Politics and Religion

Whew!!! I was worried you were going to take the bet
St. Croix 1589 reads

and select the State of Arizona (lol).

There are lot of folks just trying to get to even in the market. If I had a nickle for every analyst on CNBC that has recommended BAC, Citi, JPM for the past year, I'd be a rich man. Normally financials lead the market higher out of recession, but I guess this is part of the new normal. Maybe the mid-term elections will give the market a boost beyond this trading range we are in.

County’s Monthly Welfare Tab for Illegal Aliens $52 Million/month

As the mainstream media focuses on a study that reveals a sharp decline in the nation’s illegal immigrant population, monthly welfare payments to children of undocumented aliens increased to $52 million in one U.S. county alone.

The hoopla surrounding last week’s news that the annual flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S. dropped by two-thirds in the past decade overlooked an important matter; the cost of educating, incarcerating and medically treating illegal aliens hasn’t decreased along with it, but rather skyrocketed to the tune of tens of billions of dollars annually.

Those figures don’t even include the extra millions that local municipalities dish out on welfare payments to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, commonly known as anchor babies. In Los Angeles County alone that figure increased by nearly $4 million in the last year, sticking taxpayers with a whopping $52 million tab to provide illegal immigrants’ offspring with food stamps and other welfare benefits for just one month.

That means the nation’s most populous county, in the midst of a dire financial crisis, will spend more than $600 million this year to provide families headed by illegal immigrants with welfare benefits. In each of the past two years Los Angeles County taxpayers have spent about half a billion dollars just to cover the welfare and food-stamp costs of illegal immigrants. Additionally, the county spends $550 million on public safety and nearly $500 million on healthcare for illegal aliens.

About a quarter of the county’s welfare and food stamp issuances go to parents who reside in the United States illegally and collect benefits for their anchor babies, according to the figures from L.A. County’s Department of Social Services. Nationwide, Americans pay around $22 billion annually to provide illegal immigrants with welfare perks that include food assistance programs such as free school lunches in public schools, food stamps and a nutritional program (known as WIC) for low-income women and their children

I don't want to recount my experiences, because many of you know on which side of the aisle I sit.  But I have to convey a story a very liberal friend told me.

She hurt her back and had to go to the emergency room in Long Beach.  I saw her shortly after that when she was still moving stiffly, and I asked her what was wrong.

She started to give me the medical history and she stopped.  She said she was very embarassed to say something and didn't know what to think or feel, but when she went to the emergency room she had to wait a fairly long time because there was a line for those with non-threatening conditions, like hers.  She was very upset with herself because she was pissed that the vast, vast majority of people waiting spoke such limited English the overwhelming odds were "undocumented."   She would have bet dollars to doughnuts that they didn't have insurance.

She is liberally compasionate, and was pissed at herself for being upset. But she said she paid taxes and wanted half-decent services for her money and was ashamed, but she was angry that she was paying for illegals at such a large rate

Posted By: xfean
County’s Monthly Welfare Tab for Illegal Aliens $52 Million/month

As the mainstream media focuses on a study that reveals a sharp decline in the nation’s illegal immigrant population, monthly welfare payments to children of undocumented aliens increased to $52 million in one U.S. county alone.

The hoopla surrounding last week’s news that the annual flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S. dropped by two-thirds in the past decade overlooked an important matter; the cost of educating, incarcerating and medically treating illegal aliens hasn’t decreased along with it, but rather skyrocketed to the tune of tens of billions of dollars annually.

Those figures don’t even include the extra millions that local municipalities dish out on welfare payments to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, commonly known as anchor babies. In Los Angeles County alone that figure increased by nearly $4 million in the last year, sticking taxpayers with a whopping $52 million tab to provide illegal immigrants’ offspring with food stamps and other welfare benefits for just one month.

That means the nation’s most populous county, in the midst of a dire financial crisis, will spend more than $600 million this year to provide families headed by illegal immigrants with welfare benefits. In each of the past two years Los Angeles County taxpayers have spent about half a billion dollars just to cover the welfare and food-stamp costs of illegal immigrants. Additionally, the county spends $550 million on public safety and nearly $500 million on healthcare for illegal aliens.

About a quarter of the county’s welfare and food stamp issuances go to parents who reside in the United States illegally and collect benefits for their anchor babies, according to the figures from L.A. County’s Department of Social Services. Nationwide, Americans pay around $22 billion annually to provide illegal immigrants with welfare perks that include food assistance programs such as free school lunches in public schools, food stamps and a nutritional program (known as WIC) for low-income women and their children

ER that does not receive federal funding and, therefore, is not obligated under EMTALA to screen and stabilize those with serious medical conditions regardless of the ability to pay.

       Of course, she'll still have the same line but at least it will educate her that undocs are not the cause of the long wait and she won't be mad at them.

St. Croix1675 reads

was the conflict of emotions of his ultra-liberal friend. They usually are very very compassionate until such time they are not moved to the head of line even with their insurance coverage. I totally understand what dncphil is saying. I too have a few West LA ultra liberal friends and family members who have accidentally (it must be accidentally right) blurted out negative comments to those that they're supposed to have compassion for, or at least more compassion than I would have.

I think most readers would infer from the post that the friend was relying on stereotypes (many US citizens speak bad English- you can find that on this Board) and making a mistaken slam on undocs as being the cause of the problem.

St. Croix1012 reads

I hate to say this, but pick just about any ER, except for Alaska & Hawaii, and I'll bet you $1K that the majority (+50%) are undocumented and probably hispanic. Will there be some white trailer trash, or poor blacks, maybe even an Armenian or two. Probably, but I'm still going to win the bet. I'm not saying it's right, wrong or indifferent. It is what it is.

I think what is funny is that some, not all, so-called compassionate ultra liberals have these negative feelings that are bubbling at the surface, especially when their little lives are adversely impacted. I guess they run to their $150 an hour therapist to deal with their conflicted feelings. At least that's how West LA ultra liberals deal with it.

bc according to the 2000 census there are 31 states with no communities that are majority hispanic. So that leaves only 17 states with any communities that are majority hispanic.

      And given that there are no majority hispanic states at all, I would be shocked if 50% of the patients of the majority of ERs in the 48 states are undocs.

     But then I was also shocked when Bank of America fell through the floor as well so who knows. LOL.

St. Croix1590 reads

and select the State of Arizona (lol).

There are lot of folks just trying to get to even in the market. If I had a nickle for every analyst on CNBC that has recommended BAC, Citi, JPM for the past year, I'd be a rich man. Normally financials lead the market higher out of recession, but I guess this is part of the new normal. Maybe the mid-term elections will give the market a boost beyond this trading range we are in.

It may not receive federal funding, but it still costs either on the state or local level.  If the people in line don't have the money to pay, my friend (and I) are still paying.

I don't think it would solve her anger to tell her it is coming out her her coat pocket, not her pants.

Posted By: marikod
ER that does not receive federal funding and, therefore, is not obligated under EMTALA to screen and stabilize those with serious medical conditions regardless of the ability to pay.

       Of course, she'll still have the same line but at least it will educate her that undocs are not the cause of the long wait and she won't be mad at them.

and stabilize, many refuse to do so (which is the very reason
EMTALA was enacted), and if they do choose to do it pro bono they are doing charity work.

Even if they are doing "charity" work, it is being paid for by paying clients, people donating, or some other source.  What ever the source is, if the hospital had $X that it is spending on illegals, and it were not spending that $X on illegals, it could use it to lower costs, cover something else, by a new TV for the nurses station, improve the food, or something.

And to be frank, I don't believe that there are no federal, state, city, county, and/or other government funds that are not be taped in some way.

I had to go to an ER in the Los Angeles area a couple of years ago, due to an automobile accident, and that was not my experience. Well, at least not regarding people not speaking adequate English and possibly being illegal aliens. I did have to wait a very long time. Where did she go, County USC. If that's the case, it's surrounded by a Hispanic community. Just like if one goes to Drew/King you will meet a lot of black folks, because they live in that area.

She went to a hospital in Long Beach. I don't know which one.
I had to go to an emergency room at Hollywood Pres.  The wait was not long at all, but there was only one other English-speaking (fluent) speaker besides me, and my grammar can be so bad at times that I may have been illegal.

Drew King gets lots of Hispanics also.  (Is it currently open?  That is a good example of government giving such good health care.

I’m sure it’s higher in certain neighborhoods of certain cities but from a monetary status on a national level cost shifting due to uninsured is only 2% to 3% of the total private insurance costs.

The much more serious abuser of the system is the government. The underpayments from Medicare and Medicaid under the guise of cost controls is by far a much greater burden through cost shifting to the insured.

A shortage of providers is as much to blame for ER overcrowding as anything else.

not illegal aliens

      Do you not even read your own article? Children of undocs born in this country are not “illegal aliens” but are United States citizens. They are entitled to the same welfare benefits as you and me. The parents are not entitled to welfare benefits, only the citizen children.

    If I lived in California I'd be more concerned about the $800,000 in salary, the taxpayers of Bell paid to their city manager as well as the excesive compensation paid to city council members.

Yes. As a matter of constitutional interpretation, children of illegals are citizens.

However, if you stopped 20% of illegal immigration, they would not have been born here, and they would not be the expense that this post is concerned with.

There are primary and secondary expenses to many actions, and when calculating the cost, you consider both.

by simply passing a law that allows them to "cure" their illegal entry by meeting the same citizenship qualifications of legal immigrants.

    Since the parents are already here and you can't deport the children, that obviously is the only sensible solution. Bemoaning our failure to stop their entry is about as productive as bemoaning the much greater health costs the system bears from smokers by saying "we should have stopped them from smoking.".

Yes. That is good. Have a law that automatically lets illegal immigrants become legal one they have a kid here.  No need to wait in line in your country of origin.

There is a value to bemoaning the fact that they are not being stopped.  If you bemoan the fact, maybe something will be done.  It is true you will never cut out 100%, but if you cut out 10% that is good.  If it costs a billion a year (hypothetical number), just cutting out 10% saves $100 million.

Ike managed to deport a huge percent.  Actually, he only managed to deport a modest percent, but when the others saw what was happening "voluntary deportation" increased ten-fold.

No lock will make my house safe.  But a good lock deters 80% of the less skilled burglers.

The capitalist class wants undocs in this country and they want the middle class to pay for them being here.
The middle class subsidizes cheap labor for the capitalist class so shut the fuck up and pay.

why not just let them die? Then we can replace them with someone healthier. There is an endless supply of fruitpickers

Those immigrants are a pretty hardy lot. Some do die because of poor health care but those are usually very young or very old. I think as a whole they might be quite a bit healthier than your average fat assed citizen. LOL

loveboat1458 reads

The rape and pillaging committed by our US corporations on the third world with the assistance of the CIA and at times the US army, not to mention the IMF and World Bank - to sustain such luxurious life that you and I live here with prices maintained at artificially low levels by the naked extraction of labor in the sweat shops of the third world. Not to mention the unlawful expropriation  of their lands by western mega corporations to further exploit them is all but conveniently  forgotten for you to complain about a measly, meager 52 million paid to the same group of people we steal trillions of dollars from.

laws now or focusing on  having no automatic citizen ship for kids born to parents of illegals



Posted By: xfean
County’s Monthly Welfare Tab for Illegal Aliens $52 Million/month

As the mainstream media focuses on a study that reveals a sharp decline in the nation’s illegal immigrant population, monthly welfare payments to children of undocumented aliens increased to $52 million in one U.S. county alone.

The hoopla surrounding last week’s news that the annual flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S. dropped by two-thirds in the past decade overlooked an important matter; the cost of educating, incarcerating and medically treating illegal aliens hasn’t decreased along with it, but rather skyrocketed to the tune of tens of billions of dollars annually.

Those figures don’t even include the extra millions that local municipalities dish out on welfare payments to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, commonly known as anchor babies. In Los Angeles County alone that figure increased by nearly $4 million in the last year, sticking taxpayers with a whopping $52 million tab to provide illegal immigrants’ offspring with food stamps and other welfare benefits for just one month.

That means the nation’s most populous county, in the midst of a dire financial crisis, will spend more than $600 million this year to provide families headed by illegal immigrants with welfare benefits. In each of the past two years Los Angeles County taxpayers have spent about half a billion dollars just to cover the welfare and food-stamp costs of illegal immigrants. Additionally, the county spends $550 million on public safety and nearly $500 million on healthcare for illegal aliens.

About a quarter of the county’s welfare and food stamp issuances go to parents who reside in the United States illegally and collect benefits for their anchor babies, according to the figures from L.A. County’s Department of Social Services. Nationwide, Americans pay around $22 billion annually to provide illegal immigrants with welfare perks that include food assistance programs such as free school lunches in public schools, food stamps and a nutritional program (known as WIC) for low-income women and their children

Illegal immigrants are not eligible for welfare. Bill Clinton took care of that during his administration. If the county is paying then someone is on the take.

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