Politics and Religion

Who's the apologist! ;) I guess all those in favor of the ultimate scum bag criminal
mattradd 40 Reviews 471 reads
1 / 11

No Donald! She did not get the debate questions before hand. She just prepared very well, and can read you like a book! ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 73 reads
2 / 11

he will honor the will of the people, through their vote, given he never admits to losing. He, in his mind, can never admit to losing, because that is being a loser. If he doesn't win, it only means, in his mind, that the circumstances were rigged against him. That, and he has little understanding or regard for our democratic form of government. What's truly frightening, is there a millions of people who want this megalomaniac as president, not seeing the dangers he poses. How do people allow their hate, and/or fear of others, make a decision that can strip them of their freedoms, and the means by which we've kept those freedoms for over 240 years. Mind-boggling!

-- Modified on 10/20/2016 11:43:08 AM

86H13LTP 115 reads
3 / 11

of the questions then you deserve the ultra criminal scumbag as POTUS . She looked like a complete idiot in the last REAL press conference she did . You know the one . When Ed Henry tongue-tied her . He made her look so stupid the attack machine went after him that night  and exposed the affair he was having . That's the scumbag you're in love with . Wallace seems stand up enough that he wouldn't hand them over but there is noway in hell he didn't have to get the questions pre approved by the network and that's where the rat is .

mattradd 40 Reviews 131 reads
4 / 11

Yep! You must be right. She needed the questions before hand. Given that the topics were announced, in the press, ahead of time. Given that each of them knew what the other had said and done regarding, each topic. And, what each of them had said and done themselves on each topic, and could easily anticipate what attacks could be leveled for each, she must have really, really needed those question! NOT! ;)

Billy D 65 Reviews 143 reads
5 / 11

Posted By: 86H13LTP
of the questions then you deserve the ultra criminal scumbag as POTUS . She looked like a complete idiot in the last REAL press conference she did . You know the one . When Ed Henry tongue-tied her . He made her look so stupid the attack machine went after him that night  and exposed the affair he was having . That's the scumbag you're in love with . Wallace seems stand up enough that he wouldn't hand them over but there is noway in hell he didn't have to get the questions pre approved by the network and that's where the rat is .
-- Modified on 10/20/2016 8:12:13 AM

mattradd 40 Reviews 112 reads
6 / 11

I'd leave off the part about Alex Jones and the rest. Too leading, and I would want to know his answer to the more open-ended question.

-- Modified on 10/20/2016 1:15:00 PM

86H13LTP 183 reads
7 / 11
mattradd 40 Reviews 144 reads
8 / 11

I've determined that there is no good reason to respond to you any further! ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 75 reads
9 / 11

Oh, I'm not saying it isn't a fair question. I just think it's much more revealing, to those who are not hardcore Trump supporters, to ask the question in more open-ended manner. His responses, in the past, seems to be that he knows everything already, and needs no new advice, believing what he thinks he knows already.

LasVegan 141 reads
10 / 11

right! You are NOT a deluded idiot!  You are not one of Trump's many, uneducated, white males!  You are a truly SPECIAL scholar of current events!

You can be sure Fox news is at the beck and call of the democratic party and would do anything they could to make Clinton president.  So it only makes sense, they gave her the questions in advance.  Insiders say they used Rush Limbaugh as an intermediary to pass the questions to her campaign chief.  She especially needed these questions, because they were on issues that had never been addressed before.  She needed all the time she could muster to conduct research and formulate answers.

We Trump supporters know, giving the questions to Trump, would have served no purpose.  We realize he has an attention span half the diameter of a gnat's left testicle.

Thank you for pointing out this very important fact.  Looks like we have more than just one FM (fucking moron) posting info here. But most of all, thank you for revealing your true intellect!

-- Modified on 10/20/2016 2:54:19 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 83 reads
11 / 11

And, like you said, he never did answer the question regarding what he would do about Mosul. It was much the same as with his response about Aleppo. When Alex Jones said :you can't polish this turd," should have added, the turd is circling the bowl!  ;)

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