
Let’s be candid here, your issue is Israel, not Yemen. If Bibi wants to start a war with Iran, then let him start one with Israeli citizens and Israeli money. US tax payers is tired of Bibi’s BS.  
 You can make it all to be someone else’s fault, but the truth is Bibi is damn liar and has credibility anywhere. Obama is elected by US Citizens, his job is to do what is best for US and not what is best for Israel.  

GaGambler396 reads

Ex Pat Iranians is who. Virtually every Iranian man or woman I know HATES what has become of their country, and many of them echo the sentiment that we should "turn the place into a glass parking lot"

I too find it ironic that the one world leader that Obama can "stand up to" is Bibi. Yes, Jimmy Carter move over, Barry is about to take your spot.

The Mid east going up in flames has  little to do with Israel and everything to do with  
 unbridled complacency.

  I'm not as concerned about leadership in Yemen as I am with lifting sanctions on Iran, allowing them to flood the World with oil and the devastating impact on the U.S economy that will follow.
   I am perplexed why anyone would trust Iranian leadership to honor their word.

bigguy30407 reads

This guy is a real clown and if he wants to bomb Iran.

Then his own family and others like him should be on the front lines

If Defense contractors could make the same money off of renewable energy as they do war every home, business and vehicle would have been 100% solar powered 30 or more years ago.  

  I agree. Let those and their families who most profit from the Military Industrial Complex be first in line to personally apply their steel to an enemies flesh

It's called world trade and the country known as America, would not exist with out it.

What would you call Corrine Brown? What about Alcee Hastings formerly a convicted ex judge how about Sheila Jackson Lee? You have plenty of whacko birds on your side of the aisle.

I mean, have you ever listened to the clown?  He's beyond belief and it's amazing he gets returned to office. Then again, he is from Texas, a/k/a Dumbfuckistan.  If biggie was from their I bet he'd vote for him, simply as a professional courtesy.
We should post some of his statements as well as the folks you cite and let people judge who's dumber.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was a dead heat.

I have. Have you ever listened to Corrine Brown? She makes Gomert sound like a Rhodes scholar.

Please post some for my edification and perhaps I'll dredge up a few of Gohmert's.  We can have a "Dumb -Off."

It's Friday. Too early for my head to explode. You can find her. She represents my district though she never visits much. It's a gerrymandered district Dems created long ago to protect her. It's long and narrow. She stays in DC pretty much 100% of her time.

Out of three examples, you couldn't find a white person?  Hmmm!

Drop the race card this quick? All you got? Isn't Gomert Hispanic? I don't think Nicky hates Hispanics? Do you think he does?

I bet he thinks Ted Cruz is an asshat too?

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 12:01:05 PM

For the record, I had no idea Gohmert was Hispanic with a name like that.  I know there are a lot of people of German descent in Texas so I figured that was it.
As for Cruz, he's Canadian, isn't he?  And you're right, I don't like him.  He's no Gohmert but he's right up there.
Oh, matt, I can't stand Sharpton and am no big fan of Jesse Jackson (senior or Junior) does that make me a racist, too?  But I voted for Obama!  Lord, I'm confused now!

Pretty sure Cruz's mom is Canadian and his dad Hispanic. Never knew you were a bigot Nicky.

on patterns in things. That's all I did. That propensity makes me very good at what I do in real life. And, I see no real pattern in your example. Plus, I can't stand either Sharpton nor either of the Jacksons.

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 12:48:29 PM

Gohmert's father is of German descent, and his mother's maiden name was Erma Sue née Brooks.

Yes, I quick at picking up patterns in things. Iniky picked one person, you picked three, and all three are black. Given there are 361 whites and 44 blacks in the House of Representatives, would it be all that hard to find at least one white to mention?

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 12:45:51 PM

I didn't realize we had some sort of quota system here on this board. My mistake. There are plenty of stupid politicians of all stripes. I didn't realize by mentioning the three I did would offend you so. My apologies for the affront to your sensibilities. I didn't realize African American politico's were beyond critique here.  

Actually I'm wrong about Hastings. He's actually quite smart. Very smart he's just a convicted felon who is a bigot.

And, seeing a pattern in things does not equate with having my sensibilities affronted!

Not saying you're a bigot, however your responses fit the typical pattern of what a bigot uses when s/he is being called out on his/her bigotry.  ;)

We all have our failings. We're all bigoted towards someone/something at some point. None of us are perfect. For you to opine on someone you've never met and their character is rather arrogant. Just my two cents. Again I'm deeply sorry if my 'pattern' offended you.

GaGambler376 reads

You aren't sorry even a little bit, much less deeply about anything to do with Matt. lol

I know Breitbard is a right-wing pig with no credibility, but is this true?  And if an AA Congresswoman did this are we racist if we say she's nuckin' futz? For the love of god will you please look into this and report back? I am too lazy and drunk and I need to get some dinner and fuck a chica.

And no commentary on Holmes Nortons parking skills. Damn.

A Sesame Street song that goes with the game of learning to discriminate between things.

"Yes, I'm quick at picking up patterns in things. Iniky picked one person, you picked three, and all three are black. Given there are 361 whites and 44 blacks in the House of Representatives, would it be all that hard to find at least one white to mention?"

Can you see the difference? Picking one person to criticize is different than picking three. And, what are the odds of all three being the same color, when the House of representative membership is 361 Whites, 44 Blacks, for a totlal of 401? You have the odds of having a deck of 401 cards, with 361 white cards and 44 black cards. Knowing the odds, I'm certain even GaGambler would be picking all white cards. So, one is left with wondering, based on USGrantlovers anecdotal evidence, if Black House members have a much higher rate of saying stupid stuff than White members. Sounds like an interesting quantitative research study could be had investigating that question. One would need a hypothesis however, which the beginning would look like: Black House members say more stupid things than White House members, because... (this is where the researcher is called upon  to give his or her reasoning) I would be interested in what USGrantlover's reasoning may be. And because, as he says, I don't know him, I would not even hazard a guess as to what it might be.  ;

followme394 reads

However obama clearly does.

Just anoter in the long line of fuck-ups to add to his legacy.

Which is why a robust inspection regime is supposed to be part of the deal.  The real question to me is how robust is it, because I don't trust Iran except to try to violate the deal.  But if the inspection regime is robust enough I believe they won't be able to.  That's where we differ.

They don’t play by the rules.  

Just go in and beat up on the little guys like Iraq, Libya, Yemen, etc., in the name fighting terrorism and helping them to establish democracy.  

Why not just declare war on everyone that doesn’t do what we want them to do?

Reality is we have zero effect on Iran. Only reason the sanctions are working is because, China, Russia, Germany and France are supporting it. If the talks fail, China and Russia is go there way. What are you going to do?

Declare war on China and Russia?

Military commentators last night said the Saudi bombing campaign could not have been as effective as it was without US targeting intelligence.  And, yes, we have some very strange bedfellows.
I also believe we are quietly encouraging the Saudis to keep pumping high quantities of oil in order to hurt Iran, Russia and Venezuela.

Posted By: inicky46
Military commentators last night said the Saudi bombing campaign could not have been as effective as it was without US targeting intelligence.  
Yes, I did see this, but it was after I had submitted the OP.
Posted By: inicky46

 I also believe we are quietly encouraging the Saudis to keep pumping high quantities of oil in order to hurt Iran, Russia and Venezuela.
I do not dispute this, but I do want to point out that by doing so and suppressing the price of oil, this actually hurts the US economy by making it cost ineffective for the shale drilling and fracking operations in Bakken Field and Texas to continue operations

Media  left wing commentators would be going ballistic anytime the  U.S. sides with
  Saudis when a Republican is president.  
   The U.S economy is already hurting a lot more than the main stream media lets on.  
 I'm not saying the rich and Corporations aren't doing great, I'm saying the middle class and poor are drowning in debt and experiencing a major  shortage of full time jobs.
  If Bush was President that fact would be well known, even among the ignorant.  
        It's amazing  how the uninformed are so easily influenced by media hypocrisy.  
   I wonder if the media is  hard on Hillary because they secretly want a Republican President to blame the next big market crash/correction  on.  


Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Posted By: inicky46
Military commentators last night said the Saudi bombing campaign could not have been as effective as it was without US targeting intelligence.  
 Yes, I did see this, but it was after I had submitted the OP.  
Posted By: inicky46
  I also believe we are quietly encouraging the Saudis to keep pumping high quantities of oil in order to hurt Iran, Russia and Venezuela.
 I do not dispute this, but I do want to point out that by doing so and suppressing the price of oil, this actually hurts the US economy by making it cost ineffective for the shale drilling and fracking operations in Bakken Field and Texas to continue operations.  

I think one of the most astonishing things about all this is the perception that Israel and the Saudi's are on the same side. They have a common enemy named Iran, and now by extension Hezbollah.

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend, but it does highlight the biggest difference between the Saudi regime and the Persian Hegemony.

The Saudi's are happy and content to be the among the worlds wealthiest people and have no aims of conquest or adding to their considerable land holdings. They've pretty well got it made as long as their borders and oil pipelines are secure.

The Persian Hegemony seeks to redefine the borders of not just the Middle East, but of the entire Eurasian continent while deflecting the focus of the world onto a relatively minor part of the overall scenario, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict via their proxies Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.  

Of course you wouldn't know it by listening to the drivel coming out of the United Nations, or the keyboards of the isolationist ignorants infecting this board and other forms of social media.

Oh the White Folks,  
Hate the Black Folks,
And the Black Folks,
Hate the White Folks.
The Hindu's Hate the Muslims,
and Everybody Hates the Jews.
- Tom Lehrer, National Brotherhood Week

it's an over-simplification to simply state they "are happy and content to be among the world's wealthiest people," etc.
And I will stipulate that what I'm about to point out is not official Saudi policy, unlike the pernicious-in-every-way policies of Iran.  But the Saudi royal family and other well-placed sheiks there have funded Sunni radicals from Pakistan to Turkey.  The most notorious, of course, was Bin Laden.  Their fear of Shi'ism is the main reason, but also their fear of radical Sunnis turning their wrath on the House of Saud for its stewardship of the shrines at Mecca and Medina.
They don't seek Saudi hegemony, but Sunni hegemony.  And the hatred and violence their funding has fomented is vast.

...surface it would appear so, yet they are the biggest proponents of Wahhabism, the revivalist, fundamentalist form of Islam.  Wahhabism is the bastardized "radical Islam" used by ISIS to justify its actions - and it all leads back to Saudi Arabia.

The biggest difference between Saudi Arabia and Iran is that the Saudis are Wahhabi-influenced Sunnis and Iranians are Shia.  Also, Saudis are Arabs while Iranians are mainly Persian.

And this comes from a mutual friend who is a driller.  First of all, the reason for the price drop is not simply the Saudis but is largely because of the extra 2 million barrels per day being pumped by the US.  The Saudis are simply declining to lose market share by cutting back.  It's a business decision by them, though also a political one, of course, as I said.
As to US drillers, our friend is still drilling and pumping and sees the current price drop as a great time to expand by buying up distressed properties cheap, then waiting for the inevitable recovery.  Personally, I would not bet against him.  He's pretty good at gambling.

followme425 reads

give us a hint as to who the friend is?  :)

Thank you  
2015 = 28

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 1:27:44 PM

Posted By: followme
give us a hint as to who the friend is?  :)  
 Thank you  
 2015 = 28

-- Modified on 3/27/2015 1:27:44 PM

If you have to ask, then followme, the gag is on you.

2016 = same shit different POTUS

Or will when said person weighs in, though he is pretty busy right now. But he certainly posts more here than I do.
Still, I am finding it more pleasant here since Admin announced the new policy.

GaGambler451 reads

As for oil, Inicky has it "partly right" as does Doc, which is par for Doc, but a huge improvement for Inicky.

Too make a long story short, lower oil prices are really about revenue neutral for this country, with some big winners, like the airlines, trucking firms, etc, and some major losers, like the people drilling for shale oil and the supporting industries like supply and service companies.

The reality of the situation for the US is while we were enjoying an oil boom, and enjoying all the job growth and tax revenue from said boom, we are still a net importer of oil and we use a LOT more than we produce. Cheap energy has always fueled economic booms, this time not quite as much as others, especially as we don't know how long low oil prices will last. My bet is that it won't be more than a few months before oil retraces at least fifty percent of last years losses. But what the fuck do I know? I just pump the shit out of the ground.

The Saudis keep pumping to crush our shale industry. They've publicly said so. I doubt highly the U.S. advises the Saudis on their output.

Of course the Saudis want to crush our shale industry, but they also are being encouraged by the US.  Think about it this way: don't you think Obama hates the frackers for environmental reasons but is limited in what he can do against them because it's an issue for the states?  He also wants to weaken Russia, Iran and Venezuela.  What better way to accomplish both things?  It's too perfect.

I don't necessarily agree he wants to weaken VZ, Russia and Iran. I think one could argue that his standing by and watching Putin dismantle Crimea, Iran set the Middle East on fire and VZ meddle every where it can while repressing it's own people speaks volumes about O'bama's 'plan' for the world. He wants the US to literally not get involved in anything until it's absolutely necessary and usually too late. Your thinking makes some sense but as for his indirectly being able to take credit for crushing the shale industry is happening by lucky happenstance not cold calculation. The EPA's recent diktat on fracking, Keystone, the coal case in front of the SCOTUS Show just the tip of the spear on what he can and will do.

Seems to me that's what's going on.

-- Modified on 3/28/2015 6:04:03 AM

Saudi forces are not a significant factor in Syria.  Iran has supported the Houthis for a long time because they're a Shia sect and they like to use Shia proxies to create mischief wherever they can.

nuguy46379 reads

the Dims have a real one on their side:

On Wednesday, California Democrat Barbara Lee proposed a resolution in the House of Representatives that claims women will eventually be forced into prostitution in order to obtain life-sustaining food and water for their families.  

Lee introduced House Concurrent Resolution 29, warning that women will be forced into “transactional sex” to get enough food and clean water — all because global warming will create “conflict and instability” in the world

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