Politics and Religion

Who says I am talking only about America jurisprudence. And .
BreakerMorant 391 reads

even in the statement you stated, you agree, we have an intrinsic sacredness to the word. Furthermore, you acknowledge, we did at one time swear to God. I have a taken an oath in court, and to be honest, with the word God omitted, the oath did not feel the same.

GaGambler511 reads

I really don't give a fuck either way, do you?

is what a true atheist would say.

GaGambler576 reads

nor can I or do I care to prove there was no Jesus. I reject the very premise of ALL religions, but since I can't disprove them I can't say with absolute certainty that there is no God, but the concept of an all knowing, all powerful God that requires human worship is so ludicrous as to be laughable. Proving or disproving whether or not there was even such a person as Jesus Christ really isn't relevant to me.

I was sucking a guy's dick one time and he was saying "please don't take my sperm, I will go to hell"  I started laughing right in the middle of the act.  LO

So that is your stance? As one of our most self professed men of science you are offering up a theory that can’t even succinctly define itself. From your own link, your theory is . . . .  
“the proposition that Jesus of Nazareth never existed, or if he did, he had virtually nothing to do with the founding of Christianity and the accounts in the gospels”

So which one is it? Are you really trying to prove two separate things in the same theory?

Not very good form.

I recognize your need but not fully understand your motivation to proselytize your atheist belief but what is the need or motive to disprove the mere existence of a person

GaGambler468 reads

is that DA is attempting to be just as annoying to believers as Bible thumpers are to us non believers.

I think he has not only accomplished his mission, but has gone so far as to be annoying even to his fellow non believers.

Trying in essence to prove a negative is almost as futile as trying to explain to a non believer why you believe in an invisible man in the sky. I mean honestly, how the fuck do you prove someone did NOT exist. The simple absence of proof that someone DID exist is hardly proof they did not. I could make a claim that once upon a time there was a caveman named "Ugh" just because I can't prove it doesn't mean that anyone can disprove it. It's just a simple waste of everyone's time. Just like this conversation.

everything the soul asks.  you are divinity too and just forgot.

he world without it can't function normally. If you subtract Jesus Christ from the world, the University of Notre Dame would not exist. Schoolchildren would be without teachers. Hospitals would not heal the sick. People's jobs would disappear. Governments would not have constitutions. The Vatican would not exist. History books would have to be rewritten because Jesus Christ did not exist.

Our system of jurisprudence would not exist. Let me explain, in our culture the subject-predict relationship is rigidly defined. Because of the teachings of the Old and New Testaments, the "word" has an intrinsic sacredness of its own, men are willing to sacrifice and live by and die for words. In this culture, a court of law can ask a witness to "tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God" and expect the truth to be told.  

But one can transport this court to India like the British did and have no real success on the matter of perjury because the Indian myths does not contain a Judeo-Christian culture, and thus the sacredness of words is not felt in the same way. A good book on this subject is a book by George Orwell I believed called Burma days.  

Any way what I am saying, there are other ways to look at reality beyond the lens of scientific materialism. Which you tend to do, and it's rather myopic

...anymore.  You ever heard of the First Amendment?   The oath is administered as follows:

"Do you swear or affirm to the best of your knowledge that the statements you are about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

I don't know about myopia, but you seem to have a bad case of cataracts.

even in the statement you stated, you agree, we have an intrinsic sacredness to the word. Furthermore, you acknowledge, we did at one time swear to God. I have a taken an oath in court, and to be honest, with the word God omitted, the oath did not feel the same.

GaGambler633 reads

just because YOU may feel like consequences for eternity are necessary to keep the sheep in line, doesn't mean that the rest of us need an invisible man watching over our shoulder to be good people.

Most of the rest of your argument is specious as well. if there never were a Jesus Christ (assuming there ever was one) it would be no different than if there were no Buddha, or no Mohammed, or no Alexander the Great, the history books would have to be rewritten, they never would have been written that way in the first place.

As for "at one time" at one time we also had slavery, women couldn't vote and chinks like me were only good for building the fucking railroads. Some people look "at one time" as a good thing, for others of us, let me borrow a line "The good old days weren't always so good and today is not as bad they seem" I have no desire to go back to the "good old days"

""Most of the rest of your argument is specious as well. if there never were a Jesus Christ (assuming there ever was one) it would be no different than if there were no Buddha, or no Mohammed, or no Alexander the Great, the history books would have to be rewritten, they never would have been written that way in the first place."""

More has been written about the life of Jesus and his teachings, and without question, those teaching have a far greater effect on humanity (if even sometimes misguided) than any other figure in the history of man. No one doubts the existence of Mohammed, Buddha, or Alexander the Great. And for that matter, even far lesser figures about whom FAR LESS has been written.

To even slightly entertain the notion the Jesus didn't even exist is one of the most mindnumbingly stupid things I've ever heard. And we're called "climate change DENIERS" with FAR less evidence that GW exist.

-- Modified on 4/13/2014 11:03:02 AM

I've seen Winter , Spring , Summer and Fall every year I've lived on Earth .
 If I was to claim  man causes seasons to change , I'd be speaking  foolish gibberish like crazy  drunk scientists ,

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
""Most of the rest of your argument is specious as well. if there never were a Jesus Christ (assuming there ever was one) it would be no different than if there were no Buddha, or no Mohammed, or no Alexander the Great, the history books would have to be rewritten, they never would have been written that way in the first place."""  
 More has been written about the life of Jesus and his teachings, and without question, those teaching have a far greater effect on humanity (if even sometimes misguided) than any other figure in the history of man. No one doubts the existence of Mohammed, Buddha, or Alexander the Great. And for that matter, even far lesser figures about whom FAR LESS has been written.  
 To even slightly entertain the notion the Jesus didn't even exist is one of the most mindnumbingly stupid things I've ever heard. And we're called "climate change DENIERS" with FAR less evidence that GW exist.  

climate change is real and something to be concerned about.  
why do think they banned ozone eating substances?

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