Politics and Religion

Yep! I knew I'd be openning myself up to being called...teeth_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 574 reads

once again, a mangina!   ;)

But, having had some wonder women in my life, 4 kids and 11 grandkids, and some wonderful lifelong friends, I'm sticking to my story!   ;)

wrps07567 reads

Be fruitful and multiply. That is why we men are always horny ready to fuck.

Genesis 1:28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth

DA's Genesis 1:28  

Grasshopper,  your purpose in life is to
Drink of wine, beer, good food,  
And blow as many chunks,  
And sleep with many gorgeous women  
until your dick falls off or you drop dead.  
But use a condom  
Cuz your Lord does not want you to multiply with every escort you have sex with.  
Your Lord wants you to stay healthy  
And not end up paying child support to a dozen escorts.  
Have dominion over land and sea
and be respectable to women  
Avold being a pitiful mangina
Don't be a broke ass,  
Make as much money as you can
Ignore what the other gods tell you,  they are unrealistic
So that you have a steady flow of hobby cash.
Be fruitful only until you have become a made man.  
After that you can party all week to your hearts content.  
If you choose to be fruitful continously,  
You probably haven't had enough to drink  
And we need to loosen your stuck up ass with my bolt of lightening!  

Feel my wrath upon you!  

So go out and get laid,  my sheep.  
Blow as many chunks as you see fit.  

See how my deity is more chill and hobby friendly than the Christian deity?  

That's the reason why I wake up and drag my ass to work,  to be fruitful,  to make money so that I can buy booz so that I can blow chunks and see gorgeous babes. lmao

Did you ever see that Twilight Zone episode where we all end up like TV dinners.......well there you have it......lol

Posted By: hpygolky
Did you ever see that Twilight Zone episode where we all end up like TV dinners.......well there you have it......lol

We're being bred like cattle for martians, they come and pick us up to take to their planet.....like TV dinners....cool episode.

Is be a chunky chicken pot pie.

Posted By: hpygolky
We're being bred like cattle for martians, they come and pick us up to take to their planet.....like TV dinners....cool episode.

I do not believe in the God of Creation, but I do think there is something at work here.

I believe we as a sentient species have actually forgotten why we came here in the first place, a mission lost to the ravages of time, and that somewhere in the past, a cataclysmic event occurred that resulted in the loss of our ancient ancestral memories and collective histories. The Great Flood is a common theme that crosses almost every culture on all continents. Or who is to say how much knowledge was lost when the library at Alexandria was destroyed? All I have to do is study the history of the Piri Reis map, to realize just how much we've forgotten and lost.

Look at the caduceus, an ancient symbol consisting of two serpents intertwined around a staff. Often associated as a symbol for medicine, have you ever noticed its shape and design looks very much like the double helix design of DNA? Coincidence? Did we know about genetic manipulation thousands of years ago? The ancient Sumerians understood breeding, which implies some rudimentary understanding of genetics, at least on a husbandry level.  
(yes the Rod of Asclepius is the actual symbol for medicine, and the caduceus the symbol for Hermes, but it is the shape and dimension of EITHER stave that bears further scrutiny as to its true origins. I believe them both to be related in ancient history, with medicine and science.)

Look at the Indian Vedas, or other ancient writings from the Indian subcontinent, and you find amazing stories that can easily be understood as technology far beyond anything we would imagine possible in that time frame. Radioactivity indicative of nuclear explosions dating back thousands of years, flying palaces called Vimana that could have been powered by mercury vapor engines, or even some advanced form of magnetic control that could manipulate gravity. Concepts that are relatively recent for us, and yet discussed in GREAT detail in ancient tomes that have been written continuously going back thousands of years. And yet, much of it is forgotten, or remains a mystery to be translated out of the thousands of ancient documents still awaiting translation.

I could point you towards the Sphinx, enigmatic, ancient, and awesome. And yet, considering how brilliantly the Egyptians designed the Pyramids, is it really likely they would have carved the Great Sphinx with a head so out of proportion to the rest of its body. I qm much more inclined towards the theories that the Sphinx is much closer to the 12-15000 year age its lowest levels seem to indicate, especially the water line at its base, rather than merely the 5000 years of the Pharaonic dynasties.

Hell, I could go on and on, but I'm not getting paid for this lecture on alternative theories of human ancient history, and at least one of the dimwits on here will be overflowing with mockery.

To sum up, I think at one time in the history of our planet, perhaps as far back as Pangaea, we AS A WHOLE SPECIES, did have a purpose and a mission, but it has been lost to us.

GaGambler502 reads

Your post does sound somewhere between StarTrek and Stargate. lol

What is our "purpose" sounds so arrogant and narcissistic to me. We just happen to be the current dominant species on this planet, I don't think we have any greater "purpose" than any other species that has ever walked, swam or crawled on this planet. We do however have a greater intellect than other species which leads to silly questions like "what's the meaning of life?" and it invariably leads to charlatans who claim to have the answer/s.

Posted By: GaGambler
Your post does sound somewhere between StarTrek and Stargate. lol
Really, I figured most people would think I was a hybrid of Eric von Daniken, Edgar Cayse, the Mayan Calendar a script out of Farscape and a dash of Timothy Leary.

But tell me Gag, do my theories sound any more ludicrous than the ones espoused by our Monotheistic true believers?

GaGambler523 reads

There is at least a one in a million chance that you are at least partially correct, and those are better odds than I would give any of our "major" religions of being right.

GaGambler448 reads

I think both "theories" have an equal chance of being true. lol

I guess I am not the most pious of righties, am I???

So make up whatever purpose that makes you happy.

To even ask the question implies a suspicion, if not belief, that there is something rational being above man.

If there is not, there is no purpose.  We do what we want because there is no why.

I cut down 200 trees to make a toothpick.  Why not?  There is not "purpose" to people or trees.

it's to raise up and teach children to be good people, to love, to cherish life, and be good adults and help guide them to be good parents, good wives and good husbands.

Most of us want to be remembered, particularly by those whom we loved, and who loved us. Hence, we want to love and be loved. This is in a much broader sense than what our word for love means, but more like the range of love reflected in the Greeks having several words describing types of love (see link).

-- Modified on 8/16/2014 11:07:07 AM

I'd say that's a bit of a romanticized notion, but damn if it doesn't sound reasonable.

once again, a mangina!   ;)

But, having had some wonder women in my life, 4 kids and 11 grandkids, and some wonderful lifelong friends, I'm sticking to my story!   ;)

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