Politics and Religion

Whew!!! I'm glad he chose you to field that mess!teeth_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 947 reads

Reading it just brought back images from childhood where we've knocked the covering off the baseball, all the strings are coming unraveled, and we're wondering how much longer we can keep it in play before it totally disintegrates!  ;)

Seems all he does is give a blank emotionless stare and make dumb statements.  

Has he accomplished anything other than obama care?  

They should've put an Asian American in office.  
I mean, us asians are the superior race, don't you all agree? lol


...but Asian girls are the hottest girls in the world. Suck it, blondes!

Emperor Hussein  has been abusing executive power left, right and center applying the laws that he wants the way he wants and, ignoring the ones that are not suitable for him. Did you not hear SOTU speech where he told the world how he has a phone and a pen?

Just yesterday, he changed ACA again for like 28th or 29th time (sorry I lost the count). The old plans that were supposed to be junk sometime this year, because they don't comply with ACA regulations, are not junk anymore until after Oct 2017 as long as the states are OK with it, which is after he leaves the office. This is just to undermine effects of his lie of the century - "If you want to keep your plan, you can keep your plan...."

Other extensions have already been issues to ACA to delay the employer mandate for small businesses with 50-99 employees and over 100 employees.  

He signed the Executive Order to raise the Min Wage for Federal Contractors to $10.10 on 2/12/14.

Hussein just released his $3.9 Trillion budget which is DOA. So don't expect any budget this year for Fiscal Year 2015. Just another Continuing Resolution.  

So, yes, he has been doing "things". Mostly wrong things

was doing the same thing!

In fairness, over time, it looks like Democrats have abused that power more than Republicans.

And, when it comes to signing statements, which can be used by the president to say he's Congress can take their law and stick it where the sun don't shine, let's compare G.W.s 161 to Obama's 26.  ;)

What is in the Executive order is more important than just the sheer number. I don't know which planet you are living on, Obama has so far signed 172 Exec Orders. Some of these are pretty lame things/ initiatives, and some are significant. The more significant, the worse... G.W. Bush signed 291 in 8 yrs in office.

One of the bad things about democracy is that "activists" can go pickup drunks at the homeless shelter and give them free cigarettes in exchange for voting.

By definition, 98% of voters aren't geniuses, and half of them are below median.  All you have to do to get elected is convince the dumbest 50% plus 1 deluded average individual ... and you are in.

Most of our politicians suck.  They suck because the very fact they long for power disqualifies them from holding it.  

I am quite convinced that we would have far superior representation in terms of character if we simply selected people using a random mechanism like a lottery.

Hey, a Drunken Asian would probably be better than Obama ... but so would a Drunken Monkey. lol

"Most of our politicians suck.  They suck because the very fact they long for power disqualifies them from holding it."

I'm quite certain many of our forefathers, who set up our way of governing, strove for power also, however, from my readings, overall their leanings were to have the government work well for it's citizens. Now days, I don't see much of that, just the striving for power.

IMO , Generally speaking , in this digital age , South Koreans are the most intelligent and productive  Asians ,  while showing  remarkable  efficiency and superiority when  compared to most Americans   , especially in the art of  turning rural areas into productive "harmonious"  cities .  
The Japanese were leaders in the old days of authority rules and analog , after the British lost their lead .
  When  South Korea  begins  building  cities in their mountains and unifies  with their North ,  they will be the  World Leader in Advanced Ecological Evolution  and  Peace .  
 One thing I've noticed among  South Koreans  , their absence of an authoritarian demeanor driving them to a false sense of security and success  .  
  I'm not sure if it was Confucius or another  Asian ,  
    "A  man with work ethic and true knowledge finds wise answers when not demanding results ".  

Posted By: Drunken Asian

 They should've put an Asian American in office.  
 I mean, us asians are the superior race, don't you all agree? lol  

-- Modified on 3/6/2014 1:41:06 PM

"One thing I've noticed among  South Koreans, their absence of an authoritarian demeanor driving them to a false sense of security and success"

You obviously have not dealt with Korean families not been in a Korean church.

GaGambler858 reads

South Koreans flock to "Christian" Korean Churches in droves, although it's common knowledge that most of them do it for the social prestige and as a chance to show off any successes they have had.

In this respect they have assimilated quite well with their white, church going counterparts.

Perhaps those Koreans feel guilty for their success.  

What's wrong with a capitalist, who takes their money, in return for telling them something they want to hear?

GaGambler713 reads

They don't feel the least bit guilty, quite the contrary, they want to brag about their successes.

Korean church attendees that each family puts their tithe in an envelope, and writes the family's head of household's name, and the amount that they have given. Later someone reads, in front of the whole congregation, the amounts and from whom. A great chance for families to show off, but also, most families are shamed into giving much more than they can afford.

"... although it's common knowledge that most of them do it for the social prestige and as a chance to show off any successes they have had.

GaGambler985 reads

and it certainly blows that part of Quad's theory out of the water.

Not that Koreans have a monopoly on this type of behavior, but they certainly don't have an exemption either.

Your deductions are completely wrong  . I have associated with many Korean families  and attended many Korean parties and events  , never seen  a fight or even an  argument ,  the Hosts are always extremely polite while welcoming me with open arms , with not as  much of a speck of litter dropped on the floor by anyone .  
    Interjecting your own interpretation of words I did not speak proves you to be more  simple minded  than I imagined .  
  In your defense you often confuse words in front of your nose .  
  The  authoritarian demeanor I  see is driven by hop scotch leaders in the U.S.A . not South Korea .  
  When I think of an authoritarian hopping to no success   ,   Lurch  comes first to my mind .
  For further  clarification , my OP  was primarily speaking  of the country South Korea ,  South Korean leaders and South Korean people .  The peaceful demeanor and hard work ethic  I see in South Korean people living in their homeland and in the U.S.    
  The art of  turning rural areas into productive "harmonious"  cities I spoke of is  evident in the country South Korea .    
   Religion and churches were absolutely no where  in my OP or on my mind at the time , though I have been to a few Korean weddings in America at Christian Korean churches .  Does that count as dealing ?  


 Map below .  
 With hope and no trust  you need no further explanation .  :-D

Posted By: mattradd
"One thing I've noticed among  South Koreans, their absence of an authoritarian demeanor driving them to a false sense of security and success"  
 You obviously have not dealt with Korean families not been in a Korean church.

"Generally speaking , in this digital age , South Koreans are the most intelligent and productive  Asians ,  while showing  remarkable  efficiency and superiority when  compared to most Americans   , especially in the art of  turning rural areas into productive "harmonious"  cities."

Care to back that up with anything of substance; like research?

I could  show  you a mountain of research proving South Korea is rapidly advancing and already Number 1 in digital technology , and low in crime  , while before your eyes ,  you and a majority of Americans following your style , will have fallen by the wayside , not realizing  you've been knocked out  .  
  I'll give you a couple links to ponder if you care to review , the last word tonight .  
  I have better things to do at this moment in time ,  than try to teach you facts you deny .  

  In other words , play with yourself ,  I have a date tonight , unfortunately not with a South Korean babe .  






Posted By: mattradd
"IMO Generally speaking , in this digital age , South Koreans are the most intelligent and productive  Asians ,  while showing  remarkable  efficiency and superiority when  compared to most Americans   , especially in the art of  turning rural areas into productive "harmonious"  cities.   When  South Korea  begins  building  cities in their mountains and unifies  with their North ,  they will be the  World Leader in Advanced Ecological Evolution  and  Peace .  "  
 Care to back that up with anything of substance; like research?

"South Koreans are the most intelligent and productive  Asians"

I have great admiration for the South Koreans, and I've read much about their technical advances. And, I know that, along with Finland they have one of the highest rated educational systems. They are definitely doing something right, at this time. It wasn't always so, and it may not always be. But, they are now. I just wouldn't be so pretentious as to make the declaration that you made!  ;

GaGambler1077 reads

Now if he were actually Korean himself, it might be pretentious, but since he's a white guy saying it, it's just a dumb statement

It's about as smart as saying that the Swiss are the most intelligent and productive Europeans. If I said that you wouldn't call me pretentious, you'd just call me stupid. Tell me I'm wrong. lol

Since you disagreed with my opinion while furnishing no  argument of your own or any links , I can't help but wonder ,  do you have  guts enough to give a legitimate  answer to my reply  to DA , when he mentioned the U.S.  should've put an Asian American in office ,   or continue with generic replies of dumb and stupid ?   In my opinion that's lame , not game .
    GENERALLY speaking in THIS DIGITAL AGE   What  ASIAN country is comprised of the  most INTELLIGENT  and PRODUCTIVE  Asians , while showing remarkable efficiency and superiority COMPARED to MOST Americans .
  South Korea was/is my choice  . I stand by that statement 100 %  . I believe next year will show more proof , ten years from now most of the World will realize it is fact .  
                       What  say  you  ?
  If you say China I won't call you dumb or stupid for your opinion on this subject .  
 I would be curious of your reasoning  .  
   If you think I meant population numbers or fire power when I said most , you missed  my entire point .
 If you believe  most Americans are becoming  smarter  than most South Koreans , I'll call you blind .  
  You are correct , I am not South Korean , however you are  wrong  assuming I am White .  
     My Government issued birth certificate agrees I don't  glow in the night with enough  intensity to be labeled White .  
    You reminded  me of a  mod years ago ,  assuming I am Black .  
  It's not a Black and White world unless you live in a Black or White segregated  neighborhood .

    My question for this morning Sir gambler .  

    What country  do you believe is superior in productivity , intelligence , and efficiency , making the most of what they have to work with in today's  digital age ?  
    Will you Show Some  Game you claim  ?  



 Old link    http://www.economist.com/node/21538104      

Posted By: GaGambler
Now if he were actually Korean himself, it might be pretentious, but since he's a white guy saying it, it's just a dumb statement

It's about as smart as saying that the Swiss are the most intelligent and productive Europeans. If I said that you wouldn't call me pretentious, you'd just call me stupid. Tell me I'm wrong. lol

GaGambler803 reads

and why do you only want to compare Asians with Americans? I would think that to be fair you should compare apples to apples and not to oranges.

but back to your original point that Koreans are somehow more intelligent than other asians, do you really need me to dignify that with an answer? Do you have any idea how insulting a question that is to any asian not Korean? and No I am not going to play your little game. People are either smart or not as individuals, are there smart Koreans? of course. Have the Koreans done well lately? yes. Do I think Koreans are smarter than me? Do you really want to get punched in the face? next question Asshole. that's my answer.

As for putting an Asian American into office, it will happen when it happens. Black people have wanted a black POTUS for decades, well they got one, and look at what a miserable POS they ended up with. I don't want someone in office because of his race, and I don't want someone excluded because of his/her race either. I believe in merit, and judging people by their race in either a positive or negative way is counterproductive IMO

So find someone else to play your little game, I abstain.

Reading it just brought back images from childhood where we've knocked the covering off the baseball, all the strings are coming unraveled, and we're wondering how much longer we can keep it in play before it totally disintegrates!  ;)

GaGambler931 reads

I can imagine trying to get through that muddled mess with half a buzz on.

I most likely would have skipped through all the niceties and simply called him a moron. Sometimes life is just easier that way.

Since I have lived my entire life in America , other than the few times I diligently saved  for an overseas trip ,  I can see the tide of technology changing  between this country and South Korea  more clearly than attempting to compare  Asian countries with each other .  
  I was not intending  racism or attempting any kind of  a personal attack against you ,  your ancestors  
 or  other Asian countries when I gave my opinion and others I have read ,  South Korea is a Digital Technological leader .  


  Your chipped shoulder felt something I didn't intend when my OP  threw D.A. a bone .  
   I don't believe South Korean people  are inherently more intelligent than anyone including Americans  , I do believe the South Korea form  of government and freedom gives them a better chance of  success than most   Asian countries and like  all Asians I have been around , they are more focused and try harder  than the majority of  Americans  today .

  When comparing Americans with South Koreans  I see South Korea gaining respect and excelling to the top in the digital age , while America is losing  more and more technology edge and  quickly losing respect around the World .  
 I have never seen  lazy Asians  { including Indians : Curly }  though I will wager  there must  
   be a few somewhere .  
   I have seen America turn from a country comprised predominately of hard workers always ready to battle a stacked deck  ,  to a new style  American of all races , consumed more and more with the easy way out  laziness plague .

  As far as technology I would wager I could ask a hundred South Korean teens define  HTML  , most of them would know the answer .

  Ask a hundred American teens to define  HTML , I cringe at how many would believe  it's  the acronym for  High Times Marijuana Lounge or worse .  

  Ever since I was a child , over and over I've heard the phrases  , American Exceptionalism , America is unique , America is the best , America 1 , America products are superior , like America Superiority is  some kind of brain washing opium .  

  If America doesn't wake up soon , they won't be in the top ten .
  That's why I compared South Korean Asian Apples to Frozen American Oranges .
   Thank you for your effort .


Posted By: GaGambler
and why do you only want to compare Asians with Americans? I would think that to be fair you should compare apples to apples and not to oranges.

but back to your original point that Koreans are somehow more intelligent than other asians, do you really need me to dignify that with an answer? Do you have any idea how insulting a question that is to any asian not Korean? and No I am not going to play your little game. People are either smart or not as individuals, are there smart Koreans? of course. Have the Koreans done well lately? yes. Do I think Koreans are smarter than me? Do you really want to get punched in the face? next question Asshole. that's my answer.

As for putting an Asian American into office, it will happen when it happens. Black people have wanted a black POTUS for decades, well they got one, and look at what a miserable POS they ended up with. I don't want someone in office because of his race, and I don't want someone excluded because of his/her race either. I believe in merit, and judging people by their race in either a positive or negative way is counterproductive IMO

So find someone else to play your little game, I abstain.

people of Indian origin are not considered Asians in USA, unlike UK or Australia.  You talk about South Asians, then all of a sudden the bulb goes off in people's head.  

So Quad - Not only, not all Asians are the same, but not everyone is Asian when they actually are. lol

-- Modified on 3/6/2014 6:04:48 PM

If one limits their reading and news sources to American journalism, s/he would never know that. Regarding "South Asians," how many times have you heard that term in the news, here. I only hear when I visit Japan or Hong Kong.

GaGambler984 reads

Does anybody even remember that most of Russia is in Asia?

I know, if you don't have slanty eyes, you aren't a "real" Asian to most Americans

-- Modified on 3/6/2014 5:32:02 PM

I can't remember a time, and even in world history class in high school, Russia's European history was emphasized more. There was some passing remarks about the Mongols, and the wars between Russia and China, but I think the impression was left that Russia was more of a European country than an Asian, though as the article, attached, points out, it's not certain how they identify themselves. Perhaps, it's just purely a matter of geography. Someone in St. Petersburg or Moscow may identify more with European sensibilities, while someone further East, say in Omsk, with more Asian sensibilities.

Parsifal1102 reads

The CBO just released its estimate the FY 2014 budget deficit of $514 billion dollars. Obama inherited a Bush deficit of $1.4 trillion.  So can you name all of the other Presidents who have reduced the deficit by $900 billion in just five years?

here's a list for you! Some of them you may not agree with. Some you may question whether he indeed did them, but there's enough there to disprove your insinuation that he has done little to nothing.  ;)

He has doubled down on the Patriot Act.
He rammed through his ACA effectively mooting the "No direct Capitation" clause in the Constitution.
He took the protection of the "Filibuster" away from our representatives in Congress.
He has hounded and arrested journalists who believe in a "Free Press"
He is incrementing total "Executive Order" power.
He is working daily at trying to take our 2nd Amendment from us.
He has done NOTHING to the Wall Street banks for causing the 2008 and on-going Depression.

He is a horse toothed jack ass and a wannabe totalitarian despot.

I might not agree with all these things, but who would have done things differently Romney?

Nominate Romney in 2016, if you want to keep the libs in office.

If you mention a "Shadow Government" actually running things from behind the media broadcasted circus you get people scoffing at you and calling you a nut-case.

 Romney would have sold just as many if not more of our freedoms and liberties to the Globalist banking/corporate cartel. The whole goddamn bunch are just power hungry tin hat dictators that will do any goddamn thing the ruling corporatocracy desires.

  Beautify America; shoot a banker today!

Posted By: bigvern
I might not agree with all these things, but who would have done things differently Romney?  
 Nominate Romney in 2016, if you want to keep the libs in office.

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