Politics and Religion

Wow 86H13LTP you really are a fool and can't stop lying! lol eomteeth_smile
bigguy30 1025 reads


bigguy303410 reads

So when you hear people in the GOP scum party or Conservative media make things up.

They are on a mission of lies and will say or post anything to deceive the American people about this President.

So this is what the modern day GOP scum strategy:  


When you are not about facts then you will do anything.

Just like they did back in the day with President Clinton.

Here are some facts about this President Obama from people who know him:



I am sure the GOP clown show on here will respond with their bullshit.

They fail to remember you can't change facts or lie to make things true!

-- Modified on 11/16/2014 12:56:47 PM

JackDunphy1048 reads

He is under water with them on job approval, on the economy, on foreign policy, on Obamacare, on an EO on immigration, on trustworthiness, on the debt, on taxes, on Russia, on Iran, on Syria, on Israel, on voter I.D., on ISIS, on competence, on securing the border, on keeping your doctor , on keeping your HC  plan, on keeping your hospital, on keeping your cancer treatment center, on the individual mandate,   etc etc etc.

Let's leave the R's out of it for a second. Why do so many people who either voted for him or almost voted for him think he is doing such a horrible job

RaymondDonovan1013 reads

Most the issues you laid out piss off the right wing more then they do Indies and moderates. We get the political nature behind what you're saying but what were the alternatives in 2008 and 2010.. McCain? Romney?? You've had got to be kidding...

-- Modified on 11/16/2014 2:59:52 PM

JackDunphy910 reads

I was speaking as of now. And as of now, the country in general, and indy's/mods in particular, trust R's on virtually every major issue now more than then do Dems and Obama.

On top nine most important issues to voters, GOP leads in 8.

And I think you meant 2012. 2010 was a a huge year for Repubs.

-- Modified on 11/16/2014 6:51:22 PM

RaymondDonovan1047 reads

and I'm going to disagree about Mod/Ind trusting R on major issues. More are pissed at the lack of goverment to get things done, be it Dems or Repub. I don't think their sideing with one party or another, just solid policy....But R's have 2 years to do something or 2016 will not be pretty. And it's too early to judge how or if the ACA is working, so we have to chill on this, if not then let's roll out the republicans plan. Do you know what that is???

JackDunphy911 reads

but I don't see the logic in that argument and you are certainly in the minority of the Mod/Ind on thinking that group likes R policies less. That simply is false based on the scientific polling data.

And the biggest problems Americans have with this federal govt is NOT the lack of govt to get things done but its incredible incompetence, lack of transparency/honesty and overreach on the things it HAS done.

Spying/NSA revelations on individuals, IRS abuse, an incredibly top down job killing/hours reducing/doctor losing HC law, gross mismanagement of the VA, spying on the press, adding massively to our debt while abandoning jobs, terrible foreign policy blunders, etc is at the heart of most Americans discontent for this admin and its policies, not primarily the lack of new legislation.

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 3:17:49 PM

was signing the NDAA that can indefinitely detain American citizens, signing on New Year's Eve while we were partying bringing in the New Year.   I feel like a rebel from the matrix that see's through the master magician's deceit of destroying our Bill of Rights and the traitor he is.  He has committed treason that makes Nixon's spying look like child's play.  He should be impeached for violating his sacred oath and betrayal to the American people.  And an attack on the natural laws endowed to us by our Creator.

JackDunphy1074 reads

Obama says yesterday that he "just" heard about the Gruber comments. Everyone on this fk board has known for a week as did viewers of Fox and CNN.

Yeah. Right. And he just found out a few weeks ago Rev Wright was an anti-American, nut job, Jew hater. Lol.

bigguy301078 reads

So here is the truth about Jonathan Gruber role in the ACA.

Also I see Jack is getting desperate bring up Rev. Wright.

What a asshole, do you really think the President has time for this bullshit about Gruber?

Also another comment with no proof or facts.

Just old talking points from Fox Fake News.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Obama says yesterday that he "just" heard about the Gruber comments. Everyone on this fk board has known for a week as did viewers of Fox and CNN.  
 Yeah. Right. And he just found out a few weeks ago Rev Wright was an anti-American, nut job, Jew hater. Lol.

Signing into law things that contradict or abrogate the Constitution and Bill of Rights is an age old practice. The Constitutional Amendment which created the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax was clandestinely signed during a holiday recess while the country was celebrating Santa Clause and New Years. Ho ho fuck'n ho!

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 10 - Powers Prohibited of States.
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; MAKE ANY THING BUT GOLD AND SILVER COIN a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most  completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a  Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."  
-Woodrow  Wilson (written during his retirement, a few years after signing the Federal Reserve Act)

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
was signing the NDAA that can indefinitely detain American citizens, signing on New Year's Eve while we were partying bringing in the New Year.   I feel like a rebel from the matrix that see's through the master magician's deceit of destroying our Bill of Rights and the traitor he is.  He has committed treason that makes Nixon's spying look like child's play.  He should be impeached for violating his sacred oath and betrayal to the American people.  And an attack on the natural laws endowed to us by our Creator.

bigguy301047 reads

I don't like this law either or the Patriot Act.

So let's not be hypocrites here either.

The same people saying this are the same people that supported the Patriot Act and most of them are still in congress.

They are the ones who started this country down this road back in the early 2000's

You have to think and see who really started these laws.



Posted By: Madison_Ohare
was signing the NDAA that can indefinitely detain American citizens, signing on New Year's Eve while we were partying bringing in the New Year.   I feel like a rebel from the matrix that see's through the master magician's deceit of destroying our Bill of Rights and the traitor he is.  He has committed treason that makes Nixon's spying look like child's play.  He should be impeached for violating his sacred oath and betrayal to the American people.  And an attack on the natural laws endowed to us by our Creator.

every R and D congressman that voted for that language included in the NDAA to bring war on our soil and on American citizens.

We are too far gone, it's a very evil world with corrput and greedy leaders that don't care about us.

We will never get our privacy back, the evil will get worse with worse leaders in the future.  Sorry to be so bleak but it's best to remember we are vistors here and it's not our true home.  

I do not recognize my country when I turn on the news.  Police in military gear up against people using their constitutional rights.

A country where the rich keep getting richer, set up by both parties ruling elite.

I thought for sure our people would be bitter and outraged with trillions siphoned off during Bush and Obama's presidencies.  The fact is we have no real choice or we would have chose better.

The middle class is dead and gone, trickle down doesn't work because the rich keep getting richer and don't spend their money except with the rich.

I have no one working for me that makes less than 12.50 an hr right now.  Do you know what a hike in minimum wage is going to do to them when inflation rises higher to buy a Big Mac?  Remember my workers also dont' qualify for any help with rising costs, only those hispanics that keep all their money to send home get the help although they are just here to take and not give anything to this country.

We are in a no win, and if you try to make any money under the table to survice you best remove any internet footprints of social media with your name attached.  Do not join any groups that will target you to get audited.  We saw how they infiltered the Occupy and Tea Party movement.  Kind of like silencing the lambs. :(  Free speech is not FREE!  

We can thank our awful leaders past and present for destroying this once great nation.  And I promise you President Obama will go down in history as the one that expanded NSA and successfully destroyed our Bill of Rights as a Constitution lawyer that knew full well what he signed.

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 10:41:53 AM

Military is not to be worshipped. They should be kept in check.

Military rule is not what it is cracked up to be.

If you want a taste, you should try living under one. There are many around.

go off the grid as much as possible if you can.  This government cares nothing about you!

They will give Mexicans free healthcare to get more votes, but do not care about people like me that has paid taxes since I was 15 years old..  

I am on the edge of baby-boomers and Generation X.   I am sickened by our government, all of them:(  So sad neither parties do not represent us.  Awwhh........ why come nobody decent ever steps up?? Where are they?  Oh!  they got a history and we are still too uptight to not judge!!  We waiting on that perfect person, sorry your messiah ain't it!!

Hallucination from sticking head up your ass?


Posted By: JackDunphy
He is under water with them on job approval, on the economy, on foreign policy, on Obamacare, on an EO on immigration, on trustworthiness, on the debt, on taxes, on Russia, on Iran, on Syria, on Israel, on voter I.D., on ISIS, on competence, on securing the border, on keeping your doctor , on keeping your HC  plan, on keeping your hospital, on keeping your cancer treatment center, on the individual mandate,   etc etc etc.  
 Let's leave the R's out of it for a second. Why do so many people who either voted for him or almost voted for him think he is doing such a horrible job?  

JackDunphy850 reads

not have a sentence in your headline or the body of your post? Tons of SPOTY points there.

Now, would you like to try again and answer my question WITH sentences this time, or has this admin left you without any answers?

followme783 reads

The reason is most likely the drugs he is on.

Can anyone be that fucked up and not be on drugs?

Thank you

-- Modified on 11/16/2014 8:26:42 PM

The ACA was a Heritage Foundation plan?

Unlike you I think most people here would still dislike the ACA based on the act itself even if a Republican signed off on it.

Would you still be for the ACA if the Republican party supported the law?

according to the Gallup Poll released last week?

        I’m sure you agree that it is kind of meaningless to ask if someone approves or disapproves of Obamacare. But why not ask the people who have actually bought health insurance on the exchanges and received health care for a year if they are satisfied?

       That’s what Gallup did in this poll. Now you would expect a very tough audience here bc by definition many of these are people who couldn’t keep their doctor and couldn’t keep their health plan.  But incredibly 70% rated their healthcare coverage as excellent or good. Only 9% rated it poor.

      But the cost was too high, right? Well 75% said they were satisfied with the cost of their policy.

       Sounds like losing good old Doctor Joe and having to get a new health plan is not that important after all, as I predicted some months ago. Nor do they care whether the mandate is a tax or not.

       As to Mr. Obama’s approval rating in other areas, the only number you need to know is 66 million. That is how many people voted for the guy after seeing what he did in the first four years of his administration. Are you seriously contending that Mr. Obama’s performance was really good for the first 4 years but suddenly has dropped off? Same policies  for the most part. World events always effect these polls

JackDunphy1190 reads

But only roughly  1 in 3 ALL Americans approve of Ocare. Nice cherry picking. And thanks for conceding on all the other issues. You saved me time looking up those polls. Lol

Instead, you only want to count those who previously had insurance and didn’t need the new legislation –aka, the rich?

       Are you starting to understand why the ACA will never be repealed? It would put the Republicans in the position of taking away health care from the needy and trying to sell them your “Republican Health Care Plan.”

          What probably will happen is the Repubs will whack off a few parts of the ACA like the Medical Device Tax to show how tough they are. Years later they will have to raise taxes to replace the lost revenue.

       But face it Jack – except for amendment of a few likely trivial revisions, the core parts of the Affordable Care Act are here to stay

JackDunphy1086 reads

But even when counted in, it is still upside down in approval.

Look, unlike some of my brethren conservatives, I do think there is some good in the law. Imo though, you don't criticize it enough and gloss over and excuse make for the real shitty parts. There are MAJOR problems with it and you are too smart not to realize it.  

Where have you heard in the past about a "hybrid" plan? From ME, remember?  

Lets scrap it, take the good, add all the common sensical stuff ( state lines, tort reform, blah blah blah) and have something at the of the day that works, that both sides agree to, where everyone has skin in the game and where everyone works to make it better in the future.

Going to the emergency room for health concerns any more?

That was the promise, right?

I'm sure emergency rooms are ghost towns now!

St. Croix952 reads

OK, I made that up, but  Coach K doesn't like Obama's ISIS strategy, and that is an actual fact. And if he doesn't like his ISIS strategy, how could he like Obamacare? If you are a graduate of Duke, which I'm starting to question, you would know Coach K's political views, and some of them would've probably rub off on you considering your almost blind loyalty to him. What do you think mari, will 2015 end up with another loss to a team called Mercer, maybe Lehigh?

I'll make this real simple. When somebody else is paying your premium, it's kind of hard not to like it. Free stuff, or almost free stuff has that effect on people. To the so-called 25% that were NOT satisfied with the cost of their policy, all I can say to them is "don't look a gift horse in the mouth asshole".  

Posted By: marikod
according to the Gallup Poll released last week?  
         I’m sure you agree that it is kind of meaningless to ask if someone approves or disapproves of Obamacare. But why not ask the people who have actually bought health insurance on the exchanges and received health care for a year if they are satisfied?  
        That’s what Gallup did in this poll. Now you would expect a very tough audience here bc by definition many of these are people who couldn’t keep their doctor and couldn’t keep their health plan.  But incredibly 70% rated their healthcare coverage as excellent or good. Only 9% rated it poor.  
       But the cost was too high, right? Well 75% said they were satisfied with the cost of their policy.  
        Sounds like losing good old Doctor Joe and having to get a new health plan is not that important after all, as I predicted some months ago. Nor do they care whether the mandate is a tax or not.  
        As to Mr. Obama’s approval rating in other areas, the only number you need to know is 66 million. That is how many people voted for the guy after seeing what he did in the first four years of his administration. Are you seriously contending that Mr. Obama’s performance was really good for the first 4 years but suddenly has dropped off? Same policies  for the most part. World events always effect these polls.  
-- Modified on 11/16/2014 7:12:58 PM

bigguy301307 reads

So this is what I am talking about again with low information voters.


Posted By: St. Croix
OK, I made that up, but  Coach K doesn't like Obama's ISIS strategy, and that is an actual fact. And if he doesn't like his ISIS strategy, how could he like Obamacare? If you are a graduate of Duke, which I'm starting to question, you would know Coach K's political views, and some of them would've probably rub off on you considering your almost blind loyalty to him. What do you think mari, will 2015 end up with another loss to a team called Mercer, maybe Lehigh?  
 I'll make this real simple. When somebody else is paying your premium, it's kind of hard not to like it. Free stuff, or almost free stuff has that effect on people. To the so-called 25% that were NOT satisfied with the cost of their policy, all I can say to them is "don't look a gift horse in the mouth asshole".  
Posted By: marikod
according to the Gallup Poll released last week?  
          I’m sure you agree that it is kind of meaningless to ask if someone approves or disapproves of Obamacare. But why not ask the people who have actually bought health insurance on the exchanges and received health care for a year if they are satisfied?  
         That’s what Gallup did in this poll. Now you would expect a very tough audience here bc by definition many of these are people who couldn’t keep their doctor and couldn’t keep their health plan.  But incredibly 70% rated their healthcare coverage as excellent or good. Only 9% rated it poor.  
        But the cost was too high, right? Well 75% said they were satisfied with the cost of their policy.  
         Sounds like losing good old Doctor Joe and having to get a new health plan is not that important after all, as I predicted some months ago. Nor do they care whether the mandate is a tax or not.  
         As to Mr. Obama’s approval rating in other areas, the only number you need to know is 66 million. That is how many people voted for the guy after seeing what he did in the first four years of his administration. Are you seriously contending that Mr. Obama’s performance was really good for the first 4 years but suddenly has dropped off? Same policies  for the most part. World events always effect these polls.  
-- Modified on 11/16/2014 7:12:58 PM

pot/kettle823 reads

recognize when two board pals like Mari and St. Croix are poking fun at one another????  

Well, I guess you are gullible enough to actually believe that Obamacare was created as a way to help people and not just as a way to make the 44th President famous . .

bigguy301121 reads

I see why you have nothing to say and use that stupid ass handle name when making this comment.

If a person provides a dumb ass answer, it will get a comment in response.

Also smart ass how many so call rich repubscum and others do you see on the media bashing this ACA bill?

Just turn on the news smart guy!

So they don't need it and are mouth pieces for the people who do?

Just shut up and if you don't like my response then too bad!

pot/kettle1093 reads

Mari and St. Croix have had a longstanding, friendly "battle" on this board over UCLA and Duke basketball, hence the Coach K comment.  You, in your bombastic and blabbering fool way, had to jump right in and try to chastise St. Croix with no clue as to the history of their board relationship.

Maybe if you learned to shut your mouth once in while, you wouldn't look so foolish on this board.  But, my guess is that you actually WANT to look foolish.  After all, it is clearly the attention you seek that drives your presence on this board.


bigguy30930 reads

Since you may be one of these two people or have a thing for the other person?

Why would your ass be so defensive?

If I want to make a response comment.

Then I will okay bitch boy!

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 2:05:00 PM

pot/kettle852 reads

The SPOTY award is all yours.  Prepare your stupid acceptance speech.

GaGambler810 reads

Especially since I had picked Annoying Fungus from the very beginning of the year to repeat as SPOTY, but it does appear that our latecomer has all but wrapped up the SPOTY, on this board at least.

Every time I think I have seen the worst that could possibly come from him, he goes and outdoes himself. Just on pure volume of "dumbness" the title is his for the taking.

GaGambler1030 reads

Here is one, how about the word "STUPID"

Doesn't that have a much better ring to it when used to describe bigdumbfuck??? lol

Anyone looking objectively knows he's a fervent ideologue of a failed ideology.

He has delivered on nothing but his fucked up ACA. The only reason more people don't hate is because it's not fully implemented yet.

86H13LTP802 reads

CFC Obama is a pussy and because of it another American got his head cut off and ISIS sleeping soundly in Fallujah tonight exactly 10 years after we killed all their goat fucker friends and sent  them running scared to Syria.  

Another fact is my half Japenese half AA stripper girlfriend who's also half my age thinks crybaby lefties like you are a waste of fresh air . You're losing your base clown boy and its all because CFC Obama is a chump

bigguy301179 reads

86H13LTP your so called stripper girlfriend will say anything to make that money. LOL

I just don't like liars and can't believe this comment from you either ladyboy.

If you want some facts then check out the link smart guy!


Posted By: 86H13LTP
CFC Obama is a pussy and because of it another American got his head cut off and ISIS sleeping soundly in Fallujah tonight exactly 10 years after we killed all their goat fucker friends and sent  them running scared to Syria.  
 Another fact is my half Japenese half AA stripper girlfriend who's also half my age thinks crybaby lefties like you are a waste of fresh air . You're losing your base clown boy and its all because CFC Obama is a chump .  

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 7:32:25 AM

followme969 reads

Why do you read the dailykos?

you are just another obama lackey.

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House ....I got 2014 right :)

86H13LTP1160 reads

because she wants to give you pussy . Half the dudes on here are old school players who have been handed it their whole life but hit that age when they had to pony up to get 25 and under hard bodies .  

You are from the other half . Always got cut and always hated the QuarterBack . The blasian does me because I'm not a Liberial douche like you .

fat, drunk, and stupid.

with an extra shot of stupid. bet he's till got his hope and change bumpersticker.

friggin moron

You have nothing intelligent to offer and you can only give links to websites that make MSNBC look like a right-wing think-tank. I'm just taking cheapshots at you in order to agitate you and secure your rightful place as SPOTY. Not that you need much help. Maybe I should stop. I would feel bad if your head exploded trying stay calm enough to type all those "snappy comebacks.

bigguy30938 reads

The fact that you posted this comment shows you have nothing to back up your bullshit GOP lies.

Thanks for the laugh GOP scumbag.

Posted By: jrwayne
You have nothing intelligent to offer and you can only give links to websites that make MSNBC look like a right-wing think-tank. I'm just taking cheapshots at you in order to agitate you and secure your rightful place as SPOTY. Not that you need much help. Maybe I should stop. I would feel bad if your head exploded trying stay calm enough to type all those "snappy comebacks."  
-- Modified on 11/18/2014 8:45:24 PM

bigguy30855 reads

-- Modified on 11/17/2014 7:59:29 PM

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