Politics and Religion

why does your story end 34 years ago
GaGambler 1673 reads

He considers himself "healed" enough to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, he ought to be able to run his own fucking household.

The man is a walking disaster area, he makes Obama look like a downright acceptable choice by comparison, but only by comparison to someone as unfit as Biden.

The pres posted his tax returns.  His charitable contributions are pretty generous. More impressively, they are not to politically oriented "charities."  

I heard that he gave about 14% which is good.  I also heard that this is at least the sixth year in a row where he was generous in donations.

He is a good example for other people in that area.

GaGambler1328 reads

How Biden was ever elected to national office is beyond me. The man can't even run his own household, how can he be trusted to be in charge of anything?

Uhhhh, he's not.  He's the Vice President.  Actually, I think he's in charge of sleeping through Obama's speeches, and he does a fine job at that.

GaGambler1714 reads

Remember all the to do about Sarah Palin possibly being a hearbeat away from the Presidency? The thought of Biden becoming POTUS is every bit as scary as Palin.

and yes I know that McCain is as old as dirt and was much more likely to not survive a four year term in office, just saying.......

Personally, I'd take "Sleepy Joe" Biden over "I Bailed After Two Years" Palin in a heart beat.  I find her much scarier, mainly because, unlike Biden, she'd probably be awake for the rest of her term.  And that is truly frightening.

GaGambler1262 reads

Possibly even stupider that Sarah Palin, yes I know that's hard to believe, but the record does speak for itself. The man is a walking disaster area. I will agree that Palin would probably spend more time doing stupid things, so maybe it would be a tie. lol

She literally believes in the End Times, believes that human beings need to bring the End Times about, and she would have access to the nuclear launch codes.

Biden may be a clown, but I doubt he has an imaginary friend that he murmurs to.

GaGambler1576 reads

but I actually agree with you, point well taken.

All other things being equal, religious nut jobs will almost always wreak more havoc than nut jobs of the secular variety.

...what Biden experienced. I know I couldn't, could you?

Biden married his first wife Aug. 27, 1966 and the pair settled in Syracuse. Both attended the law school at the university, from which Biden graduated in 1968.

He comes from an Irish-Catholic family, the son of a Scranton, Pa., car dealer and one of four kids.

The freshly minted lawyer carried those working-class values as the couple returned to Delaware, where Biden worked as a trial attorney and public defender.

Their first child, Joseph 3rd, arrived Feb. 3, 1969 and was soon known to all as Beau.

Hunter arrived one year and one day later, followed in November 1971 by daughter Naomi Christina. The next November saw Biden's election to the senate, unseating a Republican incumbent.

Life was good for the 29-year-old Biden.

But before he could settle in Washington, tragedy struck in Delaware. The horrific car crash before Christmas 1972 nearly killed Biden's entire family.

Biden, suddenly a single parent, devoted himself to the two boys. He took the Senate oath of office at their hospital bedsides in 1973 - at a time when Barack Obama was only a few years older than Biden's sons. His dead wife's father held the Bible he was sworn in on.

As the two boys grew up, doting dad Biden became known for taking the train home nightly from Washington to Delaware.

Biden eventually found love again, marrying schoolteacher Jill Tracy Jacobs in June 1977.

GaGambler1674 reads

He considers himself "healed" enough to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, he ought to be able to run his own fucking household.

The man is a walking disaster area, he makes Obama look like a downright acceptable choice by comparison, but only by comparison to someone as unfit as Biden.

It is sad, but a lot of people go through tragedy.  It breaks my heart to think of friends who lost kids, sisters, brothers.  (I had a loss in my family of a sibiling and when I see what it did to my father, I can't express it..  He carried on and raised 3 other kids, even though every day was a dagger in his heart.

I am not knocking it, but to say "not many" ignores the suffering of millions.

He did a good job raising his kids, but that doesn't make it rare.  

Personal tragedy is a pretty thin resume.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...what Biden experienced. I know I couldn't, could you?

Biden married his first wife Aug. 27, 1966 and the pair settled in Syracuse. Both attended the law school at the university, from which Biden graduated in 1968.

He comes from an Irish-Catholic family, the son of a Scranton, Pa., car dealer and one of four kids.

The freshly minted lawyer carried those working-class values as the couple returned to Delaware, where Biden worked as a trial attorney and public defender.

Their first child, Joseph 3rd, arrived Feb. 3, 1969 and was soon known to all as Beau.

Hunter arrived one year and one day later, followed in November 1971 by daughter Naomi Christina. The next November saw Biden's election to the senate, unseating a Republican incumbent.

Life was good for the 29-year-old Biden.

But before he could settle in Washington, tragedy struck in Delaware. The horrific car crash before Christmas 1972 nearly killed Biden's entire family.

Biden, suddenly a single parent, devoted himself to the two boys. He took the Senate oath of office at their hospital bedsides in 1973 - at a time when Barack Obama was only a few years older than Biden's sons. His dead wife's father held the Bible he was sworn in on.

As the two boys grew up, doting dad Biden became known for taking the train home nightly from Washington to Delaware.

Biden eventually found love again, marrying schoolteacher Jill Tracy Jacobs in June 1977.

Timbow985 reads

Posted By: BigPapasan
...what Biden experienced. I know I couldn't, could you?

Biden married his first wife Aug. 27, 1966 and the pair settled in Syracuse. Both attended the law school at the university, from which Biden graduated in 1968.

He comes from an Irish-Catholic family, the son of a Scranton, Pa., car dealer and one of four kids.

The freshly minted lawyer carried those working-class values as the couple returned to Delaware, where Biden worked as a trial attorney and public defender.

Their first child, Joseph 3rd, arrived Feb. 3, 1969 and was soon known to all as Beau.

Hunter arrived one year and one day later, followed in November 1971 by daughter Naomi Christina. The next November saw Biden's election to the senate, unseating a Republican incumbent.

Life was good for the 29-year-old Biden.

But before he could settle in Washington, tragedy struck in Delaware. The horrific car crash before Christmas 1972 nearly killed Biden's entire family.

Biden, suddenly a single parent, devoted himself to the two boys. He took the Senate oath of office at their hospital bedsides in 1973 - at a time when Barack Obama was only a few years older than Biden's sons. His dead wife's father held the Bible he was sworn in on.

As the two boys grew up, doting dad Biden became known for taking the train home nightly from Washington to Delaware.

Biden eventually found love again, marrying schoolteacher Jill Tracy Jacobs in June 1977.

h8drama1216 reads

Thirty years later, in a 2001 public speech Biden accused Curtis Dunn, the truck driver of being drunk at the time of the accident. Never mind the police and the Deputy Delaware Attorney General found Dunn not at fault.

Biden has a long long history of dishonesty for personal gain.

the least wealthy of all Congressmen and Senators. He didn't amass wealth from his years of public service that in itself is noteworthy.

He doen't live in mansion either. Look it up.

That should make GaG very proud and make you feel the almighty self made hardworking man like Duck who is running for POTUS.

Snowman39781 reads

At least in that area, he practices what he preaches.

I fear you may be in the minority on the right in terms of "giving credit where credit is due."  Why do I think that Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Malkin and their ilk will find some way to cast aspersions on the Obama's generosity.
PS: I don't buy the crap from Biden's flack about all the nice stuff they do in lieu of contributions.  His long history of minimal donations should be an embarassment to him

GaGambler1471 reads

In all fairness, Obama is likely to become quite wealthy after he leaves office ala Bill Clinton, but I have no criticisms of the Obamas on this point.

Biden OTOH is a national embarassment. The man holds a law degree and has spent decades in the Senate, he should be ashamed of himself.

Biden is not wealthy by any stretch of your imagination. He did not use his term in Senate to become wealthy. He didn't practice law in private firm, he was the AG of DE from there he became a Senator.

Instead of embarrassment, should proud, he didn't use his decades in Senate to become very wealthy. Suppose he could retired and became big money lobbyists.

According Washington Post, Biden's net worth in 2008 was around $150K, that's not wealthy. You are wealthier than Biden, according to you.

You go off on people without knowing the facts and call everyone that doesn't go along, you call them morons and idiot.

Waiting for GaG Attack!

And you know that sometimes I even agree with you, but not here.  You are correct that Biden doesn't make much money and never did.  But the fact is that his charitable contributions as a percentage of his income -- the only reasonable measure -- are puny; less than 2%, while Obama contributed 14%.  Two percent is pathetic.  It's probably what I contribute, and I like to kick derelicts while screaming, "Are there no prisons?  Are there no work-houses?"  No one expects Biden (or anyone) to contribute the amount that Obama did; only a reasonable percentage of his much smaller income.  He has miserably failed that test.
Ebeneezer Scrooge

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