Politics and Religion

who should be laughing at who
followme 589 reads

Seems not that long ago (and still to some extent today) obama and all the lefties were blaming Bush for everything.

I guess that would make you a hyp-obama-crite

blame Obama for everything, because he doesn't 'compromise' the the Republican in the Senate and House. You guys are just a barrel of laughs!   ')

JackDunphy780 reads

that have passed the House for a vote in the senate right?

bigguy30654 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
that have passed the House for a vote in the senate right?
-- Modified on 11/20/2014 2:17:20 PM

JackDunphy738 reads

Your link backs up my assertion that the obstructionism is done by both parties. Thanks for proving my point!

bigguy30865 reads

So next time wear your glasses old man when reading the story.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Your link backs up my assertion that the obstructionism is done by both parties. Thanks for proving my point!

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 5:31:47 PM

followme590 reads

Seems not that long ago (and still to some extent today) obama and all the lefties were blaming Bush for everything.

I guess that would make you a hyp-obama-crite

JackDunphy668 reads

And neither do the majority of the American people.

Can you honestly say you fully trust him Matt after all his lies, malfeasance, ineptness, lack of transparency and horrible policy blunders?

Maybe you do. Most of us don't.  

And right after he got his ass handed to him in elections that are only a few weeks old, instead of acting like Bill Clinton did, or any rational person, he acts like a little boy with the EO and takes his ball home and drives a wedge into any bipartisanship moving forward.

He himself said Matt, that the elections proved that the American people want him to work with congress. What he is about to do tonite isn't "working" with anyone.  

He is doing exactly the opposite he himself said he could not do on many occasions in the past re: the EO and he is doing exactly the opposite of what he believes the American people want him to do with congress.

They were my only 2 options!   ;)

And, do I trust the Republicans to do anything that would make him look good. No!   ;)

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 12:00:28 PM

JackDunphy649 reads

And its not the Republicans job to make him "look good."


A job he clearly cant handle.

I vote for who I distrust the least. And, I distrust Obama less than I distrust Romney and the Republicans in the House and Senate.   ;)

No, it's not their job to make him look good, however neither is it their job to make him look bad, particularly at our country's expense. It's their job to pass legislation that benefits the country. They have failed miserably!

JackDunphy648 reads

Or are you on this one way obstructionist kick that has been thoroughly debunked?

And please, don't compare Romney's trustworthiness with Obama's. That's just stupid and a total joke at this point.

Can't compare Romney's trustworthiness with Obama's. Despite having a president with low approval ratings, in the midst of a bad economy, and having his money and all the monies he had backing him, Romney could not gain the trust of the majority of the American voters.  ;)

P.S. I never said the obstructionism was one way. The purpose of Reed's obstructionism was narrower in scope, and for a different purpose that the one for the Republicans.

that's subjective!

they did take an oath to unhold the constitution though!

bigguy30924 reads

The bill was passed in the senate over 500 days ago.

So the house has been seating on their asses not working.

The bullshit never stops with the GOP scum.

If they want to pass the bill then what is the issue with the animal house?

I know the extremists run the GOP!


Posted By: JackDunphy
And neither do the majority of the American people.  
 Can you honestly say you fully trust him Matt after all his lies, malfeasance, ineptness, lack of transparency and horrible policy blunders?  
 Maybe you do. Most of us don't.  
 And right after he got his ass handed to him in elections that are only a few weeks old, instead of acting like Bill Clinton did, or any rational person, he acts like a little boy with the EO and takes his ball home and drives a wedge into any bipartisanship moving forward.  
 He himself said Matt, that the elections proved that the American people want him to work with congress. What he is about to do tonite isn't "working" with anyone.  
 He is doing exactly the opposite he himself said he could not do on many occasions in the past re: the EO and he is doing exactly the opposite of what he believes the American people want him to do with congress.

Any bill sponsored by House republicans was not allowed on the floor of the senate by order of Harry Reid.
I believe that everybody on both sides of the aisle will suffer at the hands of the "king" tonight. Except for him, of course....

bigguy30711 reads

Posted By: jrwayne
Any bill sponsored by House republicans was not allowed on the floor of the senate by order of Harry Reid.  
 I believe that everybody on both sides of the aisle will suffer at the hands of the "king" tonight. Except for him, of course....

Not exactly a right wing rag...

bigguy30804 reads

So the repubscum want to pass it on their own terms. LOL

Okay jrwayne nice try but again the truth will always come out!

Posted By: jrwayne
Not exactly a right wing rag...

Oh that's right! Democrat bills are above reproach and the republican bills must be from Satan himself! And you plaster far left links as if they are written as the gospel. I think both parties are worthless. I thought I told you that. The democrats are running the country in the ground and the republicans don't have the stones to stand up to them. They are all drunk on power in their own little bubble while an egomaniac wipes his ass with the constitution...

GaGambler838 reads

But on my second week here, i saw the futility in being nice

bigguy30629 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
But on my second week here, i saw the futility in being nice

bigguy30720 reads

Posted By: jrwayne
Oh that's right! Democrat bills are above reproach and the republican bills must be from Satan himself! And you plaster far left links as if they are written as the gospel. I think both parties are worthless. I thought I told you that. The democrats are running the country in the ground and the republicans don't have the stones to stand up to them. They are all drunk on power in their own little bubble while an egomaniac wipes his ass with the constitution...

He had a Dem Congress and Senate. If immigration was so urgent why didn't he do anything? I just saw a tape where he said he did not have the authority to do what he is going to do today. I a starting to think the guy is having a meltdown. It's all falling apart,the hope and change and calming of the seas and the world joining hands in the spirit of peace. All the bullshit we heard from the media that kissed his ass when he ran for office. I've read that several presidents had nervous breakdowns late in their term like Wilson,LBJ and Nixon. That may be happening here.
  Or maybe he's just an egomaniac jerk who thinks he's king.

followme732 reads

Because he was too busy fucking-up much more important things......like health care and the reputation of the United States in the rest of the world, and let's not forget his apology world tour, etc. etc.  

Thank you
2016 - GOP WH, Senate and House

Four months is not a lot of time to get much done. It took longer for Bush to get us involved in Iraq.  ;)

4 months? There was a Dem congress and senate for 2 years.

followme709 reads

For the firsr TWO YEARS of the obama administration there were more DEMOCRATS than Republicans  in the Senate, and there were MORE DEMOCRATS than republicans in the House. Now if obama, a Democrat himself, cannot control/lead his own kind then that is conclusive proof he is not a leader...not that we need more proof.

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

How about you put on your big boy britches and point out wheres she's wrong.

P.S. Bernie Sanders was there, so he should know!   ;)

JackDunphy775 reads

Why would he wait until he destroyed his congressional majorities to do so? Think about that Matt. There is no compelling reason why it has to be right now to do the EO thing.  

How much better for the country would it had been had he acknowledged the drubbing he just took and announced he would give the new congress two months to act or he would use his EO in March or April next year?  

Wouldn't that be something someone would do if they put country first and really wanted to solve the problem at the same time lowering the heat in the room and creating bipartisanship? Win/win for him and the country.

Acting now Matt makes him look angry, petty and revengeful at the same time he is sticking it to the majority of American people who disagree with him on this.

bigguy30705 reads

He waited six years and waited for over 500 days for the house to pass the senate bill.

So what are you talking about?

The only thing your comments continue to prove is my points.

All the GOP scum want is power!

Posted By: JackDunphy
Why would he wait until he destroyed his congressional majorities to do so? Think about that Matt. There is no compelling reason why it has to be right now to do the EO thing.  
 How much better for the country would it had been had he acknowledged the drubbing he just took and announced he would give the new congress two months to act or he would use his EO in March or April next year?  
 Wouldn't that be something someone would do if they put country first and really wanted to solve the problem at the same time lowering the heat in the room and creating bipartisanship? Win/win for him and the country.  
 Acting now Matt makes him look angry, petty and revengeful at the same time he is sticking it to the majority of American people who disagree with him on this.

86H13LTP697 reads

Cries and stomps his feet because his Mommy said no for once .  

Fucking girls !!!!

bigguy30735 reads

Posted By: 86H13LTP
Cries and stomps his feet because his Mommy said no for once .  
 Fucking girls !!!!

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