Politics and Religion

Whose responsibility do you think it is to...
FatVern 75 reads

improve their opportunities or perspective on life?  

It's a personal responsibility.  

You start off by saying Obama, has spoken out, and then you end by saying talk is cheap.

Would you agree that it's pointless for Obama to say anything?

brooks5756 reads

in Milwaukee and the BTLM (T is for Thug!) crowd burns their own neighborhoods and pulls white folk out of cars to beat them up.  the rioters were chanting "Black Power"

at the same time, 5 young blacks were killed by other blacks in the city, and NO ONE gives a shit.  how many blacks were killed in Barack's hometown of Chicago this weekend by other blacks?

BFRG oughta be PROUD!  ;)

that's HIS team

now he's gonna say something like that I have:

"white insecurities" or
"no credibility"

or that I am stupid or put up another KKK cartoon or picture of a toothless white dude

he is the most predictable lib dumbfuck on this board

ANOTHER city burns - do you think Obama wanted this or simply doesn't give a shit

saltyballs116 reads

........in the title of your post. Spare us your faux BS concern over black on black homicides, PLEASE!

brooks5161 reads

repeating yourself ;)

ANOTHER smiley!

brooks570 reads

more worried about a smiley, or what I care about, or "feelings" ;)

than the preventable deaths of your fellow humans, nice

classic superficial lib - name calling and insult in response to substance

kinda like cheesy, the fuck-board copy-editor, picking at details

you guys just gotta talk whether you have something to say or not

pathetically vile

-- Modified on 8/15/2016 10:20:51 AM

bigguy30130 reads

So it's not even worth it salty.

He plays the race card then turns around looking for other people to blame.
Then he wonders why I call out his white nationalist insecurites?

This is what racists clowns like him do on here.
Just like some other Trump supporters and they cannot help themselves.

It's okay for white people to carry guns in a state that has open carry laws.
If you are black, then many officers all of a sudden fear for their lives.

Posted By: brooks5
more worried about a smiley, or what I care about, or "feelings" ;)  
 than the preventable deaths of your fellow humans, nice  
 classic superficial lib - name calling and insult in response to substance  
 kinda like cheesy, the fuck-board copy-editor, picking at details  
 you guys just gotta talk whether you have something to say or not  
 pathetically vile

-- Modified on 8/15/2016 10:20:51 AM

FatVern72 reads

and was in possession of a stolen firearm, this incident has nothing to do with a licensed gun owner being shot by police.

bigguy3070 reads

So cops get fired and lie too.
Also it does not matter if a black person follows the cops commands or runs either.
The cops are in fear for their lives even with all the so called training they get to be a cop.

So let's go back two years ago with the Milwaukee police.
You don't think people remember this and tried of hearing the same bs everyday?

Posted By: FatVern
and was in possession of a stolen firearm, this incident has nothing to do with a licensed gun owner being shot by police.

bigguy30143 reads

The police are human but also supposed to be trained professionals.
You are like some other people in this country with their heads in the sand.

Posted By: FatVern
Where a black officer shot a black man.  

FatVern54 reads

Certainly not me.

They aren't held accountable because according to the law the shootings are justified.

The police enforce the laws, protestors and rioters need to take their concerns to the law makers. Not the people enforcing the law.

brooks557 reads

Cartoon Boy (fmrly fg/BFRG) doesn't give a shit

the victim was black

brooks5113 reads

the "bigger picture"

we ALL know that you can't

betcha now I'm gonna get a cartoon from fg/BFRG, now Cartoon Boy! ;)

or some link to an article that refutes HIS point -  that REALLY makes me chuckle

I guess that blacks slaughtering blacks ain't part of that picture

LasVegan86 reads

want this?  What could you have done to prevent this?  Your ignorance could not be more apparent!  What in the hell could Barack Obama have done about this?  Are you really that dense?

Yesterday it was over 100 degrees here in Las Vegas.   I sure wish Obama would do something so Las Vegas would never get hotter than the mid 80s.

Get serious dude!  You only confuse yourself more when you go on a tirade like this!

FatVern92 reads

Have you?  

When the man who holds the highest office in the land, is of the same heritage of the young people killing each other, shouldn't he something?

bigguy30105 reads

So how many white Presidents called out this issue smart ass?
I love how some white people think this is only President Obama problem.
When this isssue has been going on way before he was in office and will be here after.

Since you keep making false statement, here is proof you are wrong again.

Posted By: FatVern
Have you?  
 When the man who holds the highest office in the land, is of the same heritage of the young people killing each other, shouldn't he something?

-- Modified on 8/15/2016 11:09:55 AM

FatVern57 reads

No where in that article does Barack Obama, say don't be a gangster, don't be a thug, don't carry a pistol on city streets, no where.  

I don't necessarily expect young black men to listen to Obama, I surely never expected them to listen to a white President.

FatVern141 reads

I never had a father in my home, I did drugs with out thinking about the consequences, and I never took school to seriously.  

I don't see why that would make some react to emotional insecurities and join a gang, rob people, and murder my own people over some shit they said.

he just lets the muslims  kill each other.  Seems to be working. The same tactics are being used in Chicago.  There is no easy fix for the problem in Chicago except for maybe a Community Organizer.

bigguy3067 reads

This is where you are wrong too.
It's like you Trump supporters never learn anything.

Posted By: stucaboy
he just lets the muslims  kill each other.  Seems to be working. The same tactics are being used in Chicago.  There is no easy fix for the problem in Chicago except for maybe a Community Organizer.

stucaboy149 reads

video prove?  That video could have been shot in a Nevada gun range.  The grainy B&W film was a nice touch; reminds me of the 60s.  As for staying on topic, good idea, you should take your own advice.

bigguy30132 reads

So why am I not surprised by your response? Lol
It's like you, bs5 and FV are all completing, for the stupidest comments on here.

Posted By: stucaboy
video prove?  That video could have been shot in a Nevada gun range.  The grainy B&W film was a nice touch; reminds me of the 60s.  As for staying on topic, good idea, you should take your own advice.
-- Modified on 8/15/2016 1:57:10 PM

LasVegan95 reads

Would you even recognize the truth if it bit you in the butt?  If you think our country (led by Obama) is doing nothing to combat ISIS/terrorism, then you are either fooling yourself or so detached from reality that there will never be any hope for you.

What universe are you from?  What language do you speak?  Come on now, at least say something partially anchored in reality!

LasVegan66 reads

What specific words would please you?  Is there some kind of coded language we normal people are unfamiliar with?  Countless times he has spoken about gun violence and has directly condemned the horrific violence in Chicago, inner cities in general, as well as any violence against our police.

Do you really think he condones what you call "thuggin?"  I grew up in the inner city.  Sadly, when people are desperate and are faced with few positive alternatives, they go down the wrong path.  We can preach until our heart's content to those with no options, but talk is cheap and does nothing to improve their opportunities or perspective on life.

FatVern76 reads

improve their opportunities or perspective on life?  

It's a personal responsibility.  

You start off by saying Obama, has spoken out, and then you end by saying talk is cheap.

Would you agree that it's pointless for Obama to say anything?

LasVegan54 reads

Hey dumb, dumb, do you know how to read?  You said Obama never spoke out against violence in our inner cities, then when I proved you wrong, you changed the subject?

Wake up and pay attention.

brooks556 reads

his silence speaks volumes!

he fucking criticizes EVERYONE except violent libs, blacks and terrorists

brooks5101 reads

I ain't a lib who revels in human misery and death so the answer to your first question is no.

if the President condones, excuses and blames the rioting on others or "society", as COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS do, there is little I CAN do.  Barack can at the VERY FUCKING LEAST denounce the violence

what we will hear is either crickets or Barack blaming whitey - in lib "code" if he still feels the need to obscure his true feelings.  He is likely too busy on the golf course,  of course

the rest of your post is comprised of lame insults, which is what libs do every time they are frustrated with truth

yeah, I AM the confused one ;)

bigguy3068 reads

I guess the real facts will never matter to close minded people.

Posted By: brooks5
I ain't a lib who revels in human misery and death so the answer to your first question is no.  
 if the President condones, excuses and blames the rioting on others or "society", as COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS do, there is little I CAN do.  Barack can at the VERY FUCKING LEAST denounce the violence  
 what we will hear is either crickets or Barack blaming whitey - in lib "code" if he still feels the need to obscure his true feelings.  He is likely too busy on the golf course,  of course  
 the rest of your post is comprised of lame insults, which is what libs do every time they are frustrated with truth  
 yeah, I AM the confused one ;)
-- Modified on 8/15/2016 1:01:44 PM

FatVern119 reads

The police wouldn't have killed him.

IOW Obama denounced this young man's behavior? Many black people have no respect for Obama, that's why they don't listen to him.

bigguy3087 reads

You can't be this stupid with your comments.

Also President Obama is the President of the United States and that means everybody FV.
It's not just for only black people.

So if you want to be treated like a clown.
Then I have no problem treating you like one.

Posted By: FatVern
The police wouldn't have killed him.  
 IOW Obama denounced this young man's behavior? Many black people have no respect for Obama, that's why they don't listen to him.

FatVern105 reads

The young man was a threat to police. I'm not sure what you expected a literate person to take away from your post.

bigguy30116 reads

So this is the second time you posted a comment and clearly did not read the article.
I am beginning to see you really are not that smart.

Posted By: FatVern
The young man was a threat to police. I'm not sure what you expected a literate person to take away from your post.
-- Modified on 8/15/2016 2:01:43 PM

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