Politics and Religion

why is "lone" in scare quotes?
digdirkler 85 Reviews 366 reads

Are you saying he acted as part of a conspiracy, as an agent of a terrorist group?  So far as I've seen, all sources say he is a loner.

OK, even if we concede that he is inspired by Rush (who is Faux?) and by Tea Partiers and Militia movement types and their rhetoric... and even if we fully accept  your characterization of their rhetoric (though given the Justice's broad definition of online threats, I would be a little surprised if your accounting is true as stated)...  How does that make them or the "lone" gunman as you call him the Equivalent of Al Queda or Isis?  How does that make Stewart's or your equivalence make any sense?

Both the left and right use lots of hot talk and violent rhetoric.  But there is surprisingly little violence, and there is no organized campaign of terrorism on either side.  Whether its a black dude killing whites like that Long Island train guy years ago, or the reverse, does not mean they are part of some large conspiracy.   Do whites, blacks, latinos, Asians act in tribal coalition ways politically and vie for dominance for their own? Yes.  Is the Confederate battle flag a symbol of a historic dominance?  Yes.   Does that mean that this "lone" gunman in Charleston is part of some larger problem and vast conspiracy of violence and intimidation of blacks by whites in this country?  Nope, not even a little.  

Re: 911.  Please, intel indicated vague warnings that no president could have acted on, what a ridiculous point.  My point is specific, that Politically Correct fears of racial insensitivity or actions that might result in legal or employment sanctions lead, specifically, to the FBI and airport personnel and flight school staff not acting on specific suspicions of the actual 911 terrorists.   Being moslem/ Arab actually gave the 911 terrorists an advantage, because of PC.  PC is a liberal cause.  .  It wasn't merely their rhetoric that influenced the FBI and others similar to your accusations of Limbaugh or the state flag.  It was specific legal and social punishments liberals use to enforce PC thought policing that coerced those persons into letting Al Q have a pass.

Liberals didn't cause 911, Al Queda did.  But they did disable numerous levels of our defenses.  Limbaugh has never said he wants anyone to go into black churches and shoot people, but the FBI and others acted exactly as Liberals have explicitly taught us to act on pain of punishment.  So yes, to that extent, Liberals bear some blame for 911.

Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.

“I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.

“This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”

The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.

Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.

Link to complete article below

Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone

GaGambler378 reads

I just gave Hadji an earful for laughing at the misfortune of others. just because I agree with your underlying premise, doesn't mean I give you a pass for mocking people in a time of grief. Your post was even more insensitive than Hadji's as people are dead, which is no laughing matter. IOW don't be a dick, show some fucking compassion for the innocent dead

You couldn't have possibly cared about these Christians when they were alive. Now since they are dead you all of a sudden feel the desire to show compassion?

That's some backward shit there

thisbud4u399 reads

Gee, why?    He could have joined the State Governor and NRA card holder with A++++ Ms. Namritha Randhwa to promote his Stand Your Ground, Guns in college campuses and Guns everywhere agenda.

So they take away  their benefits, take away their voting rights and then go to their churches, one last free and peaceful place (not any more) and shoot them to death.

So a take away from this is:

1. Priests giving sermon with an AK47 and 300 rounds magazine
2. School teachers in class rooms with an AK47 and 300 round magazine
3. Students in colleges with hand guns and ammo.

The country will outsmart the BOKO HARAM country.

thisbud4u357 reads

Does anyone think that things are going to change ?     Don't hold your breath.

.......asswipes like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get involved. I suspect the people of Charleston will NOT allow those two misfits to come into Charleston and stir up trouble.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.  
 “I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.  
 “This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”  
 The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.  
 Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.  
 Link to complete article below  
 Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone.  

Those two idiots need to stay out. Sharpton more than Jackson imo.

Sharpton is a hate and fear monger extraordinaire. And a lying snake to boot.

No need for him anywhere near the place. Let the decent, peace loving people in to restore hope and much needed stability.

Mr. "Gas on the Fire" needs to take a hike.

bigguy30514 reads

Posted By: HONDA
.......asswipes like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get involved. I suspect the people of Charleston will NOT allow those two misfits to come into Charleston and stir up trouble.  
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.  
  “I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.  
  “This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”  
  The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.  
  Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.  
  Link to complete article below  
  Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone.  

Do you think Sharpton and Jesse Jackson really give a rats ass about the causes of minorities and the poor? Shame on you if you think this to be case. They are both IMHO professional shake down artists who have made a pretty mint($$$$) shaking down Corporate America.

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: HONDA
.......asswipes like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get involved. I suspect the people of Charleston will NOT allow those two misfits to come into Charleston and stir up trouble.  
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.    
   “I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.    
   “This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”    
   The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.    
   Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.    
   Link to complete article below    
   Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone.    

...as of now NO ONE knows this individual's motive.

Posted By: bigguy30
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready

But I would have sincerely preferred an epic gaff from a Presidential candidate rather than a murderous atrocity.

followme305 reads

Thanks to the excellent work of many good cops.

I wonder what a backstabbing cop hater has to say about that?

You're welcome

Who gives a fk if the guy "hated" them or not? What possible relevance does that have?

So somebody that murders that DOESNT hate the victim gets less of a sentence?

Give the guy the max sentence. I could care less what his thoughts were about those innocent victims and the law should care less as well.

GaGambler489 reads

If I punched Hadji in the face, would he go crying to LE that I did so out of "hate" for his race, or just because he's a douche bag? Should the punishment for killing a black person if the perp is white, or a white person if the perp is black, really be any different. It's like saying one life is more important than another when the whole goal is "supposed" to be equal treatment under the law.

IMHO As long as there is no doubt that the person they arrested is guilty, either lock him up and throw the key away, or better yet, put one right between his eyes and be done with it. That is of course as long as there is no doubt about his guilt and I don't think that is an issue in this case.

None to the victim or victims. However, a hate crime usually has the intent and effect of instilling fear in the racial, religious, cultural, etc., communities of that or those members.

let him spend a lifetime taking it hard up the ass in a shit-hole of a prison. He's young - lots of good mileage left.

Obama is already politicizing it.  

He just cant help himself. He couldn't just say he was sad for the victims...couldn't wait for all the facts...just went full speed ahead today on gun control.  

What a POS we have as a president.

followme321 reads

That it caused him to cancel a fund raiser.

Thank you

-- Modified on 6/18/2015 3:22:17 PM

bigguy30323 reads

Since one of your race baiting followers exposed his hate.
What do all of you clowns do on here?
Just find every stupid reason to blame something else.
Why a sorry bunch of losers!

Posted By: followme
That it caused him to cancel a fund raiser.  
 Thank you

And I’m baffled as to why Mr. Obama and Hillary even mentioned guns in their public statements. As best I can tell, the guy just walked into a church with a .45 given to him by his parents and started shooting.  He did not use an assault weapon; there is no public carry issue; and maybe not even an illegal sale issue.

       If you label every premeditated shooting by a deranged evil person a gun control issue, you muddy the water as to the areas where gun control makes a difference – i.e, the use of assault weapons/ high capacity mags or gun violence arising from public carry.  

        While you are incorrect that Mr. Obama by his one sentence (unless you are talking about some other statement I have not heard) attempted to “politicize “the tragedy, there was no reason to mention guns at all in his speech

GaGambler418 reads

because you are absolutely correct, at least the part where you say that this is NOT a gun control issue. Even the toughest gun laws, short of banning all firearms period, (a logistical impossibility in a country with hundreds of millions of guns) would have done anything to have stopped this tragedy.

To even bring up the subject shows how little he knows on the subject, or what a political animal he is, ever the opportunist just like RRO has claimed

The death penalty is much more appropriate in matters such as these. If anything America is becoming much more of a Christian nation, due to liberal policies that are against the death penalty.

Back to my question Why do Americans love to sentence people to sexual assault? Is it some kind of submissive  sexual fantasy that people get off on because the state has authority over your life, and they like seeing their master satisfied?

Any time a rape joke is told on an entertainment medium, it's followed by laughter and applause. I can only assume if people clap and laugh at rape jokes, that they condone rape.

A guy who kills nine people in a church because he hates their race deserves hell. Since I don't believe in christianity and its childish fantasy of hell in an afterlife, I wish upon that bastard a real hell in the most feasible way.

I could empathize, if you knew one of the victims personally. I still wouldn't suggest that your anger is healthy. Why couldn't you op for a simple sentence of death?

Would you feel comfortable carrying out the punishment you are in favor of

Another day in Good Old US of A.

Until the society is willing to face some hard truth, such atrocities will continue. You will hear howling for the legendary 90 minute news cycles and it will all die down as usual.

When those elementary school kids got shot, I surely thought, our society cannot be as callous but I was proven wrong, nothing happened

A sick evil person went bongos and did a terrible thing.

That is about all one can say.

There is no indication anyone else was involved.  Unlike a massacre such as the one in Paris, no one will try to excuse it  

There will be universal condemnation, except for a few statistically insignificant malcontents and nuts.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.  
 “I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.  
 “This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”  
 The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.  
 Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.  
 Link to complete article below  
 Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone.  

He did(allegedly) kill people in a Christian church.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Police are searching for a gunman who opened fire Wednesday night at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston, S.C. Charleston officials said 9 people were killed and others injured.  
 “I do believe this is a hate crime,” the police chief said at a late night briefing, without explaining the basis for his conclusion. He said as far as he knew there was only a single gunman.  
 “This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley. “People in prayer, coming together, praying and worshiping God, to have an awful person come in and shoot them is inexplicable, obviously the most intolerable and unbelievable act possible.”  
 The “message is there was one hateful person who did this dastardly deed,” the mayor said at a late night meeting.  
 Police said there were survivors but did not say how many or what condition they were in.  
 Link to complete article below  
 Doc's only observation - As crazy as things have been in the recent past with Ferguson and Baltimore, this is going to kick it up to a whole other level. There is no way this ends well for anyone.  

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