Politics and Religion

Why would you possibly think that?
GaGambler 93 reads

Have you been to Compton, Oakland or South Central lately? Or EVER?

I just love liberals who claim to be experts in race relations who have never set foot in the hood.  

It's impossible to know what life in the ghetto is like if you've never even been to the ghetto.

...Republican Cracker Congressman Robert Pittenger had to apologize for saying the violence in Charlotte stems from protesters who “hate white people because white people are successful and they’re not.”

He then criticized people who receive welfare. “It is a welfare state. We have spent trillions of dollars on welfare, and we’ve put people in bondage, so they can’t be all they’re capable of being.”


In Charlotte there are a lot of "successful" African-Americans, many of them in the protest crowds currently active.

But, I suspect, as in most cities Black communities are less successful than other communities, ethnic or not. 35% of Charlotte's population is of African descent. We know the city has a troubled history, and just the existence of an AA community or "part of town" indicates there is still a divide.

Pittenger cannot yank his ego away from recognizing his childhood education, home life, relatives and family friends, and career opportunities compose a great deal of the privilege that had allowed him to be successful and he has to maintain that it is entirely the result of his own hard work and wise decisions. He no doubt has worked hard and made good choices, but in itself it would not have brought him to where he is.

And that's okay that he sees it that way, IMO, just like it's okay when I feel the provider I'm with is REALLY there because she wants to be with me and that the envelope is only incidental. We all have a right to whatever reality we construct for ourselves.

What's happening now that we've come through the Recession is that "success" is coming a little more quickly for whites, and the contrast between who has something and who can't get something is magnified.

That and Pittenger has been programmed throughout his life by conforming to ideas that however backward permeated his community, his world limitations, and his very human need to be part of his (white) society. So like everyone else, he is the product of life and not capable of defining or redefining it.

FatVern107 reads

My guess would be a big fat FUCKING NO!

... or you would realize how stupid you sound.

I just want to know why their is always garbage on the ground.

Some people actually come out and clean it up. Other blacks.

Seriously though, why can't they use a garbage can?

It can't because of white privilege, can it

Have you been to Compton, Oakland or South Central lately? Or EVER?

I just love liberals who claim to be experts in race relations who have never set foot in the hood.  

It's impossible to know what life in the ghetto is like if you've never even been to the ghetto.

Though I haven't been to Oakland for a couple of decades, even with bad streets and a couple of billion in infrastructure needs they STILL arent dealing with as extremely bad infrastructure as plague cities in the Midwest and, I suppose, the South.

But yes, I get down to Watts, Compton, Inglewood quite frequently. I went to a funeral in Inglewood earlier this month, and I spent a couple days in the Crenshaw area right after Labor Day.

I'm so glad to hear that there are at least some "Liberals" you love. But for the record, "Liberal" isn't really the right classification for me (nor, for the record, is "moron").

But no, I don't spend most of my time in the "ghetto" and have to rely on really bad smart dudes like you and Fat Verny to fill me in. But do me a favor and only respond to my posts when you're actually in the "ghetto" so that we can be sure I'm getting the cutting edge, up-to-the-minute details.

...only 14% of the cities in the U.S.


Santa Monica is on a par with Compton which is safer than only 13% of the cities in the U.S.


It's not a result of poverty
It's not a result of welfare bondage  
It's not a hatred toward whites.

It is a slow simmering reaction to institutional racism  
It's a reaction to a law passed by a republican legislate prohibiting the release of police body cams ( what a stupid law , btw , since the body cams protect LE as much as anyone).
It's a reaction to a legislate that has unlawfully redistricted to assure a certain party maintained a majority ( wanna guess what political party)
It's a reaction to a legislate that has demonstrated a consistent effort of voter suppression laws
It's a reaction to anti transgender & gay legislation  
It's a reaction to anti religion laws ( yes , laws that enhance your religious beliefs inhibits differing religious beliefs are in fact anti religious ).

And , oh yes , it's a reaction to another black person being shot to death by those who were hired to sever & protect.

The shooting might have been justified. No one really knows. But there is a shift occurring in our country. No longer is our LE enjoying an assumption of innocence. That , btw , rips my heart.  But the fact is on LE can change the attitude of distrust. I hope they will. It begins with transparency .
It also begins with greater funding for services. Not tanks and anti riot weapons to be used on our citizenly. But programs that enable our law enforcement agencies to renegade with the communities they serve.

I suspect the vids from the police body cams will eventually be released. We've become so divided due to pass history and poor governance the pics will be inconclusive .
Some will see an innocent black man holding a book being gunned down.
Others will see police responding to a threat.

Depressing as hell , ain't it.

...You just have to wait for Teleprompter Trump to go off-script to get his real brain farts:

"If you're not aware, drugs are a very, very big factor in what you're watching on television," he said.

What we were watching on TV were the protests in Charlotte and Trump blamed them on drugs.  Naturally, his campaign tried to clean up what he said and lamely interpreted his off-script remark as meaning that Trump was referring to Chicago.  Chicago wasn't on TV, Charlotte was...all day and all night.

brooks5104 reads

liberals generally

they routinely use violence as a political tool

brooks595 reads

R's target enemies wishing to us harm

dems/libs target Americans (neighbors/friends?) for violence simply for their insolence - disagreeing with policies that NEVER work and fuck up the country needlessly

it's in their playbook

didn't Hillary vote for that war after Colin Powell made the case?  I guess dems just want to kill EVERYBODY (and Powell is a dem)

Saddam was evil but there is NO evidence he was "wishing to us harm (sic)."  Powell says he's a Republican but I guess you're the one who gets to decide.

LasVegan82 reads

Been drinking a little too much of that "kool aid" lately, eh?  Unfortunately, the more you drink, the more out of touch you will become.  You will even get to a point where you may honestly believe your own BS.

Not to worry though, it will be totally obvious to anyone who listens to your rhetoric and unless they too have been drinking that "kool aid" they will know better than to believe anything you say.

So, feel free to continue, everyone will understand your compulsion to spurt out falsehoods.

brooks5111 reads

example of pure and unadulterated bullshit, and a LOT of it

everyone but the stupid KNOW that IT IS the result of your first 3 bullets

for chrissakes, man!

FatVern97 reads

Where the people were breaking into WalMart, that footage reminded me of the black Friday footage.

It's an emotional reaction is what it is. an emotional reaction by people who haven't bit of common sense, or the slightest idea how to function in society. We are animals, before we are human

bigguy3077 reads

So when white people riot at a sporting event.

I don't hear you say anything, but when black people and others riot for injustice.
It's a emotional reaction by people who haven't bit of common sense, or the slightest idea how to function in society according to you?

Well you are apart of that white denial problem in this country.
This link sums up you and others on here very well.

Posted By: FatVern
Where the people were breaking into WalMart, that footage reminded me of the black Friday footage.  
 It's an emotional reaction is what it is. an emotional reaction by people who haven't bit of common sense, or the slightest idea how to function in society. We are animals, before we are human.  

FatVern69 reads

How is looting a Walmart going to do anything to stop police killings?

Like I said last week, and will continue to say.

If you believe the system is racist, you have to agree that the money we all use is just as racist as the system itself.  

If you believe America is racist, stop using it's currency.

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