Politics and Religion

In re to OP below: Anyone here believe "UN military takeover of U.S. imminent ?
Priapus53 3861 reads

Also, that Fema has "internment camps" ?!

Funny thing, with the age of feminism over last 40 years, women ( AKA providers ) want "equal treatment with men, with all the preferential benefits that accrue, but, without the "negative aspects". When I knocked Madison's "paranoiac screed", I gave her the EXACT same treatment I would give to any other hobbyist on this board. Conservative Hobbyists who DETEST feminism came rushing to her
"defense" like a bunch of hypocritical, mealy mouthed, mangina white knights. LMFAO ! Now, if she had said something as equally outrageous on the left, think they'd rush to her defense ?! Don't hold your breath ! I would CERTAINLY give a leftist provider same treatment as Madison !

Now-----once again------ever since US received its independence ( except for War of 1812 ) has the US EVER been in danger of a military takeover?! Do hobbyists here think a UN Military takeover is imminent?! Do they think FEMA currently operates internment camps ?

I know how Mein will answer these questions----but how about the rest of you ?

-- Modified on 4/5/2011 9:53:56 AM

not bc of her gender or bc she is right or left but bc she is a new poster.

    As St. Croix said, she should be extended some degree of grace period before you start personal attacks. The substance of her post is irrelevant as long as she is posting in good faith.

      If she is wrong on the merits, just tell her.   All you accomplish by screaming that she is a" paranoid schizo" in the caption of your post is to discourage her and other new readers of the Board from posting. Save such diatribes for posters like myself who deserve it - she didn't.

can tell from the way and manner he posts he is a man of the upmost professionalism. Yes, I agree with you I am one who deserves the "diatribes". Is this the second time we have agreed on an issue?

-- Modified on 4/5/2011 5:47:58 PM

Just to let you know, I read this board to understand the opinions, on issues, of those who respond. I'm not interested in, whatsoever, one posters opinion of another. In my opinion, it's a total waste of bandwidth. And, you are one of those who participate in this the most.

Priapus532218 reads

she was a woman ? Fraid not----everyone ( justifiably, I thought, including myself ) attacked her like a pack of jackals. The "righties" only scream "foul" when a far right provider is ridiculed. This is an unmoderated, bare knucled forum. If anyone ( provider or hobbyist ) can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you notice SOTF & Jolene are still here-------I admire their tenacity. A pair of tough, smart broads-------:)

But my OP hasn't been answered. If righties are SO pissed about imiginary "Fema internment camps", think they'd feel same way about Muslim internment camps ?

Another thing-----a U.S. dictatorship ( be it UN or "Internal threat" ) NOT impossible, but HIGHLY improbable.

Lemme posit this; the universe is endless, so chance that there is intelligent life out there superior to our Earth is highly likely. Why don't conservatives also endlessly agonize about an extraterrestial attack ? Not impossible & as likely as a dictatorship taking over the U.S.

-- Modified on 4/5/2011 9:59:30 AM

I still don't care!!! You're still talking about posters not issues!!!

"unrepentant fat old whore" to that praise of "tough smart broad."

But, you're right about one thing (which is why I didn't come here for several months): the P&R board is like a caged fight, with bare knuckles and no holds barred. Even worse than a caged fight; here on this board, you can actually hit below the waist too.

Glenn Beck and Alex Jones (and others like them) are pulling this shit out of their ass in order to scare the shit out of the public so they will give them their money. That's all there is to it.

This is the same Glenn Beck who said that Obama was giving weapons to the Peace Corp to use as a private army to terrorize Americans.

GaGambler1675 reads

This is not a defense of our newest loonie provider from Atlanta, she is beyond defense IMO, except for possibly pointing out that she is nowhere near as shrill as TJloonytunes, but just as misguided.

The point remains that there are at least as many left wing loonies making shit up as righties, perhaps even more. The shit you post on ocassion is at least as fucked up as hers, but I will concede, her shit is pretty fucked up. lol

Priapus53894 reads

IMO, the worst troll to hit this board.

-- Modified on 4/5/2011 12:51:04 PM

GaGambler1033 reads

but I would have to put ben at least in the top five ever. I think first place would have to go to the "Avenging Fetus", he was not only a troll here, but his actions have led to real world consequences to people on this board, if he were to ever cross the street in front of me the only skid marks would be those of acceleration and the ones in his shorts. lol

... of a group of disproportionately overweight, uneducated, unimaginative people who spend 5 hours a day sucking in propaganda?

Sheeit. Around these parts, they declared a federal disaster back when we were without power for 6 whole days. Really -- lack of electricity constitutes a "disaster" in modern America because Americans are so fucking soft.

All you have to do to take over America is shut down dunkin donuts, starbucks, the cable tv and the convenience stores for 3 days. Three lousy days without sugar, caffeine, nicotine and their snorted fix of boob tube and they will GIVE you the country on a silver platter.

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