Politics and Religion

yep, today I put my rug down and prayed to buddha...
pwilley 59 Reviews 1485 reads

and god, and jesus, the virgins, and even thought sacrificing some animals...

If you're up there I beg you to let the republican win.  You know there is a good chance that if the other gal wins, she is likely to sell out your religion just like she sells out everything else.  It's in your best interest to answer my prayer.

misterdimes3280 reads

Is the greastest thing since sliced bread!!!!!  That would be sooooo awesome if he won the seat held by the old drunk manslaughtering liberal lion!!

What a punch to the proverbial sack of Obama and the dems becuz I don't think any of them have any balls!!

John_the_Fairy_Kerry1158 reads

I really believe Brown will win too!  He's up by 4% in a poll today in a state that NEVER votes GOP, and is overwhelmingly Democrat.

The Dems & Obama's socialist agenda is SO repugnant, and SO out of the mainstream that even the most liberal state in the union is champing at the bit to put a Republican in drunk Ted Kennedy's seat.

If Mass goes for the GOP, Obama is fucking TOAST !

They ares SO desperate, Slick Willy is in Mass today stumping for the Dem cunt !

I won't count the money before its in my hand.  But, even if he doesn't pull it out, the mere fact that it is so close an election, my hope is that some of those dems in Congress who intended to stay around awhile will take notice and vote against this damn health care debacle.

GodSpeaks!1769 reads

You Morons are on your own!

and god, and jesus, the virgins, and even thought sacrificing some animals...

If you're up there I beg you to let the republican win.  You know there is a good chance that if the other gal wins, she is likely to sell out your religion just like she sells out everything else.  It's in your best interest to answer my prayer.

Tusayan932 reads

Massachusetts never votes Republican?  Four of the last five governors have been Republicans.  Do William Weld and Mitt Romney not ring a bell with you?

...probably loose. He's down 8% in the polls.

Dems have got to learn to stop running weak ass candidates if they want to hold seats.

John_the_Fairy_Kerry1451 reads

Brown (GOP) leads in the latest poll by a full FOUR percentage points for TED KENNEDY's fat as seat !


St. Croix907 reads

because the stock market will go up next week led by bank, oil, health and drug companies. Normally the market is based on fundamentals, but unfortunately politics and the bullshit from Washington is trumping fundamentals. Just get the Senate to 59-41 and everything comes to a halt, including health care, cap and trade, tax increases, especially the bank tax. Who do you think will pay this $90B over 10 years? The consumers with higher fees and less lending.

My vote is for gridlock. In fact, I would even pay the salary and benefits of each member of Congress to go home and do nothing.

...because it will force Harry Reid to stop playing the pussy bitch that he is. It's time for Reid to tell the cretins in the GOP who threaten to filibuster EVERYTHING...that it's time for them to get off their ass and filibuster.

It would be fantastic if Brown wins, but I wouldn't get too excited just yet. A 4 point margin is a very thin lead. Add in Demcorat heavyweights who are giving the full court press to save the seat, and its going to be a very tight race. I find it extremely encouraging though, that the race IS tight. That in itself says something.

since Mass is one of the bluest of the blue states. 59 to 41 may just be enough to stop some of the legislation the dems are trying to ram down the throats of Americans. Wanna bet that, if Brown does win, Harry Reid will stall as long as possible before swearing Brown in as a senator.

Reid and Pelosi are frantically trying to reconcile their healthcare bills for a vote before the Mass election results are certified.

Oh, they have plenty of time to get a health care bill passed. No matter who wins in Mass, its going to be a very narrow margin of victory, and given what is on the line, we can expect a dogfight in the courts to follow. If Brown does win it will likely be months before he is sworn in, and that likely following a protracted battle of atrition in the courts.

The better possibility though, is that a Brown victory, even if contested and stalled in the courts will motivate moderate Dems who's own seats are up for re-election to reconsider their support for the bill.

No matter what anyone else says, the only reason Brown is even showing a slight lead is because of health care reform. This vote IS a referendum on the will of the people. Massachusetts in particular has already gotten a small glimpse of what state mandated health insurance does to health care costs and insurance premiums, and the fact that Brown is polling at 17% among self identified Democrats, and 65% among independents speaks volumes about their opinion of the health care reforms they have seen to date.

I'm just watching and waiting.

With Brown, I'm thinking a 59-41 filibuster on healthcare. That would kill it.

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