Politics and Religion

Which means that the Democrats have fully abandoned labor.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 209 reads

The only people the political parties will represent are the ones who can afford to bribe them.

Fascism, here we come.

Its the POTUS office. Bidding will start at $30B in oil futures, gold , opium, or whatever. There is however a secret reserve price. You don't need to be a US citizen to bid, Just bring the fucking cash
and we will work something out.  There is no god so you are going to have to watch your own ass. If you hear a lot gnawing , barking, snapping  and gnashing of teeth, that will be the sound of the horde of hungry running dogs of capitalism looking for something for nothing. Make sure you feed the fuckers before you accept your prize.

Snowman39310 reads

I don't ever remember seeing you complain about Obama's large war chest. That makes your hypocrite.

Ever considered the fact that if you can't raise money, it is because people do not believe in your cause.

It necessarily means that he will act to serve the people who bribed him, not the rest of the country.

If you can't raise money, it's because people don't believe in your cause? That might be true if there were campaign contribution spending limits for a single individual.

But that doesn't matter now. One billionaire can now contribute the 30 million a governor needs to keep his seeat. A handful of billionaires will be deciding on who will be President after 2012.

If you ignore party politics, and you ignore the campaign, and you just look at who is spending the most money, then you'll be able to pick the winner of an election accurately 94% of the time.

This means that for those who have the money, they get the luxury of having representation in Congress. The rest of us get shit.

I dont remember expressing support for any of the lackeys of the running dogs of capitalism.
I am a proponent of competing economic systems. The US is 99% capitalist. Even a blockhead like you
should know that if you cant raise money it's because potential investors dont see a profit margin in your deal. It is possible that the national democratic party got a better deal from the Walker people.

Snowman39156 reads

you can point to a post where you complain about Obama's massive fund raising, or did the subject just enter your head when it was the Republicans who raised more money...

Not too proud to admit I was wrong in my asessment of you, but you have to prove it to me...

are lackeys of the capitalist class if not capitalists themselves. I have always implied that cash and organizational skill wins elections. How else could Obama have won his first term?  I think both parties are equally endowed with cash and skill can be bought. Eventually, capitalism will implode from an  internal orgy of cannibalistic greed and some form of communism will rule the earth.

Snowman39306 reads

However, I do believe any person or organization should be able to give. I just believe that every contribution should be tracked and made available to the public through a web site so everyone can see where candidates get their money.

The real problem are weak minded voters who know so little they let slick advertising persuade them instead of taking the time to review the issues.

As a nation, we get the government we deserve...

The resources were there.  The problem was that the people who controlled the purse strings on those resources -- labor chiefs, national Democrat boosters, etc. -- saw the battle as a lost cause.

Hell, even the President saw it was a futile attempt to recall the Republican Governor and refused to damage his own reputation even more by visiting the state and supporting Mayor Barrett.

The Democrats' cupboard is far from bare.  And that will be proven when President Obama unleases his war chest in the coming months.

The only people the political parties will represent are the ones who can afford to bribe them.

Fascism, here we come.

The Democrats aren't stupid.  They can't piss money away months before a general election to back a loser.  I understand the unions were desperate but the recall was not a smart move.  They drafted the same guy who just lost and Walker did exactly what he promised to do which got him elected in the first place.  There simply was not a compelling reason for someone to change their vote this time around.

post on this board. The democrats fully support the running dogs of capitalism.

nuguy46129 reads

2 entirely different animals.....the public crowd want MORE of your tax dollars.....labor guys not really thrilled with what the public guys are doing, cause the taxpayers are definitely not willing to hand over more of their hard earned money to give more benefits to that crowd.......how many formal union members have resigned since the WI debacle?  check it out "Demmies".

capitalists that are pro union? Name names so every one of them can be known to all of us.

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