Politics and Religion

Why are you responding to nothing I said
Blowing Chunks 2518 reads
1 / 26

Gravitational waves from Big Bang discovered.  They are fascinating...

Experimental Proof: 1
Breakthrough: 1
BigBang Legitimacy:1
New Discovery:1

Science: 4  
Religion: 0


inicky46 61 Reviews 407 reads
2 / 26

Just to buck the PC trend, re-naming yourself Drunken Oriental?  I know GaGambler would support you on this, as I would. So would Fu Manchu and Charlie Chan. Both of whom were played by anglos.  But what about Ming The Merciless? I bet he was an anglo, too!  It makes me so mad!
OK, I just checked, and YEP! Ming The Merciless was played by Charles Middleton of Kentucky! LOL! I bet he married his sister!

-- Modified on 3/18/2014 12:58:10 AM

613spades 5 Reviews 384 reads
3 / 26

Scientists believed in god. Among western scientists Max Planck (quantum theory) and Albert Einstein. Quote from Einstein "god does not play dice"....  
     I ll attach a link

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Gravitational waves from Big Bang discovered.  They are fascinating...  
 Experimental Proof: 1  
 Breakthrough: 1  
 BigBang Legitimacy:1  
 New Discovery:1  
 Science: 4  
 Religion: 0  

Blowing Chunks 501 reads
4 / 26

I prefer "Drunken but still Sober enough not to drink the kool-aid"  


Blowing Chunks 443 reads
5 / 26

I never dismissed possibility of God.  I only dismiss religions.  

No tooth fairies and no Jesus

Pimpathy 418 reads
6 / 26

it is wrong to be gay.

Can science prove otherwise?
Posted By: Drunken Asian
Gravitational waves from Big Bang discovered.  They are fascinating...  
 Experimental Proof: 1  
 Breakthrough: 1  
 BigBang Legitimacy:1  
 New Discovery:1  
 Science: 4  
 Religion: 0  

Pimpathy 395 reads
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Science: 1

Religion: 0

Posted By:

One of the most exhaustive studies ever conducted, published in 2001 in the American Journal of Public Health and directed by researchers from Harvard Medical School, concludes that “homosexual orientation . . . is associated with a general elevation of risk for anxiety, mood, and substance-use disorders and for suicidal thoughts and plans.” Other and more recent studies have found similar correlations, including studies from the Netherlands, one of the most gay-affirming social contexts in the world. Depression and substance abuse are found to be on average 20 to 30 percent more prevalent among homosexual persons. Teens manifesting same-sex attraction report suicidal thoughts and attempts at double to triple the rate of other teens. Similar indicators of diminished physical health emerge in this literature.  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Gravitational waves from Big Bang discovered.  They are fascinating...  
  Experimental Proof: 1  
  Breakthrough: 1  
  BigBang Legitimacy:1  
  New Discovery:1  
  Science: 4    
  Religion: 0  

dncphil 16 Reviews 427 reads
8 / 26

Cool.  They recreated the universe and by doing an experiment they verified the Big Bang.

Why does your link refer to things like "theory?"

Personally, I think that David Spergel, professor of astrophysics at Princeton University, should be viewed like a Global Warming Denier, since he thinks the results  "must be viewed with skepticism."  

How can he deny this fact that has been experminetally proven?  He must be a Thumper.

613spades 5 Reviews 524 reads
9 / 26

scientific advances? They allowed men to devote their lives to learning and documenting...  
  I'm not religious but don't need to insult and degrade people who do have a need or want to believe in god. Do you have proof that there cant be a higher power?  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
I never dismissed possibility of God.  I only dismiss religions.    
 No tooth fairies and no Jesus

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 316 reads
10 / 26

I don't see that in my cards , though  I can't  guarantee it would never happen .
  As long as I'm not a robot or a demented  fool , there's always the possibility of changing my mind .  

  If I happen to change my view and charges are brought against me for praying to a God , I  hope you are still practicing law .  You make stronger points than any scientist I've heard .  

  The point I am making , with the upside down world we are living in , I have no  doubt , Religion could one day be outlawed in the U.S.A.  

  Do you accept retainers ?  

Posted By: dncphil
Cool.  They recreated the universe and by doing an experiment they verified the Big Bang.  
 Why does your link refer to things like "theory?"  
 Personally, I think that David Spergel, professor of astrophysics at Princeton University, should be viewed like a Global Warming Denier, since he thinks the results  "must be viewed with skepticism."  
 How can he deny this fact that has been experminetally proven?  He must be a Thumper.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 401 reads
11 / 26

I have serious  doubts DA is 100 % Asian .
 Most Asians are extremely polite .  
 I'm betting he was mixed up in the lab , or he came from a from a cracked mold .

Posted By: 613spades
 scientific advances? They allowed men to devote their lives to learning and documenting...  
   I'm not religious but don't need to insult and degrade people who do have a need or want to believe in god. Do you have proof that there cant be a higher power?  
Posted By: Drunken Asian
I never dismissed possibility of God.  I only dismiss religions.    
  No tooth fairies and no Jesus

613spades 5 Reviews 382 reads
12 / 26

Global warming is debatable... when the dinosaurs roamed the earth the average temp was 5-10 degrees warmer than today. The ice ages and the period of early earth when it was covered almost entirely by ice also leave me wondering how the climate changed if not from humans co2 emissions?  
    In 2010 it was announced that climate models previously were wrong....  
     "This is major blow to the climate models, for it means that they are improperly handling the exchange of heat through the earth’s atmosphere/ocean system, with the ultimate result being that they are over-responsive to rising levels of greenhouse gases."
     According to Paleous.com, the temperature in the beginning of the Cretaceous period from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere was basically unchanging and approximately ten degrees higher than temperatures today.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 407 reads
13 / 26

The answer would be none of the above. That's because none of those continents existed when the dinosaurs walked the earth. There was just 1 super continent.

Consider this: When the dinosaurs walked the earth, most creatures were BIG. Huge. Today, your average animal is about the size of a medium sized dog. Why? Because when the dinosaurs walked the earth, there was also far more free oxygen in our atmosphere.  

This oxygen was produced by lush rich forests, that lived in swamps in rain forests, their leaves and other organic waste falling to the ground. Over thousands of years, that organic waste got compressed down, which is what we today call coal.  

In other words, a warmer world with a more oxygen rich atmosphere is like comparing apples to oranges.  

There is no denying climate change. It's already all around you. Climate change is a fact, regardless of whether you think it's a hoax or not. We have the means to do something to prevent it getting worse. Or, you can bury your head in the sand, and play Russian Roulette. The only problem is, that you're forcing all of us to play that game with you.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 420 reads
14 / 26

It's not like saying, "I have a theory that Phil's bowel movements are bigger than Phil's brain".  

A scientific theory is a collection of facts, all related to the same subject.  

Fact A, Fact B, Fact C, all comprise a theory.  

A theory is not a guess. A theory is not a hypothesis. A theory is a collection of facts.

Blowing Chunks 428 reads
15 / 26

In this post I just said I never dismissed possibility of god. I only dismiss religions.  
No tooth fairies and no Jesus.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
I never dismissed possibility of God.  I only dismiss religions.    
 No tooth fairies and no Jesus  

Blowing Chunks 555 reads
16 / 26

And determine any reasonable conclusions from it.  Do you really think a few links to some nature magazine, science360 tells you what you need to know?  


Blowing Chunks 436 reads
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A theory builds upon that concept, one by one by one.  
Like stacking up blocks to build something bigger.  
One truth leads to another.  

Science is clearly winning the game over every religious nuts out there.  What's next, 300 years later some new Pope is going to issue a public appology to the likes of Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins for the ignorance of Catholics in believing a fictitious deity that never answers anybodys prayers. In fact, the power of prayer is the biggest bullshit ever told

613spades 5 Reviews 380 reads
18 / 26

I m not discounting global warming, what I said was it s debatable, and I don't believe science has the models right or fully understand the effects of it.  

Posted By: willywonka4u
The answer would be none of the above. That's because none of those continents existed when the dinosaurs walked the earth. There was just 1 super continent.  
 Consider this: When the dinosaurs walked the earth, most creatures were BIG. Huge. Today, your average animal is about the size of a medium sized dog. Why? Because when the dinosaurs walked the earth, there was also far more free oxygen in our atmosphere.  
 This oxygen was produced by lush rich forests, that lived in swamps in rain forests, their leaves and other organic waste falling to the ground. Over thousands of years, that organic waste got compressed down, which is what we today call coal.  
 In other words, a warmer world with a more oxygen rich atmosphere is like comparing apples to oranges.  
 There is no denying climate change. It's already all around you. Climate change is a fact, regardless of whether you think it's a hoax or not. We have the means to do something to prevent it getting worse. Or, you can bury your head in the sand, and play Russian Roulette. The only problem is, that you're forcing all of us to play that game with you.

dncphil 16 Reviews 428 reads
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I was not talking about climate change.  I referenced someone who was questioning your "proof."  That person, a respected scientist, was saying that you had to be cautious.

I was comparing him to a "denier" but the validity of "Deniers" such a side issue it is off the tract.

Finally, BUY A MIRROR.  You tell me that a few links to a magazine tells me all I need to know.   I used your link.

Also, your posts are almost always just a few links to some article or a cut and paste.

Boy, talk about the debate btw the pot and the kettle......
Posted By: Drunken Asian
And determine any reasonable conclusions from it.  Do you really think a few links to some nature magazine, science360 tells you what you need to know?    

dncphil 16 Reviews 430 reads
20 / 26

Using 1 + 1 = 2, I experiment by taking putting 1 pen on my desk and adding another so I can see two.  That is experiment and verifictation, recreating the result of my theory.

Now, let's apply it to your example.  And when did they experiment and verifiy.

By the way, I am not debating the validity of religion.  I am saying that our view of "scientific proof" is really "scientific theory."  I have no grudge against science, including theory.  It has saved my life on several occassions, which is more than I can say about religion.

But that does not mean a "theory" is a proven fact., your confussion

Blowing Chunks 405 reads
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People are able to send rockets into space using these theories.  

Mathematics builds on top of one another from simple concepts like 1+1=2  until even more complex theories make perfect sense.  
Sufficient proof is all that's required for it to hold.  

Debating with you feels like I'm talking to that vern guy.  You make absolutely no sense.

James_Connolly 414 reads
22 / 26

into a scrap metal yard and produce an operational 747 airliner come back and tell us more about the Big Bang fairy tale mate .

Now here is some true science . They can see the pollution cloud over China from space.  

Fucking filthy Asians killing the planet

Blowing Chunks 317 reads
23 / 26

Big Bang builds galaxies Stars planets clusters.  
From there life evolves  
Life then creates nonbiological things like 747. Different evolutions for different categories of complex material evolutions.  

What makes you think nature didn't create 747,  we are all part of nature.  Including fake dudes with fake brogue accent.  

The next evolution would be one where I'm sticking they 747 up your...  lo

James_Connolly 418 reads
24 / 26

ya might stop eating them . And one more thing PeeWee , eating Pate made from a black bear's gall bladder isn't going to do shit.  

I do love the mockery from your type because ya be the first one crying out loud to be saved when ya be bleeding out in a mangled vehicle or when the saw bones drops the pancreatic cancer bomb on ya.  

ones like you can't handle that you just might have to answer for all your bullshit someday .  

you rip those who try in lead a good life ( I'm not be one of them ) based on the acts of a small minorty in their world like hypocrit homo Ted haggard or sick pedophile clergy.  

You are afraid of the unknown and that which you have no control over like you control the bitches in your world and scares the shit out of you. In other words ya be a fucking coward mate .

Blowing Chunks 331 reads
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NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 497 reads
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Posted By: willywonka4u
The answer would be none of the above. That's because none of those continents existed when the dinosaurs walked the earth. There was just 1 super continent.  
 Consider this: When the dinosaurs walked the earth, most creatures were BIG. Huge. Today, your average animal is about the size of a medium sized dog. Why? Because when the dinosaurs walked the earth, there was also far more free oxygen in our atmosphere.  
 This oxygen was produced by lush rich forests, that lived in swamps in rain forests, their leaves and other organic waste falling to the ground. Over thousands of years, that organic waste got compressed down, which is what we today call coal.  
 In other words, a warmer world with a more oxygen rich atmosphere is like comparing apples to oranges.  
 There is no denying climate change. It's already all around you. Climate change is a fact, regardless of whether you think it's a hoax or not. We have the means to do something to prevent it getting worse. Or, you can bury your head in the sand, and play Russian Roulette. The only problem is, that you're forcing all of us to play that game with you.

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