Politics and Religion

WOW, you are full of FAKE news
2465305 70 Reviews 268 reads

Way to go again Hersheyhighway.....another open mouth insert foot moment by you.  

How can you be charged with MOD TIES? Are you really this stupid or just believe what goes on in the little empty head of yours?

He was charged with Conspiracy and Tax Evasion.

Wasn't a CNN anchor's mother charged with DWI recently?  

Sure was....but with your claim, who cares.  

IDIOT/MORON....you pick your new name.
Posted By: hwy2heaven
If you remember her husband way back was charged with tax fraud, mob ties and money laundering.

This fucking ignorant "so called" President who can only send out and read tweets, never read what is in that failed Careless Healthcare Act and now wants House Speaker Paul Ryan's head to roll!

It took 187 legislative sessions to craft ACA, good or bad.    These clowns wanted to push a health care law that was going to screw 330 million people, in just 17 days!

UK Conservative newspaper Daily Mail:  "Hey Britons, if you want to watch re-runs of Benny Hill, just switch your TV channels to the other side of the Atlantic".  

Jeanine Pirro is a fucking hyena..

If you remember her husband way back was charged with tax fraud, mob ties and money laundering.

Way to go again Hersheyhighway.....another open mouth insert foot moment by you.  

How can you be charged with MOD TIES? Are you really this stupid or just believe what goes on in the little empty head of yours?

He was charged with Conspiracy and Tax Evasion.

Wasn't a CNN anchor's mother charged with DWI recently?  

Sure was....but with your claim, who cares.  

IDIOT/MORON....you pick your new name.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
If you remember her husband way back was charged with tax fraud, mob ties and money laundering.

The date on that article? Its almost 11 years old. You truly are a moron.

He's another one that just picks the first thing he comes across when he GOOGLES.  

It's how he saves time....so he can post some more....and more....and more.

Posted By: USGrantlover
The date on that article? Its almost 11 years old. You truly are a moron.

So what you idiot. It's not a crime.  

Are you really that stupid?

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Pirro family had mob ties.    

-- modifiedOn 3/27/2017 7:14:11 AM

This in it's own shows how completely useless your posts really are. It also shows that you are completely clueless.  

you must have gotten this info from MSNBC or was it CNN.

Both as fake as your statistics.  

Currently there are 324,759,661.

Good try BOZO....and of course your new love interest went right along with you.  

Posted By: hwy2heaven
This fucking ignorant "so called" President who can only send out and read tweets, never read what is in that failed Careless Healthcare Act and now wants House Speaker Paul Ryan's head to roll!  
 It took 187 legislative sessions to craft ACA, good or bad.    These clowns wanted to push a health care law that was going to screw 330 million people, in just 17 days!  
 UK Conservative newspaper Daily Mail:  "Hey Britons, if you want to watch re-runs of Benny Hill, just switch your TV channels to the other side of the Atlantic".  

you gotta remember who started the thread.  

He likes HEAD....giving and receiving.

Posted By: Luv-Kit2

Mr.M.Johnson203 reads

I would NOT fuck Kellyanne Conway......not if she paid me $1,000.........well, maybe I would if I could cover my eyes and she paid me $2,000......upon further review, I wouldn't fuck her for $3,000 with a cover over my eyes - I'd still know it was her

My $.02

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