Politics and Religion

Why do 90% Canucks live on the border . Why is the Peace Bridge a traffic nightmare headed South on
86H13LTP 373 reads

Friday and headed North on Sunday .  

Why did you think anyone would care about your Draft Dodger brother ?

randomvr3011941 reads

No, not to kill but to export our "broken and worthless" Constitution to every other country!   LOL.  Let us see:

1. The Second Amendment  a.k.a  license to kill with a gun
2. Political Party based Supreme Court
3. Federal Government Shutdowns
4. Fillibusters to block bills from going in to a vote
5. Blocking Bills instead of putting them for a vote
6. Corporations and billionaires buying elections

I wonder which civilized and developed country would want to junk theirs and get all of this ?

Include the F-A-C-T America is not a Islamic nation, your post is that much more a pile of illogical nonsense.

Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan and it did work, and cost a hell of a lot of lives and tax payer dollars.  ;)

If you want to see how many people would prefer the U.S. google how many Americans have moved to Canada versus how many Canadians have moved here.  And that is chosing one of the better countries, not a third world nation.  It is disproprtionately headed south, and not only for the climate, but to NY, Chicago, etc.  

The same will apply for every country you name.  They still come here in a vastly disporportionate number.

How many people to you personally know who moved to Italy, France, Canada, or the UK.  I know about 3, including my sister (to Canada)

How many people from those countries do you know who live here.  I can't count.  Sweden, England, Italian, French.  

If you go to any of the countries I mentioned and just hang with people, they all have a cousin in NY, a son in Chicago, a sister in L.A.  And that is just counting those who have family here.  Everyone has several friends who moved.  

(The number of people leaving Germany and Italy is so high that the governments are afraid and have programs to stem emigration.)  

FInally, your list is so silly.  you imply right wing buying elections.  The Dems have out raised money from big sources for at least 12 years.  Soros, Katzaenbach, Steyer, Gates, Spielberg, DiCaprio, Oprah.  

Just of the top of my head the number of UBER UBER RICH Dems makes your head spin.

Yeah, we suck

(If you think the GOP is the party of the rich, google the richest congressional districts in the U.S. and see what party had the Upper East Side, Beverly Hills, Napa, anywhere.  

Dems drip money.

bigguy30416 reads

If you think the GOP is not for the rich, take a look at their media and convention floors.
Also why is it on Fox Fake News they attack  minorities, poor people and yes females so much?

I find it funny when the repubscum always point out rich Dems and yes it's plenty of them in congress etc.
So who talks about, healthcare, lower student loans, higher minimum wage etc.
The repubscum block votes on it and demonize people who benefit from it.
They don't have a problem with welfare, when their rich buddies take it in tax breaks or pay a lower rates than most middle income families.

So did you forget Mitt two face Romney and his 47 percent remark?
I forgot Paul Asshole Ryan with the stupid makers and takers remark?

Then on immigration, Mr.clueless Bonehead says no votes on a immigration bill until after the election.
It's because they don't want a bill for poor immigrants and change the color of this country even more!

I guess repubscum and their supporters, want us to forget.Lo

salonpas430 reads

.........and even though he sometimes complains about the long waits for specialist care, he says there isn't a chance in hell he would give up his Canadian healthcare for anything else. Many other Canadians feel the same way. They love their Healthcare even though there are problems with immediate access for certain health care services. No Canadian citizen will ever have to declare bankruptcy because of an un-payable hospital blll. Here in the U.S, bankruptcy due to health care debt is par for the course. Why do so many U.S. Citizens March up North to Canada for cheaper drugs? Because healthcare in the U.S is controlled by a cartel of Insurance, pharmaceutical, medical equipment companies who conspire to keep prices high

86H13LTP374 reads

Friday and headed North on Sunday .  

Why did you think anyone would care about your Draft Dodger brother ?

Canadians can get emergency surgery done as quickly as in the US.    For elective surgery that is not an emergency there will be waiting.    Their controlled price structure for RX beats US hands down any day.   No wonder seniors, include me go to Canada to get RX at 10% of what would cost us here.

Those who have no idea of how Health Canada works, like those who have never left their hometowns and watch FOX 24/7 just suck up your ignorance.

Are people whom never left their hometowns agitating you?

Posted By: desigolfer
Canadians can get emergency surgery done as quickly as in the US.    For elective surgery that is not an emergency there will be waiting.    Their controlled price structure for RX beats US hands down any day.   No wonder seniors, include me go to Canada to get RX at 10% of what would cost us here.  
 Those who have no idea of how Health Canada works, like those who have never left their hometowns and watch FOX 24/7 just suck up your ignorance.

salonpas367 reads

Explain this: 8.5M immigrants eligible for U.S. citizenship in 2012, but only 800,000 made the leap

Immigrants give a variety of explanations as to why. The most common reasons include the cost, a lack of English, a desire to return to their home country, and the potential loss of benefits from their native land. Still others say they simply don't see the need.


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