Politics and Religion

Who here wants to vote off priapus53 and ww they suck mr. moderator
THESPORTCAPITAL 143 Reviews 4716 reads

come get some, i control fuckin TER BITE ME 5 TIMES JACKASS.

...I'm betting more would like to get rid of you, liorr, than me or Pria.

oh, by the way, you're retarded.

RetardDefender1163 reads

Only Ter admin or sworn in staff have authority to remove retarded posters.

If you don't like the way they write , don't read their writings.

Priapus wouldn't leave if the entire board voted him off.

He proved he isn't a man of his word when
 he didn't leave  for 30 days after losing at his own terms.

Try to find some compassion for priapus and his willy .
        They are both retarded.


Priapus531529 reads

As did mrng. The rest of thread participants declined to take part; pity you're too thick to see that.

Why are you only using aliases ? Afraid you'll get moderated & have your ass thrown off this board again ?------LMAO !

Lastly, "Quadimoto", with your 9th grade education, not wise to call folks "retarded"-----

OC cast the only vote for either of you, and his vote went against you. The thread is still there for all to see.

Priapus531905 reads

Therefore, a tie. Don't believe me ? Ask him.

As for the the "retarded" Spasanvoa who is ardently being defended today by the "retarded Quad, you "pulled" his vote against me, remember ?

Game, set, match.

Willy did not vote for ng, The thread speaks for itself.

Truth be told, Quad has a much better case with liorr's vote than you do about Willy's, liorr actually voted against you, his post was removed because of a personal threat he made against you. Willy never voted against ng, and his post still remains for all to see.

Pri, as much as hate to say it, but Quad wins. Please don't further prove his point by continuing to lie.

Game, set, match indeed

-- Modified on 9/18/2011 2:26:22 PM

Priapus531375 reads

Speakin of shit, see Jack Schitt's thread was pulled------LOL  !

GaG, you're a good dude, but LYING is a harsh word; truth be known, I fucking hate liars.

Let's just say we have a "difference of interpretation".

Try as you might, you can't spin this. Quad is 100% correct, even if you discount liorrs vote, you still lose 1-0. Willy never cast a vote, you can ask him all you want who he WOULD HAVE voted for, but that means nothing, only votes that are actually cast in any election. Similarly we both know who you and ng WOULD HAVE voted for, but neither one of you voted either.

I don't expect you to go on a posting hiatus, but I think it would be in your best interest to quit while you are behind on this one. Look at is this way, I am your friend, I can't stand ng, and Quad and I have certainly had our differences, and even I don't believe you. How well do you think this argument is going to play with people that don't like you?

Priapus531327 reads

Well, fancy that------;)--------LMFAO !

and lost.

You can't even claim not to care at this point as it was you that called for the vote.

If I were you, I would try to make this as distant a memory as possible.

Sound advice here, Priapus-better listen up.

can I vote for him to take a hiatus retroactively?

My single vote has cast Priapus into the 30-day penalty box.  

Posted By: GaGamblerssmarterbrother
and lost.

You can't even claim not to care at this point as it was you that called for the vote.

If I were you, I would try to make this as distant a memory as possible.

RetardDefender1818 reads

Face the facts Priapus, you are a liar absent of honor.

You received two votes.  MNG received no votes.

 Cassanova had his vote expunged when he threatened you with a bitch slap.

Willy asked a question, whether  he could cast ten votes for mrnobrains.

 That was a question not a vote.
 Regardless,  that's not how  mrnogood is spelled.

Prove you are not a lying, incompetent , retarded fool.

  Show proof where willy voted for mrnogood.

Don't stop  your alias guessing.
 33% is a great grade for you.

Snowman391585 reads

The more the hard left rants and raves, the more they prove the CONSERVATIVE argument!! ;-)

calling everyone they disagree with a liar and name calling.

I'll admit to it on occasion and there are many others who do the same.  In fact, a lot of the name-calling comes from the right.

St. Croix1226 reads

Now I can't remember if you are a Giants or Jets fan. But if you are a Jets fan, get on your knees, face the West, and thank SoCal for delivering your QB and PK. Though after watching Brady against Miami and San Diego, can anyone stop him, including the Jets DB's. Trust me, I hate anything connected to Boston and NE.

If you are addicted to football, check out Don Bosco HS in NJ. I trust it's close to you. I watched the game against Sanchez's old high school (Mission Viejo), last week, it was like watching a college team....that good.

I like all NY teams and I like "Dirty Sanchez."  But right now I'm more interested in baseball and just had a huge amount of fun watching the Bosux drop three out of four.  Problem is, nobody's gonna beat Philly this year unless they bring a gun.
Oh, and like I tell gambler, fuck you and the whore you rode in on.

St. Croix2212 reads

I've stopped watching the Dodgers, well at least until Frank and Jamie McCourt both die (lol). OK, until they at least sell the Dodgers.

SFO did a number on the Phillies pitching last year, and the Giants had no real offense. I like the Angels rotation of Weaver, Haren and Santana. And Scioscia is probably the best manager in the business. I just need Texas to fall apart. Nevertheless, it's a crime against humanity to have Texas, or an Arizona, or even a Milwaukee to be in the playoffs (lol)

As long as Boston loses I'm happy. And Jamie fucks Frank so hard up the ass he has to sell. This shit reminds me of Georgia Frontiere and Carroll Rosenbloom. You do remember the Rams and the fact that Carroll drowned in 3 inches of water.

It's easy to drown in 3" of water if Georgia Frontiere is holding your head down.  Please go suck off Kung Fu Panda.  Now.

-- Modified on 9/18/2011 10:19:58 PM

I am sure there is another cunt that I detest more than Georgia Frontiere, but as I go down the list of hateful cunts I detest, let's see there is the Hildabeast, Michelle fucking Bachman, whoever that cunt was that used to own the Reds, Michele Obama.

Nope I can't think of a single one of them that I detest more than Georgia fucking Frontiere, unless we can include that fat fuck, John Robinson.

was the owner of the Reds.  I'd rather fuck her Saint Bernard.

St. Croix1227 reads

Did you lose a big bet when Robinson was coaching USC or the Rams? He was a fairly successful coach. You're going to have to help me on this one.

Plus as a forty niner fan since childhood, I always hated the Rams. lol

I disliked him less when he coached at USC.

FWIW I "was" a fan of the forty niners until Eddie D had to give up the team. They went form having the leagues best owner to having the worst in a single season and the results on the field have shown the difference.

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