Politics and Religion

While I don't disagree completely with your reasoning,, your math is questionable.
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 225 reads

You say perhaps 33% of voters may support Trump.  Well, a big portion of those 33% are doing so only because the alternative is Hillary Clinton.  That big portion of the 33% is far from being white nationalists or bloodthirsty thugs.

And my opinion of Obama is mostly based not on whatever list of accomplishments his legacy-writers come up with but more on his lack of leadership and his "me first" over "country first" attitude.  The man may be a good father, good husband, inspirational speaker and all-around good guy but he is an absolute atrocious leader.  At least in my opinion.  You, and others, are certainly entitled to your own viewpoints.  After all, that's what makes America great.  And it isn't in need of being made "great again.

The only reason he won the nomination is because 16 other people ran against him. All of them were too afraid to really go after him and show the world what an idiot he is because they did not want to run off his supporters after they drove Trump from the race.

He is -- quite simply -- the worst candidate to ever receive a major party's nomination for President of the United States. Period.

And his opponent is no prize either.  She's running against this worthless candidate and still hasn't put him away nearly a month after the conventions have been over.  

America has never seen a Presidential election with two candidates as weak as these.

Although, if I had to somehow find one good thing I could say about Hillary it would be this.  Despite all her faults, her dishonesty and her complete lack of charisma, warmth and personality, she'll still be a significant improvement over what we've had in the White House for the last seven-plus years.  So, at least we have that bleak glimmer of hope to look forward to for the next four years.  :-(

Needless to say my Presidential ballot will be left blank on Nov. 8.  I'll exercise my privilege and vote for my Senate, Congressional and local races but I refuse to vote for either Clinton or Trump.  My conscience just won't allow it

Now, you'll need to adept that I've got a much different view of things. So bear in mind where this is coming from.

First, I disagree with you that Obama was an ineffective President or that the past 7 1/2 years were so bad. I've probably lived through more severely bad years than you, but you'll have to take my word for, things could be worse. In 12 to 16 years people will regard Barack Obama as one of the greatest presidents this nation ever had.

So the fuss. There has been a great increase in violence this past year, coming from all sectors, and if you want to believe that this has nothing to do with Trump's rhetoric and the rhetoric of his fellow travelers on the extreme right, you're free to do so. Nothing can be proved.

Trump's message of hate and white elitist militancy is not new. Though it lacks originality, Trump managed to take it out of the shadows and of course he won the support of racists and totalitarians. Trump himself could be written off as a nut job. Some creep slinking around mumbling and sneering isn't really that much of a threat.

The threat is the number of politicians who flank him and the thousands of followers whose innermost thoughts and feelings he voices.

Even if Trump were to lose the election with only 33% of the vote, it would mean that one of every three countrymen who you will encounter are at heart white nationalists who need a totalitarian furor to feel safe in the world. If there are 12 people on the bus with you, four are bloodthirsty thugs who would gladly like to see you dead. If you are in a restaurant with 30 other customers, ten are so filled with hatred that they've already spoiled their appetite.

Think about it. The true nature of a great many people have been not only exposed but unleashed. And now these wretched have been legitimatized and organized under Trump's banner. That is the America we live in.

And that's what the fuss is all about.

-- Modified on 8/25/2016 6:39:17 PM

St. Croix139 reads

Do Progressives take the bus, or are they driving their Tesla's to the Ivy in Santa Monica for Sunday brunch? Progressives are really an obnoxious self-absorbed vile lily white movement. They don't mix well with people of color do they, at least that's my observation when I'm in LA for the rare meeting, function, event, etc.

I trust you are not one of those egalitarian sorts that believe in a all encompassing ubiquitous "It takes a village" type government?

How do we get the independents, moderates, incrementalists, which are 50% of the population, to take over the debate about the future of this country? Or maybe we need a good old garden variety revolution where the other 50% is taken out.  

Let me end this in a simple way. As long as you exist. I want, no I demand, the "at heart nationalist with a furor for totalitarianism" (your words) to exist in order to counter the 20% of the population that are Progressives. It's kinda my version of Yin and Yang for two groups that I despise.  

Posted By: WickedBrut
Now, you'll need to adept that I've got a much different view of things. So bear in mind where this is coming from.  
 First, I disagree with you that Obama was an ineffective President or that the past 7 1/2 years were so bad. I've probably lived through more severely bad years than you, but you'll have to take my word for, things could be worse. In 12 to 16 years people will regard Barack Obama as one of the greatest presidents this nation ever had.  
 So the fuss. There has been a great increase in violence this past year, coming from all sectors, and if you want to believe that this has nothing to do with Trump's rhetoric and the rhetoric of his fellow travelers on the extreme right, you're free to do so. Nothing can be proved.  
 Trump's message of hate and white elitist militancy is not new. Though it lacks originality, Trump managed to take it out of the shadows and of course he won the support of racists and totalitarians. Trump himself could be written off as a nut job. Some creep slinking around mumbling and sneering isn't really that much of a threat.  
 The threat is the number of politicians who flank him and the thousands of followers whose innermost thoughts and feelings he voices.  
 Even if Trump were to lose the election with only 33% of the vote, it would mean that one of every three countrymen who you will encounter are at heart white nationalists who need a totalitarian furor to feel safe in the world. If there are 12 people on the bus with you, four are bloodthirsty thugs who would gladly like to see you dead. If you are in a restaurant with 30 other customers, ten are so filled with hatred that they've already spoiled their appetite.  
 Think about it. The true nature of a great many people have been not only exposed but unleashed. And now these wretched have been legitimatized and organized under Trump's banner. That is the America we live in.  
 And that's what the fuss is all about.

-- Modified on 8/25/2016 6:39:17 PM

-- Modified on 8/25/2016 8:55:35 PM

I with you 100% on this! I think the remedy for this would be "compulsory voting" which would counter the complacency of the mushy middle and make sure that pragmatists prevail in most elections. Even a threat of $20 fine would double out voting electorate and neutralize natural fervor of the extremes.  

Btw, your observations about Progressives being "an obnoxious self-absorbed vile lily white movement" are exactly on point. They usually are too afraid to say the wrong thing to be able to mix naturally well with people of color.

...I disagree with you that all things being equal he was positive force and believe that rise of Donald Trump lies squarely on his shoulders, that he could've done so much to improve race relations in America in relation to what they were before but as a result of his nearsightedness, and let's face it, his inexperience as politician and inability to be more of an American and less of a "black" president I don't remember race relations to be that bad since late 70s. And I'm sorry but it's all on him.  

Oh I can already hear how littlegirl30, the integral part of our three stooges team ChoosyCynic, bigguy/littlegirl30 and Laffy, is screaming: "R-r-racist!" Whatever. People like her gave us Obama, while, alas, but the other side of the same coin is set to provide us with Trump.  

But back to the points you made WickedBrut. It's not surprising that you're using almost exactly the same words as Bush people did after W left office. "In the future", they said, "Bush is going to be looked at as a great president." I personally have my doubts about that, even more so then of what you said in regards to Obama. Because Obama is the 1st black president and I know no matter what happens he is going to be looked at as "great" just because of that, no matter what else he did or did not do. It's just a nature of this society. It's not bad, it's not good, it's just "is".  

Simply on merit however I personally look at the last 16 years as the years of Bush/Obama presidency which followed general tranquility of Bill Clinton. Bush turned Middle East upside down, Obama made it even worse (if you want to discuss how, challenge me on that and I'll spell it out for you in my next post). West's relationship with Russia hasn't been as bad since the Cold War. Obama bears large share of responsibility for that too. China is getting more and more brazen but to be fair I don't think anybody could've done anything about that.

Economy... between you and I I don't see that much difference between Bush years and Obama years. You may point to the unemployment numbers but you know that these numbers are irrelevant, that they cover only those actively looking for a job. In reality the number of unemployed is probably larger then in Bush's times. I hear numbers from 5%(unemployment rate) to 42% (Trump of course) and everything in between. I personally suspect that it's somewhere around 20-25%. My friends seem to be loosing jobs at about the same rate now as they were in the middle of Bush years.  

The main positive aspect of Obama presidency that I see is the general sense of empowerment that I feel among my African-American friends. For them he is a symbol and that's great. But that hasn't changed since 2008. Back then I remember my friends were telling me that "you gotta understand! This is an incredible thing that just happened!" I did then and I do now. But that goes only to who he is not to what he did while he was in office.  

Alright, you may say, what about the Health Care? Many may disagree but I personally think that it's a great thing. Kudos to Obama for that. His successor whether it's Hillary or Trump (see how he is changing on immigration? He'll do the same on Health Care) will more then likely take it to its logical conclusion and establish the Universal Health Care for all, long overdo.  

So to me Obama was good in only two things as a symbol for African-Americans and for moving the United States towards Universal Health Care. In everything else he sucked.  

I suspect he'll be remembered for those two things in 16 years. Will they overshadow his other failures? I don't know. I suspect it would depend on how bad Middle East gets after Obama, and whether next president would be able to make economy feel better not only by looking at official economic indicators.  

Now, all that being said I agree with you that in what he would decide to do Obama was very effective as well as together with the W. one of the most decisive presidents that I can remember. I for example don't see Mitt Romney ordering the raid on Osama bin Laden, but I also don't see Romney turning his ships around after he announced to the whole world that he was going to punish Syria too. So we agree on Obama being effective, we just disagree on whether with all things being equal Obama's effectiveness and decisiveness was more for the better then for the worse.

You say perhaps 33% of voters may support Trump.  Well, a big portion of those 33% are doing so only because the alternative is Hillary Clinton.  That big portion of the 33% is far from being white nationalists or bloodthirsty thugs.

And my opinion of Obama is mostly based not on whatever list of accomplishments his legacy-writers come up with but more on his lack of leadership and his "me first" over "country first" attitude.  The man may be a good father, good husband, inspirational speaker and all-around good guy but he is an absolute atrocious leader.  At least in my opinion.  You, and others, are certainly entitled to your own viewpoints.  After all, that's what makes America great.  And it isn't in need of being made "great again.

...that without any qualification?  A few years ago, you didn't think Obama was such an "inspirational speaker"...unless he was using a teleprompter.  What were you inferring then?  Do you still believe that?


Can't function without it.  lol

BP, I se that you haven't changed over time.  I feel grateful that you would bestow me the "honor" of having one of my five-year-old posts dredged up and displayed for all to read.  Your service to others in that regard is so honorable.  And so "inspirational.

Posted By: PitchingWedge
Can't function without it.  lol  
 BP, I se that you haven't changed over time.  I feel grateful that you would bestow me the "honor" of having one of my five-year-old posts dredged up and displayed for all to read.  Your service to others in that regard is so honorable.  And so "inspirational."  

...in that regard, those two could speak well to any audience. In Obama's case it's more mood and audience-related. He has to put his mind to it. Then he can be pretty impressive.  

I remember how before 2014 election they put a floater out that Obama may not want to run for reelection. Then he still decided to give it a go but his heart (and his head) was obviously not in it (Remember the first Obama-Romney debate?). Then (I suspect) Michelle had a nice talk with her husband, about his legacy, his responsibility, what kind of symbolism and message (a quitter) it could give to African-American community, and so on and so forth and when Obama debated Romney next time we saw good old Barack going at it at full force, quickly putting his opponent on the defense (Candy Crowley no doubt did help), and since there wasn't ever a doubt in my mind that Obama had his reelection under control.  

But yes, I think if stars align themselves correctly Obama can be very inspirational.

bigguy30159 reads

Posted By: Nnoway
...in that regard, those two could speak well to any audience. In Obama's case it's more mood and audience-related. He has to put his mind to it. Then he can be pretty impressive.  
 I remember how before 2014 election they put a floater out that Obama may not want to run for reelection. Then he still decided to give it a go but his heart (and his head) was obviously not in it (Remember the first Obama-Romney debate?). Then (I suspect) Michelle had a nice talk with her husband, about his legacy, his responsibility, what kind of symbolism and message (a quitter) it could give to African-American community, and so on and so forth and when Obama debated Romney next time we saw good old Barack going at it at full force, quickly putting his opponent on the defense (Candy Crowley no doubt did help), and since there wasn't ever a doubt in my mind that Obama had his reelection under control.  
 But yes, I think if stars align themselves correctly Obama can be very inspirational.

...or you just throw staff out there when it doesn't fit your wishful thinking?

I know you don't remember mass media (CNN, Fox, MSNBC) discussing "the rumor" that Obama doesn't want to run for the second term, I wouldn't expect otherwise, but... did you even watch the first Obama-Romney debate? If I had to guess, I'd say not.

bigguy30210 reads

You realize Hillary Clinton was big part of the Obama administration as SoS?
Also you seem to forget how bad of shape this country was in before President Obama enter the White House.

I think you should check out this President approval ratings and many would disagree with you right now.

He was not perfect but again dealing with a do nothing animal house congress working against him. The guy deserves a lot of credit.

Then you say Hillary will be better but leaving your Presidential ballot will be left blank on Nov. 8?

So GTFOH with your bullshit and the last part of your thread does not make sense.  

Posted By: PitchingWedge
The only reason he won the nomination is because 16 other people ran against him. All of them were too afraid to really go after him and show the world what an idiot he is because they did not want to run off his supporters after they drove Trump from the race.  
 He is -- quite simply -- the worst candidate to ever receive a major party's nomination for President of the United States. Period.  
 And his opponent is no prize either.  She's running against this worthless candidate and still hasn't put him away nearly a month after the conventions have been over.    
 America has never seen a Presidential election with two candidates as weak as these.  
 Although, if I had to somehow find one good thing I could say about Hillary it would be this.  Despite all her faults, her dishonesty and her complete lack of charisma, warmth and personality, she'll still be a significant improvement over what we've had in the White House for the last seven-plus years.  So, at least we have that bleak glimmer of hope to look forward to for the next four years.  :-(  
 Needless to say my Presidential ballot will be left blank on Nov. 8.  I'll exercise my privilege and vote for my Senate, Congressional and local races but I refuse to vote for either Clinton or Trump.  My conscience just won't allow it.  

The sad part is, my guess is that English is truly your first language so somewhere our educational system failed in that regard.

But, on to your points.

President Obama's high approval ratings have little if anything to do with his accomplishments while in office.  His ratings are high because people like him. Period.  He has a great smile, a great family, a great sense of humor. He is the first minority representative in the White House and has the full -- as he should -- support and love of nearly all African-Americans.  People give him a great approval rating but have no idea what he has done or even what he is supposed to do as President.  And, sadly, that is one of the faults of today's America.  Actually, today's world as that is common in other countries as well.

And the thought of either Sec. Clinton or Trump in the White House has also given a huge boost to President Obama's approval rating.  People really are afraid of what is coming . . . .

bigguy30203 reads

I know you are in denial and this response comment proves it.
Also I can tell you are a very sensitive man too.
Just by your desperate and weak attacks on me.
So I don't care and enjoying myself.

This is a fuck site and I am going to have fun on here.
The problem for you is sounding stupid and getting called out.
Thanks for the laughs.


Posted By: PitchingWedge
The sad part is, my guess is that English is truly your first language so somewhere our educational system failed in that regard.  
 But, on to your points.  
 President Obama's high approval ratings have little if anything to do with his accomplishments while in office.  His ratings are high because people like him. Period.  He has a great smile, a great family, a great sense of humor. He is the first minority representative in the White House and has the full -- as he should -- support and love of nearly all African-Americans.  People give him a great approval rating but have no idea what he has done or even what he is supposed to do as President.  And, sadly, that is one of the faults of today's America.  Actually, today's world as that is common in other countries as well.  
 And the thought of either Sec. Clinton or Trump in the White House has also given a huge boost to President Obama's approval rating.  People really are afraid of what is coming . . . . .  

-- Modified on 8/26/2016 4:08:46 AM

in the above post?

Spell check and grammar check on your computer must make your screen as colorful as the sky at sunset over the ocean

bigguy30120 reads

Just stop talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Also I will say it again.
This thread made no sense and your old buddies can't help you!

So keep acting like fool.
I am enjoying laughing at you.

Posted By: PitchingWedge
in the above post?  
 Spell check and grammar check on your computer must make your screen as colorful as the sky at sunset over the ocean.  
-- Modified on 8/26/2016 9:25:13 PM

STFU. Otherwise you look like a bigger moron than you already are. Shocking but true.

FatVern151 reads

if that doesn't tell you how serious he is nothing will, the outrage from the left is beyond stupid.

I'm still voting Trump, just to piss off the racist white leftists.

bigguy30129 reads

Posted By: FatVern
if that doesn't tell you how serious he is nothing will, the outrage from the left is beyond stupid.  
 I'm still voting Trump, just to piss off the racist white leftists.

everyone take a closer look at you.  Trust me, you don't need to add any padding to your own resume

bigguy30154 reads

I will say it again, your thread made no sense.
You wrote it and don't try to give any advice now.

So I could care less and talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Just makes you sound foolish and confused.


Posted By: PitchingWedge
everyone take a closer look at you.  Trust me, you don't need to add any padding to your own resume.  
-- Modified on 8/26/2016 6:14:45 AM

JakeFromStateFarm126 reads

Remember, this is coming from a person who wrote about "a arm robbery" in an earlier OP.  He's a serial ignoramus who will reply, reply and reply until he runs you off the right side of the page. Just watch.  He won't be able to keep himself from making an insipid reply to this post (and he doesn't even know what insipid means).

bigguy30131 reads

So this is coming from a guy who name calls and picks fights with people himself on here? Lol
You gave me a lot of links to pick from too.
Well you and some other people never learn either. Lol




Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Remember, this is coming from a person who wrote about "a arm robbery" in an earlier OP.  He's a serial ignoramus who will reply, reply and reply until he runs you off the right side of the page. Just watch.  He won't be able to keep himself from making an insipid reply to this post (and he doesn't even know what insipid means).

-- Modified on 8/26/2016 9:10:18 AM

bigguy30176 reads

You really are a fraud that never learns.
I did not forget how weak you are on here and your lying will not silence me either.

Also I already said, I only enjoy real woman born female.
So I been really clear and no confusion on my part like you.

Jake you on the other hand have not only me, but others questioning you! Lol
Just like I said last week you have issues and people see it on here.

So don't put your personal issues on me.
I am real good in my own skin and know what I enjoy.
You on the other hand are in question and confused.


Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

-- Modified on 8/26/2016 9:56:12 AM

bigguy30103 reads

Then I will expose you and keep your personal business to yourself.
So no one cares including myself, what you do in your personal life.
If you continue to lie or make things up on me.
I will respond and set the record straight!

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Please have the last word.  Who gives a shit.
-- Modified on 8/26/2016 9:55:56 PM

JakeFromStateFarm225 reads

Trump announced his bid for the WH at an event staged at Trump Tower in which he and Melania arrived down an escalator.
Again and again, you make us wonder if your IQ is as high as your body temperature.
Hint: that is a rhetorical question

bigguy30171 reads

So your point is right dealing with FV.
You also continue showing something else on here.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Trump announced his bid for the WH at an event staged at Trump Tower in which he and Melania arrived down an escalator.  
 Again and again, you make us wonder if your IQ is as high as your body temperature.  
 Hint: that is a rhetorical question.  

JakeFromStateFarm117 reads

If I attacked you every time you said something stupid I'd never be able to get anything else done.  You and FatVern are the Tweedledee and Tweedledumb of this board.  One righty, one lefty, each as stupid as the other.
You're such a cute couple

FatVern85 reads

Trump, said he was going to run for President, the funny part Snoop Dogg(who is black) and all the Jewish comedians at the roast supported Trump, you show up at a roast, you support the person being roasted.  

Perhaps they don't support him as a leader, but they sure supported him as an individual

JakeFromStateFarm102 reads

Gosh, I'm at a loss for words.  In fact you are no dumber than we already thought you were.  Still wrong though.

FatVern127 reads

I don't know how serious Trump was at the time, but I know he said something about running for President, or someone suggested that he should, and he ran with it.

Either way, Trump's roast was the first time I ever heard him say something about his bid for the WH.

JakeFromStateFarm174 reads

And I could care less if he mentioned running for President at the Roast because he'd done that dozens of times.  His actual announcement is the only thing that counts and I put up a link to that.  Go back to sleep.

Though I certainly don't agree on all points, a balanced truly, conservative viewpoint of his disgust at both candidates, particularly Trump. Kudos to him for that, we need more of that here instead of the Korsakoff syndrome fueled rage of one Trump supporter in particular.

Couple of corrections : 2 polls show that 2/3 of Trump supporters think BHO is a Muslim born Kenyan, if that isn't a racist canard, I don't know what is. Also, not everyone of adult age is registered to vote & not everyone that is registered votes regularly. That said, the white Supremacist slice of the Trump vote is probably 10% of the population, or a little over 30 million. If one doesn't find that stat scary, I don't know what will.

Wow, PW, haven't seen you in years ( unless you post under an alias. ) Once again, good job.

but is has never been one.

With each and every comment that Trump makes, he buries himself further and further into the biggest loss since Mondale's in '84.

This was so easy to predict.  How could anyone ever possibly think that this loudmouth could actually be our Commander-in-Chief?  

Trump's next move will be to try anything to push the blame for this embarrassment onto someone else.  He is trying to put all the blame on the media but that doesn't stick for too long.  His ego can't stomach losing in these proportions.  If he could find a way to drop out and somehow put the blame on someone else, he would do it faster than he fired the first few contestants on The Apprentice

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