Politics and Religion

Ya got me there . Who's LTM ? Spell it out and maybe I can respond Eom
Red_Cloud 39 Reviews 137 reads


GaGambler1166 reads

I FIRMLY am a supporter of the Second Amendment and I don't believe law abiding citizens openly carrying a weapon while going about their daily business is necessarily a bad thing.

THAT SAID, if one group of law abiding citizens is afforded a "right" that must necessarily extend to all citizens unless and until their actions prove they can't be responsible and therein lies the rub. Whether its the KKK or BLM, if  group of "Mad mothers" can carry, so must the KKK or BLM be allowed to do so as well. and in these days of heightened tensions between the police and BLM members in specific, but all protest groups in general, this is proving to be quite problematic and even a staunch second amendment supporter such as myself is finding  the "common sense" argument most definitely applying here.

So board righties, what say thee?  

I don't give a fuck what the board lefties have to say on the subject and we already know what you think. Obviously that isn't going to stop any of you from commenting, nor would I ask you to abstain. This is of course a discussion board, so lets discuss.

GaGambler184 reads

Then we agree completely. lol

I don't see this as a second amendment or even a guns rights issue, it's becoming a public safety issue and I don't think the innocent (and event the guilty) lives this is going to cost over the next few days, weeks, months or years is worth it just to make a political point.

Under normal circumstances I am generally in favor of "open carry" but with war being declared against the police of late, these are NOT normal circumstances and whether or not you support the police or the protesters the simple fact is, Police officers are human being with the right, actually the obligation to protect their own lives. With EVERYONE carrying a gun in an open firefight, just who the fuck are the cops supposed to shoot and just who the fuck are they supposed to NOT shoot? People are going to die, and it's already started.

BTW, it's not that I don't want to hear from the lefties, but it's pretty obvious that virtually ALL lefties are going to agree with this, I want to hear from the board righties to see if any of them will concede this is problematic to say the least.

Divide and conquer based on race and wealth.  

84 people from all walks of life were run over with a 40 ton truck the other day and while it was still an active attack the Democrats assembled on the steps of Congress to protest guns in America.  

These animals have been given an open season permit by BHO. Want to put a quick stop to it ? Maybe LE on all levels should protest with their own sit in and refuse to answer calls nation-wide for 24 hours.

The KKK retards are the last people they need to worry about right now. However like Sun Tzu wrote " All warfare is based on deception " so if they want to keep looking at toothless rednecks for a counter strike more power to them

JakeFromStateFarm260 reads

for an extremely powerful Colt 1911.  I think open carry is irresponsible because it puts an impossible burden on the police in a situation like the Dallas shooting spree.  It being Texas there were a couple of dozen guys openly carrying AR-15s and wearing paramilitary garb.  Luckily, when shots rang out they cut and ran like pussies.  But the police were trying to track down a gunman with his own AR-15.  They had to identify and deal with all these other guns out there.  In the time that was lost, perhaps more cops were shot.  There certainly could have been.
And can you imagine if those open carry folks had begun to fire back?  And most likely at the wrong person?  Voila!  Circular firing squad.  Here's what the Dallas Mayor said:
Dallas mayor Mike Rawlings joined John Dickerson on Sunday’s “Face the Nation” to explain the problems that surfaced Thursday night as police were attempting to subdue the shooter.

“You know, in dealing with the law of gun holding, you can carry a rifle legally, and when you have gunfire going on, you usually go with the person that’s got a gun,” Rawlings explained, explaining why many people were arrested that night. “And so our police grabbed some of those individuals, took them to police headquarters, and worked it out and figured out that they were not the shooters.”

Therein lies the biggest problem with open carry laws. “But that is one of the real issues with the gun right issues that we face, that in the middle of a firefight, it’s hard to pick out the good guys and the bad guys,” he said.

Rawlings continued that those open-carrying complicated the moment when police were trying to stop the shooter. “I wasn’t there real time to kind of see it go on, but the common sense would tell you, you don’t know where the gunfire’s coming from. There were individuals that ran across the gunfire. They were in the body armor, camo gear with rifles slung over their shoulders, so it sure took our eye off the ball for a moment. We got them out of the way, we figured out what was happening, and we did our business.”

“There was also the challenge of sorting out witnesses from potential suspects,” Max Geron, a Dallas police major told the Dallas Morning News. “Texas is an open carry state, and there were a number of armed demonstrators taking part. There was confusion on the radio about the description of the suspects and whether or not one or more was in custody.”

Why is open carry a good thing

Would a no open carry law have stopped the recent killings to which you refer? Ask yourself that before we curtail any rights.

They will put the rifle in a box or a trunk of a car and conceal it, won't they? It isn't the law abiding citizens participating in these murders it is people who don't give a fuck about the law(s) to begin with and people who end up dead, so they were on a suicide mission to begin with and managed to take a few blues lives with them.

No, I don't have all the answers but I just think the murderous criminal mind will find a way around any law you deem necessary as this asshole in Nice did by using a truck to commit mass murder in a country that has one of the toughest gun laws in the world. He just side stepped the law

JakeFromStateFarm179 reads

The point is that open carry made an already horrific situation more complex and dangerous.  If the "law abiding citizens" hadn't been openly carrying their weapons, the policy would have had a much simpler job and more of them could have more quickly turned to getting the perp.

Would any law have stopped any murders in these two cases?  

I say no, unless there are facts I don't know about. But honestly I am not 100% caught up on Baton Rouge.

GaGambler190 reads

and please disregard any nonsense being posted by planet stupid

The problem right now is the AFTERMATH of these shootings. Jack you are a law and order guy who almost always supports law enforcement. I would think you would be the first to be on board with this. The cops are being put in an impossible position here. Look at the Dallas shootings. The police where put in an impossible position which probably led to the deaths of at least some of the officers. The cops are being shot at by a lunatic with an AR 15, but there are dozens of people, dozens of black people I might add, all running around in combat gear carrying the exact same weapon employed by the cop killer. Is it really fair to the cops to have to hold fire on a armed guy "matching the description" to a tee, right in the middle of a firefight?

I believe fervently in my right to carry a weapon with which to protect myself, but even I am willing to give up my right to brandish it in certain circumstances.

The more cops that get shot, the more on edge they are going to be, the more innocent people shot by cops, the more on edge the community is going to be. It's a vicious circle with no end in sight. I think we owe it to the cops to not make an already very difficult job impossible under these circumstances.

GaGambler154 reads

what it would have done is reduced the confusion for the police as to WHO was actually shooting at them. Jake made my point, if everyone has an AR 15 and some guy with an AR 15 is shooting at police, it puts an impossible burden on the police to determine who is the actual threat.

I think it was amazing the cops didn't end up shooting any innocent citizens in Dallas the other day. It was a virtually impossible task for LE to get the "right" out of dozens of "wrong" guys in all the confusion with a dozen of their own lying in the street cut down by a mad man.

That is my issue about the open carry laws in crowded urban scenarios. I think it is much less problematic in rural settings where people have been carrying guns pretty openly for decades without incident.

I am glad you said it wouldn't have stopped the killings bc we both know that to be true.

I haven't made up my mind on the subject and would like to hear the argument on both sides before I render a final judgement but I also don't want to knee jerk a situation and rush in with legislation based on these two cases.

That is what the Left does all too often.

Great post. It has me thinking.

GaGambler171 reads

and I am not proposing new laws based on only a couple of incidents. What I am saying is that we need to avoid pouring gasoline on an already burning fire, Cops killing innocent, but armed "suspects" in the "heat of a battle" while under fire is only going to make matters worse. Even if the suspension of "open carry" is only a temporary one, I think it's something that needs to be considered.

I am rather pleased some rational discussion managed to take place even with a certain five year old child running around the rooms screaming "look at me" at the top of his little five year old lungs.

My headline was riddled with sarcasm, however, I  blame the Media a lot for inciting violence.  
   Many of the  sick ignorant bastards in the Media are loving the racial discord they are creating by their LE versus innocent Black citizen spiel.  

  How often does the Media announce twice as many White people are killed by police than Black.

  How often do you see news over and over, everyday, when LE shoots an unarmed White guy.
    I bet most of the White guilt fools on this board couldn't name three unarmed white guys  
        killed by police without looking it up.  
   I'm sure they couldn't name One American Native murdered by Federal police.  
   How many people know American Natives are killed by police at a higher rate than any minority.  
   I firmly believe 99.999999% of LE would rather not shoot anyone.
   I see why it happens, events like Dallas and today in Baton Rouge affirm my belief.

       The Media is the biggest  inciter of violence I've seen.  

     Ignorant people most often have the potential to become extremely  angry and join lynch mob crowds when motivated to feel rage.  
   I haven't heard of any Black Forensic scientists, Psychiatrists, Authors, IT managers, Mathematicians, Pediatricians, or  Optometrists, deciding killing LE is something to do to even the score.  

   I believe it's past the due date  for the Media to back  off their message,  "Black Lives Matter" are  the only lives  to save,  and get back to reality.  
  I heard it's racist to say All Lives Matter, something about slighting the BLM message.  
                                         I'm not into that ignorance. !!

At some point he'd wind down like a 5 year old and stfu? I guess he does that when he goes on TO.

Posted By: USGrantlover
At some point he'd wind down like a 5 year old and stfu? I guess he does that when he goes on TO.
 I've never been an advocate of prescribing Ritalin to hyperactive children, without an extremely long term study of the patient, and then, only in the most extreme cases of incoherent hyperactivity.  
 If I were a Dr., in LTM's case I'd suggest  30Mg every 15 minutes.  

"Ritalin LA: Initial, 20 mg PO qAM; may adjust dose in weekly 10-mg increments, not to exceed 60 mg/day (patients requiring a lower initial dose may begin with 10 mg)

stucaboy166 reads

but for a good reason. Can anyone name a country that has or had open carry?

I wouldn't wanna be in Cleveland for the next 4 days.

See below link.

Posted By: GaGambler
I FIRMLY am a supporter of the Second Amendment and I don't believe law abiding citizens openly carrying a weapon while going about their daily business is necessarily a bad thing.  
 THAT SAID, if one group of law abiding citizens is afforded a "right" that must necessarily extend to all citizens unless and until their actions prove they can't be responsible and therein lies the rub. Whether its the KKK or BLM, if  group of "Mad mothers" can carry, so must the KKK or BLM be allowed to do so as well. and in these days of heightened tensions between the police and BLM members in specific, but all protest groups in general, this is proving to be quite problematic and even a staunch second amendment supporter such as myself is finding  the "common sense" argument most definitely applying here.  
 So board righties, what say thee?  
 I don't give a fuck what the board lefties have to say on the subject and we already know what you think. Obviously that isn't going to stop any of you from commenting, nor would I ask you to abstain. This is of course a discussion board, so lets discuss.

walk around letting the scumbag phucks know I'm armed . If I was the bad guy the first thing I'm doing is taking out the obvious threats and that's the moron showing everyone he's carrying . It's also embarrassing when some douche bag like the guy who walked into Hartsfield with a M4 hanging on him . He made that State look stupid to geeks passing through the world's busiest airport . If it's an event about firearms that's different .  

IMHO - and I don't have many humble opinions - open carry is just like the jacked up truck and vette dudes . It says you have a small pecker.  

I teach the shit and always let them know my opinion on flagging yourself

Posted By: Red_Cloud
 IMHO - and I don't have many humble opinions - open carry is just like the jacked up truck and vette dudes . It says you have a small pecker.  
    I've had numerous GF's tell me they'd never date a guy with a Vette.  
  Since  I never wanted a Vette I didn't ask why.  Now I know.  
    I had one Gal  tell me on our  first date she wouldn't date a Marine.  I asked her "Why the Hell not" in a not so happy voice.   She defensively  asked if I was a Marine.   I said No, but if the last  Marine Gal I dated hadn't  dumped me I wouldn't be here tonight.  
  That ended my first and last date with her.
  Just as well, IMO if you don't like Marines you don't love America.  
        Most Gals like my jacked up, truck especially on Beach trips . :-D

FatVern123 reads

How about guys who drive low lowriders, do they have large peckers? How about guys who own motorcycles, boats

The few times I carried outside my property, my weapon was  concealed.  
    The only reason I carried those  times I had  legitimate reasons.  
   One time was at Union Grove.  
  The year before marauding gangs were going site to site  robbing and stealing liquor.  
    Not trying to be racist, just stating facts, they were White gangs of thugs doing the robbing.
    I wasn't there the year of the robberies but a good friend of mine was  robbed.  

  When I went the next year I didn't have liquor but I wasn't going to put up with being robbed when I'm a great  shot with a pistol.
    Fortunately I didn't have to shoot someone between the eyes.  
   I don't see the point in making little old ladies nervous with a gun exposed in my hip holster, staring at  her face, when I'm buying coffee in the city or a country store.  
  Plus, if my weapon is on display for all to see, I'd have to stay alert to avoid a thug grabbing it and running.  
     The only way I'll carry, a shoulder holster hidden by my coat or baggy shirt.  
   No way I'd  put a pistol in my pocket.   I was raised around guns, pistol in the pocket is city slicker idiocy.  
    I would never carry a rifle in the city.   IMO that's goofy.
   I have walked from farm to farm in the desolate countryside, carrying a rifle, years ago when a violent convict had escaped the road gang and LE put a bounty on his head.
   I can hit paper easy, from 600 yards with my  rifle.  I wouldn't have gone for the kill shot, I would have  tried to blow out  his knees if I had seen that varmint.
    If I were in charge I would make it illegal to open carry weapons at peaceful protests.
  It won't affect me either way, you'll never catch me protesting with a bunch of LE haters

GaGambler189 reads

Especially the one about putting a pistol in your pocket, any idiot who puts a pistol in his pocket deserves to shoot his own balls off. lol

I do see now why Jake and Cheezy are so obsessed with you, it must gall them to no end that a ninth grade drop out like you so often makes  much more sense than them.  

I will confess that with the exception of the little buzzing gnat in the room, MOST of the comments here have been pretty good.

BTW except when on horseback (a rarity for me) or being WAY OUT in the country, i never open carry either. RedCloud also makes a VERY valid point about guys with little dicks needing to compensate.

JakeFromStateFarm187 reads

Follows him around spewing bullshit because I'm so far under his ultra-thin skin.  Also, his post above is little more than him strutting around with his chest out about what a tough guy and crack shot he is.  What he actually is, is a crackpot.
But since you both love "MR" Trump I'm not surprised you are birds of a feather.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Follows him around spewing bullshit because I'm so far under his ultra-thin skin.  Also, his post above is little more than him strutting around with his chest out about what a tough guy and crack shot he is.  What he actually is, is a crackpot.  
 But since you both love "MR" Trump I'm not surprised you are birds of a feather.
                         You should realize by now  I've got you figured out.          
          You're nothing but a loud mouth, whining  like a baby when you      
                                harvest more than you can swallow.          
           Try looking at your own posts following me like a puppy and count how many times you  sniff my butt  giving your two cents of nonsense.    
                                    In other words, you're the  stalker.    
                You shouldn't try to dish it out if you can't stomach the backlash.
     Your posts following me are there for you to read, in case you decide to sober up.    
                   I grew up in the countryside, my Grandparents had a farm.  
              I spent many summers of my youth living the life of Farm boys.  
               Most  country boys learn to shoot pistols and rifles at a young age.  
               We shot bottles, balloons, old cars, targets, and rotten melons,    
                    Aiming a weapon  is certainly not  rocket science.          
                   I'm also good with a Bow and arrows but  I don't kill Bambi.  
             You're  certified with nothing but  repetitive  squeaking.    
                 I might be tall and chiseled, I'm certainly no tough guy.    
                  I'm more like the Hindu guy not harming the worm.  
           If I met  you at a M&G I'd give you a big welcome hug. :-D  
               Perhaps you' need  another shot of Vodka to see the light.      
      If you believe my post was acting tough, you're  smaller  than I realized.        
          I believe it's time for you to PM  one  of your buddies, whine and cry some more about  
                        big bad quad. :-D  :-D      
                     As usual, like my women, I'll let you have the last word.        
                            Don't forget to modify your reply.  :-

JakeFromStateFarm134 reads

And another fail.  You only think you've got me figured out. Klown boy.

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