Politics and Religion

when will you respond to my comments on your post that was written on...
hound88 49 Reviews 1207 reads

Not even on a third grade level. You had to wait for help. what you state here, a first grader could have written that. I am my own man and have made you look like a damn fool on more than one ocassion because your post are on a third grade level. I see you have yet to respond as of yet. I guess you needed the boozer no job having gg's help. You are a poor excuse for a man. Rather than respond, you post this bs. Now put your tail between your legs and flush yourself down the toilet where you belong.

followme3156 reads

Now realizes that he must relinquish his title of worst potus in the history of the USA to obama.

2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

One of the most ignorant and dumbest people on this board with the intellectual level of a three year old. For your dumb ass to make a statement such as this, then provide no facts to support your statement, only proves your are an ignorant ass fool with very little education let alone intellectual ability!  How about that Mr for god & country. I know they say God does not make a mistake. However, when it comes to your inbreed stupid  ass, he certainly made a mistake!

Posted By: followme
Now realizes that he must relinquish his title of worst potus in the history of the USA to obama.  
 2014 = GOP Senate and House  

To be the one drinking the Fox News kool aid. You too make a foolish statement and provide no facts to support your statement. At least support what you say with facts! Your actions in this case, along with dumb ass fm, seems to be a pattern within the GOP! Regardless what Obama does, many in the GOP will not give him credit for anything, even killing that little coward bitch Osama B. As a matter of fact, when he supports things the GOP were for in the past, the GOP votes against it! For example, the GOP claims to be for job creation. Yet will not support a jobs bill. if the GOP does not like whats in the bill, use the art of compromise to change it And do what is best for the american people. instead, they would rather vote well over 40 times trying to defeat o. care. That's revealing as hell and the new coalition needed to win a national election is watching! The actions of the GOP have set the party back a generation or maybe two generations.  America has changed in terms of demographics and I for one think its the best damn change in my life time!

leaders of GOP like Cruz, Jindal and Rubio...

All while you were lying under the rock in a fetal position sucking on your thumb and drinking Kool Aid with a Baby Bottle..

Of no intellectual ability and your failure to read my post. Those names you mentioned could rise up. However, the last part of my post concerned national elections and changing demographics. Also, I noticed you did not address any of the facts presented in my post. Also, your use of an attachment only proves that you too can not put together a post that makes sense so you resort to imagecoast for help. This is a sign of a intellectual weakness which seems to be a key aspect of many in the GOP.

-- Modified on 9/19/2013 3:18:37 PM

go ? Because that  nasty Pitbull sees them as worthless and weak so he'll rip apart the hounds first before turning and taking down that hog .  

Worthless and weak !

Just saying

and use your real handle. Another one who lacks intellectual ability and must use slogans because you can not put together a good post to support what you think. You have the right handle. DDD, I know your head just blew up as you googled for that foolish post. Your silly comment is hog wash at best! Another uneducated GOP member who has no intellectual ability!

-- Modified on 9/19/2013 3:00:24 PM

-- Modified on 9/19/2013 3:03:17 PM

-- Modified on 9/19/2013 3:15:11 PM

but never do shit. It's the ones you call ignorant who make a decision , right or wrong, and execute .  

I work in the Carolinas all the time if you ever feel for once in your pathetic life you would like to try and " man up " .

My home state. I travel there several times a year but do not meet men,  i am not bi, but you appear to be based on your comments! As far as sitting on my ass all day doing nothing,  considering I am a veteran who served his country, earned my phd, and own a very successful company, I do not fit your description! You work in the Carolinas for someone else. I have people working for me and with me DDD!  Now back to my post. You have yet to address the issues I presented! You can't with an inbreed level of thinking!  

Posted By: DynamiteDominicDeNucci
but never do shit. It's the ones you call ignorant who make a decision , right or wrong, and execute .  
 I work in the Carolinas all the time if you ever feel for once in your pathetic life you would like to try and " man up " .

posting your résumé on a FK board .  

You proved you're another in a long line of bench warmers who's never gotten over being picked last at the sandlot

GaGambler1339 reads

he went to Jamaica in the summertime. Everybody know that only rich people can afford to do that. lmao

Yes our little toy poodle does get a bit confused at times. Sometimes he wants to be "Angry black man" and at others he wants to portray himself as an intellectual. He really should stick to Angry black man, his idea of debate is parsing words and claiming his opponent made statements that they never did, Kind of like our old buddy Bird Brain.

Company and payroll going Mr. no job having in 20 years based on your own comments you had the admi to remove. You also claim to hire private jets and travel to costa rica and other areas. Its hard to do that without a job. I guess ssi and food stamps can go a long way. Talking about no credbilty and being a fraud who is a big boozer and seeks the approval of others who are mostly white. Classic mix race uncle tom you are!

Posted By: GaGambler
he went to Jamaica in the summertime. Everybody know that only rich people can afford to do that. lmao

Yes our little toy poodle does get a bit confused at times. Sometimes he wants to be "Angry black man" and at others he wants to portray himself as an intellectual. He really should stick to Angry black man, his idea of debate is parsing words and claiming his opponent made statements that they never did, Kind of like our old buddy Bird Brain.

GaGambler1163 reads

You are correct in ONE of your statements, I haven't had a JOB in twenty years, meaning I haven't worked for someone else during that period of time, I think that's a rather simple concept that every one BUT you  understands.

BTW look to your butt buddy BigBackStabber for the reason that posts disappear around here, I have NEVER used the report a post feature here, it doesn't even exist when using TER Classic, Your BFF OTOH seems to report every post that makes him look foolish, which mean admin has a lot of work each day.

And running a sucessful company is a damn job! Its obvious you have never attend business school or taken any business classes. Stop trying to weasle your way out of this. Big p has nothing to do with this, so why mention him? Perfect example of your lack of intellectul ability. Also, when you have a second and third home in other countries, you can go there year round, not just during the summer. However, when you are broke and no job, you would not understand that. Also, are you saying you did not say the other things mentioned?  I have posted them once and you had them removed by crying to the adm person mr want to be ter bully and thug who does not have a life and spend most of your time on a fuck board for nearly ten years!

Posted By: GaGambler
You are correct in ONE of your statements, I haven't had a JOB in twenty years, meaning I haven't worked for someone else during that period of time, I think that's a rather simple concept that every one BUT you  understands.

BTW look to your butt buddy BigBackStabber for the reason that posts disappear around here, I have NEVER used the report a post feature here, it doesn't even exist when using TER Classic, Your BFF OTOH seems to report every post that makes him look foolish, which mean admin has a lot of work each day.

GaGambler1094 reads

If you have issues about having posts removed you have only to look to your new BFF, he is the one who constantly runs to mommy to have posts removed.

I will repeat, I have NEVER used report a post, not once, not ever. If anyone is having your posts removed it's BigBackStabber, not me. Even when I was the mod of this board, I only pulled a small handful of posts and the vast majority of them was not for content, but for posting under multiple aliases in the same thread. I don't need to shut anyone up, I would rather the posts stay up showing the world just how stupid the poster, in this case you, actually is. You can't do that by censoring posts.

Everything I h ave written you stated, and all were remove by you running to the admin, period. I called you on this 3 times even posted your comments. Each time, you had them removed and that is fact.

followme1062 reads

Phd =  Piled high & deep

Owns a company = he owns Baltic Avenue and Marvin Gardens
Pepole work for him = he thinks Uncle Pennybags is his employee.

2014 = GOP Senate and House

Not even on a third grade level. You had to wait for help. what you state here, a first grader could have written that. I am my own man and have made you look like a damn fool on more than one ocassion because your post are on a third grade level. I see you have yet to respond as of yet. I guess you needed the boozer no job having gg's help. You are a poor excuse for a man. Rather than respond, you post this bs. Now put your tail between your legs and flush yourself down the toilet where you belong.

followme1095 reads

I see I'm getting to you.

You're Welcome
2014 = GOP House and SEnate

BTW your words  "because your post are on a third grade level" should read either "because your posts are on a third grade level" or "because you post is on a third garde level" Well if mine are third grade level then your are pre=k level ...so much for that Phd ....there are several dozen more  but I do not have the time to educate you, just bitch slap you and put you in your place.

This post shows just how dumb you are. Just read your first sentence.

Posted By: followme
I see I'm getting to you.  
 You're Welcome  
 2014 = GOP House and SEnate  
 BTW your words  "because your post are on a third grade level" should read either "because your posts are on a third grade level" or "because you post is on a third garde level" Well if mine are third grade level then your are pre=k level ...so much for that Phd ....there are several dozen more  but I do not have the time to educate you, just bitch slap you and put you in your place.

-- Modified on 9/21/2013 11:24:27 AM

Would not fit on this board. Read your own dumb ass post and what you say about intellectuals dummy and you will understand my post. The more you post you reveal just how uneducated & hick you are. Most important,  you also reveal your inbreed way of thinking.  Is that all you have? I know you are from the back woods of my home state. How embarassing for the good people of the carolinas. DDD, your post are so shallow with very little thought! That's what happens when relatives intermarry! They produce dummies with an inbreed thought process.

Posted By: DynamiteDominicDeNucci
posting your résumé on a FK board .  
 You proved you're another in a long line of bench warmers who's never gotten over being picked last at the sandlot .  

Greenville , SC  this year's NHL Playoffs .  

Uh Oh !

Otherwise its just lip service.

Carter destroyed any confidence as a nation that we may have had. I remember the time well even as I was a stoner in high school. Yo'bama has destroyed everything, concerning enthusiasm to excell, except enthusiasm for the lazy man to receive remuneration.

Thank you. 2014 = SF 6th ring

That title is held by George W. (the Fuckup) Bush!  
I have no doubt he will hold it for a long long time!!

time will tell if Obama is a mass-murderer too

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