Politics and Religion

White House Press Secretary: Soldiers Died “Fighting For Our Administration”
cks175 43 Reviews 172 reads

Cringe worthy.

 “Our deepest condolences go out to those three folks who are military folks who are brave who are always fighting, who were fighting on behalf of this administration...”

And when commenting on my posting history it’s not

pettiest post ever
pettiest post never

RespectfulRobert4 reads

She was speaking extemporaneously and anyone who has ever had to do that while being interviewed on TV , radio, etc knows how problematic that can be at times.  
Did you actually listen to the whole quote or did you just knee jerk and hastily posted without watching it? Here is what she said just after you cut off her quote:
"….of the American people, obviously more so, more importantly…."
Quite a different meaning, eh? Context is important and you left that out.
She misspoke CKS, but she INSTANTLY self corrected, so you are either mistaken, extremely petty, hyper partisan or you just lied. I will give you the benefit of the doubt on the last one, as I assume you didnt just flat out lie, so which of the first three is it, or was it a combination of all three?

How could you even think my post might be a lie? I mean, thanks for the benefit of the doubt, but to even suggest it’s a possibility?  My post accurately quotes her and then links to the source video which includes the “American people”.

Why are you giving her a pass for such a massive gaffe? She’s a communications specialist with two decades of experience in politics. She served as Chief of Staff for Kamala Harris.

Prior to her work with Harris during the 2020 election and with the Biden–Harris administration, Jean-Pierre was the senior advisor and national spokeswoman for the progressive advocacy group MoveOn.org. She was also previously a political analyst for NBC News and MSNBC and a lecturer in international and public affairs at Columbia University.
She’s an expert in her field at the pinnacle of her profession and the best she can can come up with for three soldiers killed in the line of duty is “military folk fighting for the administration”?
She was speaking extemporaneously and anyone who has ever had to do that while being interviewed on TV , radio, etc knows how problematic that can be at times
PROBLEMATIC?! A communications veteran doing a live hit on a topic she knows is going to be discussed isn’t problematic in any sense of the word.  What’s problematic was her response. She clearly doesn’t have the role and mission of our military top of mind if she could even utter that the troops are fighting for “our administration”. Good on her for the recovery attempt. But it doesn’t erase or excuse the original gaffe.

It reminds me of the night the news broke that UBL had been taken out by Seal Team Six. I was down in front of the White House where a crowd had gathered to celebrate.  American flags waving, people chanting “USA, USA”. Then all of the sudden a political activist, possibly a junior White House staffer, tried to steer the chant to “Obama, Obama, Obama”. I thought it was crass and disrespectful and indicative of a man who didn’t understand or respect the role of the US military. That’s what I think of KJP. She’s a rabid leftist who doesn’t respect or appreciate the sacrifices our service members make in service TO THEIR COUNTRY. Not an “administration”.

But you keep on white knighting for her.

RespectfulRobert15 reads

If Kayleigh McEnany said the EXACT same thing, you wouldn't have said a word. Not a peep. And guess what? I wouldn't have posted about it if she did. Enough with this silliness. "Massive gaffe." oh ok lol.
Look, you cut her quote short, didn't provide the proper context and then tried to make a mountain out of the smallest mole hill in the world! Just own that and grab a gummy. lol.

If Kayleigh McEnany said the EXACT same thing, you wouldn't have said a word.
Kayleigh has been subject to plenty of criticism here, but you feel KJP should be off limits? Your bias is showing.
didn't provide the proper context
Get your head out of the clouds. I provided the video that you’re relying on to claim I didn’t provide context! How bass ackwords is that?
a mountain out of the smallest mole hill in the world
Referring to our fallen warriors as “some folk, some military folk” and then classifying their service as “fighting for the administration” is a molehill? Wrong. It’s offensive. It’s a veteran thing, you wouldn’t understand.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert

If Kayleigh McEnany said the EXACT same thing
Kayleigh McEnany WOULD NEVER have said the same thing Because she isn’t a moron!!!

KJP is in over her head and CAN’T DO HER JOB!!!

Fuck I could do a better job as the White House Press Secretary than she does! But heau she’s got a D next to her name and an L so we have to overlook her shortcomings because if we don’t the racism charge will fly next! 🙄

Kayleigh McEnany WOULD NEVER have said the same thing
Good point. Robert presented us with a very untenable hypothetical.

"I will never lie to you.  You have my word on that."

February 2020: "We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here."
After the George Floyd shooting: "Donald Trump has a long history of condemning white supremacy and racism."

The only honest thing Kayleigh ever said was on CNN in June of 2015: "Donald Trump has shown himself to be a showman, I don't think he is a serious candidate.  I think it is a sideshow.  It's not within the mainstream of the candidates."

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: The FIRST thing Kayleigh said to the White House press corps...
"I will never lie to you.  You have my word on that."  
 February 2020: "We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here."  
 After the George Floyd shooting: "Donald Trump has a long history of condemning white supremacy and racism."
In February 20/20 everyone was on the dark about COVID. Remember Nancy was telling everyone to go to Chinatown and eat out… 🙄

Donald Trump did confirm white supremacy and racism your side just chooses to ignore that fact.

followme11 reads

Here we go again in you own words bobby - boy

“She was speaking extemporaneously and anyone who has ever had to do that while being interviewed on TV , radio, etc knows how problematic that can be at times. “

She is the press secretary for the President of the United States of America. That should not be a problem for her.  

The OP did not cut off anything as you dishonestly stated  
The OP Quoted exactly what was printed on the link (nothing less). And the full audio statement of KJP was there in the link, for everyone to listen to.  Nothing was cut off. That is dishonest on your part.  

And then bobby-boy in your own words  
   “ I will give you the benefit of the doubt on the last one, as I assume you didnt just flat out lie, so which of the first three is it, or was it a combination of all three? Hmmm a combination of all three …..That is implying he did lie. So in fact you are not giving him the benefit of the doubt.

You seem to be just another slimy little lefty turd. You often use innuendo insinuation and or veiled or equivocal reflection on character or reputation.

Yes soy-boy bobby your status of low life scum of the earth is well earned.

Hmmm are you in  training  to be a backstabber or do your have that down.

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